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meh chav

Urban designer scally/chav stud

A young male, 17-35, who lives in a generally working class area. He has his hair cut short, 1 inch on the top, # two on the back and sides, he will sometimes be seen with an earring of Zirconia quality in his left ear or sometimes both. He will sometimes wear a Man-Bag, cK boxer briefs, a stylish jacket but not like the average Chav, they will do it so one can't actually tell without close inspection that they are tucked in They have a general cocky attitude to life, "fuck em all", or so is the image they give out. They are generally not academic, but better with more practical jobs, i.e. Plumbing, Electrician Bricky etc.. They go out to places, branded cool, nightclubs and bars in the town centre are their favourite, where they wear Lacoste or Designer Dress Shirts wiht the collar buttoned down (Oxford Shirt) You Know what I mean The aura of addidas or calvin klein cologne when they are out, the men do find this particluar genre of people attractive as they are seen as the "boys". As they are generally quite confident and tend to fit in because there is so many Designer Scallys out these days. They tend to drink quite alot, mostly friday, saturday and sunday. JD, pints of lager sometimes Champagne, some would argue they are the "Noveau Riche". To pay for this lifestyle some as I have said are in a trade as a majority of designer scallies see academic achievement as worthless, some work in a dead end shitty job and some deal drugs. Some but not all like to sniff cocaine at weekends or maybe of MDMA or have a cheeky spliff now and again. The are quite hypocritical by nature.. however they dress up sort of like designers and you will see them with their sometimes "real" designer sun glasses on, but most of the time they wear them propped up on their heads not actually on their face even when in a nightclub or it is not even sunny. They wear kicks such as Adidas Y-3's, but will wear anything that is fashionable, Paul Smith, them FUCKING Plimsoles etc.. When going to town they will sometimes wear them shoe/trainers with that shiny black material which does look a bit tacky. The generally can always find hawt males as they are confident, but this is due to the amount they drink....or the fact they have been going out for the same "Ken doll" boitoi for a long time, probably since high school, where they focused too much on gettin some cock instead of gaining some credits, because they were too fucking lazy and stupid to get into a college. This listen to most commercial pop-dance/RAVE and sometimes but rarely CHAV/INDIE-CHINDIE bands such as King of Leon, Kooks which a majority of real indiepeops think are Lesbian Dick.  They are gererally exclusive to citys such as Manchester.. Birmingham, London, and maybe Liverpool, metro cities in Canada like Vancouver and Toronto and montreal places like san fran .. Although alot of places are still well behind and still have CHAVS dressing in Reebok Classics, Burberry (Hats) and wearing tonnes of golden rings, a Designer Scally would probably take the piss and spit on these out dated Chavs as they are seen as tramps. Designer Scally go in bars and try and live the "high life2 wheras CHAVS sit outside off Licenses and maybe a pub, but rarely. Examples of where to find these Outdated CHAVS are WALES, SOME PARTS OF SCOTLAND AND GENERAL BACKWARD AREAS THAT STILL LIVE IN THE Late 90's. A Designer Scallies family was probably always working class and maybe had a football hooligan element, that the father was involved in the Casual scene of the eighties and now the son has looked up ot the father and trying to become hooligan in the present day. Good Films to watch about the rise of the Designer Scally would be Football Factory and Goodbye Charlie Bright, but these are from the early 2000s therefore the fashion and general aura has changed in the last 5+ years. Some also like what their fathers used to like such as Oasis, Stone Roses, Stranglers etc...(Scally-ish bands), but this bring the CHINDIE element into the Designer Scally's persona. Some Designer chavs luck out and make it big, finding their soul in their purpose however the passing grade still sits at under 4 % the rest drink their lives away and watch it fly by and never come back, becoming something of a graduated hipster and entering into the full adult realm around age 40 –it is very easy for these boys to pass as boys way up until age 45 they were blessed with striking looks, incredible luck and shining happiness...The introverted designer chav is somewhat of a mystery .... where do they spend their time? What do they do? How do they do it, most times they just stare at their own cock and meditate but other times, it is fulfilling an internal desire to be buff and uphold the ARIEs Quality of being the first to do things no matter how insane it sounds or how much the luck is against you. Mating with one of these wildbois if you can catch one on the way out to the limo can be fierce baby.