Rev. Shaun Delage Psychics, Masons, Illuminati, Schizophrenia
Personal and Confidential
The cold blackness had me in, 3 nights on a greyhound bus: Going where most fear to tread. Nature wanted me to take this trip, Why was it so hard to continue in Vancouver?Now I must begin in Montreal. I knew me going to Quebec with $99 was a difficult decision to make, wait, "mason" can send me back.
Somehow it felt right, I'm kinda mad at some of the choices I have made.But, I feel I have to get away from the Hidden Interdimensional cameras.
The mirrors were following me around. And secretly my brain needed more chemicals.Schizophrenia had me dashing across the country, with nothing but myself.
Quebec is too expensive, Canada is too confined. Why was I born in Canada and not India? Black is what color? Shady distinctions and mystery surround black.
Our existence is that of capital and empire and gluttony- Help black, I need your help.Makes me feel numb. In denial and protected centuries spent surviving and centuries spent dyeing. And protecting the faith of billions.
Burnt in the Rockies,Everyone misunderstandsan egg/lime cavern inthe mountain.
Gouged by the lasic bluegreen prismic waters.A1000 foot deep lakeholds the magic of the universe.
A deep and complex mode of life. A reality where you must adapt and mold.
Someone, but never myself,shouts craving and aversionGOD is catholic shouts my family
Who wants to be burned at a 1000 degrees.
Why erase every trace?
I wonder of human intent,Can somebody transfer pain?Can someone transfer misery?How about tumors?
Can I undergo a transformation?No tumors for me please.No pain for me please.No tumors, Thank you.
Salt is on fireNudity in public willprevail in the next century.It will take precedenceover global warming
Issues that the establishment willput forth to allay the fears of manyhere, smoke's legal.
Never forget about global pandemicsThe end is always near for allHumanity is so brittle, and frail.The radio even causes suicide.
The newspaper contributes to collective psychosis. The VancouverSun had me locked in someroyal satanists sceme. Where I am ina deathcamp for animals. Ruled by the
S.P.C.A. and the illuminanti.
Danger does not lurk For an immortal beingAround every street, cornerOr rue.
Depending on where you liveBeauty is a boy more beautifulthan a girl.
Confusion and electronic magneticWaves engulf the cities and earth
This beauty is ordained by experiments
Invisible beings with attitude. Dog park in the autumn,would be nice.To temper the spirits.An ethical reasoning takes over.Passion intrigue and morality.What next? A new administrationto deal with? A new system of buttonsand help signs galore in this mysticalcapitalist paradise we call home
Bold colour
The bold colour walked into the roomAnd all the heads turned any time any placeWhy so much attention? Was it the rave energy he consumed?Or the breath of a wealthy mason
The Vibe on the greyhound busNow I must resume, what?In francais they ask, but where Do I resume? In what lo-calIn what central?
As much as I'd love to stayI must at once up and travelTravel here, there, everywhereEverywhere greyhound goes
On the number 149Go anywhere fareDimensions unknownSurprise! Your driver is safedriver of twenty years
You can be anyone at anytimeYou can see yourself as an unknownLegislator of earth.
Everyone is kinda bisexualEveryone is so beautifulExcept in Alberta and Sask.In appearance they drift from seat to seatWe united share the same vibration
When our bus is surrounded by policeEveryone is worried they didn't pay taxesThink clearly before you jumpWarns the police.
They were tipped off that I was on mushroomsOh no runs a pang of fear
The trunk on the police car is frozen shutSomebody was smoking on the busThat is a federal offense shouted the driverUnawakened prince sits quietly ponderingLife after death and life after life.Homelessness or aristocratic pompWealthy or poor
Blue flower petal rests2 sheets of unbroken thread countOne is burlap and one is silk
No time to speak I guessFuck! I magnetize without even lookingAt people or knowing their language
Sunday is but a day created for human timeBy a master architect a century agoWhat a complex trip this turned out to be
Downtown Montréal with $20But I still don't care O.K waitI don't have identification either
Where am I and what is the French wordFor home ....and where's the bibliothequeWho am I but a vegetarian gay guy with
drug induced psychosis or a Masonic blood curseDo I go back across the country or do I stay in Montréal?
Beauty is not an onion ring, It is the thought that my soul Would not be abandoned anywhere on any street.
Bold Colour walked back on greyhound after calling "Mason" to start a life of pomp and circumstance.
Unawakend prince sits ponderingSipping a latte entertaining thoughtsof complex identity struggles.One path is French homelessnessAnd the other is English pompHow will I make up my mind?
En francais
The beat goes on quietlyHe works so hard to fuel Ignorance, or life.
So beautiful in ordainedNatural symbiance This manIs the epitome of a male higher than myselfA male charioteer but a straightMale sits before me asking me to fuckYou can only go so farA boy meets a man to be loved and huggedAnd the man is a bi dude with a straight fetishNevermind the fact that he only speaks French
We get along pretty well signing out words and tryingTo figure out what the French word is for everything
A telepath sent by god to full fill me to house meAnd care for me, he jumps at my every touchas if an English man was a diseaseHow cute for a tough guy like yourselfWe turn each other onHe met me at 5 a.m. on a streetOr rue as they say in MontréalHe saved me from speaking to a predatorwith a screechy voice and tears streaming down his faceHow complexI am in a state of lethargyTo go or not.To stay or leave and start overTo love or, notStill plaguing the minds of millions of bisexuals
I want a gay guy shouted my inner selfThe beat goes on in French and English
My twin
Some twisted wizardic millionaire knew of a planOf sensual proportions involving an exact replicaA more perfect being than myselfMe , Myself and an old dude woahDoesn't make a very nice team does it
From one secret society to the nextOne pillar after another pillarOne cell of sellout soulsOne core mantra of unawakend beings
One house of blood to another house of crimeFor the colonists this attitude is to blameForget about me I shout in the processHe consumed a bit of me
We met in another life and you still neglect me to this day. What exactly am I missing? A twin or myselfThe all seeing eye wants an orgy and I'm not for itMy twin tells me over fruit juice that he has H.I.V.
Holy sweet Jesus Our ozone is depleting anywayYou won't miss much as far as a future goesWas that mean for me to say or not
My twin was so cute and magical Until now I decide that I cannot be a BFTo somebody that has H.I.V.
I hafta fly now bye bye
Bird HumanDog party or propagandaCirrus is the brightest star
And on a particle the size of a Grain of sand lies 12 other dimensionsClose to cirrus
Nearest our brightest star in the galaxy Waits heaven Oh thank heaven
Heaven had to be stolen to be createdThe administration is born out of ignoranceBut on it's behalf for what unjustifiable tyranny
And are they watching us? To protect usAre they watching T.V. through our eyes
The eye could be a recording devicePut on our face to record our lifeOr that one simple time I choose to kill
The eyes will see that Holy crimeAnd be recorded for all time
Existential paradigm
My very existence brings society crashing to a halt, down to its knees.But, should I speak of it or keep it secretA cat that bites is no friend at allThey jabbed me with needles Because I tried to throw a chairThrough the mental hospital windowThey suspended my civil rightsGanged up on me and forced me To sleep to sleep some more and never less
Simple thoughts
Where nudity and drunken reptilian anger fuels additional craving and aversionand snuffs urban intelligenceSo artisan philosophy lives on with science and humanityTo a mere cess pool of slavery and ignoranceThis is merely a draft, shouted the mason.I want to fly by a one thousand foot deep lakeRock Mountain greenish blue crystalline prismic watersFill my head to the topDivinity is here to embrace me and I look likeeveryone's someone.
The Beat
Forever guide a young ravers soulWill the future of my destiny be revealed?Into captain cooks harboron ecstasy perfect love can be achievedSuch an aversion to alcoholWho cares about experimentation? When you can have it allI've been presented with A destructive male beautyThat I cannot explainIn French or English or ChineseOr SumerianOr any earthbound signOr Masonic symbologyLanguage It's a variety of colours and sounds. EmorphicTranslative theories involving increased Dopamine levels on a vampiristicTemporal universeWith other beings on earthTo a place passed beforeEach individual success isWhatever they manifest
The eye
Eyes can perceive
Intoxication Sublimination Alteration
But do you second guess shaky eyesOr do you live with it. Fully comprehensiveStares of justice
Until the eyes are burned
And the all seeing laser burns your soul
I need a walking stick shouted the manMy path is immortal as opposed to your mortalWhat am I doing in Montréal?There is Olympia, WashingtonThere is Tofino and WhistlerNewfoundland and CalgaryWhat am I doing here ?I asked the man who needed a canenevermind why you are hereNow you must figure out howto going to get out of this blisterycold ice havenI swear the sweat I am producing sipping this latteis enough to gouge out the eyes of a hell raiser demonLike a poor man on a bus with a care packI am going back home to Vancouver
It is a club called life that polygamy is bornKept and bred to normality, like a bishop or priestSleep with one sleep with them allLike the plague With the thoughts of familysuperceding work or schools.Why have one when you can have ten?Choose the latter instead of your own needs.I want the trees the earth and the skyNot husband #1 or #2 or #3
A geometric shape of unheard of proportionsTakes me over like volcanic ashAnd to what end? Every millimeter on earth is A digital hologram of complex subatomic particuliThe waste of ignoranceVampiristic intrigue and their analogies
Spunky monkey
Spunky monkey hides behind bright white lightSpunky monkey showed me the wayHey rocket sprocket said spunky monkeyto his friend, whatcha got in your pocket rocketSpunky monkey took a great fall and therocket came tumbling after monkeythey fell and twirled and cast adrift in a seaof grass Rocket reached into monkeys pocketto look for sweet meat.
A new dawn
Why must you know all Now is not important.But later is goldAnd now is wasted thinking of laterThe only relief from now and later is 'of the past' which is sometimes goodSometimes badIs it right or wrong any of theseTo be thinking in the moment as time Passes by intrinsic As gold is to hemp
So much anger and hostility to a blind program like me.The fortuitous fate of my level headed ness"Have him committed" they shoutThe males shout continuouslyto have me imprisonedI wish so much more of myselfthan to be an insane escortSo the complexities of life have meeternally confused. And inwardI feel sick to my stomachI wonder if I brought this from childhoodI am healing now but it takes awhileLike 70 + days of solitude
Cirrus -the dog star
It's wonderful living in CanadaWatching the clock everymoment of every day that goes byI feel compelled to shout "I am being strangled to death"Is there an astral plane?Cast me out to oblivion pleaseAs an exiled oneWhich brings death dailyAs risk is to deathAs love is to sexDeath follows me aroundEvery corner
And every moment that goes byI wish I was in another cityOr in ten places at onceLooking for something, Anything that will solidify my being
For that which nature is sanctifiedHere it is I am judged to deathThe middle of the nightOr the middle of the day
I wish I was elsewhereFlying around in the stars
Frog in a hollowIs safety an illusionMeant to disguiseA matter of factBeing that God and Buddha Had the same things to sayAm I ever safe from demiseThe frog waits to sail and fly
The bicycle is not mineBut it will take me to my next Place to write if I ride and rideThat will be itYou gotta be able to stop on a dimeWhich reminds me?Who are the shriners and masonsIs it a cirrus colony cult to freak us outOr are they harmlessLike the scientologistsSo I'll ride and ride untilThe lions club catches my eyeWhere I'll stop and talkAnd find out who they are and What they are looking forI have a soulmate and a bikeBut I am looking for more in my youth before another year disappearsAnd becomes historyInto nothingnessA black hole
Right step
Step foot left stepRight step inFront step in backAnd love to letLive and love to liveTrespass on my heartLove in symbiance withThe working of the Universe
Three levels up I lay in Complete disarray where areThe beams of light
They have hidden behind the shield and compassFor the complete and most beautiful form of lifewas available to me. Faith
Hope and dignity for proper guidance I soughtmy angles in light In this physical realm With air, birds and cats
But far to perfect and quiet to be a trustworthy stateWith an eight hundred year old soulIf you would ever call her that I lay in you
At the monarchs table to represent an institutionWhich should switch over soon to a patriarchThen we will all be screwed
Ignorance fuels JudgementJudgement believes in youPassion fuels ignoranceEverything is very wrongOnce step two stepMusic is a passionWhen the beat goes onThe entire world opens upOh how I wish for a 108 day cruise aboard a luxury liner sailing through Int'lwaters of spite and darkwait once step two stepThe beat keeps me movingJudgement wants a melody I can't wait for the weekendWhere is my godSometimes you seem so farAway from me
The hospital
If you try to throw a chair at the windowThey suspend your civil libertiesTie you down to a stretcherClose all of the straps on yourAnkles and your wristDon't throw your bracelet at the Nurse or she will jab you with A needle filled with sleep medicine They wake you up 10 hours laterTo return to your bedDon't throw banana peels at the Nurse or they will jab you with that double Needle one shot of ceuticals and the otherTo counteract the side effectsWatch that needle my friendBut it all doesn't matter anywaysBecause I am just sure that they eat People like me in the hospital andRe-feed it to humans. Marked meat
What exactly is it then what Happens. I am What exactlyA scientist a philosopherAn insect a patriarchWhere will my soul go nextDreams are the basis to learnThey predict the souls journeySo much mystery in the earthA time past is time goneTime passes like sand in the gangesThousands of variablesLife is like an ocean that is So polluted beyond comprehensionGarbage in the sea is not goodForfeit the natural and live in The synthetic matrix
For a collective thought to occurThousands of individual thoughts are drownedout of being heard for the keener this would beHard to swallow but for an edgy responseSeek the latter something is there here and everyWhere all around us there is an emotional and Telepathic force behind all mystery. Pre-carnate Iraq has been sent a messageOf apocalyptic proportionsWhere mental illness is the closest for of divinityIf you and I treat the mentally ill differently Then our link to the collective consciousnessWill be severed for a thousand yearsThe mentally ill need guidance and help.The eye being the window to the soulMid-evil times was torture for these peopleNow is no different
Holy grail
21st century ethics now supercede all20th century modes of lifeIn this state of all out distractionFrom what life really is and always will be aboutHow many lives must I live before. I enter the gloriousAfter life that is, and will always be a buddhist hangoutFrom nomads to carb dependant people the world Sways with ultimate control and libertyI want to sell frozen fruit and pastries in the summerTake over our record of the world of colour and fillThat gaping hole in my soul
I've been to twenty schoolsI fear that I am being held by the S.P.C.A.I fear allopathic medicine. My schedule is reversedI am gone from myself, sometimesMy things have moved on and so will II have a sexy and beautiful hot guy to hang withI could be his everything from time to timeI want so much of myself where will I be going nextI want to find love and to be loved in returnI want a happy time and to be married and hitchedWhat am I doing in this grand animal napping schemeI want to be watched over and to have a happy timeThe world is eyeing my future, I just have to stay putAnd relax
$ Money
Who would buy what I have to sayYou get three wishes hypotheticallyBut my ears are throbbing from the Blow I've had my balance kicked inWhat is all these devilish curses thatShe speaks of. Older generations withA spiritual dowry the trickery of satanAt every corner but do what you can to Lay in the light of enlightenment for Awhile. An insect colony gone madWith an ultimate ruler to speak for allThe spilt blood of gays is a vortexFor another dimension speaking throughHate and all the circumstances that bindUs through darkness we sit await somethingAnything to kill the bordom in life. KillThe loneliness and you have fun O.K.Where beauty is but a predator if you shine bright white light it doesn't matterNothing else matters one wizard to anotherOn a caffeine and mushrooms sugarAnd the all seing eye I am but what I askI am a unique and opaque sort of beingIs this word going to make any money Is there a faith out there that resumes allThings divine.I manifest love through godAnd ask for nothing except that which is Given in my alms bowl for life
Montreal 2
The penniless bold colour walked in and out of The caverns of montreal The Colour passedThrough 20 towns on greyhound my dearThe queer caverns of montreal don't offer muchWith no home and no employment he pondersNo trade or income leaves you hopelessly defensiveWhat is life if I can't afford to live? How can I enjoyLife if I have to survive just to eat and remain lockedIn an eternal struggle of choices between survival , Sex, food and adequate shelter. But one thing remains, I am out of dimensionalPerspective I am your page and the page knows thatI am made of an astral vibe stronger than goldBy dose. Should I do what? Should I enter a monasticOrder of contemplatives Hail the monk. Leave the lay lifeFor good shouts buddha It's all going to end somehowThis temporal spine of deceit this motherly love Is all gone, dried up. The bold colour thought I should go back to Vancouver he dried his tears and Thought "wow I really am something. With one phoneCall to mason he was back at his home on a 4 day busThe orgies in the street died down as he left and all hell Broke loose. Shafts were flying everywhere but the bold Colour walked on , only to discover the truth of love andLife is to simply love and live instead of all the negativitiesNo matter where the signature lies the world will appear As if it's just spinning upside down. And not just simply Floating in space as we originally thought earth is simpler Than that but more complex than ever thought.
