Virtual Ministry Archive

swift action - Shaun Delage, Shaun Allen Delage, Shaun A. Delage, raver, rave, gay men,

Perpetuation of my more spiritual inclination
Then told it is illusion
½ belief in the fact that it was nvR there
To begin with
So what to dissolve
Few and far in between
Fate my own spiritualist side
To be kept to oneself
To know
And to trust
That only you
And your creator
Aware of your inherited gifts
Not meant to be put on display
Not meant to be sold
But meant to be used on your path
Of self discovery
Creating words
Issuing spelling mistakes
Hating those around you
With a kindly love
But also a loving compassion
For they are going through the same that you are
Either a lil slowed down or a lil enhanced
My life has be illustrious
Some of the regal stature i have met
Would have me believe i am them
Or that i could bring them down
That is not my purpose
My purpose
Is to constantly challenge this programming
To constantly challenge the system at play
I know its there
Even if it doesn’t want to be found
or seen
i know
it exists
and it
knows me
to be at peace with just simply being alive
not giving others fame by your own suffering
would make them completely astounded
and would make them figure
it was all just a waste of time
my own souls progression is key to growth
the future progression of my own soul
the innate gifts i was born with
but never needing to display
the system is very quick and efficient
meant to help you make your choices
with a swiftness that is unseen
if you are wise
and listen to .when. the uni.verse catches up
(and it takes some time)
The wheels of the universe move very slowly
As opposed to this reactionary vibe
You can change the programming of the system
Over yourself
Alter your life
In a subtle way
Then the system has to figure out a new path for you
The essential cat and mouse game
-Shaun A. Delage