Virtual Ministry Archive

retractivescent scent - Shaun a. Delage, Shaun Allen Delage, Shaun Delage

Seduced by colour so fictional
In place
Seems rather trivial to me
Wonder of a thought out of place
Vibe out of self
A video game
Crazy/perverse realities
Playing out in hyper duality
Springing into action
Per second
No spectrum
Only shaded illusion of the colour wheel
Buy me, buy this, i will sell a soul of my senseless self.
I don’t understand my very nature of being
Why sell out so early
Systematic corruptive stare
Amusement for beings trapped in infinite market wisdom
Singles out a being as being intolerant
My soul is far more beautiful and precious than ever thought possible
I would never give into gradual dismay
Or loss of singular reflective self
To be part of elusive illusion
Always super imposing scattered delusion
Just be us for every part of life
U still get you
But you also get me
What is there not to love?
I think i’ll stick with me only
Thx so much
You keep you
I keep me
I stay i
Ours is no more but never ending thought form of fringe reflective bliss
Natural being-solid matter
Shaun A. Delage