Do I trust my higher selfWhere is this higher selfHow can I communicate This to my neighborWith me forever is the soulJust like insuranceIt's there like an Assurance of faith in theDivine. a shift in theDivine consciousness
The millionaire
He had a 100 foot yachtAnd pounds of heroin and cocaineWe did ketamine and ran down hotelHallways high on a cats drugHe was a transvestite and a straightMan and a drug addict. A rich motherThough, about 14 million with stocksBleeding from the net. He wanted us to party with his heroin addicted wifehe stripped naked for me too but I was with a raver friend who says he abusedher. Love is grand a heroin addicted couple. We were set to sail to the CaribbeanI had my passport ready and waiting.We parted ways over rumoursof a pedophile circled above his headdamn I thought this yacht is sweet I get acabin and everything. Get awayMy spirit shouts leave everyting behindGo away with $4.00 and leave you don'tWant to go to the caribbean with that . do you? He will murder you whispershis wife. 1,2,3, I'm gone
Water Joe
Muffin sconce party will flapperWill decide which is right Part on my friend because You can't see that I am real and you are a sasquatchalways wanting informationa glance, an evil eyethe need to register anotherssurrounding We own it they shoutthe city is a corporation they shoutPeople are one thing to passAnd the evil eye is another thingto watch out for I hate the evil eyedon't you?in the urban world liesa mysterious inner world filled with caffeine (like water joe)
Sin city is run by a tonne of sheepTend to the flock is the policy Of the exiled romans
To continue to be barbarous inSimple speech and papal bull
The pope is ailing and dyeing And a new one is created
Humans are deterioratingThe fast flash interrupted the dark
And tightly shut eyelids to revealSomething not seen by all or heard by humans Instead of bright white
Light has been replaced by juice from A triangle which is so powerful we surround
Our darkness in illusion and white light.
The checkerboard and my kneeHave announced somethingThe vultures are always circlingabove but what is most peculiarAbout living with schizophreniaIs at times it has me mystifiedI am here to fight a war I don't Fully understand it to the best Of my abilities. I sit and stare at the clock for all of eternity
My world runs soft on videotaped Interviews for jobs. What is so negative about the earth, that I screamfor mercy. Why so much negativity in a human lifetime. To wait and ponder triple employment while hired. Am I destined to be nothing, or am I doomedto be something. On the graziers patch of fame I'll sit until it hits me squareHe welcomed me on raw intentionsAnd left me with rapt associationsOnly to be stricken down ten fold
Le Chat
The cat hates it's foodWhy is smell so importantThis cat is going to starveTreetrimmers are in the zoneCutting trees into chips Soon to a trail near youAmsterdam would be coolThe cat hates her foodI don't understand her
A magical 'just' influence has surpassed my ownUnjust tendency With a passing glanceNatural rhythms take place But how infiniteThese rythems are, if they take place inside negativity
An unjust action takes the place of a just influenceWhile the serpant in your spine corrects your cravingIs my body fit for capital Do I attend the needs of a capitalistCraving. Am I proper in fueling this gap
My force may make contact but what is my being?Am I needy or dependent I ask day by day but fear nothingNothing but temptation of the self. Is it really negative
The ying and the yang exist darkness mingles with BWL(bright white light)
Fellowship soup of human cannibalistic nazi'sInto chemicals and alcohol fueling the dark forceStrength to resist satanic ritual oppression that ofFaith and resurrection of the dead is so disgusting
I need to think clearly about my balance and directionMeditation and clear er free er thoughts of the consciousnessFor the alike minded and need I say sub atomic mess of fleshNow that I've established a systematic oppressive dimension called time
Enveloping majesty inquires about sensibilityWhile the constrained individual looks on
Where to go but I sit here and laugh
Individual freedoms are something To hold dear for the government
Could turn nazi like and decrepitAnother defective atomoton
Where does my heart go nowYou could turn Intrinsic
But you might end up eccentricIn the freedom of Canada
We sit an ponder all majestyI am worth 55 millionCells, marrow and organs
Intrinsic being sold everythingTo the Queen of England
Spaceship 0
Greetings earthling where is yourAnimal? Does the shoe fit?If it does-wear it size 15 Doesn't matter 15 days stuck in a cruiseshipSpace aliens all aroundReptilians are all aroundInteresting earthlings you areYou mammal youWhere is your animal guideLet me see your power animalGreetings earthling I am a zenLay hermit with schizophreniaWhere will this ship take me Should I be saving for that floatingCar that can get me anywhereAnywhere but here earthing
Spunky, the banana throwing monkey
Spunky monkey meets Dr.hunky &Spunky monkey wishes to be released into Dr.Hunky's care. To love and liveAnd live and love .. they took my eyesightSo be patient cause I can't see I can only see Halfway. Now I know why the other Dr.Is so crass. He's lost you to me. He's jealousOf spunky monkey and Dr. Hunky I tested the waters with my german lover. And realizedthat nothing slips past your gaze. Very good I clap.
Trump Towers
The angular wreaths of justiceStare down baccus who can't seem to Hold down a meal. Only to be replacedBy a nazi arc angel architects who beautifyThe surrounding city scape of tempt or let aloneSparkling fate of millions Only to be replacedBy a different culture. One that doesn't likeArchitecture. Mostly because they don't believeIn angels or baccus or our food for that matterTheir blood was only splattered on the boring roof that we epitomize. Left and right. Black andWhite, so boring and limited. But as matter of factSpacial as it seems to be purely derogatory in a Christian right wing society.
Thoughts 2
Multi immigration techniques that are sound and properHow many dimensions exist in that multi special realityFor I am only In one. I only exist as one.I do not see myself in "all" past and futureI have been wandering for weeks in these yellow P.J.'sThey give you back your clothes when you are goodSays the nurses and doctors. Still nobody wants to Give me my freedom back. I hate this part of CanadaThe one part that "certifies" that you are insaneWell, it was customary to do like 13 different drugsat the raves I attended and if you do acid moreThan 7 times you are legally insane anywayThey are too ignorant when it comes to the Freedom to alter your consciousness anytime you feel like it. I always wonder what other lives I have lived. Was I a Woman or a catwith the understanding that curses are givenI freak out. I want to understand and witnessThe god of all creation working through meAs a medium. Instead, they shackle me andTake away my rights.
The animal sits and waits. Enchained in a laboratoryA place to test meds on Zyprexia causes weight gain. Why do they want us all to Be fat and drugged. Is it because the S.P.C.A. Should be gassed? I just want salvation as a muslim I want my creator to see the wrongs of the world.They will inject me if I refuse the meds. That is against my religion. I am entrailed in doubt and disbeliefWow says my guide...You are something tricky worldly, to live in as a certified mental patient. I want to remain on my own path to enlightenmentI'm lost in waterfalls of lightFor being myself wow look at the timeMy release is almost here Just don't hit anybodyMy brain tells me over and over
A world where illusion food and Entertainment take prescendenceOver human spiritual needWhere is the mainstay?Through depency creates powerA system of oppressionA fully enlightened gay guyA world of temporal illusionA timeline that must be protectedRenounce material wealthWe need food to meditateUniversal lawsUniversal truthsWhile we eat the meat of our ancestorsrenouncil of home and fortuneIt's almost unreal to kill the ego. I keep my hair.
Endless Spunky
Spunky monkey wants twinHunky and his whole entire Self to fall in love with spunky Monkey Now true to be using E.S.P.For the world wasn't ready weeks agoTo launch an endeavor with twin hunkyAnd spunky monkey to marry and havea beautiful puppy to teach tricks to to love and to care for all timeSpunky monkey and twin hunky willWed and be together for god and jesusWant spunky monkey to be happy with Twin hunky forever more in flower petalsForever more
Forest parties
They were filled to maximum capacityVenues for raves, held secretSometime they led you over thecity to various checkpointsExstacy crystal mushrooms and acidFueled the dancing. Once I saw a guy With 30 stuffed animals pinned to hisPants. Sometimes I was so high I wouldJust sit for hours and hours stoned on acidThe after parties were the best. EndlessAmounts of THC and H2O 13 differentDrugs some amount of consciousnessAltering and tones of music Dancing until 6 a.m.I saw families at raves all doing XBeautiful old people and youngSecurity searches everyoneSo you have to hide things Where their not supposed To grab. But it's all worth it When thousands can raveAll night long withNo cares or worriesSome of my friends sketchedThough and I always foundthe V.I.P. Lounge
Svend Vs. The Masons
Each piece of the checkerboard is differentAs you move slowly down the chess boardOne square may jump at you and anotherMay bake cookies for you. Another willSkin you alive. The compass and levelAre one with me. As a head injury is toA trendsetting diamond thief. Might I askIn the future of time we are united.My world is slowly creeping in on meFrom all sides like a plague. A dirty mangy plague. That hits the mentally illin wavelengths. That are Masonic and Raysonic. But don't leave out the sonicThey are everywhere. Weird little timebombsIt's all but just a simple confusion that bemidsts the faction of B+W There I sit nakedOn the temple steps. Of B+W and Gold and silverIn another life I said to myself But this wanderingmethod was an astral entity with all of it's limbs goneIs this help to whom may I ask But it was the Grand Lodge
Soup 2
Who organ eyes'ed my body on a levelSo minute. The flesh itself must remain 79% water
Liquid pools with an astral plane that spins counter clockwise I sit and wait for all life
Happiness is the hardest thing to grasp nowFor neglect and the dollar bill run so rampantHere
I used to be a nucleus but now I am an outcastInto a soup of despair and abhorrent sufferingWith no respectable beings on the other side.
Purple velvet :)
Forgive me for my sight is only at half mast.They took the eyes of the oracle and to pounceon love is difficult. I want to ride the bicycle of time. If I ride it all the way to mission than so be it. But remember to stop on a dime.You just used me for my wills of estateI've almost spent all the patience of my soulmateDoes he want me to stick around? A guy is as a guy does rightAnd a man is soo foreverOut of silence comes the music thumping and beating.The bass starts upWhat does he look likeDoes he have it allI sure don'tWill he understand meCause I don'tOr will he shun meTo meet a stranger That is equippedLike a modern day princeIs a spectacle to be amusedWill it be like meeting a bucket of iceBaccus is replaced by an angel of soundSame wavelength eh?Black and white is the given colourThe sparkling bubbly fate of millions Rests in me forevermoreI want to be all the colours ofThe rainbow and Beyond.But wait, shouts the other dimensions.Your imprisoned and enslaved.
