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flooded - Shaun a. Delage, Shaun Allen Delage, Shaun Delage
Gigantic mall
Hallways filled with water
Huge half rooms filled with water
Seaweed floating
A bit gross
Of course the sight of people, like me...
Carrying slabs of meat
I tend to feel a bit odd
So i look over and see a giant crab swimming
Really, only red meat and fish
I guess
So saves the bird world
Luckily i waded thru these pools of slime
And found myself in a room with a teevee camera
Buncha candy ravers
Making candy
Everyone talking, which is great cause at least it gets my mind of the rest of this place.
Right next to this room is a room with a bunch of Chinese incense and some super tiny buddhas
Some gold, platinum, onyx, no jade though.
I wonder if i can go clean some seaweed off that giant crab?
Ah i dig this techno vibe
I will stay here for a bit - Shaun A. Delage