I am aware of my own inherent programming in the matrix when i think fondly of the blog post quite a few months back when i talked of a dream i had of sai baba and then i ate some lettuce and it was pretty gross and caused me to choke and needless to say the meeting never happened
I thought of myself as a sai baba devotee but have no direct connection to him or worship him in any way and this is funny to me because i am reminded of my interactions with the hippy troupe i detail a few weeks prior in my posts. I was introduced to this regional royalty sex cult and actually met my last partner of almost 7 years through them and while i don’t discount any dealings with my partner i love him to this day while believing i was apart of an advanced militaristic RCMP psychological operations
Where i was apart of a ritual of the RCMP officer being inducted into the RCMP and this was a strange sight but something i accepted. Anyways the hippy troupe programmed the inherent sai baba program into me with the shahee warner character being a devotee of the baba and they essentially lured me into this mini cult and tried to make me sexually abuse people which of course i declined but given my own trauma state they did not understand this quality in me, the fact that i don’t feel the need to perpetuate abuse on others
Only enlightenment..and this flies in the face of all known psychiatric circles as being an illusion
because i am an anomalous being that does not want to perpetuate illusion only evolve past my inherent programming. I was introduced to a reiki master who made me dinner and she was a devotee of the baba and had his picture up all over her apartment. I was also programmed by many people of this hippy cult which included some strange eunich from costa rica and an obese photographer and i mentioned this estarte character with the two girls who the whole cult was ritually abusing and throwing on people to abuse
Just the simply fact that they wanted me to abuse these girls was a horrifying thing i deal with to this day and i detail it quite a few weeks ago in my post hippy boi. While i attach to hippy idealism i tend to get freaked out by anything hippy related like natural clothing and organics and hippy ideals...while i argue that the mode of life you should attach to is simply loving and not being apart of a genre of people that attach to any singular ideal or faith. I was also introduced to much of the regional royalty after this point including being introduced to my genetic twin and others including the master shriner mason who said “and how is craig(shahee)”
While i find it difficult to live with the concepts of somebody that MADE me attempt suicide working in a restaurant with my namesake i also find it equally as disturbing to find that this other ex took the first three letters of my first name and reinvented himself from CRAIG to SHA-HEE...Then equally as strange is my love of my life cheated on me with this guy but thankfully we are still friends to this day which i value but of course i have freely given him this blog address and i feel it is my right and freedom to openly and publically discuss this causality in my life masked in black magic...While i want him to understand that i am not out to perpetuate hatred rightfully so i am able to speak about this in the open ...this is what the mistakes he has done to me has brought up, but in no way do i want to submit somebody to cruelty only the words that will bring my public domain life into focus ....because i am not involved in secrecy like those who seemingly attest ownership over my soul. while it is my directive to remain friends and nurture that friendship i also must bring this part of us into the public forum but i as well want to remain somewhat respectful of his privacy considering the immense karmic love he has shown me, and in that i find the divine nature of his being and recognize those qualities in him....so to say it simply i respect the jerk lol and since therapy is being denied to me with hatred by the system so i am left with only one option available and that is to continue to become enlightened amidst a personae riddled with mind control, abuse, and bloodline mystery and other things i am being left in the dark about. Many may ask well you are the last that should be telling others what to do
I argue that i am the leading forefront to initiate a belief system to the masses based on my recovery from the trauma state and to help others believe that they too as well can recover with the methodologies i have documented including advanced interdimensional travel and other causalities of my bloodline which i know is very strong with certain vibrations and in a sense all i seek is enlightenment above all else. Believing you are enlightened is one thing but becoming and breathing enlightenment is another issue altogether
It is tough being me, and leading the church of techno because of the hypocrisy of mainstream religions and anybody that calls themselves a church is branded with some nasty entitlement thank you to the darkened beings for taking both sides of the polarity and demonzing all angles of the spectrum. While i attest to being a real being, i also have my own inherent programming and manipulation i am constantly fending off. Including my dreamstate being hacked approximately 20% of the time which i articulate very well here as well