They wear the scrubs all around townYour faithful doctors and nursesThrough S.A.R.S. rewashed and bloodsoakedScrubs seen around townLunches to McDonalds Walks outside chatting and smokingWhere there is spilt blood thereIs negative spirits sopping up deathNegative spirits and there is a reptileCommandeering your body Sucked onto you like a huge snake
Montreal Downtown
Chillen in montreal wowOn the street it isn't so badLife is beautyMontreal is the most temperate citySeanonally Spring summer and winterFall off the globeDoes he want one wife or twoA boyfriend or threeChildren aunts and unclesSecurity instabilityCredit and food that will laterKill him A house, fuel, life, moneyWhat in the world do I do in montreal?Should I sound more like a FrenchmanWhat in the world do I sound like on the radioNo money for a hotel either.All I'll do is just party to freedomDance in the street and likeSpring, summer, winter
You don't have a choice to wear a condomWith neuro linguistic programmingAnd ericksonian hypnosisThe freemasons are killing young and vulnerable by simple speech
In a world of the 5 senses. We sit and ponder all of Life's difficulties. Oh but I meant I. Not We but I. How many spirit guides are watching our every move. How many are assigned to each of us. I can't believe how beautiful life is. Do I sit and do nothing likeAn immaculate being, Or a fox just perched high up on a mountain. We sit, Oh I mean I sit where will this soul go now . I want to have a really loud party in a sense just to appease the sen5es. I sit with blind angels everyday. Slap me with a spatula wow oh my, Where to situate myself now that I am a refugee. I have a lifelong friend and I want to give up on it. Were you sent from above and Up. I want to go serve Buddhists. I think I'll be a better man by becoming a Buddhist Monk in this lifetime or the next. So the world is being drastic and warring with each other. Canada is beautiful but it has it's downsides. I've been across the country Twice before. Will I get any reward for being alive. Will the world find a rewardfor me. should I give in to temptation. and just up and leave at once with great hasteI've seen B.C. Alberta Sask. Manitoba and Ontario oh and Quebec. It's chilly everywhere else across the country so should the world mend the ways of the Clueless, and non descript of many. So it seems that I am stuck here. With my invisible guides watching over me with great admiration. Like a nurse caring for everything to do with you. Like a trustworthy nurse caring after her fellow species. The sen5es and the insight of life have me astounded. Beauty and truth pervade my being, and we are all upside down. What do you do for a human that is upside down and they don't even feel it. Locked by cortex in a state penitentiary like matrix of deceit and power. We are Insects to god and god is huge to us. But why are we imprisoned within the body that smells funny and does weird things. Am I an alien, a monkey or an animal or perhaps a reptillia. Oh my !! The energy of the world is within you. Every moment is something to be thankful for. Just don't go get a motorcycle to appease the human self. Don't get carried away with ego. I sleep till noon, and can't even remember, the last time I woke up early for anything. A princes timetable yet I lay waste here and there forevermore. All I need is to be shown a trade and to go with it. Idealists need space tooTo function on some level. Selling rocks to peopleWill bring me millions. Or insects to eat.Where will the earth stop to think and believe
The Shaft
A magical "just" influence has Surpassed my own unjust tendencyWith a passing glance natural Rhythms take place But how infinite These rhythms are, if they take placeInside negativity. An unjust actionTakes the place of a "just" one.And neither is ever appropriate.While the serpent and the spine isAlways correcting your craving.Should I use my body for capital.Is it fit for capital? Do I attend to the needs of capitalist craving?Am I proper in looking to fill thisGap in my psyche. My force mayMake contact. But what is my beingAm I needy or dependant? I burn withLove for everything. I ask this day byDay. I fear nothing. To sell my soul toThe devil in a wizards courtroom for aPorsche. Nothing but temptation of my Self. Am I really negative? The world depends on the ying and yang. Right?The theft of a possession results in Prosecution. The theft of a persons energy or "atomic self" results in what?What exactly happens then. I am. I am what.I am this self for a temporary amount of time.
Thievery Corporation
In what negative thought would enjoy me being in?Which negative sub atomic particle would I appear To you as myself. Our normal form of Ivy speechIs as jaded as the act of piracy. An ethical pirateAn ethical thief. An ethical job. Or frame of thoughtWhere in the world is all that can help us. ImprisonedThey are prisoners within a body, within another. a prisonCalled the matrix of lies, truth, conformity, and rebellionSafety and illusion of safety. Where a hippy is organicAngry and secretly a capitalist. The very opposite of thatIn which they want to achieve. And BE In which Governments currency, would you find enlightenment in?Or salvation in. We are surrounded in illusion.For me to conform to society would be an act against this human self. I helped create ignorance vs. nullityWhy are so many conforming to long bank lines and Being hearded around like cows or reptiles. Why wouldYou let the bloodshed continue in your name. to an apathetic State within the sphere of the serpant and the shaft. So manyAre blind. It's of the moment. But what is it, but endless timeJust wasted time (may be dreamt up) and forwarded. Held etc.What goal, to what end. A 1/2 pound of sales ads in the mail.
The facts
Einstein and time
Buddhist monk
Interdimensional sliders
4 Pillars
Elliptical orbit
Buddhist Vibes
The penniless bold color walked in and out Of the queer caverns of montreal.With no home and no employment in a tradeWhat is life if I can't afford to liveWe are living in a wealthy mans worldHow can I enjoy life if I have to surviveJust to eat and remain locked in an eternalStruggle of choices between sex, survival,Food, and adequate shelter. But oneNot of interdimensional perspective.I am made astral vibe stronger by dose.But somehow it remains toxic. Should I do whatI am a an ambassador of sorts The initiates are told that demons dwell in theThroat area. And that is where "wrong speech"Idle conversation and slander associate.Should I enter the monastic order? And leave the lay life and become a fully ordained monk of the Buddhist order.It's all got to end somewhere. This temporalSpine of deceit. It will come crashing downwith orgies in the street. If darkness consumed the urban centrals. No matter where this signature lies I will do anythingto escape this. Not suicide but becoming something successful on earth. The world seemslike it's just floating but in reality it is spinninground in circles being overcome by the darkside
Do I trust my higher self not to trickme into another dimension? Or do I sit and Wait in some shift in the time space dimensionWhich plane did my soul enter in the form of a government conspiracy. Masonic serpant and the shaftI need greater spiritual guidance than a churchI needed more freedom than what they are giving
Web of deceit
Insurance matrix direct
Auto dealers
Food processing
Police crimes against the poor
Unsurmountable debt
Freedom to choose
The Evil Eye
Always wanting info a glance An evil eye. The need to register.All of anothers surroundings.We own this and that they shoutWe own you, says the city which is In fact a corporation. Untouchable.The corporation of time and nothingnessPeople and things in passing But way beyond the staring is the evileye and the urban worldlies a mysterious inner world vibratingThe hum of no elegance and zero luxury.
Take flight
My travels have taken a form of completionA sort of final contemplative chapterIn some twisted encyclopedia of my lifeThe checkerboard and my knee have advanced something. The vultures arealways circling above. But what is more peculiar is my own mental illness.Scizophrenia is so confusing.At times it has me mystifiedI proclaim "I am here to fight a war"So complex even I don't fully understand it. I sit and stare at the clockfor all of eternity.
Just simply unaware of the danger of the worldIn Vancouver everybody is strange.I met 6 people with HIV in my lifetimeHow could this unseen genocide happen.The meth is cheap and the bathhouses are aplentyIt seems that we are all going to be shipped offTo camps soon. For there is no pleasure in Canada.Only slavery and consumption. Would life be fullerIf I was in Barbados, France or Amsterdam.Interesting people line the streets just yelling at Each other over a sandwhich.It's going on right under your nose.If only I knew of the danger in the world.How could I be so ignorant of the beliefs of others.Indoctornation, sublimination, and slavery. The kkkStreets should be closed and dance parties should Be just blarring rave music to crowds of thousands.Where is the sound of light and love.A species that drinks another species milk.How in the world will we progress.
The ambassador
He was the ambassador to a our CountryHe was also very reptilian with alcohol to feed the reptile insideHe had 4 government distinctions on hisbedroom wall and he was only interested in sexCould this human be an evil devilI want to sing on mountains I want to live a life of luxury. But I am sorry that I met you.A smug type.Crass to the end of earth. I want to be drapedIn holy velvet of the senate. I want to drink from an oasis in Zimbabwe. But I didn't want to meet you. You are the opposite of everything that is correct. I want to laugh in Italy, outrageous.and smell the flowers in New Zealand. I want to swim in the waters of Cuba. But I never want tosee you again. The rich and famous are just like usYour either "surviving" or your wealthy.My soul is too precious to loose to you.Costa Rican Ambassador is not my type.
Flick, sit, stand around.And flare up the combinesIn search of the perfect seedFlick, and chill. In close rangeIt sits and waits. To be plucked.Flick in, give me your attentionFlick, sift. Show me your attentionStart up the tractor in search of the perfect seed. One that isn't genetically modified. Flick, pass. Now we'll find it in time. Time to plant the very crop that won't leave youaddicted to the very Ingredients of nature.
Vancouver B.C.
There is no spirit of intention in varying degrees of thoughtLove is a beautiful, majestic force that supercedes all impulseOf dining out and being a couple I choose neitherTo abstain of everything that is a couple, is a choice of great intentionLove is cool and young and hip in this culture bread by childbirthWhere in the world is all that can help us. Just simple speech aloneWill cure all. But why do I hold back. In a world filled with creditJust simply put "I'm not 16 anymore" the corporate media is reportingAll that is never important to us. It is collective dementia when the Creditors called so where are you now. In varying degrees of seperationismThey sit motionless and waiting for that perfect moment to just Burst.In a formally arranged relationship the advertising is simple and to the pointWe are a couple and you are not. We are two you are one, we are an unstoppable Force. In my dreams I play with ropes and have a great time only to be stoppedBy an authority figure. But wait, there is somebody with a gun on my side.There to protect me and keep me safe. Only one gun though...When is my Arrival and where is my departure. Without the one that means the most to me where am I really? In a degree of separation I Ponder various degrees of thought. In lay I wait for the real drive of spirit to come through and excel.
Leaving the lay life
The robed monks of the zen traditionWhere yellow, of Theravada traditionIt's orange. Of the Tibet, They are saffron and yellow. Other zen traditions wear black robes. Still in fashion after 2500 years. The robes signify the left home life and regardthe wearer as part of a larger community.The monks have left the "lay" life toPursue a path of Dignity and respect.It is also customary to shave the headOn males and females. The nuns andMonks live a life of service to help theLay community and further the path Of the Buddha. They usually get upat 4 and go to bed at about 9 p.m. This is what is known as the monastic life.The monks and nuns of the Buddhist Faith usually never eat after noon.They formally eat 2 meals a day.They are usually well adjusted withinTheir community. How in the world Do you become a monk? It is very hardWhen you don't know Chinese or any Other asian language. You usually need a Preceptor and a teacher or master that Speaks English. You should try to liveAnd learn about the five precepts.It is very hard to BE a Buddhist in CanadaBut The world is constantly changing.It will get easier with time to be BuddhistJust live "the way" and let all other fall into Place. May you come out of suffering.May you see the world for what it truly is.Upside down and flipped all around.Live your life harmoniously without greedOr neglect and you to can see real peaceOn earth__________________________()()()_________________________________________________))(
Shaping your ego one day At a time. One Hour to the Next I believe In the goodSide and the world is 1/2 evilI prosper on the poor sideOf what is known as Earth 2005 when will you eversee that the world is on your toes. Always the good side will prevail over evil. Beautytruth and freedom are numberone in my book. Gotta moldthat ego into something fantastic.There is a greater conspiracyHappening to drown you outOf your money as quick as Possible. Buy this and buy thatOn sale not on sale. It is soHard to keep track of a penny.Just live life well and to the fullestDegree of happiness.
In this
They say I should not writeunless I am university educatedFor the world knew no boundsHere I sit and write and love itIn retrospect I think it is wiseIn god I trust and in creation I trustFor the world saw no mercyEndless wars and endless violenceWe sit and listen accordinglyThey say I should not speakUnless I am taught to speakWhere is the limits of the matrixWhere is the ruling party of earthDo they meet in secret or do they Meet at the mercy of slaves?
Let them Go
The foundation of my core selfWants me to get up and go It can't stand what I'm going through now
Live life and let live I sayTo myself. Where is my salvationHow simple is it to enterA life without chains and withoutSlavery.
In dirty gossip I dwell and Stay an introvert suspectThat life is slavery and You are rewarded for A certain amount of time spent.
Worldly values is this conspiracyTreat yourself and let others dieMillions are dyeing from pandemicsBut still, the slavery continues.You ain't seen nothing yet.
