As always the stars wander the night
Forgetting the past days issues in the galactical realm
The stars were there but rather drowned out
So they would never know
What they do know is, that the universe is always posing more questions
Than solid answers
Deeper than a soul
more timid than nature
living mysteriously the stars shine on
trinkling light around
envisioned a galaxy nearby
broadcasting on other levels
specs of stars
brighter than others 7000 times their size
a star shines on
holding the secrets and the pain of the universe
the old poetic prose was done on notepad, napkins, in the sand
these days it is in the form of text
easier on the hands and wrists
much easier to write ten thousand pages in text than the traditional way and manner
silly me for wondering of fate
funny you for looking for some reasoning
what a notion of trying to find some balance in all of this
/me wonders if there is any harmony in other realms
For most the intuition of the poet is never talked about or even known
That like the psychic
Nobody knows how it is done or what type of mind
Dreams it up
Many will always wonder
Many will try
But who succeeds
Either living between hyper intelligence or urban stupidity
The wisdom of the sages and warriors
It is all happening as it has been
As it should be
Not as you want it
Living inside of a Truman and Matrix complex or p[aranoia]
What else is there left but to dream this up
A creative mind
A hunted mind
A mind with no finality
On a search for discovery and admired for doing so
From a distance
Not many can handle a constantly speeding aura
The meditation catches up with me at times.
Circling the globe
In auric sphere
In billions of shooting stars darting outward from the centre of the earth
I wont tell you which colour, but used to be white. Never again.
In clouds and vapour extending beyond that of natural awareness
In solid form just simply protecting the inhabitants
In forms that develop as the energy is extended
Leaves one open to vulnerability of an intuition sync
One would assume that we are the only living gods on earth
/me thinks that many others are vying for the spot
A personable energy or a solid nature
Forgotten ones
Watching from the darkness
Elusive ones
Swimming by in orbs
Blue ones
Purple ones
Red ones
Mix together
Inter habitat
Particuli of a healing coastline
Wanders on by to catch a glimpse
Circles above to see that which is unseen
Or to see from another level
The people of the fields
The wonder of our limited comprehension
The dimensional travelling
If there is such a word
To feel confident in talents
To expel negativity
To aimlessly wander about wondering about a certain role or place you have here
To be by ones side without hesitation
To ignore the creeps.weirdos.loons
Takes some skill
Although i wonder
Perhaps they just don’t know how to communicate
Perhaps they have been hurt and are continuing that pain
Nobody looks around and believes they are a god
But to be like a god is another story indeed
To talk to god is a whole other chapter
Of course you can !
They are not that busy
Nor too busy to ignore you, here
Not one being is forgotten
Many care ./more\. about their species
The illusion that there is nobody there...
The exclusive thought that nobody cares -.- when we in fact do
The love for each creature on the planet
The struggle of sexuality
The guiding kisses of the quieter beings
The wisdom of the five invisible ones
The correct nature of the timelines
The ability to alter 1’s own with skill
The star power of being able to heal a soul
If you and i are so unique
How is it that we are able to share a sense of belonging in some fashion
Such an outwardly viewpoint would leave one making assumptions
Only knowing that an adepts path would be chosen for them based on their own intellectual capacity
Being able to understand the part of your life
Trusting in the harmony of life
But watching every choice made with a desire to understand it more
The necessity to live a life with ease and care
To be free from danger
To be in complete peace
And to love oneself and guide others while being able to achieve real happiness
- Shaun A. Delage