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frog of the tropics- liberation, buddha, gay empowerment, plur, dimensional, dimensions, poet
The vision of myself as you
The vision of you as me
The philosophy of neither
The most heavily advertised introspection these days,
is that..... this is all illusion
i can see that
i mean , i don’t see it in full form
just with the way people are treated here
vs. How i am treated in other realms,
other places i inhabit
usually every historical reference is available to the many and many get sad when pondering this reality
but it cannot be taken as a truth
unless you have physical and spiritual evidence that it took place
i imagine a movie set warzone and people spreading thru word of mouth that this all happened
yes, it did happen, just not here as we know it
mostly elusive truths
things happening in other places and easily trademarked and sold to people here because mostly the rulers here have run out of creative ideas, only we have them, but with their limitless wealth...
They can buy them
Elusive truths that R mainly kept in place to further enchain us and instil fear in us
That we need the countless arbitrary systems in place, the alien language, the figureheads
Of course, it could all be worse
It could be way better as well
The greatest conspiracy at play is the thoughtform that the conspiracy exists
That there is greater secrets , that you too can be involved in, you just have to do a few things...
Of course the illustrious nature of the darkened cults
would have every soul believe that there is much more to the picture
than what you are being offered and of course when one submits to the cult
Doors open, you are always given a job for your entire life, your given safety and security and a fat paycheque while the rest suffer – at least your ok.
Never really understanding
how your matrix of a language affects others, in drunken ramblings
Or hinting at psychic prowress – understanding the depths of somebodies soul that you have just met
Being able to take a job that doesn’t really require working
Unlike the people that are building the earth around us.
The enlightened ones could never be together
But we will show the world what will happen when 47 of the most enlightened beings come together and pronounce a new age of enlightenment and beauty for every living being
To resist the markings of the underlords
To become our most higher and insanely beautiful selves
Because the chosen ones will not be weak
The chosen ones have to be very strong in body and mind
The others, sadly i will not say what will happen to them
Because it is going on all around us this very moment.
I ask my guardians to find me, in this mess and take me somewhere
What i get is a beautiful little tropical frog
Orange feet yellow belly and a cute look
I almost laugh when i see it
I say jeeze ur just kewt
The frog hopped right into a new place which is fun, just like a holodeck
I was in a housing area, lotsa people, stuffed into places where they can obsessively watch what is shown to them, eat what is given to them, cause meaningless drama with those that matter nothing to them.
I looked over at a guy, and thought he was my brother, not a real brother more of a fraternal brother
Many of my ex’s are like this i thought
I have searched for true love countless times, only to be physically mutilated, hurt , cheated on, assaulted, lied to, hated....
It would seem, that the men i go after i love them insanely, but it is not returned, sad enough for me.
He told me, that there was something about my bloodline, native people, and other factions that i am unaware of, because the information is so harming and so unbelievable that it cannot be processed in this realm. Secrets lies and power i was told.
I look over and see a newscaster- whom almost looked alien, like most do....shooting a story on a soap opera about native people in Canada and the genocide that has taken place, and is currently taking place
The only reason for this, is the actual bloodlines of the land have inherited the power of the land, and this is not attainable by the more colonized beings because they are not welcome to that body of knowledge. This is why the killing, the hatred and the suffering continues against the people that rightfully have inherited the land and uphold the safety of the beings here
Sadly enough once all original members of the nation are eradicated, the power is transferred
This applies to everywhere on the globe. Not just Canada
The frog hops by
Which is great i was starting to get a bit numb
I was in an older city , sort of like little Italy in Toronto or new Orleans type architecture
A band procession was walking by
Beautiful i thought
A person with a flute walked by and made high pitched beautiful sounds
They were playing for a cafe and a figurehead that is the shadows, but they don’t want to be named
Very middle eastern sounding
Which is very beautiful
The men are striking
And boy would it be fun if they could play together without the fear of being mutilated to death
Like the freedoms we have here
The frog hopped by
I didn’t want to go
The music was so beautiful
I was in a skool line, which is funny...cause schools-condos – super malls and men inhabit my travels
I wanted to get my baggy raver ghast pants on, the blue ones with grey squares on the knee or the fluorescent orange ones with tassles out the side
I needed a warmer coat as well
I had a super cute buddy with me, that i kept smiling at
Although i did go to the washroom to try on the clothes i didn’t get anywhere because of all the sex that was going on. I was in there for over an hour !
Basically we were all preparing to be going on a trip somewhere
Which is just fantastic for me, i love it !
But the frog hopped down from above
Oh no, but ok i will hop on ur slimy back lol
I arrived in a van and was with an ex’s family looking for parking in a mall
I was making sandwiches
I dunno why
But i was focused on making the mayo perfect
Then i find out that we are going to a restaurant to eat
Of course me being curious as i am,
I look out the window and notice
A guy biking in couture briefs
Like, omg i look around, and nobody seems to notice but me
The way he raised his hips to peddle.... left quite a bit for the imagination.
The frog noticed me looking and i hopped on
We arrived at one of my new apartments
I guess i wasn’t staying for long
I am in a new apartment every night
Like a terrorist being shuttled from safe house to safe house
I opened the fridge and saw a pineapple
So i peeled a piece off, it seemed to come off in strips
I look down and notice where the fridge is, it slants up
Like a ramp /
On my way to the drugstore to get a few things for my place i heard of somebody
Saying i had to watch out for a Disney actor, they killed hundreds of people
And to watch out for the chips and pineapple, that combo is enough to kill a common animal.
Guided by my own impressions
apart of the ancient order of the rose
I don’t let other sway me
I look at my own Buddha spirit
I see you in the light
for alot is tough to take in
a genius will always be detested
and hurt and only loved in their death
i may be the one that will show you your future
but the only one that you can depend on
is yourself.
- Shaun A. Delage