Monday, April 18, 2011

caterwaul tonic

When your living in a culture of subservience ....the fear based systems will institute levels of governance over your being ....and that is to really subliminate the ideology of subservience in individual minds .....where your meant to indoctrinate yourself into slavery, consumerism, materialism
Nobody wants to address the fact that it is the systems over us that needz to be looked at and analyzed and objectified in totality... and i have always been an advocate that they should be replaced with a new level of enlightenment be it futurist or a mental human spiritual quotient that would make life fair for everyone
Mind you living in society as is, a birth is glorious event but to the elites this is something to be controlled and they do this with various realms with our food and medicine and the keys to death traps (cars) this is their way of really controlling the population through their own means
I have never opposed a world government or anything like that which places me in a paradoxical position being in the conspiracy circle
I have never opposed a government that gives you freedom to associate freedom, of religion, rights of the person, rights of the individual and if its run by a faculty of some of the freest countries on the planet. When your stuck in an individual country and the country places its will over the individual and place places restrictions and laws over the natural progression of the individual then what difference would this bring in the grand scheme of things in comparison to the world government.
This is the future of humanity, is the world government and the world police and if its run by groups of the most seeming free nations on earth like Canada USA and Europe etc
What is the problem ?
I mean i would rather have a world government over an Islamic or communist dictatorship anyday
To say i cant kiss another man in public lol
If the world government itself, empowered me as a human being and empowered my choices as a sovereign entity then there is no issue.
The enlightenment itself in relation to the individual would take effect no matter what dictatorship we had over us
And here we just had 10 years with a conservative government and i would take a  world government anyday over that....... they sure don’t speak for the majority
We need enlightened beings in every facet of society but that is not what they are hired for, they are generally hired for their more psychotic qualities of slavery
For enlightenment to occur you would need to devote your choices to enlightened choices and keeping your enlightenment and choices as pure as possible and keeping your path clear of any obstacles and as simple as possible
And this can be done with alot of mindpower and you can in a sense devote your energy to clearing away your path in the future and welcoming things like happiness, compassion, devotion, love, and simplicity in your life.
May you only wish for happiness, prosperity, and ascension
And most of my blogs are confusing to some people i tend to think that i am in an altered state perpetually, mind you i try not to write a blog under the influence of marijuana or wine or whatever but sometimes that is a wise option for revealing in the moment prophecies. This is why you see the church just remain blank for a week at a time, is because real life gets to me.... and there is no way to articulate it and there may be beings left behind that don’t understand the concepts mind you there are some that read through a few postings and get turned off cause of grammar, essentially not elite enough lol
So thats not for me to worry about, my worry is articulating the information appropriately and those beings that understand the concepts and are able to move on. My worry is about coming into contact with people that enjoy reading what i have to say
I have a core group following and a few others that are mystery followers and i have some disciples which i enjoy ...and a  co reverend, and sadly enough the more evil elements with working with the public.
In no way do i want the church to expand, i am quite happy with one disciple
I don’t want to garner any money from it, so more of a post modern artistic expression or evolution for me it is helping me to inspire intellectual growth and thought in a few people and myself, I have also fashioned a novel out of the concepts and people are trying to shut me down through intimidation etc but that is where universalism takes over any earthbound human being stuck within the gravitational forces of earth so i am really able to look past all the negativity of some of the more negative disciples of the church i only ask why they don’t move on and take their energy elsewhere
My words will not be received by the populace in entirety and i can only get the words out there and have the people that want to hear the words and ignore the rest and i have this argument
I don’t mind the idea of a world government or world faith or world court as long as it doesn’t leave anybody behind and doesn’t inflict harm on others and as long as there is justice able to be served in case anything goes wrong with the idealism
So there should be safety nets in place
We address illusions here so when you have people in conspiracy circles hawking the idea of microchipped people and world government
And they regurgitate this line and code at random will
What is there to fear
Like you will have any choice if there is a microchip or world government
There is no choice that is not administered on behalf of super entities on the insects that scurry on the earth so what have you got to fear and what have you got to lose.
You cannot walk up to a building and tap at it away with a spoon expecting it to fall to pieces at your feet. You have to find your niche in society and even if you are apart of the conspiratorial circuit and you enjoy a good conspiracy and figuring things out on your own and you cant let these things shape your beliefs and dictate your choices
You have to garner your info from as many information sources as possible, be it enlightened be it hell based , confusing, media, hell based, media , friends , family etc
Your left with a world where your not an enemy your a friend of the world.
If the world should dictate world policy to you, you have your shining self to move on with each choice, because you know your right and no government or institution can place any hold over you.
Its the illusion that you don’t matter that you don’t exist that you don’t belong it is kind of ironic because this society wouldn’t have been created without the actual methodology of your character being factored into various realms of existence.
Just like 2012 serves as an ideological representation of cultural identity for our youth. Without it, they would revolt.
I ask my guides to show me the way and what i get is a nice surprise i get a  nice baboon
It took me riding around with a kid who stole a bike from people in a field and i biked home and he biked with me, although the people never ran after him they just let him take the bike. This went on for about 4 hours dreamtime we just biked around and we would forget where our bikes are
Next the baboon took me to a wall There was some faces and blood coming from the eyes and this was considered art  the flesh was stretched over pieces of wood making it appear that the faces were full of life
Next Omnidirectional satellite imagery  was watching me i arrived in a strange city and was wandering and came across a skool or gallery and first i came across an old Chinese restaurant and i got a job with a big corporation – they said i was hired- i wandered the city i came across a gallery or a school and they were unpacking stuff and they got a box full of donations and they said i should photograph or volunteer and i said sorry are you an artist or do you like art and i was like yeah i love art i am an artist i make perpetual male art and she said what is it and i said the guy has graffiti and smiley faces and stuff
But catatronic
Wanting to be a cat
Of course not finding cat like beauty in the world
I am only left to caterwaul in my mind
And mind you the caterwaul is high pitched
And nobody
Nobody can stop the insanity of the shrieking
-          Shaun A. Delage