Virtual Ministry Archive

study up

Timing is right to say simply that the world needs more independent minds and aptitude
Not those running the show with the mindset that was instilled on them by the more learned institutions. Mind you not all post secondary institutions are evil
Ones that are aligned with the arts and alternative therapies that help you to find a place are incredible in theory
But you have tons of people going into post secondary that have no inclination no path nor future
They are simply going in and just going into party
Teaching on them an entire belief system they don’t completely understand but they become whatever if thrown at them by the magicians of universities and colleges
It is great if you attach to know what your into what your path involves and what your future is.
Much of our post secondary system is setup for this mindset. Young people that have no idea....okay perhaps a bit of an idea of what they want in life but are simply thrown into schooling because of the income aspect and to get ahead
Post secondary should be about finding your calling not layering on ten thousand text books and assimilating all the info from the matrix into your body and becoming a walking talking automaton of the system. This is funny those that are learned like this....the aura they broadcast
It is not one based in any sense of human reality it is in the luciferian mindset. This is where much of our people lay in positions of power that they themselves see as being deserving of recognition for reading 1000 textbooks with some costing the same price to buy
The largest resistance these days is against people that do not give into this ideology that aren’t initiated into virtual slavery to the system. You are seen as lazy or a communist or something and this is not how one should judge their fellow human being
All across Europe they have free universities and if we were to have a few here imagine the enlightenment that would take place in our own country shadowing the poor, helping those that want out of their despair to gain an education. And believe me those that really want an education know what they want to take...they know their calling. They know and understand their path
Most of our young people are forced to take out loans into the amount of $20,000 + to pay for their schooling and sign a contract that they will pay it back. This is ridiculous. It is the government and the banks that should be paying us to go into school and investing 4 incredibly long and boring years that you will never get back. seems almost as silly as 'paying to give yourself cancer' lol
Lately i have had time to discover the actual phrases and codes imbued within me and i am prepared to accept that i like many others are pseudo sleepers much like the Manchurian candidate that i was programmed by the elites to carry out something in the future
Very much so like i say that it makes it easier when your intimate with some of the highest echelons of society so you are in a sense imbued with amazing human capabilities
That is why i see those around me as forwarding the illusion at all times...while never being able to address their own role within my own fractal reality and this is the closest i know to me
Makes me think they have either submitted to a secret cult and report on me continuously due to the national security aspect or they have been replaced completely as a hybrid human entity
The irony of having your closest relations close to you being apart of the cults that you have opposed would be all to funny in their eyes
Mainly what i fight off is the vibration that masks all my pain, it has to be the toughest one
The one that makes me believe that nothing has happened to me, that there is no illusion present in the past present or future and the one that makes me believe i have had zero trauma
Me i don’t like to literally dwell in the sadness of course but sometimes i enjoy locking onto it so that i can really figure out the situation and the people involved in depth
So many oppose me as being nothing my situation is nothing, i am just a bunch of lies
This is an essential argument for their side and safe to say i probably wont meet anybody for years that aligns with independence
I also am a hated being for what i inhabit and that essential causality is divinity
Divinity itself is not inhabited by even the most religious people on earth because they are dabbling in black magic
I recently had a relative going around inciting the invocation of amen and amen ra continuously
If there was an ounce of divinity present there would be smiles, compliments, and love
But continuously frowning, insulting and literally ripping a turkey apart bone by bone on the kitchen table while 3 of us were trying to finish our meal it was pretty insane
But these are much older people in the matrix and safe to say they gave up long ago
 Talking in riddles and backwards sentences i know they were positioned to oppose me, because i have very few in my circle and it was an institution that was sent to drain me of energy and monitor my being as incredibly profoundly secret psychic beings
While i smile my heart out and treat all beings with loving kindness it is nice to catch the hateful glares when they notice me smiling
I am convinced that every single being in my family is aligned with either the Ku Klux Clan, Ladies of the Eastern Star, Hells Angels, or the freemasons or all in one
Because when they bring themselves out of your presence you have no verifiable interest in how they run their lives, they could essentially be a grand wizard and you would never know
And there have been comments made that would make me believe this and the riddles as well
This is amusing to even me , because it would be the system that would be doing this to me just as a sort of fuck you for all your sins you committed here and would target you, point the finger and target your friends and family as being an essential key to winning over your soul and your being
Its either that or i am adopted long ago or a patient of genetic testing or an alien birth of sorts and my birth certificate and the places i inhabit are not even governed by the country i am but under the national security act so even the police forces of my own country and the governance cannot even do anything about my situation
And the amusing part is this has probably been in effect since i was a teenager since most of my hardships were discovered between 14 yrs and 19 yrs
While now i attain to live the life of a non orthodox Buddha it is funny because i feel like i am the only one for miles and kilometres that is not inducted into slavery, or the luciferian mind, or darkness
That i am set free but i am a literal exile for opposing everything- my life is extremely isolating
But as a Buddhist monk i find this life to be extremely comforting and enjoyable
I know when my guy makes himself known i will be at a level where i can understand him completely but also be able to offer a non invasive loving nature.
I just hold some level of hope that he has it in is heart to respect my choices and my ability to take things a bit slower than most and the ability to be a free agent in society but also be able to live with some of my mistakes and some of my choices that i struggle with and essentially some of my enemies as well

I ask my guides to come find me and what i get is just fantastic mystery rodent
I had met a guy that looked like he had spray painted abs and wandered around a large city with him or they were alien but beyond perfect abs we were in the middle of nowehere riding around on a tiny fold up moterbike when he just upped an hopped in a car leaving me in the middle of nowhere alone so i watched him take off and i took off on the moter bike thing i drove for awhile until i found the big train station subway thing i am used to seeing
I saw a guy and wanted to go make out somewhere with him but i guess i wandered into a restricted area cause some asshole security guy came up and grabbed me and said get out of here and i said jeeze jerk you don’t have to be so rough so i said fuck it lets just make out here and me and the bloke just kissed while the freaky security watched us like a hawk
Next the   rodent took me to a courtyard and a store and i got a sample of a thing of juice and i was roaming through a courtyard when a girl that was sampling put some garbage in my juice at first i though she was a panhandler and since i was counting a thick stack of hundred dollar bills i became quite paranoid so i went to her manager and lodged a complaint i said the girl handing out samples and then after you drink the juice her putting garbage in it is just not acceptable in my opinion
I was still counting hundreds because the roll of them was so thick i couldn’t hold em
Next i arrived in a jeweller store with an adjacent garage and office
I had just finished delivering stuff by moped bike all over the city and found out i had made $910
And also had to photograph the condition of the engine of the moped
After my shift i was writing stuff in a jewellery store when they locked me in to write so i got a fortune cookie that said light as a feather and it blew off and then i looked in my hand it was there again then somebody was leaving a handicapped guy at the door saying they couldn’t care for him anymore

Encourage meh
Thoughtful bliss
Usefull state
Infused belief
Great thoughts
Untie meh
Watch him
But see that
They like us
But watch me
And look at you
And see it
Then say hi
And look forth
But see backwards
Why wait
Go places
And see all
-          Shaun A. Delage