Virtual Ministry Archive

saLmoN BurgeR

Pondering what enlightenment is, and it is nothing that is elitist
Actually the elites hate enlightened beings and will do anything they can to hinder enlightened beings from ascending
It is amusing for me to go about society, a guy with an IQ higher than 160 and perceptive abilities and skills of observation that are not of this world. A history that is unattainable by most. To simply deal with people that are on the level of a grade 5 student is perplexing because this is where most of society rests.  There is no avenue for intellectualism because if people were encouraged to think for themselves They would question every singular facet of their lives.
Many may read thru the church and wonder am i an anarchist. I don’t believe so. I am not here in violent opposition to the system. I am here to work with it, and make sure that it provides an environment that is inclusive to all beings.
People waste their entire lives slaving away not because they have to, but because it is engrained within every being on earth that if you don’t slave you are not worthy of society’s attention. This attitude of unless you work 9-5 pm and then energy vampire your way through the night demanding things like sex and booze to keep yourself sane has to stop.
We shall win in this struggle. It has already begun. The process is underway. Too many beings have lost their incarnations in the struggle for existence on earth under these slave and cult lords.
It is time to rethink things and uphold a new faith of cultural stability.
Now they have gotten us so far into debt on purpose. It will take 500 years at most under the current system for the worlds finances to turn around. You are simply made to slave away to add to the debt load you had nothing to do with.
It is amusing because this debt and money itself are illusion. It can all be wiped clean in an instant. Of course we would need a new monetary system and several other philosophies to take hold to usher in a new age of enlightenment after capitalism. Because capitalism has failed.
Now you can see why if they usher this new world government idea in, I will be first in line for their execution squads lol but at least there is somebody willing to devote their time and energy to dabble in this intellectual stimulation so others may think fondly of the answers they seek.
While many have become obsessed with the saturnalian faith this is crazy because you have two ends of the spectrum. The billions on earth that have succumbed to a being able to control every thought they have and action and literally control their future or you have the people that are non believers in anything. The only religion on earth at this point that is the most heavily propped up cult is slavery.
Out of their inherent disgust for slavery people perpetuate their inner turmoil on others and not to mention the karmic implications of their actions. But also this leaves others to attain to be slave lords in a sense and corral and control other slaves. So we have a never ending circle of abuse and trauma being instituted all around.
In almost every place of power or wealth or institution you have priestesses there that handle your secrets.  Nobody will essentially be free unless we begin to question our “reality” and our surroundings and stop seeing our birth as some divine placement but rather a birth in a lower realm on one of countless earths that is meant to be a prison system of control and worship to these priestesses of various levels.
I was talking to reverend Kai in the virtual world today and i was saying that because of my captivation piece i am probably “observed” this is not out of paranoia due to schizophrenia lol this is actual displayable dissension from terrorism laws enacted after 9-11 that places me as one of the only beings in my country as verifiable opposition to the power structures in place. Plus we have my dealings with some of the highest reigning status elites known in Canada and I am at this point to say it simply...observed.  I don’t think they even know what to do to me other than get the earth based sin based justice league after me. Or they simply find crazies to stalk me into subservience online but that isn’t going to work because i have suffered immensely and am not afraid of being injured or hurt or killed because it would give more power to my words.
It is with great respect that i take placement as the universal philosopher of ultimate reality. To be able to speak for those that cant speak for themselves and to be an avenue where all the directed pain and sadness of those that cannot attain my level of perception, simply because their incarnation is too youthful or whatever or they have a government job or their family wouldn’t approve.
It is funny because what do i want. I don’t ask for money or anything like gifts or gold.
I don’t want anything like that, most of my needs are taken care of for life at this point.
I leave a donation button on this site but that has never been used.
This theory of ultimate perception can only rest with on singular soul at a time in any given perception.
Many have accused me of being a loner or strange or socially anxious. I say this, I don’t really enjoy people nor society and they don’t enjoy me. I simply operate in a virtuosity where i am able to appeal to the highest evolved beings and the rest are illusion and i can take all the negativity directed to me, because i have dealt with far worse.
Nothing makes me fearful. I have made notice to The RCMP, The liberal Party THE NDP, Colton harris moore legal team, CBC, TMZ and the provincial ombudspersons office outlining in detail the trauma state and so far have been ignored by all with the ombudsperson in the works.
It is amusing to not get any response because it shows that they are unable to investigate my claims like a real adult and like a real society would that actually cares about its citizenry.
This will go down in history as a moment that is just damn pivotal
While fame is illusion because all people in the media are monarch programmed slaves. I sit here typing as one of the most famous Canadians in existence at this point. I am also a proud gay guy and person that holds fast that learning as much as you can will greatly benefit you. You are charged with reprogramming your nature and you solely. If you choose to live out of ignorance then so be it. That is your choice essentially but don’t ask me to attempt to articulate universal wisdom to an un evolved state it simply wont work. There are many places to garner your enlightenment and this venue serves as a spiritual programmed universalism matrix reverend where illuminatimatrix has an enlightened mathematical being and the resistance has a philosophical and community based insight and intheknow’s blog serves as a venue specifally for monarch slavery.
While many have a piece of the puzzle essentially it is up to you to find your causality and reprogram your nature to the basis of being able to lift ignorance and ask questions and really come to terms with you are as an entity and where you stand
But most of all, where your going.......
I ask my guides to show me the way and what i get is a nice delight i get a nice anteater
It took me to visit a store really hot outfits , urban chav hoodies sk8boards all that i walked outside and did a few flips and somebody ran after me and said hey come back in and they said hey is this your friend from high skool and i said yeah and they said did you share martinis with him and i said yea i shared alot of drinks with him, and he said you have won some money. And he wrote a cheque for $11,125 and the store worker was looking at the owner writing a cheque and was amazed and told me he was happy his son is coming to visit lol
Next the anteater took me to a grocery store and a kid was trying to get hired but he was so young and a by product of the recession and the grocery store clerk said were not hiring with the climate currently and the kid was applying and i was making him some art by collage with cars on it and signed it and presented it to him as he was leaving with his mother and i said hey do you like cars and i gave him the art and he said im busy and i know he liked it anyway and a bunch of astral thugs came up and were looking at all my stuff and acting tough but i just packed up and walked out.
I went to a mall and they were having an auction for cars and the people that bid the highest won and i went to a washroom, there was a guy filling out papers on fraud because of the auction then i was ina  room and you could see thru the wall and the guy with the paper was with another person and was with an agent and obviously you will be recruited and you will be paid for your services and look thru the wall and the wall was semi transperant and you could see somebody banging  hammer into somebodys mouth and the agent said see this is whats going on, you need to bring them to justice.
Wandering my own blissful state
Riding the amusement rides of love
And theories of being here and now
When there is no here and now only further
Quite contemplation over much trauma and strife
Yet meshed well with so much love and happiness
Lifetimes of being locked in this place
I only look to evolve
Yet wanting a path of virtue
Without suffering there is no virtue
-          Shaun A. Delage