Virtual Ministry Archive

chillez and flippiz

Lately i have been struggling with my own humanity
But also dealing with the fact that nobody i deal with on a daily basis has any qualities that i seek to admire which is humanity
The loving solace for compassion for intuition and directly relating to intelligence
I have been seeking this quality in all those i deal with
Sometimes i feel those that come into contact with me are simply visual programs meant to instil normalcy on an otherwise mundane life.
I mean most of my life is spent on my own with zero human involvement
Then when i am graced with the presence of somebody with these qualities it is a gift
Many don’t understand this until they are halfway through their lives, that this actually matters to them.
The youthful spirits go through life happy and content with simple pleasantries and preprogrammed responses to everything you say
You really never know the inner workings of the system unless you isolate yourself from the system and then slowly immerse yourself in the culture to see how well you fit in.
To say that everyone i know is illusion is an understatement
Because you are taught to believe in the formalities of life including bloodline and friends etc
But there is one quotient that is not taken into retrospection that is the cellular structure completely regenerates every few years. Hardly the same mother or brother or sister you know after a few years actually quite the opposite they have regenerated completely.
This illusion has been going on for quite some time, mind you there is love in familiarity and without our most familiar relations most of us would be forgotten and destitute
But there is a methodology that allows you to not be influenced so heavily by these programs and the people as associated through them through familiarity
When you look at the world in the eyes of somebody that truly cares you have a world that is left alone in the judgements of man and beyond
The world it would seem would take comfort in you doing nothing
But of course
It gives more energy to the world to protect other citizens from harm
We are so heavily guided by these fear programs be it sick people or the homeless programs like the train man in the matrix
They instil fear in us to conform.
Who wants to be wearing some clothes from 10 years ago covered in grime and urine with dirty fingernails and long unkempt greasy hair and only four teeth in the front row
Nobody does, who in their right mind would choose this.
This is why you must constantly protect where your being lead and where you are being directed
Mind you going nowhere is way better than a downward spiral
People place so many limitations on their growth living in an attention deficit induced society
We are only subscribed to believe that we need to do approximately 20-30 things a day to be something to show merit for our actions.
People have this idea of fame and what it entails and this is a funny concept to me because anybody famous (99%) are known Satanists and have sold their soul for the pursuits of wealth and beauty
And mind you wealth and beauty are amazing goals. They just have to be done with the right intent and the right people around you.
Then you have teenage idols like the preteen Satanist Justin bieber being paraded around in an omnisexual celebrity that attaches to all genres of society
But this person serves as a reminder for the elite to many middle aged men that this preteen can make 1000 times more money than you and you will never be welcome.
Then you throw in the feminine glance of the al sharek man pleasing boy slave and we have a little argument for the ancient culture of man and teen love which goes way back to pagan ritual which in turn goes back to the male home world, male star system.
It is true that they start them out young and there is no doubt in my mind this young guy was groomed through a life of trauma and physical and sexual abuse and this continues with his announcement as one of the sovereign princes of freemasonry where the illusions of the world are lifted for you as a singular soul while the rest of the world suffers along in the worst recession. This essentially is the glorification of masonry and the glorification of the singular self as opposed to betterment of a group of beings or the entire human race
Mind you I would guilty of hoarding a few dollars and maybe sipping too much champagne on my around the world cruise but my decisions with wealth would be directive of growth and forecasted for my own growth but i would also bring things like the Church of techno to a new enlightenment while perpetuating further thoughtforms like the Resistance. I would also make all of my relations comfortable and all my disciples as well.
But this is not how the monarch mind works. It takes Years upon years to break out of the programming and i am probably not even safe given the amount of neuro torture i went through.
I know this because i am a monarch programmed slave. To the best of my efforts i am unable to escape my programming so i just live with it in my own world. Most people in my position would kill themselves or become an alcoholic
Me i am surrounded by lower level minders (who probably don’t even know they are minding me)
 I am unable to escape them nor my situation due to finances and other things like safety and all that
You can imagine how cut off from the world you would be after having almost zero involvement for ten years employment wise or with anything else, it really places me into a fringe category where i am meant to go my own path, essentially this is what i have always wanted and in my talents i find something to be known for...but those are in development – nobody could even begin to fathom how well my book will be received if the other steps are taken care of quickly  
So i just live with the programming and wait patiently and i subvert most attempts to program me. hold on wow just took a second to research monarch slaves and came to the choice to forward my captivation piece to TMZ
I am not expecting much just maybe these butchers to be named but like the hague, the RCMP, The liberal party of Canada and the new democrat party of Canada, & CBC news etc
I am almost expecting this to be kept silent
For those that are unaware (captivation piece-bttm of this blog) I was employed by the shows Dark angel and Higher ground where Jessica alba and hayden Christensen (monarch slaves) Where i as a more detested form of slave committed crimes on their movie sets where i was left alone only to be hunted down at a nazi bakery and arranged to be given HIV through the master controller White knight mason of vancouver  through my Siamese twin
Believe me i have attempted to bring those to justice in a world where justice is for the rich so in that i become a perpetual art icon
I am not sworn to oppose i am here to work with the system and if you are here to bring hurt and pain to others you will be brought to justice. Be it with karma, or catacylism
I live in such an entertaining world when people just say suck it up and be a man
I am not able to move on without addressing this trauma in my life and there is dozens of events
Since therapy is being withheld I am left with no other route but to choose enlightenment as an ascended master
Can you imagine i thought i had nothing to write about this time lol it has been a week off or so I needed a 4:20 break- that stuff is awesome for recycling negativity in ones life.
I ask my guide to show me the way and what i get is a nice surprise i get a nice poodle it took me first to a house full of people and we were going to play truth or dare and a girl wanted to kiss me and i was like oh whatever this is truth or dare big deal just kizz me
Next i was in a country house with a stack of cash and was planning on leaving the country and i was climbing a brick wall to look over the horizon and a bug flew on my hand and i tried to blow it off and then i just shooed it off. I don’t think it was going to sting i just don’t like bugs on me, perhaps was curious who knows.
Watching the intune ones operate on a new level of encouragement
Working with the actual classy ones
Who know nothing of money
Only a felinic gaze
Lifelong attitudes of self and seemingly finite theories to being alive
The only calm i see is love and beauty
And its in you
-          Shaun A. Delage