I saw an old picture of a friend
The face had been replaced by a canine head
Was kind of nasty
Although i love dawgs
This one was a bit odd looking
More sasquatch
A bit on the alien orgy side
Not one you would imagine on an earthen realm
Nose out of place
A few extra eyes
Slime coming from organs or features i am unaware of
I put the picture down
And walked down a super long hallway
I was told that if i walked thru the door
I could put away the picture for good.
Hand on doorknob
Sweaty palms slide as door opens
Only to reveal a guy laying on his side
Kinda half asleep
Probably been waiting a bit
I walked up
He kinda stirred
I got within breathing distance of him
Let out a gasp and locked lips
Not just your average kiss either,
I started with a slow lick of his top lip then went into the full
French kiss
I just wanted to suck that jocks face for ages
The rainbow started filling the room
His shirt came off
And we hugged
We didn’t need to go further
That time and romantic vibe was enough to last for all of eternity
I just wanted to hold him
Say everything will be ok m8
You will be free soon enough
I shut the door looking back and smiling
Till we meat again my hawt friend.
-Shaun A. Delage