Virtual Ministry Archive


The inherent sadness that each of us carries with us
Some of us have a small amount of sadness and others are carrying a tremendous burden
The hive mind is aware of how much trauma we all carry and keeps layering it on even more
What a world, i am aware of some of the sadness that my community carries in a silent war
Everyone i see online in the gay community alludes they are HIV +
I am not aware of the exact numbers but it would be considered a pandemic by our standards which i don’t understand the whole swine flu thing when a few dozen get it in our city and the outcry
Mind you here now we have the most horrible culling in human history by the elites taking place and one i was almost neuro programmed into taking as a reality
They want us dead and they are figuring out methods to target communities and kill
That essentially brings a level of enlightenment to a being and i am aware of my own level of dissatisfaction within the gay community and i know i am better off being somewhat of a non sexual person lately
It will be odd to be here 20 years down the road after the major crisis has passed and millions more of our brothers and sisters we have lost in the fight and mind you it targets the gay men specifically but there is other people that catch it
While i may appear as being a prude or something for being disinterested in sex with random people i am way better off thinking of the diseases you can get simply through fluid exchange
Then i think of the war on our people that nobody wants to point a finger at and this surprises even me, that essentially the finger is pointed at the people that catch the disease when it should be pointed at the elites who cast the disease out on us
There is war all around and it is picking your friends and neighbours off one by one, it is a war that prefers not to be named i say the longer you learn to temper your cravings the better off you will be. When you are the last remaining people on the planet that reserved your love for your beautiful and shining soulmate or nothing at all
I think sometimes of the sadness i hold and then i live back into the present moment but without the attachment to the past there is nothing so it is wise to go there sometimes to recollect and remember
Me i remember walking around town in a vivid surrealism with this beautiful man with a chain of bells and we both going to a houseparty and doing a cap of E and dancing together in love
Skipping over the border to go see him
And then boom the seriousness and the causality of our union of love hit and it is something i may never recover from, who could recover from almost dying ?
Not many get to go through that
But i enjoy life and to be able to enlighten myself as to the true nature of my own existence here
I don’t feel i have a war to wage , i just feel that when there is invisible enemies that stay hidden this is where we have a nasty argument for enlightenment
I figure it is wise to ascend past all beings on earth
And to evolve past all known celestial evolution and to start thinking universally rather than in a singular or an earthen bound self and this is where much of my faith belongs too
Not based in earthbound cults or worship of nature or people
My faith rests in universal theory and wisdom being able to penetrate the earth and find you and fill your body with universal wisdom
Because essentially what is earth based religions but alot of stuff we don’t understand and why begin to understand it you cannot nobody can, it is made to be like that
I am troubled by the blindness of Catholicism people don’t even know what they are involved in and they have literally no idea what is being talked about then you have the eating of the blood and body of Christ and it is no secret that this faith belongs to another dimension altogether
Mind you i come from a catholic family........ and the other end of the spectrum is wicca and other extremes so not anything i want to be involved in so i rest solely in hyper reality of universalism
Mind you i don’t really make it readily known i am a reverend and a doctor
And i am pondering applying for my masters and my phd in universalism but that is another blog post all together lol
I just feel i may have an appropriate amount of universal wisdom inside my spirit as afforded my being and the causality of my spirit and nothing else really matters be it peoples impressions of me or their vibes because as a sister faith i have the church of techno and that lays in a whole balance of melding of religion and it is funny the amount of triviality when people sign up for universal life church thinking it is a purely Christian organization
Oh how they run away in fear when they find it is a universal based faith
Many cannot begin to ascertain universal wisdom and that is most troubling in today’s society
So i ask why they have gone to the other end of the spectrum of applying to faiths or cults of people they know nothing about and partake in rituals they know nothing about and call that substance?
The very few religions on earth were created by the same people that profess this love of god because they created him which is profound not only because they know they created this image but because we actually took the bait