Black and White Squares
3 miles up and I'm still wonderingwhere earth begins and where it endsWith a handshake and a devil's curse In the holographic illusion we live in We are bred in the beliefs of the masonsThat control us. They have locked the humanRace into slavery. In the name of debt Reduction and excess surplus's we are lockedBy these devil cursing inbreds to wait and See what happens. Wait to what? Wait to die?We live in a world that is upside down Everything to us is in effect the opposite of what your mind perceives as regular or normal Black instead of white and Whiteinstead of black. This is why voting is stagedWe are secretly living under the guise of Communism. We still have supreme rulers.And men with jobs that nobody has a cluewhat they do. Where is the world when things go wrong. There is a curse on youthey whisper and spit out of their mouths."Well, I'm not the only one" I say backWe are being run into the ground by theseSecret societies that are bred in conformityThe secret societies of earth are controllingour every move. Do you actually believethat you are real. And that everything is "o.k."Once you see illusion. It's kind of hard to stopSeeing the illusion in the world of today.It's almost 2006 and we are still in an heir's Paradise. They control the courts, the governmentPolice and the municipalities. Hospitals and Clinics, Insurance, and every other system in placeWe must learn to live side by side with souls thatAre sold or Kept-property. In this world I lay side By side with sellouts that won't even admit it to Themselves. I find comfort and protection in Buddhism. I find my life complete when theChanting is done. I like to hear the sounds of Heaven up above. And in Buddhism I can showOthers the way. To real truth and real happiness.
The little red blinker lights were in my dreamOn my shoes. I hate the Real world and loveThe inner dream world as my perceptual worldA small inner world. Much smaller than the Regular world we currently live in. They say that the other dimensions will be smaller thanours we currently live in. That is why I sleepso much, I think so I have lots of time in thedreamworld. But what if I wasn't sleeping in the dreamworld. What if I wasn't awakeIn the other world. And vice versa. I wonderIf I meet souls in my dreams. I must do crazyThings, and then just simply disappear. Or perhaps I just simply appear out of nowhere and just sneak into one of the many parties happening in the dreamworld. I've walked down empty streets at night all alone forhours and hours. I still think it's comparableto a cap of E. Living life to the fullest. Beingdependable and trustworthy. But I have to remind myself that mabey this is still the Virtual world world that has been pulled Over our eyes to hide the truth from our selves and keep the truth from hitting oureyelids. I kept the little red blinker lightsOn in my dream because it's the best thing todo.
Led Astray
Trapped like a hoard of cattleWe are mustered to do allThe busses are filled to overflowAnd the homelessness is rampantBut yet I still smoke cigarettesSlowly trying to kill myselfThey make me sane. Imprisoned within a human body. A bag offlesh to stay as mortal as possible.
I want to sing on mountainsAnd have a shower under a waterfallI want to be the king of the worldBut still we are imprisoned methodicallyAnd systematically. Each government Has it's own currency. A form of controlA form of oppression to the masses
Worldly values are instilled on us froman early age. How insane the collectiveactually is. The world is upside downand still I stay firmly planted on earth.Spinning around in a vortex of slavery.amidst life in general.
Just don't be afraid to say my name after death. Just let it be and don'tlead yourself astray on the end of the world theories of apocalypse
Do not be scared to lead yourselfInto a path of glorious enlightenmentDon't listen to the world as it callsyou names and never fear people
You can never be too cynical thoughMistrust is as it is done and never leave doubt in your mind when meeting a stranger. It depends onwhere you meet that stranger.
Don't expect to find friends onthe downtown east side.Anyways that saidNow you can continue on With your wonderful little life.
If the world knew my name I would sit and stare out at allIn this earth we live for all timeIn another world it's just the same
I would wave and smile at allI know this sounds crazy but it's trueI have lived through a masons curseI have survived being shackled by the stateI have lived through schizophrenia
I feel so extra special all the timethat nothing else mattersIf the world knew my nameI would use it to forward causessuch as Buddhism and poverty.I would smile and wave at all.Because nothing else matters.
I can't equate the difference between a hospital and a jailIf you refuse medication in this country they can callSecurity to hold you down and a nurse administers a shotActually it's a double shot one for the medication and oneShot to counteract the side effects of the medication
If you call 9-11 and report a crime against humanityThey move you to a room that is closer to the nurses stationThey come and check on you every 10 minutesThey are angels in disguise How do I equate a nice hospital
A nice jail cell. I lit the room on fire, flooded it with the bathtubAnd ran out of the hospital pulling the fire alarm on my way outShould I hire an editor to sort out info requiring a second glanceSecurity comes and looks for you then, and the police are calledWill this system change dramatically over the years or will it remainThe same for 30 + years.
It seems that we are all in a systematic illusion. A veil over the eyesof the populace. We can never be lonely all the time. Who wants thatIn a situation of greater complexity we all sit and wait for that winning moment in time that passes so slowly.
Earl grey
Outwards inwards and upside down is the true reality of the systemOr matrix as the call it. A digital hologram of tireless atomic energyIn a search for the true and ultimate freedom of manWhere in the system is the potion for successWhen I hear your phone call I sit and wait in anticipationWe can hope and cry together and become a compassionate being overnight
In a world of riches and prosperity and endless lines of waitWe all are hearded around like cattle Take a numberWait and dieEndless time spent waiting and suffering
I'd like to have tea with you when we both dieIn a world of glit and glee we sit and wait in anticipationFor that next paycheck and an open smileDrum and bass and friendly peopleGuide my whole being to a completeAnd un religious type atmosphereWhere is the tea store when I die?
Endless Bliss
I believe in love over royal satanismI don't want to marry for moneyIt is left over blood moneygang warefare nazi art history etc.All over pieces of paper debt How in the world were we trapped byConsciousness over slavery of paperAn east ender would kill for a thousand dollar billAn animal wouldn't even blink an eyeBut us humans are whole and wrapped in an expansiveconciousness of life and limb and love and freedomInside of us we are all the sameWould you miss this world if you leftI would. I would miss the green grassAnd huge maples and the rocks in the seaAnd the beauty of young men.Inside, we are all the sameHeart is warming and constantly pumpingWe sleep but the heart beats onOn the titanic love and hate bloomedAnd officers were made murderersIn a matter of hoursWas there peace achieved in the last hoursOr did they know in celestial harmony thatTheir time was up.
Rainbow Flag
On top of this and on the bottom of thatDrag queens and leather daddiesRoyal Satanism and blood drinkersAre amongst us. Different perspectives.In and out we are definedFor there is no illusion without the masterThe royal family and the bush's are human meat eatersThere is blood involved and worship of the dark sideBritain and the U.S. are allied in taking over Babylon(Iraq) Saadam claims he is still the president of IraqThe world is very smallAnd people talk behind your back the first chance they getJust come out of sufferingCome out of that social alligatorLive and let live As the pregnancy rates flourishThe baby boom is coming aboutSo becomes the royal familyOf blue collar workersI came back to see this happenBy love and nothing more
Maine Coon
Into the night the cat dartsFormer selves had her amusedWhat was I, in a past life sheWonders. Where am I going next?How damn long do I have here.Trapped in a cats bodyFeeling, ultimately humanShe is a woman catVery mature and very human likeShe will probably end up human In the next life.Animals are the next generationOf humans. So treat them with careAs they are the next babies on earth.
God is...
Peanut butter and jamFlowers and field hockeyTeachers strike and general strikeLooming over our heads.40 million richer and I sit in my mansionSurrounded by money and luxuryGoing over my life in methodical researchlike thought. Wondering where I would be if I had done things differently.Not a gold digger by birth so it wouldn't be proper byTodays standards.
Thank god for that, thank god for that.
Chain Letter
In one page on the bookIs my poetry.Line for line dedicatedTo many causes.I rush to write and write to rush.I encourage all who read my workTo keep an open mind and surelyI must affect at least one single beingTo show the way and shine bright white lightTo sail and not drift aimlessly To sleep till noonAnd be a BuddhaTo bow in repentanceAnd to bow to the left home peopleSo stay white and bright and leave This world in peace.
SolitudeNever mind the neglectIn quiet solitudeIn a tempting circle of gleeFor the world did have a nameIn such quiet solitude such as thisChain smoking until I get sickThere is a curse on youSo I was forewarned But I asked the right questionAm I the only one Or is there moreHow about by being bornYou enter in a life that is cursedUnless you are royalty of courseResounding draftsAnd millions of dreamsWe all sit waiting for our timeTime to depart and sail on anotherDimension. The deep blue sea calls me overTo reflect about life and thingsAt least by now I am not in prisonCause that would be abhorrent Sleeping with kings, politicians and ambassadors. And murderersI am still alive and well and veryHappy to be alive through secretsociety human meat eating.God is with us and has angelsTo help guide us even though they are invisible. Everything is green and visible to a blind manUp up and away we are all travelingFaster than the speed of light.Through torture and bloody delightI sit amused that one of gods beingsCould go so far as to murder me.A traveling man is in my futureIs god on earth as we speak?Now wouldn't that be harshIn a guided state I sit and waitFor a sign....of fate
Ocean floor
Intrigue sits on blue mountainWaiting for endless nights of dreamsInto a celestial blissShe sits in wait listening to godtranceFM more dogma to follow her aroundPurple mountain got jealous and shook Until the mountains were at the body of a Deep blue sea.Now she sits high up on white mountainListening to endless tecnoAnd animals gather to hear and danceWay out of character for most.Under the sea the beat goes onIn many's heart aflee
The ring
In a time kept stance the young entrepreneurBaited his hook with a worm and 1 salmon eggAnd he shot his mother in the backNow he is fishing in nice small mountain lake
He has the keys to a whole new worldAnd possesses the quality characteristics of a youngMillionaire. For the world never saw such a young manThe deep blue lake held the secrets of the lost world
I have a bursary on your soul shouted the devilYou are a corporate trust fund, that's why your name Is capitalized on every thing. You are just a corporationThe communist bakery is flourishing with funds
He finished his cast and up bit a huge trout, rainbow.Then he took his boots off and reeled in the fishHe touched it for good luck and then released it.As he was walking back to the car he realized
The fish has my golden ring he proclaimedIt has a diamond on it. If it had a name it would Probably be latin. The fish became the ruler of the universe then and there with the theft of the ring
Endless Rave Parties
In a new world I would decree that capitalism should be bannedIn a constant struggle for fame and fortune only becomes miseryCountless lives spent fulfilling the needs of a few greedy business men in special clubs designed for the pyramid scheme where onlya few at the top of the pyramid seeing for themselves the result of this structure. Given ranks and honors for nothing more than games
In a solid and believable matrix we all sit chained to the pyramidThe raves had endless souls and endless drugs and endless house partiesPeople were dancing in chefs uniforms and big winter coats and otherthings. To achieve the greatest possible unification with the universeI get a sense of that solid reality when I walk around in the streets by Night and by day. In a day such as this limited to the time we have.The time we all have. Good thing we are not in the 1800's you only
lived to be 30 years old. The world is one big rave. Everywhere youGo people are tripping out. People are always tripping out. Raving inlunacy and tripping out
Coral Reef
In a time such as this you may always Remember to be alert, alive, and well...In perspective life may seem like aPrison without walls and reality seemsOut of touch. There we go again...Living in harmony. Living with oneself in peace.
In different situations, we all sit and await an ending to completionPerfect spiritual contemplative moodForever more we are born to dreamup new situations
and live different lives We all hope to one day fly to space camp on themoon (owned by the U.S.) in that dream we all hope and pray to oneday be there.
You can actually buy property on the moon. Tom Cruise did.We are all trapped on this planetConfined within a body like a diamond
Drinking red, red wine by the wine fridgeToasting in the butlers pantryLiving life as it has been enlargedForgotten people, forgotten pasts
Living, simply living. With a halfGazillion dollars. Confined withinA digital matrix. We are all underA virtual house arrest.
Smoking one cigarette or tenSmoking a joint or tenMove on from the pastMove on to the futureLive everyday as if it were your last. Enjoy the fruits.
We are all destined to "just be"Confined by systems and hologramsSipping red, red wine.Keep on living and keep on toastingOne world. One faith.Not a faith based on genetic interbreedingInteresting as it may seem it is true
We should just simply live day by dayAnd hour by hour and sleep till 11And have an interfaith padre at your disposalJann Arden Sleeps like meI am not aloneI am an interbreeding bloodline
In time we shall live
In a time such as this we have elected a new mayorCollective votes surprisingly voted in Sam SullivanIt was a race between him and Jim Green
Now I wonder which one was a mason and whichone was not. Larry Campbell is out and on to the senateWe are all shifting to a different perspectiveBut the glorified right always winsThe left leaning parties never cause a stir And the voting counters are all computerized
it would be so easy to alter scores in favor of a certain partyif they were the masonic royal family. Including the presidentialelections using psychological operations to alter the vote.
our identities are false and family values are falsewe are slowly drifting into a state of redneck
being guided by the dark side we are all so helplessalone and certainly in the end times
I would drop about 4 caps of XtacyI would do a few hits of acidI would smoke a few joints And then do a few caps of GHB
I would drop another cap of xtacyA few hours later and my friendsWe're all hooping it. (in the ass)I did my first "line" of X at 16
In a club in Victoria. I snorted it And then danced off in the partyOh I hoped that I would stay aliveMost of the time the E was laced
With crystal meth. And peoplewere smoking it out of lightbulbsAt parties. I kissed some little pig girlOn that stuff and sometimes people
Would drop a bomb of cocaine on The table. Coke and crack dealersWould converge on the party. WellThe partiers just kept on partying.The D.J.'s would play houseparties.
And we would do mushrooms. And a few more tabs of X (E)Smoke some weed, to cool it downAnd we would hear of a guy on 15 tabsHe was dancing it off and was a computer
Genius. He could peel off your birthday On your B.C.I.D. and replace it with A later birthday. So youngins could go to Clubs like me at 16.
