Wednesday, September 29, 2010

timing time

The matrix pains me matter what i think of myself i cant ignore some of the mindtorture they have ensued on my being....
I think of the mystery surrounding my family
Meeting a brother like being of mine my twin in the tower with the mason
Almost having a trinity

I think of how immediately i was infatuated with him Jason (jas son)
But then i think of how i just let the whole situation dissipate
Where would i have been if i continued on with that whole thing?
I would be one of the wealthiest in Canada at this point
But i would have had all of my own compassion and sincerity taken away
I would have lost my need for evolution and my desire to be free
I would have had every dollar imaginable at my disposal
I wonder about who i inhabit because most beings don’t actually go through experiences such as this
Meeting your Siamese twin and having them hit on you
I also remember that the trickery of satan extends far beyond anything imaginable
That quadrillions would be used to harness your souls power.
Not just my own but every soul on earth which is technically by definition only a few dozen souls to harness
The rest (thousands upon billions and millions) in relation to you are illusion to your own being
Even when you walk down the street it is illusion made to make you believe you are nothing
There is no evidence that all of those people are real
So in my own lifetime and through this experience with Masonic secrets i discover that mr. Lomax doesn’t matter to me.
That if he was my brother and he was in love with me or whatever who knows
He would have found me without the grandpa in the tower
He would have said “i have never met you but you are my brother now give me a kiss”
I would have said “thank you for finding me, i have wondered about you my whole life”
Now this situation is tricky
My other real brother or half brother was given up for adoption two years ahead of me
I was kept however
Now of course we found my supposed brother and he is in Ontario and he doesn’t look nearly anything like me but lomax was a twin per se a complete facsimile of meh
So this mind torture makes me wonder every day
And there is no other words to describe it other than covert mind torture
No wonder i am medicated
The nature of me being a monarch sex slave or better yet a monarch slave leaves me with very few in my circle and very little social skills
The only thing i want is love
I have been surrounded and showered with wealth without ever having any
That is the weirdest part to my life
I am wealthy without money
The people around me continue the illusion that i have never even had a traumatic life
That i am normal that nothing has happened to me that i am just some poor schizophrenic crazy kid
I almost have to remind people of the horror i have suffered with the literal carving up of my arms
And i am not aiming for attention
What i seek is peace
And love
Of course being into conspiracy and secrets there is some everywhere you look
But to ignore them is pathetic
To address them
Is the universe
To address conspiracy means that i myself can attack it with vigour and move on with my life
Move on from the torture and the mindgames and the illusion
Because the ones with hatred in their eyes look at me as i am some poor crybaby because they themselves have to endure much more torture than i do on other realms
Now this is funny because i don’t govern inside those realms so there is some theory that it doesn’t apply to me
What applies to me is the invisible beings that have been guiding my life and literally butchering me
What applies to me, is living in a loveless uncaring and hateful world
What applies to me is the fact that i have been in a super max prison for my entire life with no solace or freedom or beauty except when i look in my own eyes and smile at my own vanity
I walk by people that glare at me envious and i just look away and think to myself oh god how did they end up with that look
Meanwhile they are spending $700 in one purchase on their credit card
And i am like wtf is up with this place
People see themselves as higher than a god if they are locked into perpetual slavery
So they have the ability to position themselves so high up the ladder that they forget what it is like to be human
To have a cut on the finger or to cry
Or to get sick or to wash a dirty body or take out the garbage
Because what they let you know as their life is simply illusion
They are well dressed they are taken care of they have everything
You really don’t know who you are until you almost die a brutal death at the hands of invisible guardians of earth you never know what it is like to really cry or you can never look at somebody begging on the street the same way again
You never really know who you are until you meet somebody for anonymous sex and pay for money and they end up raping and beating you till you are pained with sadness that the world let it happen that you were forced to sell your body because everyone has been so cruel to you for your whole existence
You never really know what you can lose or what you can win without actually almost bleeding to death at the hands of a cruel lover
You never really know who you are until you do 10,000 (real estimate) crimes against people and you never really thought what you were doing was essentially bad.
In the name of COLTON HARRIS MOORE i understand your suffering
In the name of MICHAEL ALIG i understand the illusion of your crimes
In the name of Keanu REEVES i understand you more than anybody my fraternal brother
in the name of MichaEL JackSon and Sri Sai Baba I understand how the world has trapped you and blackmailed you
In the name of theory i wonder about the perpetual existence of the world
I also propose the argument that i am the prince of darkness
Now this would be a funny assumption because I would be a fallen angel of sorts but in direct connectivity with divinity and divine rule
I must have a full faculty of understanding and compassion and theory of practice
I must be able to exact a complete and shining revenge on the mindset that so willingly attacks others and hurts and kills and rapes without thought
I must have suffered a life with so much trauma that i would be vengeful against the mindset that has inflicted the trauma on me
And i am going to judge
I will exact the proper payment on those souls that have tried to harness my own soul
That my true father is the guardian of the planet most likely the luciferian entity that has created the entire earth and all the systems along with it including the creation of money
I am not the only prince of darkness however
But also i have many friends (all my relations) that will receive no judgement
Just a simple get out of jail free card and a pass out of this hell bound place
This is why so much effort is being done to make me believe i am nothing that i have had no trauma that i am not pained that i have not suffered that there is nothing to worry about
Excuse me?
When judgement comes
They will ask me to head the council on the actual and perceived sentencing of the earthbound cultists that have so willingly killed off my brothers and sisters in the fight for liberation
I am able to do my job with the full faculty of understanding and reasoning and because i simply know that any singular mistake in perception could essentially trap my soul in a hell based dimension of pain and torture unlike anything earthbound like being in perpetual surgery without painkillers
That i have the confidence to exact revenge on those that tell me i am sick or unnatural
That the illusion of the devil and divinity intertwined is simply too funny for words
Mostly i would make an excellent prince of darkness because there is not one ounce of darkness in my soul and it has been tested for deviance and sexual intrigue countless times and when proven that i possess an above average shining reference of character the individuals just simply make up lies call me names and say things that i would never do to another
I am sorry to say but get ready
Because the future is here
And it is up to me and a council of enlightened beings to decide whether each citizen of earth is worthy of evolving or if you will be trapped here forever
I can already feel the end point and it is beautiful and it is guiding me to write these very words
So when i live my normal life and think of making myself a simply chicken soup and chilling out and designing some rave clothes this is only so i can rest in this dimension to take me away from the massive theories i propose elsewhere
And the murderous revenge i help others to see because their fucked up twisted souls deserve every ounce of pain they get. Believe me.
Those that are thinking of giving up because their world is cruel and hateful
Please stay with me, and you will see what the long long wait is all about and you will see what kind of a effin blasted wonderful party we will all be doing.
When you live in a world where 98% of it’s inhabitants are illusion exacting war on the 2% i tend to stick up for my 2% because they are worth it, they matter and their tears inhabit my soul
That i aim to guide them into a lifetime of beauty and perpetual existence of fruitfulness and love
Because these 98% already have it all and they do everything imaginable in their power to make sure us 2% actual real and verifiable human beings have nothing
Time to turn the tables so the 2% rule the cosmos
Stick with me, the wait will be worth it my friends on the path
A superbuddha would never belong to an ism or faith or give into established religion of dogma.
-          Shaun A. Delage