Virtual Ministry Archive

possum patch

Oh my god what an amazing few days... it is the universe at work . i have been coming to terms with two cases i have embarked on against public officials in my city. I wrote about these in imbue realization a couple blogposts ago.
I am hoping to have the matter with the saanich police investigated by the ombudsperson and as result of the investigation of the highest authority available for my province. I will be seeking damages around the 10 million to 30 million mark. Because i was injured as result of a false police investigation when i was a very young adult.and am unable to work for the rest of my life because of this. 
My thoughts on this are mixed but when your police service and your school and your family never believed you and you are left to the point to go to a foreign country and attempt suicide brutally because everyone literally didn’t put one single belief in you as a person.
This started a life which thankfully i am just beginning to heal from and at this point in my life i am ready to finally bring those to justice that caused me grave harm and lifelong injury enabling me unemployable. I guess i would be considered an enemy of the state at this point.
I have also submitted a second claim against the Vancouver island health authority for failing to provide proper therapy other than psychiatry where the ‘doctors’ don’t even look up from their prescription pad to look you in the face.
I find this time to be extremely enlightening.
Also in the past few days i have partnered and become deeply and fondly attached to somebody in second life and we plan to get married and he has a mirror blog with the church of techno.
I believe i have met the most beautiful soul in existence on earth currently and i find it kind of cute that he has graced me with his beautiful presence at this time.
I think a few months ago, if i hadn’t met this walking angel wolf i would have just given up.
He has shown me that there are people in the world that care about those attaining human qualities. He has shown me that there is somebody like me, yet different.
Somebody that understands me.
I met him through the resistance and then we went  into second life together where i happily share my virtual life with him.
I do believe he is the one for me and i don’t have any idea of what the future holds since we are both hermits. I do know that once we realise our true potential anything can happen.
I dream of the day i can say Kai, come visit. Patience is a virtue and in this virtue i find my greatest strength and my greatest flaw.
He has also taught me that there are people in the united states of America that are actual human beings displaying qualities of an actual human being.
We are up at the same time and we get along fantastically, we love to joke around and share the same idealism, struggle and outlook.
I am very fortunate to be graced with his presence every moment
Thank you universe for putting this beautiful studbuddy now studhubby in my midst and allowing me the finality to that quest for love and enlightenment. This has changed my outlook from a few months ago where i was seeing the world as hopeless and never ending trauma.
I find it funny that we have been fortunate enough to find each other amidst a sea of faces and a sea of illusion
That we come together virtually, etherically and astrally and we form a union
I am very happy these past few days and it is going to take quite a few weeks for this newfound spirit and aura as one, to finally settle and be settled in a bliss state for the both of us.
I hope i provide him company, and somebody to spend time with.
My greatest wish is that this can evolve further. That is up to the universe at this point. But i am a very patient person.
Universal law exists as functioning maze of rights and freedoms that have developed over millennia and allowed the oversight to literally have an ultimate theory on every singular occurrence.
Where the paradoxes of the human and other psyche’s continue there is always beings that are imbued with this theory and able to articulate it at will with no pesky legal jargon or thick textbooks.
These beings could be considered gods, or a faculty
But they are there to concern themselves with the people that identify on a universal level.
If you don’t identify on a universal level your advocates will have no relationship on that level
If you only identify with saturnalian philosophy or earth based... you will have no jurisdiction on a universal level you will only attach to earthbased guidance or oversight. Or even to the lower dimensions which oversee the philosophy
Many exist as a spacial figurative notion in limbo and this is amusing because this is where many rest they actually have no faith nor any belief other than the drama dictated in the moment by the mass media and other forms of reality
Those that don’t look inward, because they have been taught that looking inward is a tool of the devil... i say this. That how could you ever find yourself in external reality, is it the dissatisfaction with the red and beige and purple mess we call the inside of the body. Actually your soul and spirit identify farther than inside your fleshly being.
If you wish you can bring your insight to a global level as well as a universal level that can outshine anything that you are taught to believe is reality.
The people around you generally do care about the progression of your soul
But only to certain lengths and this is what real millennium warriors and others see
That much of their path exists on a lonely and cold and dark struggle for existence and answers.
The only answers you will find will come from within, and the other side. Which you have been to countless is just remembering that there are those that are charged with your care that are invisible or unseen and thanking them for their sacrifice to watch over you and to make sure you are safe.
It is with great pleasure that i pass on these words laced with universal oversight
May you benefit and see and question your being and your surroundings.
I ask my guides to show me the way and what i get is a nice blue and yellow tropical fish
It took me to an apartment and met a guy and got into an argument with somebody else present and they told me to leave and there was alot of slamming and banging and stuff so i was trying to write my email and phone number and it was tough and then he asked for mine as well and i gave the guy a kiss on the head and walked out and was trying to figure out how to get home and i walked out to the street and it started to rain so i just started to jog, even though i was 122,000 planets over lol
Next the fish took me to the wilderness and i got a message to hurry up and get the hell out of there and get away from the people that are out there because everyone was running to figure everything out through the crowds of people i just decided to run and i was hunted by one of the opposing people that hated me and they were going to hack me to pieces so running was a good idea lolz
Seeing into illusion takes skill
But seeing into oneself is natural
The system will hate you for looking inward
Because you can traverse realities and substance will find space within you always
Alike spirit beings hang out with kindred souls and you may find when you get to the other side
You had 100 people around you in this reality watching and waiting this whole time
Helping you,
Because you helped them.
-          Shaun A. Delage