Virtual Ministry Archive

timespace elusive theory

Obviously sick and in need of healing
Phase into all clothes ripped off and freezing in the hypothermic winter in front of a temple
The emergency services are called to certify you
And help you heal....right?
So what exactly could happen while you hope to be healed by the Vancouver general hospital
You are stripped and forced to wear either yellow pajamas or blue hospital gown
If you are a non emergency admittance you must wear the sanctioned uniform for a period of time before you become an international united nations citizen
At which time any treatment may be done to you legally without any penalty in any country bound legal system because the international system outranks the country bound law
Where by admittance onto hospital property which must be on par with an embassy due to the large amount of international emergencies
All treatment is considered under the realm of planetary maritime law so anything considered shady or brutal can be done without any given thought to the treatment of animals under their care
In my case i was forcibly confined to a stretcher after trying to escape this geneva code violation in progress after i took my bracelet off and threw it at a nurse thinking they cant identify me legally
She took that as an assault which i don’t know why since it weights .24 MG
She asked 4 private security officers to tie me down to a stretcher while she administered 2 shots in my knee
When both mixed together they materialize as a special entity that can induce pain and control your movements and control bodily fluids and enzymes
So at this point i did call on the power of the Christ to observe this situation in progress
The medication also put me to sleep allowing the being to fully form over a period of 3 hours
How this treatment is permitted to exist in a free and modern country with love for its citizens is beyond me
It comes down to them being free and legally able to give you any treatment necessary without judicial appeal or process ....You cant even call the police on this crime because i did try that to report a war crime in progress and they shut the phone on me and confined me again
Forcible confinement in medicine is a controversial practice and one the secret entities enjoy
It enables them to get as many beings as possible into peoples legs as they want and legally
I just know i was under the impression that i was there to be healed
While i was stripped of identification, a belonging, a country, and my humanity
Forcibly confined , forcibly mutilated and forcibly sedated
Also i had an alien/robotic being inserted into my living body
I was marked with the burn on my left temple
So that was all they needed to identify me as an enemy of masonry and an enemy of the state and an enemy of the occult and an enemy of luciferianism
I have always wanted to expose the roots of our problems in Canada
But most people don’t live to understand what exactly is done to them
I have always strived for full enlightenment
Of not only me but all of my relations
But better yet as well the release from of all beings from secretive captivity
How is it all allowed to happen
Why cant they just leave us alone in peace ?
Why hasn’t anybody figured it out
It is done in small bits by seemingly unrelated entities all doing their part over many years
Because time is illusion
There are scattering spells in place by individuals you would never guess are aligned
It is sad yes but it is even worse in the more hell based realms because they aren’t so secretive
Now in the present and in the imposing future i work and aim to align myself with the more angelic qualities of existence
Not out of ego based desire
Because it is the toughest road to take
I have lived a teenage hood with pure crime and heartache and trauma and in their eyes i deserve this treatment and more
It used to be their way you would be publically executed or tortured
The illusion is that it doesn’t exist
But they have mastered the art in making you harm yourself
It is more secretive these days by beings that see themselves as upholding the justice of existence and protecting the evolving timeline from being destructed
It must be done in secret (torture) because when your living under the facade of a democratic society where by virtue you are the freeist countries on the planet you are under a state of Islamic rule
We are so amused with the prospect of 5 political parties
What an illusion
There should be hundreds in a true democracy thousands at best
It is a COMPLEX dictatorship (Canada)
Under the jurisdiction solely by the United states freemasonic governance, the united nations, saud’s and islam and Britain then you have the more satanic oversight and of course those aligned with protecting virtue above all but they are rare indeed
So much talk of borders, properties and ownership, rules etc
There are those much higher up that can mark somebody for death and essentially release a legally binding death warrant on you even in Canada which opposes the death penalty
Safe to say i have met and mated with THE highest and conflicting governance in my country
There was paths that included my death but several times i resisted and had divine and the most caring and beautiful compassionate intervention
Only reserved for those most deserving by virtue of the supreme, most high, godly, Buddha, creator, dharmic, feline, and all powerful energy of the faculty of creators.
