Virtual Ministry Archive

ambient lighting

To say there are no secrets in society would be an amazing concept in itself...even a simple phone company must be built to handle levels of secrecy those levels of secrecy would be more pronounced as time evolves. But also to handle the amount of secrets that the phone conversations handle between people with varying levels of trade secrets and top secret government information etc but also have the ability to analyze and interpret varying levels of dynamics to do with the populace i always say that people just gab on and on on the phone and think nobody is listening and interpreting the information and it is a funny concept because the same could be said of why wouldn’t they be listening
This is also like this with the higher echelons of communication, with communication being the #1 form of secrecy where the highest levels of beings are evolved. Think of the amount of trade secrets, government secrets and personal secrets that email providers and phone companies have to deal with, then you have it right down to the analytical aspects of the shows we watch and the food we eat and nothing is unknown these days if you live a virtual presence you will understand that mostly everything you do online is repeated back endlessly back to your email quite a few times, from lists to passwords, to requests to receipts, just endlessly fed back to your email with no objection on your part
This constitutes not only a technological supremacy but also an information supremacy that is constantly trying to keep up with the individual amidst somewhat massive levels of evolution.
There are many types of matrix type incursions that have allowed massive amounts of energy to enter/exit our stratosphere be it with magic or actual spirits for example the nazi death camps the tragedy of 9-11, assassinations, royal weddings
People wonder all the time why our own society is so glorified yet we hear nothing of European royalty or celebrities or news from around the world unless you search for it
Many feel that enlightenment cannot be achieved in such a regional system of obsession how could you become enlightened amidst so much ignorance of the greater world.
It has been tested to exhaustion that while independence and intellectualism are favoured by a smaller clique and objectified and personified with an almost extreme sensibility the actual code to success these days lies in stupidity and sex based programming
The higher realms of situational programming exist if you search them out much like the tv shows queer as folk or ROME or other shows that enhance the human race massively with a devout following but are ripped away from people too soon leaving people to go back into their worlds of neglect and negativity only to wait until the next form of enlightenment finds them
When it is not the responsibility of the system to enlighten you it is your responsibility to evolve with the system but if you choose not to evolve along with time, simply because you are too busy or too involved in your ‘life’ then you must be prepared to feel the consequences for that choice.
Many of the programs we see glorify a few personality types only to make you have a love hatred for them so they ring out, while this is a good option, there are other things at play like the character being written about and formed to appease all personality types
The greatest game at play is to objectify our sexualities, while me being a gay man it would not make sense to evolve to a level of a straight man or try and change my programming and my desire i find still that my own culture has serious flaws when it comes to the personification of status, sexual orientation, societal dynamics, and inherently the notion of love
We must always be able to readily object to illusion, or illusion will keep layering on and always be willing to reprogram the matrix at will, and the matrix hates this....try it you will be surprised at the results
While the service programs working will happily take your money endlessly for a bag of chips or the water you need because if you don’t drink it you will gladly lick a puddle on the street
I mean they will take your cash but the second you try and add a personal touch to the interaction depending on the person most of the time, you are greeted with a level of hostility outside of the norm of programming.... you simply programming them is not allowed.
Many people hide behind policy=policing for the inherent dynamics of interaction the second something is out of touch there is alarm bells, and you are treated as a threat
The minute you try and challenge the system built up around you people frown and revert back to their policy
Quite the society to live in
And when i go about my daily interactions the GREATEST flaw i see is the capitalist mind. Mind you i am not a communist or a socialist by nature...maybe i would be if i researched it... but i am not ready to move to china just yet
I am a realist
People are taught in the west that you are a person if you are a slave and everyone else that isn’t a slave is beneath you. This programming instils the notions that even the most psychopathic and mentally disturbed people are something if they just submit to slavery and this ideology is existent because most of the most evolved people on earth have found ways around slavery while they leave the mentally disturbed people to work an 8 hour shift then miss out on everything around them meanwhile propping themselves up on a level that is higher than a street person, higher than an artist, higher than a pensioner, or somebody on welfare or disabled people or mentally challenged people or the urban poor