Queer World
No time left on MondayThe years fly by like seagullsIn the wind.
Becomes the wind and becomesSpace. No time left on TuesdayFor the wind had no name
No time left on WednesdayFor time on earth is limitedBut expansive no time left on Thursday
Because we are all barely aliveDay in day out there is no time leftOn Friday
For childbirth is limited to one childUnder communist ruleThere is no time left on SaturdayFruitfull gain is a necessity in life.
Wonderful world starts on SundayAnd with that we finish the week
It all started with love.Then what grew was an experienceTo live through an attempt of suicideNow I have more and more of this love
We did mushrooms together and wentFor sautéed mushrooms. And a cup of coffeeI was in America but it's all the blurI was in Canada and he was in Olympia WA
We met off the internet and were soon to meetWe sent emails to each other for a yearI didn't know what he looked likeHe didn't know what I looked like.
We met in Canada he brought his BF And I brought a friend. They flew over.When I first laid eyes on him I meltedWe feel in love instantly We both had toungePiercings I had Red hair highlights and His was purple.
We went back to my friends house and weAll started partying. A few people arrived And left as time allowed. Then we were Finally alone with each other. I started massaging him and we talked for awhile.
He went to see what his BF was up to and leftme alone. He came back and told me that his BFFucked my friend and did a bunch of ephedrine.And then he left me alone again.
I thought he went to join in and my attraction to himSent me outside to cry at a playground over himHe came after me and cheered me up.We talked some more. And we finally agreed thatHe was going back to the U.S. I was to follow him
And (tommy) his boyfriend was going back alone.I didn't know that he was going to bring his BF
In the first place. I was shocked but still in love.We went back to my moms and I packed and leftMy mother was very worried that I was going to the U.S.She cried when I told her I was going with somebody
I met off the internet. I left her on some big adventure.We sailed on the S.S. Coho to Port Angeles where his car wasOn the boat we ran into his BF and they went away and talked.He came back after speaking to Tommy (B.F.) and said that he broke up with him. He wondered how he was going to get
back to Olympia from Port Angeles. He was dreadful on the wayto the U.S. I agreed to spend some time with him andhe took me to the Evergreen State College. And we spent time together.I took love at first sight and went with it. I loved him in my youth.
I was 16 and he was 21. We spent some creative time in bed And then we went about the campus. We loved each other.But I loved him more and he loved me less.We went to an all ages club which was cool.
We went touring around Olympia WA shopping for cheap T-shirts. Eating mushrooms and tripping out on the campus.dressed like vampires. Passing by ripped pants on a rock,that said Peace and love Unity and respect.
He came to Victoria and I went to Olympia several times.We tried our first cap of xtacy together in Victoria and went to a houseparty near Uvic. He had bells on that soundedlike angels singing.
Our romance carried on for months. Then the nights came crashing down. We got into an argument. In Olympia.At Evergreen State College. I ran outside with a butcher knife.He said that I should go home in the morning. I spent the night
In his room and he slept out on the couch. I locked the doorAnd grabbed his scissors and started to cut my skin at my wrists.He came to the door in the middle of it and as I started to pass outHe burst open the door and found me bleeding in his dorm room.
They called the authorities. Everyone came. Police and fire.They tied me to a chair and carried me to an ambulanceAnd took me by stretcher to emergency in Olympia WA
He came into emergency to see me and was allowed to pass through.He asked me why I did this and I said "I don't know, but there is a higherpurpose" Just to be an anti mason makes me marked meat in the U.S.His family owned an auto dealership in Washington state. So they were
kinda scared for their son as well. I felt terrible for doing it but franklyI never expected to live past that event. So in the weeks that followedI was rather dumbfounded to the entire experience.I was under the care of the government so my health insurance was premium
They were going to send a B.C. ambulance to the states but my social workerMrs. James (angel) decided to fly over to Olympia to get me. She picked me up from the Olympia Hospital and flew me back to Canada. Where I was seen in the ER at a Victoria hospital then off to Queen Alexandra for a week.
I stayed under code red for awhile in a quiet ward of the childrens hospital.All quite a lot for a 16 year old to go through. Then back into foster care.
Reverend Delage Supreme BeingUltimate authoritySupreme GovernanceSri, Shri, SatyaGuru, Llama, DictatorUltimate RealityPresident, Prime MinisterRa, Brother, fatherTwink and bearViscount, CountKing, Prince, Royal
Rich Womans world
In a time kept stance the young man satInto the harbour stared did he and he saughtA particular fascination smoking cigarettesTo the nights end and time becomes a false identity
How about 20 identities? How bout four?I was born on April 05 1982In a time kept stance the smoker dies of lung cancerBlackened charcoal lungs with cancerous tissue inflamed
In such a time as this the false reality is all around usWith things to keep and touch and a familiar environmentEndless rave parties consumed his conciousness And the world seemed to be familiar and real
In a time honored stance he sat up and read the paper Out loud to his partner and they both concluded on theirJoint financiers talk that they would invest more in CanadaAnd find blue chip stock and Government bonds as investments.
Checkerboard Floor
In a complete set of instant miraclesWe all sit motionless and timelessEven though things are happening all around. We are all getting older as each year passes. We are all surrounded by millions of departedsouls. Trying to connect with just onesingle human being and why?To connect is the true reality.If you can be in symbiance with yourspirit guide. To mind and matter Molecules upon molecules.The dead talk through telepathy and Your waking dream world that is all around. We only have a few years to perfect things and then it's on to adult problems and manifestationsHow can we come out of this misery?We can start by being with our family.& close at heart-always a telephone callaway. But-I am still always very distant.Then people die all around and you justWonder how. And why. Then it's another Person. Taken by the man with the scythe.
He was many men all wrapped into one bodyHe lit my fire from deep inside and had a loving touchWe had mixed views about everythingAnd to sit calmly and reflect on a bountiful life
It is such as this a very lucky manHe had a middle class upbringing and lots of relativesHe was a very lucky man indeedWe traveled to see each other often
And quickly the relationship grew sourIt was a world in such as this that we are bredTo live a life of simplicity and admiration
We are all in a vast and complex digital matrixI had to pass guards with guns guarding the borderThey searched all my stuff five foldHe was right for me and I was right for him
In the moment it felt good and when I saw him next I kissed himBut he recoiled as he knew who I was and wanted to ignore meQuickly he left and quickly I ran. We both hid in our countries.
In a free form and a free world without boundariesI feel like ending my life everyday and find no solsticeTrapped within a body for the duration of your natural expected life seems to be a quagmire I can't understand
In a relationship such as mine I struggle day in day outI believe in monogamy over polygamy and polymoryI sleep till noon and find my day after that pointKeeping up with extended family proves to be challenging
There is so much to life that I don't understandThere is so much to life that I have to find out what it is it all aboutWho am I supposed to meet in this lifetime and what is my destinyI am a powerful being worth over $55,000,000,000 with cells marrow and all
They just don't tell you that in the poorer countries..that you are actually somebodyWith something to give... and some more to take what you need from life in general.In the more developed countries we are still treated like cattle -but at least we are whole.We have so much to give in a society that is free and we have a lot of freedom to live.
In Canada you don't have to give all your money to a dictator. But the G.S.T. on top of the P.S.T. adds up to %14 The government is bleeding us to the point of starvation.But they give gays the freedom to do whatever they wish-including marry.That is a government to vote for in the coming election.
In this beautiful digital hologram we all call home, different "Zions"In this world we are all kept and held as property-as an income trust.How do we leave the boundaries and restrictions of life?I don't know the answer to that question but I figure with time will tell
And we will all be saved by time itself.
Election 2006
Canada can't be lost to the conservativesThen they will re vote on same sex marriageThe conservatives would turn the clock back
We live in a relatively free society not boundLike other republics and democracies Where would the gays go if Canada didn't let them in
The U.S. has turned it's back on gays and lesbiansYou should see a psychic at least once a yearThey tell you whether you will live a long life
We live under a monarch. How serene.At least the people don't get the choice of who will governWe see and live in testament to our monarchs
I am a dogwood monarchist and believe in upholding the monarchyI love the freedoms that our leaders help us to achieveAnd make us live at a higher state of being
The senate wants to legalize marijuana and tax the hell out of itBut if the conservatives take the lead we will all be screwedThey put out attack ads against the liberals and they suck
But they are all manipulative. Designed to manipulate the populaceInto a new wave of thought that is deceiving and pathetic.That's why people that don't follow politics actually vote these pigs in.
Masonic Curse
He lived at the penthouse of a cute loftAnd had a jaguar and a BMWHe was going to pay me $650 to live with himAnd he was going to pay for my schooling
I was to move in to the penthouse immediatelySo I did, and I left my longest term boyfriend To live with the wealthy guy named mason(It was his last name)
I moved without any type of furniture only a bag and a caseHe had a chandelier made out of knives and forks and We always ate "soup" together. He talked of riddles constantlyHe had a sword that he said was haunted, a knightship perhaps?
But the secret had yet to reveal itself..he was a Gemini (the twins sign)Then he introduced me to JLo who was a manboy that looked exactlyIf not better-than me..but our DNA looked like it matched. We couldPass for brothers.
Mason later told me that JLo was HiV + and that he wished the relationship had succeeded rather than failed. The whole loft in thepenthouse was covered in mirrors everywhere and up on the loftpart-the bedroom had a two way glass installed.
Gosh this whole place is haunted I proclaimed. I met the master mason.A Knight that by joining the masons gives up his own name for that of a celebrity. Each Piece of the checkerboard floor is different though.One is a white square the other is a black square.
He burnt his cat in front of me on the gas stove while drunk and the cat Ran up the stairs flaming. He spoke of a witch hunt for "Johns"While he lived in Toronto. That one young guy had gotten him into a lot of troubleAnd that his marriage soon after that failed and a split ensued.
So he moved to Vancouver and is the past president of Scotia Bank.He introduced me to my twin and that in itself is amazing.I was hospitalized a few times after meeting one of these guys 'on the level'He was a reptile being that wasn't human.
We had a unique experience through door alarms and walking around like the devilThis man taught me that you can live through lung cancer and brain tumors.
And HiV. He mentioned that all of his tendons were cutAnd talked of my many computers and laptops on hand And he seemed to know a few of my deepest darkest secretsAnd I think he had an affection for me.
There must be a secret file somewhere that only demons and angels know of the answersTo decode and deprogram each and every experience in life and simplifyCreating a sort of parallel dimension. Where there are multiple realities.Multiple characters of your own individual self.
He was a peculiar individual. He chain smoked like I couldn't ever conceive.The psychic said that I was under a curse. This led me to believe that the curse Was simultaneously happening in other lives too. In other matrix's under monarchy.The curse was %99 probable to be happening in the moment as well.
The curse may be generational as well..But this man led me to believe he was the lifterOf these curses. That he was the man. The judge and knight and believer of the faith.After he introduced me to my twin and after he burnt his cat and after we went out a few times...he turned into just a cheap wealthy Masonic curse.
To enter into the immortal bank of the supreme being seems to be the current fadTo enter into the checkerboard floor seems to be of the latest fad...He mentioned that he knew the god parents to prince William and HarryI was such a fool to be with this public we got stares by young gay men.
They were all curious in one word as it's put. We went to a Halloween party at a Pickup joint for hustlers. I felt like the King of all hustlers. For a moment though.We Couldn't keep the momentum up and I had lied to coverup my identity.It was an impasse. The future of us become clear in my mind.
I couldn't date a banker because banker do not have any blood. He had lung cancer surgery marks on his back and he asked me to rub cream on his back.He was old, dyeing and sick and on like 50 different medications.I think he has passed away. But from my estimates he might have another 20 years.
Trials and error
The red red gloves came off of Michael jacksons handThe top hat with the stringie hair and the diamond glove all came offThe Moffatts were young and going to my school-Quadra elementaryThe same school where the principal caught me locking an
Enclosed area near the school. I think they called home for that one.I went to about twenty schools all over Alberta and B.C.So I went on my own path through special schools and alternative educationI sang with the moffatt triplets and their brother in a mall.
It was just a few xmas songs but nothing more...I have done cocaine,I have smoked it & snorted it.. never injected it-I hate the idea of injecting myselfI guess I would never be able to find the vein so I would be digging aroundI have done acid about 40 times and smoked probably a half million joints.
I tried snorting heroin once only cause I thought "down" was cocaine.It made me sick to my stomach and I couldn't even stand without gagging.I've done mushrooms about 50 times. And they always made me feel a little Woozy. I first tried them at 15 with a friend that now has hepatitis.
I've smoked and snorted crystal meth about a hundred times in my lifetime.It made me feel high for days and the comedown was even worse...I felt like I was dyeing in a concentration camp of starvation, edginess and starvation.The Nazis bought crystal meth in 1919 from the Japanese that created the drug.
I've tried PCP in one joint...didn't feel much from that one. I want to have a farm one day. With goats and chickens. Mabey a llama or two as well.I hated school with a passion because the bells and assholes running the show we're Stupider than the whole school. I felt like a cattle...
The administrations were always higher than the police and the learning was toxic.I was bullied in a few schools because I wasn't in any sports programsI hated this and knew one day I would get my GED and the whole think will dissipateI did the most extreme version of this life and would not live it any different.
I have been sitting here for 3 damn daysCan't eat Can't sleepInto organizational things like escort adsI have a million thoughts a second.And write stories of Hitler And youth and beauty.Living life in an over sexualized state.And unknown to most I am in a stateOf Ketosis.I have been up and at it for 3 damn days.Moving my room into one of nine bedroomsWhich one will it be....Which one will I choose?Then un be known to everyoneI will be lost into the pig farmFor "escorts" and thieves.The gays should have an elected minister.Otherwise our voice goes unheard.