Without that intervention i would have been eradicated from the planet long long ago and it has happened about 10 times so far where by my own choice was given an exit point
Which was decided on my behalf that i have much to offer
The only thing saving my being at this point is my life being in the public domain
When you live on a curse bound rock and a hell based world you have to be extra careful
Because many will allay that life is simply to have fun get drunk and party man and fuck everyone you meet
When it is not a game
It is life or death by severe mutilation, bodily fluids leaking from every part of the body and limbs literally being hacked to pieces
This is the nature of the reality we all face but dually ignore while drowning ourselves in intoxicants to hide our mind from figuring out the true totality of our existence
Because the public domain life will save only because my guidance is not permitted even 1,000,000 KM/miles close to earth by virtue of satanic decree
I still see myself as any average young adult
What they hell would they want with meh
What purpose do i emulate
Why pick on meh
I look like a boy
Why the hell would they attack me
I don’t go around drinking blood
There was many crimes against the secret beings that issued my death warrants and many regional overlords got hold of my lower level contract which they were unable to process the higher forms of the contracts if i should evolve
It stated in secret that my crimes and the bounty for my soul would bring a financial reward and also the release of their being from the hell realm and the matrix – this is what is promised to many of the beings around you and i
When i was a youth my bounty was set at $10,000,000 because of course the luciferian mind knows that if i should evolve i am an extreme threat to the entire system
Now because of the publicity caused with my life entering the public domain the bounty is set at around the $100,000,000 mark because if i should lose my life then there would be a ton of allure and evidently the entire system would collapse in a sense- it would bring ALOT of power to what i write about and that would go against the goals of the matrix and the system
So not only because of my captivation piece but because with the conspiracy there would have to be an extreme risk and karmic implications to end my life and the entire solar system will be put in jeopardy
Sounds lunatic or egotist i know but that is not my aim
Safe to say one billion masons would glorify in my death but they are much better off keeping me alive and housed and rewarded then to be mutilated again in the public square
The Buddhists believe you need a male body to attain full enlightenment
My last incarnation was aprox. 2000 years ago
Now this is funny because it is actually happening this very moment
I was female and my beauty striking
They are aware of my incarnate but mostly because the incarnate can incarnate into sometimes dozens of beings on earth so there is no egotist desire to lay claim to being the only cleo but also given the nature of Egyptian magic and ritual the being was fractalized
And on a few conditions permitted to reincarnate
1. To be reborn into a different gender to avoid detection
2. Be born into a life of poverty – at least the first half anyway
3. To bring to light the greatest modern conspiracy known to humanity
4. Made to exist if nobody cares
5. To live a curse bound existence on all relations closest to you
6. To work to attain the possibility of being the only enlightened being on earth
7. To be born of a much later time to avoid detection
8. To be surrounded by ancient surrealism and ritual in modern times
I only write with the fear that one day my hands will give out
I only do my art and other things with the hope that if that is the case i have something to market and fall back on
This aspectual awareness leads me to do the work of the most divine
I have much to fall back on if that does happen
The cleos were the original alien bloodline of the Christ energy
And it does not matter what bloodtype you were born with
It matters of the actual Christ consciousness attaching itself to your soul and being able to guide your singular consciousness with a loving and most high embrace for the actual progression of your soul
Also being able to be tweaked into a super existence
One where you are simply proclaimed to be the one that resists all alien hell realm mindset
And you attain to be an actual living human being on earth which by its very nature is unattainable because there are about 1,000,000 earths and none of us are actually human, it is an illusion
Those that display the characteristics of being inherently human have no course of action on a planet built on sadistic and selfish desire
It would take quite the being to be the oversight for one million earths but i can tell you the being exists and it has the power to hurt and heal and make miracles and help you discover yourself and your surroundings amidst so much secret doctrine and secret proceedings
The illustrious nature of life will never be revealed just like one billion members of the royal order of the garter will never be revealed as well
I ask my guides to come find me and i get a nice and beautiful crow
Now these birds are generally loud mouthed and eat trash but to them they enjoy being free and enjoy being alive and not having to pay taxes or live in a home
It took me to a moterhome/spaceship-whatever!! where i was getting tanked with a straight boy
He was blabbing on about womens sex parts
We were drinking straight rum and i was so into him omg
I want him
I look over and somebody was actually driving us around
How cool is that
The crow took me to my next place
I was sitting in an open field in the presence of a guru
Where i told him that i have a degree in divinity
He didn’t believe me and asked me to leave his presence
So i left and wandered through the park a bit frustrated
And came upon a book or magazine and i asked it to show me my future path
And the magazine flipped open and it had an alien looking cute guy and it said in big letters that my future was coming
The crow came by and brought me to a school
In the boonies in Hicksville small town and i told a girl if she smoked a smoke through her nose i would give her $5 and she said she would do like four or five times lol
I wandered away into an open field nearby and felt the lonliness of the small town living and the weirdness of being so isolated where everyone knows every core fibre of your being
I could see a stuffed sheep in the field but it was only a stuffie about real size and i ran my hands through its fabric body
The crow took me next to a city and i was wandering around man i love huge cities
I walked up to a hostel and asked the asian lady how much she charges and she said $2 per night
I walked away thinking man that must be a dive
There were these mini like store all over about the size of a closet or about 3 or 4 people wide
I was trying to catch a cab on the street and a funeral procession came by and then set up a dinner and they asked me to join them
How beautiful
I had a chicken meal and there was some carrots and i looked across from meh and saw a lady having mac and cheese but the noodles were longer i just wanted to get to the airport to fly out but i was content being around these people for a dinner to connect me to my own humanity
She taught me a word i like = emeate
Amusing thoughtful and never a dull moment
Exciting energetic and stable in a sensible reasoning
Cautious wanting to test if your stability minded devoted wanting to work towards a true partnership
I see him and think deep encouraging eyes
I find comfort in what he does
Not a sellout per se
So i find solace in actually wanting to get to know him
I figure he may be sick of the status quo of men likewise i am too
Why not settle for the highest form of developed mind
I speak with him and find i love every word but not only that
An escape from my own pain based world and thoughts
He wants to know my darkside yet i have always ignored that part of meh
I only aim to evolve
I have not found this being in any other soul i can feel it
I just want to be able to resist all of my secret enemies so that i may experience the highest form of affection available
The most convincing bliss state and the most beautiful embrace i have wished for in my impressionable existence
- Shaun A. Delage