I make mistakes like you and in this i find comfort that i may relay myself in an open manner that leaves me open to quite alot of spiritual attack and a certain level of spiritual war in place because i have been tagged as “the one” just like the matrix movies ..This is based on a myriad of disturbing occurances in my life as documented in my trauma document “captivation” It is my only wish to be a medium for enlightened dialogue and one that the other side wants and needs you to hear. To be a porthole for interdimensional travel and to be a revealing source of Masonic secrets due to my last incarnations in the eastern star faith...While troubling as a last life to be a female mason and the highest embodiment of female lineage and illustrious inner dialogue i can say i have welcomed a plethora of magic into my life based on this last incarnation and quite possibly others before it with the introduction of the Cleopatra consciousness into my being as detailed in some of the highest rituals of the eastern star cult...This is why i have been targeted and literally butchered alive and framed and attacked and lead around like a character in the sims (very much like the recent arrest of my criminality twin a few miles away in seattle "Colton harris moore") as the canadian super thief with the conspiracy of my criminality leading all the way up to HRH Queen elizebeth the second as detailed in my captivation piece in occurance to a dimensional walkabout that occured on the grounds of the empress hotel when i was a youth and through the commonwealth games where i was apart of an advanced alien interdimensional ritual of criminality that instituted my inherent law breaking nature with an interlocking curse in which i hopped the security rope and walked only a few people behind the queen in her walkabout after some other people did the same and it was an advanced reptile ritual and it all had symbolism and prime minister cretien was there along with PRINCE philip as well - when the queen got in her motercade i was left standing there virtually alone and wondered what the hell occured and that event spawned an almost quarter million dollar crime spree at that specific hotel which went on for almost a year with nobody working to stop me because it was observed and it was detailed but nobody ever intervened because this was something that i was afforded in the ritual ....it all occured in the city i currently reside in (the witchcraft capital of the world-along with the Netherlands) VICTORIA BC Canada...so when your federal police force makes a supreme allegiance to Her majesty the Queen and her heirs above all else don’t you think we have a little bit of a conflict of interest? At the very least a paradox to say the least...The Buddhists state that you need a male incarnation to achieve enlightenment and *shrugs* here i am hehe
So the only thing i am left with is enlightenment with many people being given in the moment advanced psychological information about who i am and who I inhabit as i believe it has something to do with the ‘demolay’ spirit as articulated in freemasonry...
people would call me names if i told them that i am aware of the Queen mother reincarnating into the body of kate middleton the future bride of prince william our heir to the throne here in canada but this would be a brutal slap in the face of any monarchist and brings the argument of intergenerational hybridic incest to light
neways enough of that madness lets talk about meh ....hehe
people would call me names if i told them that i am aware of the Queen mother reincarnating into the body of kate middleton the future bride of prince william our heir to the throne here in canada but this would be a brutal slap in the face of any monarchist and brings the argument of intergenerational hybridic incest to light
neways enough of that madness lets talk about meh ....hehe
I am left in a rather shy and cautious incarnation i spend about 97% of my waking life on the internet thanks to the simple fact that the internet domains themselves are regulated and observed by the highest degrees and incarnations possible while the rest of the lower echelons of secrecy could not even begin to fathom how to articulate the enlightenment of the digital era
So much of us are left on various sites and connected via a certain level of etheric cables
My only route is enlightenment and in this the church of techno is an infant church with one sole leader and approximately 30 followers a week with about 250 others that peek in as well.
The church of techno exists in those that enjoy techno music and the official radio station of the church of techno is DI.FM techno channel
As a virtual incarnate i also operate on various other identies including Raver Xeno and Shaun Zeno along with Shaun Delage, Shaun A. Delage, Rev. Shaun Delage, and Rev. Dr. Shaun Delage
Some argue like my ex bf (who resists being set free, but enjoys my company nevertheless)
That how could you be a doctor with a degree online bought for $20
And others like my mother argue that how could you be a reverend with no church
I simply say that a mothers job is to inspire her children lol
Many don’t understand me, like the bank teller i met today
Whenever i go to the bank my titles come up on my account like REV DR. Shaun Delage
So they must laugh because i look like i am 15, almost feline and i walk in with urban chav/scaly clothing on and i try and spill out a few sentences to no end
They must wonder where my church is and all of that
It is funny
Only a few of those in my familiarity are aware of my ministry with my family operating in the dark and many think i am somewhat of a fraud or a liar which i find funny given the amount of trauma in my family that allows them to perceive things as being abnormal
I always see others as having shades of the 54 spectrum or 54 different personalities.
I have also detailed how i was almost kidnapped into the cult of vipassana
With two teachers on boxes and meditation courses around the world by SN GOENKA
What a scary world we live in
I have no idea where i am going
Many are the same
A month flies by in an instant for somebody that doesn’t operate in time
The only way to go is up
So the point of this discourse is to help you understand that i don’t hold any theological aspirations other than being ordained into universalism by the universal life church which preaches about universal wisdom and to only do that which is right and is not a Christian organization of any sort and non denominational. I have received an honorary degree in divinity as i told you earlier.
I would not have any standing with the impression of divinity in my soul or being ordained as a minister in universalism without any degree of divinity or universal knowledge in me.
I am a non orthodox Buddhist as well
Other than that i feel that my own inherent trauma state affords me a level of supernaturalism and surrealism which is afforded many gurus but i am not here to make money nor lead you into doing things or make you think a certain way nor am i going to perform any miracles or subscribe to any sort of faith, dogma, or ritual
I am simply here to articulate universal wisdom and help others escape from the trauma state we all live in