Thursday, November 18, 2010

stoned to death

i know all those around me are angered with the fact that i havent joined masonry/blood cult.. yet with all of the resources being directed my way and do i care? not in the slightest
I have been dealing with a show that i really like lately
It is MTV LIVE on channel 111
Canada version
It is in a Masonic temple
The show features pseudo millennium warriors
(an obese blonde girl, Darren jones, another girl host and paul the intern)
Pretty funny people and i like the shows mindless humour
What has made me come out about this secretive mind game going on is the actual skit they just showed
They always have the Masonic emblem on behind them with blacklight
And the Masonic emblem didn’t have blacklight on it they were doing a skit on nazi germany and the wall setup between the east and west side of germany saying one side got everything they ever wanted while the other side suffered and had to drink out of puddles and the other side got to play new videogames before they came out and watch all the porno they wantedthey got a bunch of 'free stuff' like doritos thrown at them while the other side had to make gloves out of the chip bags

This is insane and i know what they are referring to and trying to advocate
Leaving your life behind and joining freemasonry essentially
And everything will be taken care of
that there is a major major war on with the young minds and once you cross over a certain point believing its cruel your inducted into regional royalty to win the detested souls over that dont want any part
or attempt to end their lives
What they don’t tell you in the ad is you will be literally neuro butchering people to death
And being the causality of people catching aids, cancer and going to jail and death as well
Because once you undergo the figurative death ritual you yourself become a walking undertaker
The earth based sin based justice league
Then they don’t tell you about everything else that goes on and i will repost my stone piece here now
(because it is too far back in my writing for anybody to find on this site would literally take hours lol)
also since people have issues actually identifying what exactly masonry is
SToNez StArt
What is freemasonry
6 billion to one
                Or perhaps 6 billion to ten
                Same amount really
                The ability to target previous incarnations
                Sexual slavery
                Dream cannibalism
                “              Slavery
                “              Murder
                “              Rape
                “              Blood
Hell based
But more importantly hell dimension based, about 70 million or so planets in a hidden realm
                That have some jurisdiction over many places inhabited
Neuro linguistic magic
The belief that they own everything around you including everything you have on your person
But they own you as well, i think not
The ability to trick those previous incarnations into believing they are worthy of initiation in this life
                Hybridic mindset using our own human based bodies for the captivating illusion taking place
                Umeasurable personal wealth
                Drug dealing
Neverending bank account in this realm
                The ability to get away with ANY crime
                Or be transported to a place where you can continue your cravings
                                Infinite evolution
                New sicknesses new intrigue always enveloping on the past
                Quantifyable dreamskills
                Targets psychics, trauma based people hyper, intelligentsia
                Your dreams become a reality with your death
                                Want to sell juice? You will be heavily financed, marketed
                                The happy little sims or avatars will flock to your business *yay*
                The wishes of the greater get propped up to the few
                                Medical torture
                                Power rape
                                Celebrity orgies
                The ability to act out world and regional events with seemingly boring and uninteresting issues
                                We are all masons
Figureheads for various institutions to be placed there to govern over the few detested ones
                                Ritualistic bloodbath
                                Satanic oath
                                Earth based= stone
                                Once a target has been located
                                All efforts to subliminate their soul over to the cult is forecasted
                                You lose your soul for your lifetime on earth
                                But attain your personality traits
                                And given new ones
                                Financiers would take pleasure in making your most detested or hidden qualities
                                                                                A measure of the public eye, to be in their amusement
                                And also give you new ones that you are paraded around as having
                                                But at first
                                                You are adored
                                Making solid interactions a form of conspiratorial notion (handshake)
                                                Recruiting everybody in the targets familiarity to their own side
                                                Using that in gaining the recruitment of the target
Using sublimination and guilt techniques to sway over the person to freely give their soul over
Hidden and unknown technologies
Hidden and unknown elixRs and fetishes
Sign over your single mindset and your ideals to their own workings
                Want fame?
                                Join us
                Want to die?
                                Ignore us
Thousands of sugardaddies and sugar mommas and other sugar beings
                Everything comes with a price
                Ability to transfer pain and alien thoughtform via simple interaction
                                If your scared
                                Never shake another hand again
                                See if you, yourself
                                Can control it
                Alien drugs
                Self mortification
                Ability to harm others with simple words or actions
                Child sexual abuse
                Those that have been targeted from a young age will be groomed
                Those that believe there is too much hurt in their lives
                                Will be solved if you join the lodge
                                Will be sad once they hand over their key
                                Individual pain is nothing compared to the alienistic collective pain
                                Without our creator
                                Gambling odds in your favour
                                Run by city states
                                Governance over other realms in space, animal, plant, and elemental
                Want to be an actor?
                                There is a price
                                Want to have a corporation
                Saw off somebodys hand
                                Want to live out your fantasy
                                Rape somebody
                Want to be a billionaire
                                Well, we all know what has to be done.
                                Guard your soul
                                Against ALL that see it
                                Protect it and nurture it’s wisdom
                                As soon as this is written new forms of masonry are being invented
                                It is ever changing
                                But pain based.
                                Just understand
                                And laugh off all the threats.
                                But they can never be laid out in simple legal terms
                                It is always seemingly hypothetical lie based illusion
                                                But they are good people right?
                                                Happy rich old dudes that like to give....
-          By meh
Stones end

What about reporting that we are in a virtual state of apocalypse ?
Or how about when you join masonry you are forced to rape your relatives ?
Or forced to undergo a ritual much like 'the game-movie' that is always being prepared for you behind the scenes by the alien lower beings that are bartering on the very nature of your soul...should you join masonry to make you sadistically pay for your crimes while rewarding you with massive riches and a lifestyle at the same time?
Or how about the alteration of your genitals?
Or how about....the alteration of your sexuality, very much like scientology
Ah no, people would hate you then wouldn’t they ?
-          Shaun A. Delage
p.s. i know what my soul is trading at currently and paradoxically
do you know how much of a return on their investment u are?
shall i go into what i have been threatened with ? my captivation piece makes it clear
there is a direct threat on my leg and they will cut it and eat it or if i dont join masonry i will lose it to a tumor or cancer and die
these whackos tried to kill me through brothers and neuro lingusitics and now i am literally HUNTED every moment that passes that i politely decline their invitations and their mind torture
does this sound like an ideology you want to identify wif??