The parties were amazing with the bass thumpingFriends everywhere and D.J.'s that turned out to be friends
Fun everywhere, Drugs everywhere, and 10 different kinds.(all to do at once) Emorphing into another state of consciousness
The world just closing in around you...The girl mentioned that she had To go and cut up the acid for us in the female washroom.
I spent nights at parties just dancing and wandering and talking...Then I turned out to be extremely introverted. Never leaving home.
I am sort of scared of strangers too...But all is well when you live as A recruit and an exhile. Now I wonder of human intent.
I am freaked out by the choice of living. Who did I favor to be born intoA human body. Was I a Woman in my last life. Or a cat or a mountain.
But I know I must have waited a long time to enter this body and I won't scareForever more may my heart feel sort of trapped within a digital illusion.
Meant to disguise the true nature to us human beings. That we are living upside downWe are seeing through digital eyes. & living constrained within a body. Within a pearl.
Undiagnosed Schizophrenia
It all started in some quaint day on the eve of a bad date.I had a male sexual experience gone bad. Real bad.And I woke up next to this man and his checkerboard floor.I figured he was a black square and that "mason"was a white square.
I left that morning feeling drugged up and wandered around aimlesslyIn a complete state of illusion. I walked for hours around town.Where I walked into a gay bar and called the police.The police and ambulance came and took me to the hospital.
Where I was quickly discharged. Then I went home and read the paperI was getting secret messages in the newspaper. So I decided to go out andNever finished my spaghetti. Leaving the house I walked for awhile andThen came upon a church that people were hiding in to eat my legs for dinner
I tried all the doorhandles and bowed at the secret door and decided that tonightWas not the night to have my legs eaten. So I went to the street which seemedTo make a way for me to walk. So I ended up at the Buddhist temple..WhereAfter I took my shoes off my muscle began to spasm. So I continued to take my clothes
Off. Then I sat there naked for about an hour before the police were called and theOfficer mocked me and he wanted to take his undies off to give to me.His partner was female and from what I could see had experience.That's when I was brought to VGH emergency and waited for a bed on the psyche
Ward to open up...I shaved my eyebrows and hair and acted really weird for awhile.I thought that the United nations were after me. & that I was involved in an "international incident" So I tried to throw a chair through the window. The nursing staff heard this and quickly tied me to a bed by my feet and arms.
They gave me sleep medicine (two needles in the thigh) I thought that the nursing staff and the hospital were involved in eating human meat that was provided by the patients.I met a guy in there he wanted to be my friend. So we exchanged pajamas.Then he punched somebody - I think a doctor and he was sent to the notorious riverview
After they put me in a room without oxygen I passed out and was crashing on the floor.Somebody forgot to tell them that there was no air in those cells. I had visions of beatings and bruises done by the hospital staff. & that the fish is not really fish...That they were refeeding human meat to us patients and that they were drugging the cookies
Tea Time
The force is with you always.Green is to earl greyThe world is simply to large to explore.In time you will see the truth behind it allThe mirror beyond the mirror.And you will see the illusion behind it all.The crystal ball to see the futureAnd an animal will guide you to your higher path.A pipsqueak dog getting a haircut is a funny thing indeedAnd all the world is pretending not to notice.Those born with the gift of the gab are chosen onesI am not born with the gift of the gab.I must harbor the secerets of my whole lineage In time you will see the mystery of the worlds around.As orange pekoe is to English breakfast.They say the force is with you.So I keep going and going and going
Smoking ten cigarettes a day And I'm missing you at the same timeHolding on to something that never was
Mabey one day you will think of me and rememberwhat was, and continues to be... is all of salvationIn time you will see and may you see the future
The truth about us being upside down and introvertedWe can always be in contact...So now I add 4 or 5Joints in a day. Living like I am in Amsterdam.
Mabey one day you figure out how real I was and how much I have contributed to your path. And mabey one dayyou'll realize exactly what I have done to influence your path.
Smoking 4 or 5 joints in my day and you have conciousness altering mode of life. A different reality. A simpler reality.
Town Bench
In an orderly manner the young man sat At the town square bench outside the courthouseFor the man had nowhere to go and nowhere to hideHe just sat and sat with nobody to talk to until an oldFrail woman sat next to him and began talking about theWar with the nazi's and how vulnerable we all are.
Then the old lady got up and walked off after resting.Then a gay couple sat down next to him and asked what Was up and what was down. The quiet man began to talkAbout his past and then the gay couple got up and went for a latteThen an old man sat down and started talking about his family.
The quiet young man and the old man chatted for hours about nothingAlthough it seemed to be nothing at all in the moment but he realized It was building his character to speak to all these people. And with thatThe old man got up after chatting for an hour and left the young manSitting quietly on the bench. Then, nothing happened for a few hours
Worldly Views and expressions of 'in the moment' art are viewedWe live in an earthquake hotspot some guy riding a bicycle shoutedAnd shook up the young man in the hotseat. Then a nice young man Sat next to him and before you know it, they were kissing.What a glorius end to something magnificent.
In order to meditate you must sit completely still for an hourAnd feel the different sensations the body producesYou may feel some tickling or you may need to run an errandAs quickly as possible. & You may feel good sensations.But to experience the full advantage of meditation you shouldKeep a calm an enlightened perspective.The law of the universe states that you can be very happy In this lifetime..How in the world will you find your way?
The way is expressed in Buddhist terms as the way to enlightenmentSome people think we evolved from primates so how can we have extra sensory Powers then? Are we special ? Is there a life force in the world protecting us.Where in the world do we find this sensation. You must start with yourself.It is in all of us. And our god love us very much. No matter who we are.Each day in and day out can be very lonely.
You must remember we are being watched over in this lifetime.We are free to do anything we want because our guardians have a different formThan our own. They are created invisible and watch over us all the time.It may be past relatives or loves or friends from other lives.We are guarded no matter who we are...some of us have one and some of us have 10The invisible guardians want us to know of heaven on earth.
That we are now in heaven and looking outward...that there may be nowhere else to goExcept here. This is your earth...your home and your life. So take it by the reigns And giddy up and go. Make yourself as happy as possible and live to learn.
This is where you will find the truth of our existenceThis is where you can attend a ten day meditation retreatYou wake up at four and meditate until nineYou are allowed two meals a day with fruit for dinner
You can find eternal happiness here and welcome those on the pathYou are not able to speak for the ten daysAnd you are not to write, listen to music either.But what you get with S.N. Goenka's meditation retreats is a
Good moral background and the ability to calm the 3 causes of all unhappinessCraving, aversion, and ignorance. The program is specifically designedFor those who have never meditated before. You are "served" by volunteersWho make your meals and prepare the curriculum.
You meditate for 10 days in the forest in Merrit B.C. They are looking to open a centerIn Victoria some day... for the $200,000 grant makes it possible.And One day at the merritt location will have a pagoda.There is no charge to attend the courses only old students may give a donation.
You'll find yourself at
I've enjoyed humanity and the people around meLiving up their life as if it's a credit cardBut life is much more complex than thatThe evil eye and the second glances andAll the Evil and Nasty people.One day I want to be very rich and have a 9000 square foot dream house. With sharp furnishingsAnd a guard cat sitting behind a mega security systemSo it's like having a dog but without the messCats are very regal creatures, if I had a house that bigI could have 20 cats and some fish to entertain meI would like to have a car and a driver by the time I'm 40I will have quit smoking a half pack a day
Have an etheric dance party with a dozen or so catsAnd live like the super rich. But I better start counting penniesThere is so much in the world that I haven't seenSo it doesn't make sense to leave it for anythingOh but to leave the world what would happen next?I imagine a white bright light and lots of secrecyLike an illuminati digital matrix. Your program would ceaseTo exist and you would have no more purpose to your being
You are discarded like a piece of trash. You are made to feel Like you were at fault at some point in life and you are forcedInto the burning hells of fire once you choose to commit suicideIt is a sin to want to kill yourself says the catholic church.The illuminati want to keep us trapped and confinedThese beings are the one sole cause of misery in the lives of citizensThey believe that they are an ascended being higher than everyone elseThis is heaven. Your standing in all your glory now. Don't leave it aloneEmbrace the matrix and the digital illusion, the conspiracies that bind us all togetherWe will have flying cars when the illuminati are extinguishedLaw, Military, Medicine, Government, Schools, Transportation, etcAre all illuminati run corporations. Higher than the law and the land.
They are selling off the moon to the super rich because the illuminatiHave put their Masonic flag on the ground. The first to reach that far.
Lifestyles of the rich and famous
We are all confined within a body like a diamond is.Or like a pearl or ruby. We are trapped within a singularConsciousness. Our lifetime may seem like a prison term to mostBut what if you failed to wake up one day and you just ascended
All space and time and you would enter into a world of rules and behaviorAll to particular to your own being. Each one of us has sprit guidesSent from the smaller dimensions that hail from different time periodsAnd other worlds. These beings watch over us in harmony with the rest of us
We are all confined, but watched over like a flock of sheep or some birdsWe are different programs sent from the same higher being and there are onlyTwo choices...male or female and that is it. This particular mode of lifeIs confusing and unbeknown to anybody.
It appears as if males came from one planet and females come from a differentGalaxy than their male counterparts and we were just brought here to mass produceLike 6.5 billion of us now. Talk about breeding gone bad.A beautiful technicolour dreamscape design on in the back ground
Living life in this glorius technicolour digital matrix is confusing to most Who try to decipher it all. Ten fingers, Ten toes, Two Eyes, one nose and mouthI want to meet the person responsible for it all and thank him or her.Or whatever it is that rules over our spirits.
It could be a genderless fat blob or it can be a beautiful ice princess?When will I ever find out is beyond me, and for that matter I will wait.The secret of life is about to be revealed and I don't want to miss it for anything.I will wait and find life in all of time and space
The all seeing eye
I believe in miracles and the one true faith on earthIs to simply live, and be as happy as possibleYour in my world and in my life when you read thisYou have entered a simpler art-form a more distant character
In an eccentric digital matrix for animals - all being run by the S.P.C.A.I have seen people die right in front of me. Many times.We are all locked into a perpetual slavery systemWhere you are promised a little renumeration for slavery to exist
We are run by the global elite. A few puppets with all the codes Financiers with an agenda of enslaving the populace and ignoringThe cries for help from the lower class. Treating them like animalsIn every institution.
The illuminati are the world elite in law and medicine politics transport etc.These chosen ones are the ones enslaving the populace.They have put things in my body and in yours tooI always feel a gel pack worm at my knee sometimes
You have been micro-chipped already if not-in the next 10 years everyoneWill have a chip to access the internet implanted in our brains or wristsI was a freemason in another life and now I regret it. I was a woman in Another lifetime.
What did I do that was so bad as to warrant another human body.I must have lucked out somehow-or waited eons for another body.But growing up was like a prison sentence anywaysConstantly dealing with other psychotic children
I have been to about twenty schools moving around constantly as a childNow I live the life of a monarch and choose what to write and what not to writeYou are in a beautiful digital hologram set up to imprison you and enslave youAs long as the truth is unveiled why don't you bask in it's glory.
Chain Link Fence
I spent some time with an HIV+ maleI was high on crystal meth and hitting the ultimate of Crash and burn.
I have read that it is relatively impossible to contract the diseaseBut since then I have noticed what Rock Bottom really meansWhen your naked with somebody with H.I.V
Your risks grow of contracting the disease We were snorting Crystal meth together and I remember a nurse saying that you can get aids That way. Through the nasal tube.
I feel that we are in a deathcamp. A large enlightened society.But my experience with this man has made me want to end it all.I took a bath and insisted he watch me-to pay attention to..I was high
He eventually fell asleep. But not without a mushroom I saw growing Out of his ass. After he fell asleep I wrote a long story of jesus & HitlerThen I left, glad that I hadn't caught H.I.V. But perplexed as to what to do next.I had peaked on the drug as the epitome of self destruction.I had snorted my final line and walked the plank all too close to death.
I slept with some pretty fat men in my lifetimeEscorting for cash, escorting for victoryIn an ego centric profession
Pleasing men for moneyI also met with ambassadorsDoctors, Police, Lawyers
Teachers, Truck Drivers, ScientistsI saw all these types of men naked and readyFor my touch
I met the circuit men of the sex clan I went full force into meeting all types of menAnd respecting most men
We got high on cocaine-smoking and snorting itDrugs are always somewhere closeBut I couldn't equate the pig farm philosophy
Many different types of prostitutes going missingIt all seemed kind of high riskWhen there are murderers and complete psychopathsI met Psychologists, Psychiatrists, Professors and Priests
Walking the path
Some of the jobs I have had in my lifetimeAre paramedic, vendor, stage host, fabric salesman,Advertising and telemarketing. Working in a bakery
Now I collect disability and get about $846.00 a monthThe bare essentials. Some funds for shelter and some For food and Buddhist statues.
I recently won $1000 on two separate slot machinesSo I have entered house lotteries, To win mansionsAnd cars and travel. One day I'm bound by the laws
Of nature to succeed and to win that house.I want it to have like 5 bedrooms So I can rent some outI would be a householder with tremendous responsibilities
Now I wish upon a star and a coin thrown in the riverI wish on every day to win that house and what drives me Daily is that hope that one day, some day I'll live in my dreamhouse.
