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raver prince - liberation, buddha, gay empowerment, plur, dimensional, dimensions, poet
The tarnished soul without meh
Only to sound somewhat indecisive
Every speech set out to scare me
Yet it does, quite the opposite
It intrigues me
Somebody i know i could love
Yet the thoughts to simply take care of them
even when they are sick
haunt my soul
so many so, would be damaged
but not want to reveal the pain
anxious to find more than what is being offered
scattered visions
of forgetting whom your here to meet
The union, if permitted in ur home world
based on love and companionship
would save the very nature of your soul
but also lead you to where you would never go normally
to sell the very nature of your soul
so that you can provide your soulmate with love and comfort
keeping you both from being destructed
my piece of the forecasted wealth is that of a paradox
a living Buddha amongst millions
perhaps even a Buddha living next door
or down the street
or you jog next to one
People know what they know
He is the force of the soul
To come together
They just don’t understand
More of a royal sphere perhaps
But i look at his nature and see alot of myself
But understandably so
I see more of something i hope to be, and attain to be
Furthering my own need for completion
And the balance of harmonies in place
Knowing to myself
I would not leave the energy alone
To unite with his familiarities
Like friends and relatives
Not live in the shadows
But live in the open
Unite him with his love for others and for himself
And let him know he is gifted in ways that i only would know about.
Kingly perception
Ultimate diversion of purpose
Sordid reality of fate
The knowing to succeed
The power of belief of the thoughts of our time here
incredible energy,
one marked with feminine overtone
i adore this beauty but outwardly masculine
butch energy based stratosphere
i know he is not perfect, and never will be.
I hope he indulges in the same thought for meh
Our calling may never happen in this time or our next incarnation
I know
If it was meant to happen
It will
It should
And the universe will allow
And most of all wants it to happen
People desire him to meet his soulprince
And the same for me
Without each other
We will never be complete
Without meh he will nVR temper his soul
He will never calm his self and rest and heal for the rest of existence
Without him, i will never feel my direction
I will nvR be a fully awakened and enlightened being, always wondering where he is
Because the raves stop your being and your face from growing past a certain age
The search for him, is always out der
My soul guides those that need it
It is much better than living in complete ignorance of suffering
The beauty my king inhabits is astounding
- Shaun A. Delage