Sunday, February 06, 2011

cat pelt

I never really knew how much work goes into writing a book until i wrote one and now going through and editing it and with 160,000 words this is sublime because it is so much for one to even handle. I can see most writers writing a book and then go to mind numbing depths and just shelf the book because the repetition would be mind numbing not consciousness expanding
For a novel to really come through you need to believe in it and be able to reread the same novel to tiring depths
At this point i am in my third edit and each edit i focus on new things to edit in the novel
I believe in the project and thankfully it is able to be read by anybody and not some dialogue that is misunderstood or words that people have to look up
I mean it is funny but most good novels out there you need to either have a university education or be somewhat sub or anti human to read the book
I aimed to write a novel on my own accord but thankfully it is something that could be understood by many and the mainstream and that is wonderful because it will take off and the reviews i know are gonna hurt but if they are talking about you then gold
Feeling somewhat defeated by my bad vibes this week i sort of in a sense became a success meanwhile which is paradoxical my art gallery is launched and i am going into the full realms of advertising and all that this week
I have also submitted myself to be a contributor for XY magazine that has just relaunched this month
For those of you that don’t know it is a twink mag and deffo pretty hot
It would be a longshot to get accepted as a piece but also i don’t think they want the litigious aspect of art to impede their growth but we will see
Actually downloading some more male pics today i was thinking of the fact that i may get sued
This would be great actually a blessing in disguise because it would be the exposure for my art i need
And I love to challenge the legalities of society and the litigious aspect of it all
I mean what is art without art
The art should have a story or it is a boring piece
My art could have some infamy or whatever but technically the pictures once i doctor them belong to me ...i am not too worried about people stealing them since i have the traceable path of each art piece and verifiable dates of upload on sites such as youtube and Flickr so if there was a subpoena they could provide the dates of upload to verify my own copyright. My art would actually challenge peoples perceptions of art and if called to trial it would be in itself considered performance art so i would feel like a character in a movie haha but like i said it is the exposure i need
It is best to weather the storms of universalism because energy itself works in paradoxical manner and you essentially choose what side your willing to fight on. The pals and people you know that are actually wanting to attain human qualities, because none of us are actually human, we are digital programs.
Or you choose to fight in those that control those seeking independence
Safe to say if your not offering anybody anything other than happiness/love and enlightenment/ascension your going about things the wrong way. Technically i know that even negativity can be considered enlightenment. So it is best to take it all in stride and understand that as a human program and not actually residing as a verifiable human being you are being manipulated every second that goes by. It is in your “work” to constantly challenge the manipulation and the illusion
Because Satanism far outreaches any known dialogue of the mind.
It can effervescently float into our minds and auras and make us say and do things we don’t mean and it is up to you to challenge all of those darkened eyes around you and make them challenge their assumptions because even those closest to you are involved and this is not paranoia this is reality and welcome to it
The best thing you can do is find your niche and go with it and if you never find it you may find your purpose in more hidden realms, perhaps your just built to support others or perhaps your built to constantly input info from the system or your built to cook for others or like most and many in society you are built to perpetuate trauma
I have been struggling with my own work as an anomaly lately and it is troubling because 98% of those i meet i know secretly oppose me, even though they don’t advertise the fact so it is up to me to weather the storm and i have agent smith running through my head and i think of this hardcore vibe against me and i know full well it is my own karma and my own doing but paradoxically the choice remains elusive so i am not technically at fault with that satanic mindset controlling my every move for decades
There was a point where that mindset was leading me nowhere so i came to the conclusion to attach to divinity above all else and then i found my calling as a virtual priest
I think what people don’t enjoy is they know where they are going deep down inside because what people relay as humanity to you in your perception is not the actual person.
The actual persons are usually far more darker in their thoughtform but they are just this sweet kind old man right?
I hate to say it but we live in a world where divine spirits have to wait 100,000 years to attain a body or travel several dimensions or timelines or species
and the lower realms the hell worlds people are fast tracked into a birth on earth almost instantly and given wealth and prestige and divine birth
While the ACTUAL human beings are left poor, un motivated, defeated and broken and traumatized.
So were left with a sense of humanity that is ruled by the lower world thoughtform and we have very very few actual human beings that are built to challenge the system at whatever cost
Even to the detriment of their human bodies, their limbs, their health and their happiness
And countless beings are being lost in the fight, even this very moment
Partly my place in the world is subscribed with levels of infamy and that is my safety net but the best thing you can do to secure a long life on earth is to constantly work to achieve an enlightened state
I am not saying do what everyone else is doing
I am simply saying to find your calling and your purpose and like i said it may not be much compared to others but they are illusion anyway and humanity in its most basic form is actually a pretty simple existence
Also discovering where your talented and flying high with it and believing in yourself no matter the thousand or so apparition like affirmations that develop to make you believe you are not worthy of growth or the divine nature of the soul.
Fighting this thoughtform remains my own constant struggle and it is a tough one but it is easy for me to channel that energy and negativity into my talent and growth because what else would there be but offering people a sense of hatred
Let us all grow and develop ourselves past those with no real talent or intellect
Lets shatter the belief systems were built on, at any cost.
I ask my guides to show me the way and what i get is a nice delight i get a nice magpie it took me to small asian country like Cambodia north korea and oppressive regime was leading and your whole life was dark there was old buildings and one guy woke another guy up early in the morning and said fuck you in the morning and the other guy called in the military and they shot up the whole block if your american or canadian your relatively safe in that country or dimension.
Next i went on a train and coming back from a cruiseship and the cruiseship was going thru a firedrill and i went on the train and it was super ritzy beyond 5 star i was sitting in first class and it had cabins and the train could go to superspeed and then i thought of how ritzy it was it amazed me
Next i went to a festival i was travelling with two hot guys showing me around and there was lots of people and lots of famous bands and i got lost and wandered up a hill but it was a man made hill and made out of concrete the only way down was to jump through sections cut in the slabs with your arms folded on your chest my tour guides were so hot and i was chewing so much gum it was unbelievable i was chewing so much that i attracted a crowd and these two bald alien clowns were mad that i was attracting attention away from them i think it is really sick to have so much gum in my mouth and people always laugh at me.
-timing inself for a beautiful theory of existence
Mainly those around you hold a singular piece of the puzzle
Thankfully divinity has brought you too me
Because i meditate on your behalf
Who else will advocate on your souls behalf
Not many in society
The church is just a church but becomes an enigma with the leader
The leader is not a leader but just an observer
Kiss your fellow cuties if you can
They most likely want to kiss you back
-          Shaun A. Delage