And mabey one day I'll have that Buddhist sangha that I've wantedOr a monastery for Buddhist priests (men and women)I will start a gay mens sangha because nothing else matters
A sangha is a group of Buddhist people meditating or meeting with The intent to worship Buddhism or non sectarianismOne day I will have my sangha. One day...
Chronic sweet Chronic
Hearing deep rythemic beats in the distanceHearing the sound of my angels voiceSeeing my protectors
Speaking with those that guide meAnd seeing those that cannot seeBeautiful laser type blue waters
And angels singing bollywood anthemsUnder the bright pink and white sky Singing in English and Punjabi
You are the reason I live each dayYou are the reason why I wake every dayYou are here and so am I
It seems that nobody has heard my request toRelocate. Where to? Why not the kingdom of Saudi ArabiaWhere they stone people that steal
I was the ultimate thief with about $50.000 worth of stuffBut I haven't been caught yetThat's what makes the story so realistic
I have surpassed crime and threw the computers in the riverI have shed myself of those filthy "hot" itemsFor I don't want to get a jail sentence
I have lived through suicide attempts and stealing aboutOne hundred and fifty thousand dollars in my youthPassing bad cheques as early as twelve
I have felt guilty sometimes and it adds to my depressionI figure everyone is out to get me nowBut slowly I am coming out of my turtle shell
Shri satya
Sometimes I sit and stare at the oceanLooking for my past life...Is it there to haunt me or torment me.
What about my future lifeWill it be scarey or will it be trueWill I be an animal or plankton
I hope one day the secret to all of humanityIs revealed...Our whereabouts in the new millenniumLike castaways and figureheads
Where will the destiny train take usTo freedom and glory I hopeI am getting more and more experienced
As I age I am 23 now and feel like I am 40Will we see our creator in this lifetimeWill he ascend downwards just to meet us all
Or will they stay silent and in the corner staring outAt nothing for all of eternity.Will we meet the creator of all mankind?
I just hope it's the sai baba That would be niceOr rael from the raeliens
An informative listener the only vampire that can trust you In by empathetic state. The news is just in...Nazi's havetaken over. Where by logic and reason, one soul chooses thislife of what? Agri dependent nature. No. We are nude
We are so nude that the checkered white and black floors are everywhereThe symbology is everywhere. People and things are flowing together.Amidst my broke and chaotic life. I sit withdrawn and hated for it.On one hand I have the nazi's and on the other hand
I have the rest of this Banff. Encircling a beautiful lifestyle of my own.Just left to wander for all time. To leave this urban "ism" and search for my father.& the rest of my family. What on earth do I speak of daily? Myself...A paradigm, A matrix, A digital hologram
Get Bent
Pitter patter ran the diesel truckFor the world did not see it driving through The solid mainframe. I bought your soul at an auctionShouted the man in the truck-this is the reason to carry a taser gunFour steps crossed 2 foot there and I sat. Unable to move for my soulWas to be retrieved. Where would one get a soul back from the underworld?I wonder just pondering the thoughts laid out before me in this web of deceit.And lies of M.B.A. freedoms. Where would one find a soul so beaten by theWorld afar and beneath him the water is creeping in so deep. Get real and Get bent.
Black Sheep
On zyprexia leading to diabetesSo no sugar is laid but the symptoms are goneSo no human meat eaters are going to dine out on my legtonight. Where I kneel before the church of saint Patrick.And take off all my clothes on the Buddhist monastery steps.How in the world did I ever get a Masonic curse.
Who did I piss off to tread this deep in the abyss of zillions of creatures.Micro to large. It's so many of the same face and body of our creatorSolid smooth or bubbly to wait is to sit is to wait and listen.
Being on 3 years probation has it's downsides and feels like a farmFor black sheep like me. You have to report monthly and answer a barrageOf questions by your probation officer.
I am glad to have been rid of the justice system. Proud to live my life as a Law abiding citizen.
Something is there.. here.. all around us. It is pursuing us down our path.But there is an emotional and telepathic force following each and us and all
Is it wrong for this force to project negativity and create a bad situation.Only to be a blessing in disguise. Coffee is fueling our race for generations to come.An interactive and elusive society that never sleeps.
But for a plant to grow..It may need to pollinate at night Voire and beautyIn an impermanent race...where old age is illusion to keep the wheel of capitalism running.
Why grow old and frail when you can become a new genetically tailored individualWith hair, and a weight proportionate to the body type and weight.We live in a society where the mentally ill are the closest form of the divineIf we treat the mentally ill differently than our psychic attraction to the collective consciousness will be lost.
The eye being the window to the soul..Governed by the same serpent and the shaftBanks, medicine, law, education. The only professions of the matrixMidevil times midevil torture
To all those people participating in the ongoing illegal surveillanceAnd harassment of me. This is psycho torture of the cruelest kind.On top of the neurological impairments it has already caused.If you had to live one day of this cursed existence. It would be unlikely that you would have accepted any inducement to participate.Just say no to covert human experimentation and Harrassment.
A destination to go, on Tuesday or Wednesday Where behind the mirror and the wall sits a video cameraAnd a tape recorder. Matrix spy. Workers stare.Collecting information but never giving jobs
Fairies vs. Sai Baba and the uglies
Suddenly a psychological shift occuredSomething happened. A quantum rift openedAnd the whole scenario came to playWe all have alike options.
Mirror sequences, rifts in time and spaceImpermanence one in one thousand are just like youBe it straight, gay, big or tall we all have alike characteristicsWe are half reptilian
+ a matrix stem in the back of our brains. What the fuckYou meet your twin (double) and your like "strange"Is it a telepathic gypsy here to sell your body and mind toThe highest bidder.
Incompetence will set the young gay soul freeFor what purpose and to what end will we all goWill they find peace in the bar every night drinkingThe soul away. Unknown that they are caught in a Perpetual time warp of oppression and slavery.
Crystal Meth has invaded the gay clubs like doughnutsThe Nazis loved ritualistic magic. Now the force that killed Millions is now involved in every waking corner of our lives.It haunts our very being. And follows young gay men home every nightSo many battles to be fought. Pharmacological and cheap.
Alcohol and clubs and the constant addiction to sex and craving.Drugs include after hours and the death that ensues in the comedown.Jobs are lost to it and denial follows it around, poverty, and oppression.Suicide and freemasonry. Breathing down the necks of every shirtless boyEverywhere.
Happiness is the real and only thing left to protect. I am not a bad person for Being in the situation that I'm in. I'm different. I'm amused.
Red Red Wave
I was riding a wave. Not a wave of contempt and scornRidicule and glare. One where I am riding full on.Enjoyment on all planes. Astral etc.
I can feel it coming to play. Sometime soon it will appearTo be racing by. Why so permanent? Why so still?Why so kept? What is the rush to stay around...
For what and to what end? To lose concentration over and overTime in time out. But I insist a super happy urban hype just took placeLike an unknown urban central. What else do you do but bathe in ignoranceAnd slavery.
I am now on a quest for self purification. Including starvation and mysterySelf employment and meditation, travel and such. Vampires take control ofThe situation all the time and never less.
Frontal Lobe
Assimilate energyRemarksKnowledgeFoodFuelGlancesFeels things
21st century ethics now supercede 20th century anticsLife is in this all out state of distraction and repetitionHiding us away from ourselves.
& our innermost teachings are the result of the serpent and the shaftEvery core fibre of our being is related to what is outside of ourselvesFrom hunter nomad to carb dependent diet of utter control.
The good thing about summer is that they don't sell you frozen fruitInstead of real fruit. The serpent and the spine(shaft) guards nazi medical secretsYet we allow corporations to take control of our medical recordsIn our world of colour we are all mistaken
My travels have taken a form of completion. & a sort of final contemplative chapter.In some weird volume of the encyclopedia called life. The checkerboard floor andThe broken tissue in my knee have announced something.
The vultures are always circling above, But what is more peculiar is, my own mental illness. Schizophrenia is stunting to growth. At times it has me mystified. I proclaimThat I am here to fight a hidden war.
A war raging from the deepest zones known to humanity. Even I don't fully understand it. I sit and stare at the clock for all eternity.
Dr. Guillotine was a freemason
Hello are you with me? Okay good Here we go...Some twisted anti-masonic theory is hard to stomachI was planning on doing something for this one.
I left on a trip across Canada. I've got the munchiesMr.Christie says they are %15 less saltA parallel time traveler from another dimensionLots of energy @ night.
Some twisted fucking blood ritual consumes our daylightWorshipping false idols. Insane crackers or holographic wizardsElizibeth and Charles are reptilians. Guided by their reptilian brain.
So am I and so are you. Where darkness swells is dirty spirit beingsWhere light prevails Humming and hawing of the establishment.Through sex magic and twisted Masonic practices.
With wheatgrass I can look twenty years younger all the time.Now I can start a new philosophy called S.A.D. (Shaun Allen Delage)= ism
What? A complex theory unraveling of oppression one act at a timeOne soul to another soul in the form of spiritual currency of some sort.The world is illusion. Should dharma be taught to leather daddies
I offer my time in the name of love and freedom and not witch craft or illusion
H2O +
What is one, but lysergic acid, citric acid and water and sub atomic particlesIt is such a warped reality, when I wake up in the matrix.But it looks like more of a web of deceit and filth.
My interactions of simultaneous interest would inherit me with a warped sense of selfEspecially in Canada. You are a rockstar from birth here in Canada.Where does one go and what does one do within the borders of a free society.Instead of thinking with my brain I want to think like a dozen other people.
Do I request a timeslot to think and speak now...Do I stop to meditate...Am I a princeOr a pheasant with flowing feathers...Or am I right in the middle. To be a writer in Montreal and in the dead of winter you need guts. With the black and blue parties raging.To beat and to sing to good family men.
Your wonderfully sound when married to me. Oh real estate. Bah bah. Interior designFood, the arts, and science. Drumroll please don't forget about celibacy and sex.Oh my back is turned to the poetic lick.
Feelings of mystery
Crystalline and 796 more dimensions to travelThis whole illusion is based on a blatant lie.The Secrets are held by those magicians who understand cause and effect. Do they? Or are they apart of the grand illusion. I don't have time to figure out this distraction of pure elusive practices from the mega corporation that owns this rock in space. My light is odd and very very white and bright. So odd that I don't feel pain. No pain on this earthbound for nothing. Time and space and nether regions of choice that never really happened.
One earthbound lie fabricated through a dream state. My choice to live never actually existed in my memory. I am not of a bloodline that inherits massive amounts of magic and mystery and intrigue. Just to be mistaken and labeled as something different.Furthermore I have inherited some amount of the 55 billion I am owed.
Beige Universe
The evil eye is so pre emptive for a strike. On my militaristic brainset.Why do you torment yourself in such a null and dull existencePast 5 million miles frozen into a particle of space.Suffused to the evil eye exists a story of it's creation.& it's utter removal from time and space.
It was removed from the fabric of space and time by the right wing ChristiansThe Egypt nazi techno space warriors of earth. They can travel between dimensionsAnd impose their beliefs on others. This right wing think tank runs our daily lives.Blasting propaganda in our faces. The face changes it's destiny and shape for what purpose?
Skin hair and eyeballs we are all built the same. The aura of the planet when your tied to the rich like an umbilical cord of the petty and undereducated. They made a lot of mistakes in a lifetime..that cannot be hidden and therefore needed protection.In small doses we are given things-banked doses.
When there is a certain amount of time needed to rest and duck and cover. Move and shop and away you go through the masons don't let you forget about the deal with the devil needed to enter into life itself. And everything is in chaos on the royal right wing.I cannot fear my next step in the game as it comes to me.
I think that my family is illusion and that I am illusion as well and that we are surrounded in illusion and hidden things. Hidden little creatures. Leads me to ask why all the deceptive practice? Well it could have been a misconception of a human personality type. Or it could be that the deception lies within the very nature of the soul itself.
So have me shot immediately in the town square...but you won't get the shot in time.It will all come down to one point of time if I am ever to spare myself from being shot.Simple as that...In the second and in the minute review of detail before me, that's all it is.And being that things are not what they seem and people and families are fragments of a shattered soul.
An unchained and unrestricted mammal. Is the universe beige or purple or blackAnswer me this is it beige or purple or black. So smile and laugh more. Be light and practice Right Speech. Live your life to the fullest and always remember that you areSpecial.
One day the beautiful prince woke up on a multi purpleSchroom. It was 30 feet across and he just lay there smoking weed.Wondering about the stars, evolution and capital. And vampires.
To be younger than everyone else yet in some ritual I experienced a smile in the face of the devil. & I pretended for a moment that all the video cameras were turned off.I am back riding the wave of the mushroom...
I have beautiful vamp kin that will never die but will live long enough to see the struggling mortal souls quiver with a lifetime of war famine prison starvation capitalism religions claiming lives western ideology and nazi psy-ops
Flesh eating people who eat their relatives at weddings and other royal Satanist partiesWell, I took myrhh today so that shit just bounces right off of me. How close is everyone in walking the path of jesus yet able to resist water soluble substance all energy your way now.
Buddhist Vibe
All I ever wanted as a kid was a million dollars and it drove me insane still doesWill I be an old man just making it or will I be rich and successful The unique and growing individual sets his gaze.Worldly pleasures indulge the sen5es. Independence is a lost cause in a relationship.Flanked by security and he still cries like a baby. Fourteen tibetian monks surround me.In wait I play a game to amuse myself. A little blackjack...
