Virtual Ministry Archive

universal werld

My chosen religion amuses me. ordering my masters degree in religion today i have come to terms with the fact that i am moving up on the echelon of universalism. Most people when i tell them about Universal life church immediately become hostile asking about church doctrine or theological beliefs.
I almost smile when i say the only doctrine of the church is to DO THAT WHICH IS RIGHT. Trying to fend off my laughter in the moment of belonging to a truly enlightened faith is amusing to me. because i can sense the anger and hostility in people when i relay that i don’t have an outfit to wear, in fact i can look like an urban chav and still be a priest and i don’t kiss anybody’s ring. I don’t have mantras to repeat or idols to worship.
My only faith lays with being able to articulate universal wisdom and enlightenment in the moment. My only practice rests with the sometimes daily updates to my virtual ministry which i have a nice little following. Now i can see  the actual embodiment of where this is going in real life in eventual discourse on the level of a guru or philosopher that relays enlightened discourse in visually present format
That would take some skill and mind you i could always take my discourses from the hundreds i have on this site and use them as a map for my dialogue
I can sense the frustration of people that have had to learn countless mantras and memorize thousands of lines of the bible and douse themselves in liquid from this or place ashes on their forehead or drink the blood and flesh of the Christ.
They simply don’t understand and cannot grasp the theories of universalism inherent to their own being because they don’t see themselves as a universal being nor do they have any attachment to universalism.
Like i have always said i am not much of a reverend in universalism or a doctor in divinity without any degrees of universal insight or divinity in my soul. This is the main thing that disillusions me from them and those glaring eyes from achieving some sort of ‘win’ over my soul discounting me as a seeming fraud of sorts. They don’t grasp the fact that i could rightfully so call my self “bishop” or “cardinal”
And actually have some legal standing and all of the rights afforded to a bishop of the church.
To most that have to place years upon years in ritual and dogmatic instruction they feel angered by the fact that a religion with so much sway could have so little rules to belong
With 20,000,000 ordained ministers around the world no wonder the religion has some good standing within the realms of possibility
Some ministers include tony danza, goldie hawn, Kathy griffen, hugh hefner, Courtney love, paul mcartney, tory spelling, ringo starr, Sharon stone, barbera Streisand, john waters, and mae west to name a few.
Universalism and universal evolution it would seem would take a precedence over earth based and idol worship.
Through the department of education of universal life church i am able to obtain my masters degree in religion which i have just ordered and I plan on ordering the PHD in universal philosophy. While these degrees do not hold the same sway as a university level education they provide a basis for personal growth within the ordained minister to be able to carry themselves appropriately
I really got into the understanding of the whole matter when i went to get Rev. Dr. Added to my bank information and the look i get from tellers when i am making change or paying bills is priceless because of the way i present myself. I look pretty young and urban type and when they see all of the titles afforded to me for my records, they just smile even more.
At the very least having a PHD on your resume is a definite foot in the door where you can explain yourself a little bit more or at least break the ice a bit... and many ask me well where is your church if you are a reverend
I simply explain to them that i have a virtual philosophical ministry based on the trauma state called the church of techno and that i don’t actually need a physical building to be able to provide discourses in universal theory and substance on the other hand my virtual ministry allows people to explore the realms of my own mind as a universal philosopher of ultimate reality with the safe and enjoyable comforts of their own home and in a sense of a self prophesising future. This will probably be the method of worship in the next 1000 years With the Church being uploaded right into your cortex and be able to attend mass right in the comfort of your own brain and your own home and your own digital information matrix
Oh the beauty of where virtual reality will take us and you can start to see it in its infancy with the 3-D TV’s coming out and soon enough there will be a vR console and then virtual worlds and then we will have direct uplink through various parts of our bodies with eventually the actual real world being replaced by a superimposed virtual reality, like it hasn’t already but they are looking at refining our present reality and sacking it all together. if i was to relay that millions are employed currently programming the 7th and 8th versions of the matrix people would call me insane and this time it wont be a massive apocalypse but our reality being replaced all together, like it hasnt been already...think of the illusion you feel twenty times a day and think of the basis that it would take hundreds of years to program the future matrix's this is why so many beings are given security clearance so they can operate in underground cities testing this reality and it is coming why give up now?
Much of my own belief system to operate rests within my own confines of suffering and the degrees i have been through suffering and able to articulate a method of living that guides others and i believe i do a good job by relaying my impressions of society- while some of it may appear as delusional or paranoia i only ask what it the nature of those definitions.
Some may agree that i am operating at a level that is beyond what most normally operate at and that is the nature of virtuosity and a text based world and other realms of living, i just say i am in a level of madness that is only inherent to an enlightened being, somewhat misunderstood.
There are various echelons of societal functioning and many operate in segmentations and you never get to taste both worlds so to speak you have to be apart of the clique that thinks on more advanced levels and this is amusing because the lower realms of beings do not get to see nor could the comprehend what the upper echelons are up to
Essentially most of us feel somewhat powerless with only a few puppetmasters up at the top pulling the strings and this is where realms such as the Church of techno or universal life church or The resistance come into focus by allowing different methods of introspection essentially allowing you to define a constantly evolving ever present reality rather than not question ones surroundings and just blindly give into rituals you know nothing about appeasing beings you know nothing about being observed by governance you know nothing about in a country you literally know nothing about in a world you have no idea how it is actually being run
The only philosophy people should concern themselves with currently is the ability to evolve above all else and to not stop going and to never look back and to help others in realising that they are enlightened this very moment
-          Shaun A. Delage