Virtual Ministry Archive

finality few

This entire entry was omitted but for the graces of performance art i have decided to repost and some pieces of this piece i no longer agree with but am okay with posting considering i have had a shift of mindset ***i have just reposted my captivation piece with hundreds of tags which was maliciously taken offline in an all out neuro linguistic assault on my virtual incarnation -i am preparing for whatever trauma is thrown my way because i name several dozen people including all the way up to queen elizebeth for my attempted murder

Finality few

I have been really pondering my more monarch side lately which is funny because most of my life doesn’t involve monarch slavery. Safe to say that much of the drama has distilled but i also feel in someway i was instructed to carry out orders. I have been reprogrammed endlessly and i sit with a group of minders careful and watchful and observant of every move i make.
I also have began to look at my life of trauma because even those that are closest to me let me know through sublimination that my trauma is nothing and that i may have been somewhat deserving of it
Kind of ironic for a person that is closest to you
I believe project monarch should be relabelled project luciferian because it really does use luciferian mind control through people that are close to you
You have no way to ascertain that you are being programmed but soon enough you just accept it
My own project monarch argument rests solely with the main doctrine of the church the captivation piece and it outlines in extreme and graphic detail the sadistic sexual/psychological trauma given to me.
Basically i was also connected to some of the highest reigning reptiles in Canada and had them mate with me and shoot their juices inside me sorry to be so graphic but these people didn’t care one bit about my health or my soul so when they literally inject their DNA into you know you can be controlled
It is in such a methodical method that i have attempted to bring this own struggle to the public arena where it should be seen and i also face imprisonment or being setup with a crime etc for making my story public
Much of the drama happened ten years ago and thankfully thats where it rests but part of my ex boyfriends directive was to keep me occupied long enough so that enough time would pass and everything would be forgotten
Now the luciferian system sees a threat in me, because it is attempting to subliminate me to attempt suicide again by swallowing my pills and this is the easiest way to die these days and there is countless people that are dying because of this
It is a complex thing to try to articulate because it is a combination of intense psychic directives loaded with sadness to make me swallow the bottle of pills but also the matrix acts out through performance art somebody attempting suicide , ironically the same way in my very building. People around me bringing up the guilt factor of my life or the codewords needed to presume guilt
See i believe i was a monarch slave and then i was programmed via the mason and the twin and then went into espionage mode with the ambassador
Then i went into sleep mode
Now my minders have no way to control me other than through my main contacts. The only help i seek is from a system that is cruel and unintelligent. The psychiatric system is severely flawed considering they forcibly injected my knee with an alien being
I think the psychiatric system should be replaced by a psychological and therapeutic system they simply choose the cheapest method of therapy being pills and all relatively new stuff magically appeared here in the last few decades
So i fight of the negativity and i fight off the in the moment stuff because it hits at the most opportune times like i will feel extremely sad in between editing my book and doing art and then i think well what the hell i have nobody that understands me nobody that gets me nobody that wants to be around me unless there is money
Everyone i know is simply another pawn and a an abuse victim themselves so they cant really be trusted
So i hide away haha doing my own thing on the opposite schedule then everyone else
It has been a strange week....Thankfully i have at least a few good friends in the resistance who get my struggle and not many people are fortunate enough to meet a monarch slave that doesn’t do anything to them
But i am here to resist my programming and resist what others do to me and resist what others say to me and resist society and resist the establishment and most of all resist the hybrid mindset taking over the earth
Let us evolve
If you send me a bit of strength i will send you a bit back
I promise
-          Shaun A. Delage