Virtual Ministry Archive

jUsT DucKy

I don’t know why i bought $400 worth of pony beads on ebay when i last went to Vancouver on the zandaam cruise but i have given out 30 bracelets and now just dozens sit around all my buddhas necks in my room so 5 buddhas with about 4 or 5 bead bracelets per neck
I remember i had 85 total gave 30 out to people yay and now i have quite a few left over with about 300 bracelets left in beads, but i don’t think bracelets are my calling
I mean what the heck am i supposed to do with 300 bracelets man i would need very long arms, i seem to think i have long arms though so maybe i could wear 150 bracelets on each arm, although people would really wonder about meh
On halloween i tend to be a bit like blah over the people with bloodmarks on their faces and fangs
So i wanted to be a good vibration, although the vibe seems to take over alot of people i tend to think of myself as a balancing force. People are either drunk out of their minds or they are sugar fiending or rushing or the person is satanic lol
I have been really drained lately i know what it is too it is my art, i just came out with 40 pieces in the past few days and it is not only conceptualizing art pieces that nobody could copy, (even if they wanted too.) But also making art that hundreds of thousands are going to view....i had a precognitive dream about a characters name from a movie i recently watched about a guy that works at a diner that photographs things and a gallery saw his work and picked him up and gave him a cheque for $78,000 then he got super famous in the art scene, anyway the name i picked up was ‘richard holbrek’ and funny if you look far enough back in my pieces you will find the name in my poetry piece about people that went to an Arabian country and talked to a general named Richard holbrek about a guy that stole an elephant...anyways when the name came up in the show a few months later i thought fuckin hawt the stud in the show was a perpetual teen he was hot omglike imagine justin bieber but with like very late teen to early adult hood present, actually a datable guy haha
Not only that but now since my ebay ad has been up selling the rights to perpetual male pop art for $1,480,000 eye now view my computer and my mind as a trade secret
Which is always nice
Another thing i have been listening to is one of sai’s mantras on youtube it makes me think of the guru fondly rather than what the psychological operations of the west coast is broadcasting on us about the omni present guru. An embodiment of god on earth. He is not the only one, however there are many more if you look...i guess the point i am trying to make that if one of these godly type spirit entities enter your life, it is best to be appreciative of the lessons you learn, that will continue to layer on for years and years of evolution...something no government/givernment, establishment, society or faith can promise..In that is the true meaning of omni presence. So cbc and ‘seducing sai’ what are we gonna talk about next?
The melodic trance pervades me, not only because he has opposition, which might i add is reason to enjoy his presence even more. It is the reactionary state to a super ego. There are many that are against him and i understand that fully given the cultist mind that opposes me as a being. Yet when i venture out i am reminded of the class war and the war on the people wanting to attain the real human qualities that everyone inherently desires but it is being withheld continuously from those that want it
Much like a snapping turtle with a nasty jaw that would crush a knuckle or perhaps a stone.
So much of the world is here in the now... Much of the characteristic of those i oppose are present in even me, how could they not be...i need to know what i am talking about, don’t eye?
I have been on a romantic poet thing for ages, and i love it because i know he is out there and exactly what he feels, i guess being a blogger i feel him every half hour with every set of male eyes that lays their insight on my own hack3dvoyance.
I am in no rush to settle down with anybody. I have to be able to meet the supreme male, the one that has been better than all the last combined...Let me tell ya that takes one of the most powerful beings in Canada if not the world. Or their own country.
That is appealing?
Wouldn’t it not be
They not only look at my art and try and figure out who is behind it and youthfully scan my being with no insight into my own psychic abilities of perception but it is still the adoration of admiration
I can only imagine when my art goes viral or my writing goes postal.
From my understanding the average artist comes out with maybe a few groups of a few dozen pieces because painting and sculpting etc take so long in a sense my art has taken about 7 years of solid graphics inspiration to take effect so really each piece technically took about 2 months to finish so far, depending on your outlook, artistically.
One could say you come up with about 20 pieces in about 24 hours or about one per hour. But the way each piece drains me when i picture 90,000 sets of raver and perpetual youth’s eyes on my art that gets me and gets each piece and is damn hungry for more often pondering each piece obsessively
Without art there is no artist and without an artist there is no life

I ask my guides to find me and what i get is a nice delight i get a beaver, i love these things not only cause i used to have a beaver damn in back of one of my houses but also the slang terms  so lovingly attached to this animal out of ritual magic
(Much like the magic being broadcasted onto the crystal with it being two ends of the spectrum. Paradoxically it is appealing yet dissatisfying at the same time)
Somebody was a threat or something and sniper had to assemble on rooftops in a plaza and they were aiming at somebody in a car being driven and my car swung beside it and i shot the person in the neck as i drove by and they walked up to a building and went into a school and died in a corner where people were pulling the persons hair out
Of course the whole situation made me grief stricken it was ok though i can deal
Occasional walking
Theorizing in one
Individual obsess
Amazing style
Yet kicken degrees
And living a fourth life
Let alone dozenth to the triple
Forecasted indolence
Encouraging a stopped watch
But not only that but encouragement to intuition
-          Shaun A. Delage