Sunday, January 16, 2011

dawg tooth

(taken from an audio recording and translated without any pause)

I wanted to talk about the actualization of fate and how it subscribes to our own being and in a sense coming to terms with fate and your future and your path brings alot of anxiety to alot of people and really coming to terms with where your heading along with the generalities of coming from the past
what i mean is coming from the paradoxes of the past, so you have a causality of the past and the future and your fate and your mistakes all rolled into one and into the present moment ...and everyone tends to freak out about that because there is no future in delving in the thought
 and the only thing to be is in the moment, and what is in the moment, but being in the know of every moment passing by without ignorance and without hatred and needing and being damaging ....and you want to make sure your treating others respectfully and most don’t understand how to live in the moment and how to actualize their future... you are living so much in the past or in the future you don’t realize anything about the present moment because you don’t have everything you want and that is a figment of our society constantly upgrading, new things to buy, version 2.0 version 3.1 version 3.2 etc and this is the going game of the system is to keep you dissatisfied and keep you from realizing how fortunate you are in the moment to be alive and kicking...
 and most people don’t go thru life thinking about their being every present moment, people with true qualities of introspection really want to understand their being and why they are alive and why they wernt born in a hell country, or an animal or a different sex.
You have people constantly angered about the past, in this regard there is no future in the past, and there is some of the past in the future.... and developed from the past.... but in a sense your whole past is not developed from the  future and that anxiety shows in people running from their past.
and i can tell you i have a pretty rigid past and to actually go thru it like a character in a movie and not have any control, where your simply an actor and you have no actual control over your choices or actions and this is troubling because you get to a point ten years later and you really analyze it, and wonder about how you were operating and you think "wow i have gone down the road of causality" and i am constantly trying to fix that and coming from a life of great suffering and trauma you never really know how much you have until you lose it in a sense
and most don’t realize it unless something traumatic happens like a life lost or friend moving away or somebody gets sick... you never realize how lucky you are and life is something to be embraced and developed on and empowered on and if you don’t have those qualities in you to enhance your being it is really something to work for for the future and to develop your characteristics not greedily wanting everything in sight and not going through life uncompassionate to suffering and a simply goal is to be happy and that is also one of the toughest goals to attain is true happiness and to come to terms with your present peace and your existence and not really work to attain superhuman qualities you may find you have a new found sense of respect and a happiness developed within your soul.
 Many of the religions don’t believe you can attain enlightenment and it takes one person to come by and say hey you are enlightened for you to actually ponder it and Buddhism believes you need a million more lives to become enlightened and other faiths believe you need to pray alot or worship idols and where is the self it takes a belief in self above all and what is the going fad in religions is that the individual doesn’t matter that you have to subscribe to a flock mentality and they keep you from looking within yourself and keep you distracted with years upon years and decades upon decades of theories to keep you guessing.. 
Where you never come to terms with a theoretical analysis of life and they only have a critique of their own subscribed faith and in Buddhism they have idols to worship and sutras to memorize and in Christianity you have to read the bible and there is so many misinterpretations of it and with islam you have threats of death backing up the code and mind you the fundamentals are there with many religions but the faiths don’t allow you to discover the need to introspect deeply enough and they don’t lead you there because they don’t believe that any human can become enlightened and if they don’t believe that why put your being in their care and well whats the use if you need 50,000,000 births
I always say you are enlightened this very moment and you were born into a vessel of ascension and enlightenment and evolution and you would not be born into this vessel if you did not have a quantifiable skillset to offer humanity and many don’t understand how they help others and it may be a simple thing like a neighbour they talk to or a mother they care for or somebody with a blog or they are coding the matrix or they are there to input or output information
We live in a society that glorifies skillbased learning and you have massive levels of skills you must learn and in older societies people specialized in just one thing but these days you have complete package constantly downloading information and learning new things constantly giving into rules and policy and signing your name and input pincodes and your constantly being upgraded by the system with a surrealist programming

and its time we took back that level of realization back to our own self being responsible for our own programming and many human beings are permitted that and that is the freedom of being alive but for 90% of all beings they are lead around on goosechases everywhere and when you have only 10% of beings able to ask questions and pull their friends out of the loop and really contemplate life this is troubling because it should be 80% of society that should have the power to actualize their own future and their own qualities for progressing and people don’t even realize how much their own future is being led around and it could be like in the matrix with a grandpa in a tv room

but i am sure its more like an entire planet working the causality of our planet comes down to advanced quantifiable nature ,etheric, environmental, natural, spiritual and human influence etc and your just being led around on a goosechase and you see this in many millennium warriors these days they are really observant of their being and their surroundings and they come to terms with who their meeting and where they are going and you have many in society the most heavily marketed aspect and most illegal is alteration of consciousness and supposedly sinful and it is one of the most heavily marketed concepts drugs and your expected to keep a normalcy to your daily interactions and even the people that are intoxicated are acting normal in a sense of civil respect

and this makes you wonder how many of these people you meet are shattered inside because of the different chemicals they have ingested then you even have the legal realm like food additives and pharmaceuticals and alcohol and you wonder how many peoples souls are shattered or are beyond repairable and you come to terms with not only your own suffering but those around you and you meet 12 people in one day and come to an understanding that each one has their own level of suffering and you may meet one profoundly depressed or another that is wealthy and you come to terms with their inherent humanity and many of us worry about what we will be like when we are 85 yrs old and where you will be and in a sense it is wise to take your life with a dose of happiness and karma and to take your negative karma with ease because the more concentrated your karma is early in life the more peaceful of an older life you will have

and to treat others kindly and with compassion and that means you will not suffer the horrors you hear about with the elderly and you may not even show it and you see somebody get on the bus and think wow thats a frazzelled mess and you have to correct yourself as early as possible and say i am sure she has a very nice soul and soon enough and with age you will not be thinking those impulsive negative thoughts about people and you will develop a keener insight into your own inherent suffering and the suffering of the brothers and sisters around you.
-          Shaun A. Delage