Virtual Ministry Archive

yellowjacketz- Shaun Delage, Shaun Allen Delage, Shaun A. Delage, raver, rave, gay men,

I looked out into my subjects yards and parcels of land
Being the true royalty i am i ponder their nature while standing 100 feet above it all
This has happened countless times...
This morning felt different
Grey day and i can see the clouds swelling
In the distance i noticed a large tidal wave coming
Another behind it
Not even tsunami
Way bigger and more horrific
It covered my subjects houses
The pure sickness of it all made me gasp
In one swoop they were all gone
I rushed to wake the princess
I was whisked away with a royal court
We found ourselves in a kids store
Which is great
I focused in on the scratch and smell stickers
1. Popcorn
2. Dill
3. Hotdog
4. Pop

Scratched em and let a few youngins smell
We all giggled
How could this be
The wonders of a modern court i say to them

The kids and i started sticking them all over and it was funny
Because the retail sales people were grimacing

But they couldn’t do anything about it
I was very very well dressed
Sort of a cream tweed jacket and some gold buttons
French cuffs sticking out
Form fitting pants

I saw a guy a cross the way that caught my eye
He was buying some deejay headphones from a booth

I went up
Looked at him
Blonde, shaggy hair, loose fit jeans and a white tee and puma shoes

I looked down at his hand and stroked it lightly and he smiled
So i grabbed it and held it and even put it up to my chest and took a breath

We walked on with paparazzi following
Some Persians looked at us from the distance
Laughed and pointed

I said its not right in their culture or something but i didn’t care
I was staring at his package and not the Persians

We went and bought a few things then walked out to the waiting Daimler
And went for a drive while i kissed his neck and soaked his fingers in rose water

And licked it off

We drove thru the countryside
Stopped at a lookout

There was a couple talking nearby
After hearing their accent
I asked them if they were from Maryland

They said yeas we arre
She offered me a cookie which was great cause i could share it with my guy
We hopped back in our ride

We were heading to Chicago for some reason
We both had to take a leak on the way

So it stopped near a sidestreet
Right at boystown
Dashed nervously to an alley
Behind some trashbins we let it all loose

Whew relieved
We looked at each other
From out of the door way came a few guys

They said something to the effect of
Hey making Chicago beautiful are we

It was funny because they said your bigger than
the average guys we see around here

feeling embarrassed at our puddles leaking down our feet
i said hey are you guys gay too?

They said yea, and fuck...we enjoyed your little show
All of a sudden they morphed into bee’s and yellowjackets

But huge mothers

Like crazy huge and started to sting us
We ran and ran from those freaks
Fought on with our legs

It was sublime my trip
I hope you will join me next time

- Shaun A. Delage