There are some faiths that are fringe that are somewhat useful
But i always say it is wise to take your knowledge from all avenues of the spectrum rather that devote your soul into one causality
It is funny the vast amounts of people that belong to Catholicism and believe that if they give their money over and repeat the mantras and forget about being kind just repeat the mantras you will go to heaven
They literally forget about being kind to others in the process that they let this hyperdimensional reality take form in their being and they cause them to go further and further down the route of complete ignorance all the while being able to recite the only name they are aware of that has any substance which is amen ra and this they don’t even know because how could they? They have not devoted their lives to figuring out the truth or the essence of the matter they have devoted their lives to accepting their reality as a reality and doing what they are told and walking down a path that others lead for them
They believe that while they go to church on Sunday and take part in mass ritual and give their money over and eat the flesh of Christ that they too will be saved by the promisary note of the salvation of Christ. What the faith did was attach to the various forms of familiarity within all of us and the actual hacked dreamstate and the magic of the dark arts and made it into a substansive mainstream ideology
I don’t sit here claiming to be an occultist while debasing mainstream religion either i am speaking from an ordained viewpoint and this would seem a bit off for some people hahaha
While i could be considered an occultist for my hidden wisdom and my inherent nocturnalism and my history of trauma and abuse and torture in this realm
I attach to the side of divinity in all matters and finding out the truth and where i am going and that is to ascend past this dimension and essentially receive my next incarnation elsewhere and out of humanity itself because i want to go to a species that is somewhat enlightened and telepathic and has everything figured out
That is my hope and i don’t want to descend into a lower realm god no so i make every choice with this perception of evolution and no matter how deep i have gone into causality and bringing those into view for my inherent torture here
I only want to evolve and not parrot others views , this quality in me essentially makes me an enemy of the state and of the earthbound faiths.
Many are not comfortable in the world of hidden knowledge and i speak mainly of the knowledge of the ascended ones inside of you and that is constantly being revealed to a lucky few that are deserving
People need substance and a visual and auditory sensation to believe the intellectualism is real and in this they find discomfort with psychic insight and work heavily to shut down those pathways believing it is the tool of the devil and that is unfortunate but inherently their choice if they wish to shut down those pathways to universal wisdom, because the truth is never easy never will be and it will never be packaged into something sweet like what is being brought forth in the mainstream these days.
If you are on a hunt for answers this place may help you and guide you and recode you to figure out your essence and in that i find my most spiritual calling the hidden nature of the world and in that i find you may find your enlightenment at least to be able to relate with somebody that has made mistakes and has the qualities of humanity imbued in their soul for you to observe – to some it is a comforting scope to receive enlightenment from a person displaying actual verifiable human qualities because that is rare given the amount of programming into alien hidden communication that exists all around us even in your most familiar dealingz.

I ask my guide to show me the way what i get is a nice delight a nice skunk, now these are the cutest creatures on earth i have to say lol
It took me to a lake path where i stumble on two guys wanting sex and i go to their cabin and i started to undress and i am like ok well i am ok with everything but anal and they said you thought you could get away that easy one was over 12 inches they started becoming forceful and i had to defend myself amidst the madness i kicked around an agents earpiece they were very hot guys but they had no souls and they insisted i get super high and drunk
Next the skunk took me to a room where i was chilling out with some people and a guy was taking a bath in the middle of the room and the water kept overflowing the one girl gave a computer a virus which i was trying to master fixing like starting the comp in safe mode a bunch of weird images started playing on the computer that started broadcasting into reality in the room such as a series of bad transvestites and movies that were ancient and trippy and weird music that was like high pitched chirping but done all kewt sorta seemed to be noway i could think of to master this virus

Wandering the realm
Wanting to be apart of it
Yet cast out as an exile
This is where i rest
In a virtual hacked sphere
Bring enlightenment
And virtual pants to the masses
Who wants their character to walk around without pants
-          Shaun A. Delage