Virtual Ministry Archive


Been taking a hiatus from the church this past week, but usually i don’t feel bad considering the amount of information available to stalk up on, on this site...mind you one of the going paranoias of our generation is posting too much online or too much information but i have never really questioned my ability to release public information online, but what i struggle with is the opposition to my words in concentrated doses at times, and this comes in the form of etheric and other beings i meet etc
I was pondering what would happen if the church of techno should somehow fall before 2012 so i figured the best thing to do is save an archive in some tubes or something lol that is the best i can do rather than lose a ton of enlightenment since technology has never been promised to us via contractual obligations of our divine birth
I was watching a movie tonight needed a break to get some universalism going. It was about the world being run by corporations and a guy had a micropchip implanted in his head. I kind of think of my situation and when i was admitted to the VGH unit only to be terrorized further by their death squads and that is what they are. You are directed to a place to heal only to have further forced biological experimentation done on you. It just doesn’t make sense well it does to me considering i was admitted once with a burn on my “temple” and believe me i had been fully conscious.
So it is the mainstream reality illusion that plays out in mindnumbing facade that makes me think. To live in literal protest of your environment and i was thinking well 2012 so the church may not exist but at least i can bring some of the discourses to reality which would be comforting at a time like that i would just want to be surrounded by candles and incense and just preach universal wisdom it is my calling to guide others through this very difficult time
It is a time where the truth is constantly being articulated to individuals in the moment so it does in fact lead to the confusing aura of mixed particuli that travel the earth constantly. Most of the actual entities lie doing that which is out in the open or visible your just not invited.
This is like clubbing and such that most are addicted to, it leads one open to fierce possession not only by one or two beings but to be surrounded by countless energies until you finally muster the energy to fend them all off etherically, that is if you ever manage to ...some cannot or do not have the awareness to understand that i am being attacked so they go on with their own lives
Really what any millennium warrior figures out essentially is that they must have an intersolar awareness. So i was pondering when 2012 hits, and the chaos ensues. I know that anywhere i bring my presence into, it is that of a spiritual leader of the church of techno, anywhere i am being imprisoned or held is virtually a war crime at this point thanks to my own ego lol
But it affords me a level of sanctity and love knowing that wherever my name comes up i am afforded various protections. Simply so Delage cars were the original vehicle slated for the world until a very brutal and decades long war with the FORD car people ensued reaping havoc on the dimension and i wonder what the world would be like if my car actually took form. LoL
So knowing this and being on the level of what i am is assuming but a given. It is actually quite something to be the spiritual leader of the church of techno because it is something i have always wanted know.... people look at you like, what does he do? Oh nobody knows lol then another girl speaks up and is like oh jeeze i know that guy he is like the dalai llama of techno and the other two people are like “dope” lol
Funny though because not many people are afforded this level of safety and security in life.
I am an amusing character because i can go anywhere and do anything and just be anybody i mean i have no restrictions. But with my level of conspiracy it places me in quite an awkward but a funny position with the state. In case a corporate dictatorship takes power i am the only thing that can stop it.
So bring on 2012 everyone is like wtf lets go and pass the chronic lol
I have been really understanding the nature of the cosmos lately with my own being being paraded etherically in several domains which is tough to keep up with
Because in the lower domain where one of my beings resides i am on the level of something that is like royalty but nothing would make me want to digress to that point of living in that dimension. Just seeing how everything is it is depressing there is never any windows or sunlight and there is alot of cigarette smoke clouding everywhere
So i just offer my presence here in the moment and i know of quite a few other places i reside and it is great and all but i just enjoy my presence in the moment. What else can you do when you are afforded a psychic insight to yourself because you never feared closing the gateways.
You know deep down inside how beautiful it is this dimension you inhabit is and what exactly you can do to hinder the cycles progression somewhat. Because we are in a state of apocalypse and too many people are too dumb to see it because they are hacked completely in their own neuromatrix so it could literally take 10-20 years of deprogramming our friends and neighbours from this reality that they have come to terms with let alone our own perception.
Be at peace with what you have come to know up until this point. Of course an enlightened being will never have a fix all to the worlds problems, nor can a spiritual leader take on the tasks of running a home or a society but they can do their best and deal with it all when it comes up.
Know how to understand where you fit in regionally as well since we are virtually on the governance level of the Saudi royal family.
Peace Love Unity and Respect
Ravers will pull us all out of this one.
-i ask my guide to show me the way and what i get is a nice elephant it took me to a country side park and i saw these sand dunes and amazing hills in the distance anyways i was waiting to go off on a bus to go to Jamaica and at the bus stop there was another man there but i was with some guy who was a stud but the bus didn’t come in this dimension for over a half an hour of dreamtime lol.
Next i met a guy who was aborg and he was regenerating and he awoke and came up to me and started causing pain and twisting nipples and being sadistic There was a sign flapping and it said do not fire engine after midnight fire engine red and this thing was gross like a walking death and he liked to cause pain for however long i was in his twisted torture chamber .
Next i went on a cruise ship and i was trying to board and running for the ship through a city finally there was a bus i could take and then when i walked up it drove off so i saw the cruiseship leave and then i waited and waited and waited and waited man i need a spaceship.
I arrived in somebody’s house there was a kid and a mom and the kid broke something of mine and they decided they were going to pay for the item and the mom was making dinner so we sat around and the dad shows up and he like hey and he showed me around the house which was big and nice and i was goofing off with the kid drawing stuff with felts that glow etc kids are great haha
Taking time to view time
But wandering through time to be it
And walking past time into the future
Yet wanting to be one with time and yet time
Not wanting anything to do with us
Theory of time
And my time is here
Waiting for all of time.
-Shaun A. Delage