While this is beneficial in the short term, nothing is ever lasting in life and the person is punished for their slavery in a sense and also punished for the inherent wrongs they have become or broadcasted as a greater implication of their actions as a slave so in a sense you get a nice settlement for doing your deed but your actual wrongs that have been objectified as part of the group mentality or on behalf of the group in which you are a slave of come back to you
Be it with health concerns or negative issues all around.
But also your left to continue your constant craving for madness and collecting things that it comes to the point where that is all you are, there is no spiritual aspect there is no need to garner information because you have zero time, there is no time to look after you body there is no time for family only slavery and once you have offended all those you care about you have nowhere to turn, but other slaves that can feel your pain because they relate.
The most enlightened people it seems are the most reclusive which is why it is imperative to really analyze every present moment and second in complete dialogue when other people surround themselves in your energy
Not only to figuratively objectify illusion at play but also to reach out to those people that have been placed before you in the moment to heal
This is one of my greatest flaws is that i just race by people that i could truly learn from and also help heal and this by far is not all my doing
It is also fear that i will be hurt fear of people and fear of those that are like me, because i have been hurt so i am left to make myself happy and make others happy mysteriously and digitally rather than inclusively and courageously
I hope one day to change that part of me, but it something i must embrace as a part of me now as being a part of my character and it is much like a cat that you go to pet and it darts off for fear that you will hit it lol
While i have been shown what the fruits of your labour can produce.... be it with cruises or yachts or mansions... i am still not convinced.... seeing things from an advanced terroristic financial viewpoint that while i have been blessed to be spendthrift on occasion and also live in luxury it is all illusion really, collecting vast amount of wealth over your lifetime leaves the slave exhausted, seriously and secretly mentally unstable and inherently dissatisfied with their results. It only leaves you as a pawn for the aristocratic glorification of the systems war on individual minds. it seems the goal of the system is to prop up the stupider and more naive souls up to the leading realms of society while leaving the most advanced, intellectual and enlightened souls way in the back wondering why they have been forgotten in the grand scheme of things.
i tried to become a vegetarian for all of 12 hours before i literally started to starve to death given my high endurance life....i guess i have come to figure it all out, the essentially i dont need alot of meat to be happy just a more complex protein, and when soy is bad for you too, what the heck do you eat vibration wanted to stay sane essentially so i thank the animal for its sacrifice, that i may bring enlightenment to more people with its initial sacrifice- the middleground....essentially :)
I ask my guides to come find me and what i get is a nice interlude of magic i get a nice bull African buffalo and it took me to a concert where somebody started belting out synthetic rap to techno it sounded pretty phat and sick lol
Next the buffalo took me to a festival where i got to ride a half million dollar bike around when i tried to move it when i tried to ride the girl said i couldn’t test it and i told her i was probably the only one at this whole festival that could afford the bike and that i will have to decline her offer to test the bike and send a complaint to her boss, essentially costing her her job.
Next the buffalo took me to a house where i was serving a meal to people including a boss of mine and i was serving fish i had to use the washroom and discovered a freezer with a half slaughtered pig in it it was pretty gross and the toilet was sort of mobile like no pipes. I had lots of gum stuck in my teeth as usual .... L
The buffalo took me next to travelling where i was in a bus going across a country when we had to stop to eat somewhere in a field with all of these huts of traditional food and dancing from various cultures
I chose the native hut to dine in and they were dancing as well when i sat down they said people actually had to dance with them to get their food and a little girl handed an older lady some food wrapped in foil and she dropped it they said everyone has to do the happy feet to eat
next i started to shop for a portfolio to display my artwork in, of course i needed one that could fit over 300 pages in and i settled on one with alligator skin after looking at many that i thought were acceptable

Wondering where the stars take me next
Yet i evolve so casually abound in a time
The time is not my own and has no relevance
Yet i have an obsession with it
But not so much so
Because if i did like everyone else
I would age like everyone else
So better to not keep track of the day or month or year
And i just don’t get old like the rest of the common style
-          Shaun Delage