Mental health
In my psychotic episode I thought I was kingAnd everyone else was just an agent. And agent.That wanted to eat my leg to discover the secretsOf masonry. So that's why I took off all my clothes At the embassy the Buddhist temple and UBCI was the nudist Buddhists Now my only wish remainsTo keep myself looking like a twink forever.
I am a cat fancier and a reverend everything written is considered sacredSo I will make myself write a little bit more each and every day that goes bySchizophrenia is not easy -there are side effects.
Live your full lifeLive in aspect to your own egoHarmoniously.
U.B.C. Psychiatry
The world is my apple, for the fruit had no seeds.Indulge in a game, A game for the 5 senses.They only send violent people to the locked wards.Trying to find something on the television at the hospitalFor Psychiatry proves to be difficult.What will the fruit do to me now.
2000 chemicals
Chemical free for 3 years, synthetic free And I sit and wonder, What would have happened to meWould I have contracted HIV like so many young gay soulsWould the world have thrown that to me?
I prayed and prayed to never again feel the side effects of methThe partier inside of me died a few times with the side effectsI'd like to make it to a rave sometime soon before the music dies
My family and I get older with every year passing, forgive them and my kinFor they never knew what they were getting involved in. The beats still thump inside my soul. The loud bass bounces off my chest. Each beat getting stronger and stronger.
Engrained in my body forever. The effects of drug experimentation. Walking away from a rough past and looking forward to a new future. And a new day in history. The motorcade was always there in my mind anyways.
To what end will my hear go and be finally free. If death should come and take me awayIt won't be a mistake to say that god will be with you. And peace be with as well
The Voice
I met some young guy off of a phoneline for gays...he sounded like a cute twink.He was in Winnipeg and I was in Vancouver. We had a whirlwind romance with many calls to and from and finally we exchanged pictures of each other and he wanted me to move in with him in Winnipeg. So I committed bank fraud to pay for the ticket.& We dated over the phone and had phonesex many times over a year...1 Year.
He had such a cute voice and from his picture he seemed to be a genuine sweet guy.I packed up my whole house, gave some things away and was basically ready to skip.I managed to get everything I needed in about 7 or 8 bags and I flew to Winnipeg.
Boy was I excited and I was going to surprise him too... So I went to his place and nobody was home. So I sat around the building for awhile until some people let me in.So, I knocked and knocked and nobody was home.
I left and went to subway. On my return I noticed some lights were on in the suite I was knocking on. So I entered the building by some footstand I used to block the doorway.I knocked and a large man answered the door. He said that he was a friend of the guy I had been talking to on the phone for the whole year.
I just said whatever and entered his suite, giving him time to explain things a little I guess. So we went out to the beer store. And when we got back I was on his bed and heSaid something in that voice I recognized on the phone.
I flipped out and called my friend and said "you know that address I gave you, if I don't call you back in 5 minutes call and send the Winnipeg police to the door" he said fineThe guy overheard this conversation and asked what was going on.
I smashed his window and left and flew back to Vancouver crying over a lost love that was never meant to be. I feared that he was going to beat me or enslave me so I flew back immediately with all my stuff back and forth back and forth. Criss crossing the country all for a fake voice. How scarey eh??
Crowded and jinxed celebrity wonders how jinxed he actually is. On the path of the enlightened ones. By due process he wonder if he is on the path of the enlightened ones.Shall I give up on wealth or shall I go on...Enlightenment contains courage and with courage comes pleasure and the word of all the rulers of homo-sapiens. The rulers are bloodbound and born to serve. To serve they must remain invisible. Beings that serve you day in day out. Meet your maker and hold the creator close be a prince of all princess.
Billions spent keeping the working class at bayFeeding the very few millionaires.Where will the working class be exploited next?
They hide behind guns and badges and can takeyou at a moments notice.
Just be awake when they take you to the camps
666 government
I can't give up. I wanna go on but I can't stop thinking of what was.Now there was a coincidence three years ago that sticks with me till now.I hate this world sometimes and they breathe down my neck for everything.I can't give up I wanna go on. I want to make millions writing about what was.Been on probation for 3 whole years for mace-ing a guy and tried to steal his truck.I just can't help but think of what was, Never again will I break the law, never again.I never had a clue of what was...only a piece of the puzzle. I just can't help thinking of what was. Involvement in a super secret insect colony experiment is stressfull.
You were given the freedom to roam the cities of earth for all time& you will remain humble and moral for the most part.Don't ever forget who you are. & what exactly you were given.Drink some tea and have some crumpets. At home staring at the most beautiful mountain range. We are the most beautiful in the world.So majestic and rad. Be humble and on the righteous path. Pillow soft.Live in love and love to live.
The Teacher
The thoughts to end my being pervade me. While I have every sensory pleasure.Remain hopeful and inspired for the world wants you to be carefree. It is what the world wants for you. Living in a fantasy. When will this city take me away to heaven on earth.The temple must be relaxing and majestic. The monks robed and pleasant. Living well on one meal a day. Music is okay if there are no words. The temple space must be warm and glorious. For there must be 10 hours a day to meditate and become enlightened.For the wonder of the universe to spread. Guided meditation to calm and soothe the soul.& every one of your chakras. Like washing the feet of addicts. In a world without money the monastic life would be one in one million souls. Before the music takes the soul away to new depths.
Toxic Inhalation
Cocaine makes you high for like, only ten minutes. Crystal meth makes you high and sketchy for about four days. If you snort it or smoke it, it's all the same.I enjoy marijuana four times daily sometimes six.
I prefer things to be mellow rather than racy. Mushroom Caps are filled with toxins to warp the soul. I smoke cigarettes and no all to well the harmful effects of smoking cigarettes. They are everywhere and follow alcohol around like a lost puppy.
I sit here and wait for some new substance to take effect. Be it non toxic and wonderful.It's called fresh air. It's plentiful and sweet so close to the mountains. If you do acid more than seven times you are legally insane. I have done it close to 40 times.
You sit there and talk about how harmful drugs are. I have done mushroom a few times.Smoked crystal meth about 50 times and smoked close to 500,000 joints. I have snorted cocaine and enjoyed it too much. I have taken Ketamine, which is a cat tranquilizer.
I've done speed and a substance like extacy known only as D.M.T. It incapacitates you.Live to change and alter your consciousness. Forever and beyond. My guardian is always there. Invisible to sight but scared enough to guard my soul.
Explore all the paths of your conciousness. Live in the freedom of your own body.& enjoy all the nice things to tap your 5 senses. Ignore craving for new things.And adapt to a new reality where substance is merely electrical systems engrained onto an imprisoned human being. Multiple birthings are causing a population expansion.We are 6.7 Billion strong. All of us harmonious and unique. Societies act up all around us. And you are ready to be whatever you want.
A diamond so precious sits in Africa. You get all your teeth pulled at some point.The air smells alike in Vancouver and Montreal. I lived in a mansion surrounded by addicts. And succumbed to the desires of the community. I'll just call myself Joe Average 2. & through a distant maze of drug addiction and people that drink.Wandering half alive for several decades. In the world that has been given to me.Scarey neighbourhood in East Vancouver. Right 911 in the middle of cracktown.But cool social reform in this neighbourhood. Everything continues with some degree of normalcy in this area right by hastings and main. I wish for something grand. I wait and sit for my future to take effect and guide me to where I need to be. To serve.
In the middle of a genetic breeding matix. Of interbreeding blood lines.With invisible beings helping you along the way. I can't seem to quit smoking everything in sight. It haunts me, (smoking crystal meth) every day coldly.
In and out of the body-I proclaim. Beat the drum wisely my friend and cultivate the way.The way is universally accepted. Universal truths and Universal laws supercede all others. Moments engrained in history . eroticism is everywhere. People spawning and breeding. For all time and beyond. Tempting to be enveloped in all time.
The apron and the checkerboard floor
Generations gone civil in a small ceremony. Canada rocks for gay people. We now have the right to be married and accepted in 2005 of all years. Harper and Klein probably have their panties in a twist over the whole subject. The Christian right hates the idea and would do anything in their power to stop it. And they all shout of a vision for the future.I bet nobody can imagine living without cars. By 2060 we may be out of vehicles. But if were not in flying cars by then-then we have done something wrong. Obviously. A time unbeknown to many and it will be fruitful for royal Canada. Canada is tame and beautiful. Policed and so brittle. I lived in places so cursed that nobody cared about. In a world gone mad through time travel and the like you have to wonder what will happen next? I spent some time with ambassador to a small country near Panama. We spent three nights together and he paid me with money to further my education...The next time I saw this ambassador I had escaped from the psychiatry unit at Vancouver General Hospital. I walked a mile in my pajamas and slippers. Knocked on his door and presented myself in pajamas. He wondered where I had escaped from and he just grabbed me and started rubbing my whole body. I felt disgusted and left as soon as I came. Prostituting to the rich has it's downsides. He didn't even perceive me to be a threat. I'm mad at the world for sending me this smug asshole to further my interests.I never wanted to meet a mason like this one. Who is into blood drinking and ritual.
Lapel Pin on Suit
Grey clouds Grey suitSign of the coming apocalypseBrought on by Christian fundamentalistsAnd evangelism.
Grey buildings, Grey dustThe ever present threat of nuclear holocost& bombings is everywhere
sunset sunrise a pink and blue mystique
In my first hospitalization I received an extended level of care for people that are certified"Certified" means that you are legally insane. I believed that the hospital staff were eating the patients. And that it was a united nations conspiracy of my admittance.
I believed that in some form or another that I was a transgendered queen and that the masons were after me because they knew I was a transvestite. I tried on stockings and bras and panties with a masculine cop.
I believed that these items I tried on were from the women of the downtown eastside pig farmer that murdered like 30+ Women from the downtown east side. So I tried to smash the window and run to freedom. That's when they strapped me to the bed and injected me twice with powerful anti psychotics that made me fall asleep.
Then they put me in an oxygen deprived room. When I awoke in the middle of the night I was being held by about 3 or 4 people I was groggy and confused and they helped me into bed for the rest of the night.
Then I called 911 and reported a crime against the Geneva Convention and hung up. So they put me in a room near the nursing station that was set up like a prison room. With a toilet and sink but it looked like something that would belong in a prison.
They requested documents from my hospitalization as a youth and helped me with psychosis. Later diagnosed as schizophrenia. I left the hospital every time I was admitted and they always sent security after me to find me. Once, I walked all the way to an ambassadors house. The other times I just simply went on walks in my pajamas.
Way ward
Eyedrifts to entice me back to work after some playNot as a poet but as a singular atom in space and timeFor the potato can cause some bloating to occur
Millions of particuli floating around in our matrixSome fly right by me as explorers of the bigger worldLike a mackerel out of water not causing an effect but a splash
I feel like I just woke up in a pajama party for yellow pharmaceuticalsPills pouring in from all around me and beyond into peoples personal collectionsIt's like a private dance party for 12 humans. X-Ray me baby and you will find out if the vibe is right or wrong.
But I think it's right on smack in the centerpoint. I'm seeking so much more of the worldIn a smallest amount of time possible. In the summer I can crash on the beach and wake up and join the world.
Be on my way discovering a world with celibacy, Buddhism, stricken beats and meditation & of course, money. Meditate on that one smart one.
8 Continents
The periscope trickled through the waters of Russia. Unnoticed A human brain wave of ten thousand gone unnoticed. A slice through ice and slice through water. A glide through eyes. A slide through earth, in one flippant motion. A transvestite hoar works the masses. A family slips by unnoticed. Speech is slight, but recognized. & the hum of a murmur is whatchanga. What do you think of your blood now. What do you think of the earthen plane. These people divulge a substance that cuts through ice. They have committed far worse spiritual crimes in their past lives. They have died with you a thousand times. We have seen each other 100 times over. In situations that were meant to be. The love never existed because the capital never took form. Die with us and eat with us cry your departed relatives. Eat with us-empathy. The past experiences that make you up digitally. Interfaced with some paradoxical thought of when you were 5. Sell an apocalyptic thoughtform of a departed romance. True form reality that your body parts were severed and placed all over the world in different location as to not disturb them.Where on earth houses my blood and veins and brain. My neighbouring country & the one next to that wants me dead. For reasons I cannot fully comprehend. Sometimes I feel possessed by demolay. He rubs me to right to be wrong about who I am inside.Know inside. Know myself and discover myself. Know the world around you. This is it. One final minute and one final action and one word sent in exchange. For a tyrannical time my matriarch had power. Then it ceased to be, nevermore.
Olympia -OLY
I was a guest at evergreen state college of a boyfriend, I had met off the internetThe green trees all around, and beautiful birds singing in the fauna of the forest.The beautiful scenery and the drugs were awesome in the United States.The whole campus was a party and we went to raves in peoples dorm rooms.We ate sautéed mushrooms at the local diner and crashed parties for youngins.We drove around in an old ladies car and loved every moment of each other.
It was love at first sight for me at 16 years old. He did not have the same affection for meI loved every moment I had spent with as being a gift from the higher beings watching over me. We smoked pot in an open field and we walked around the campus ten times.We did glorious mushrooms and wandered around like two lost souls meeting friends and telling them that we were on mushrooms. Hanging out with hippies of the renaissance.I never knew till this point that I had schizophrenia which was diagnosed at age 23At 16 the whole thing came tumbling down when he was kissing another guy he met of the internet. He said I had to go home and I just couldn't take another stab.So I ran into the forest with a butcher knife and when I returned somebody said they saw me run into the forest with a knife.
He said your leaving tomorrow and I said fine he let me stay in his bed for the night and Then I attempted suicide. He came in about 5 hours after I cut my wrists. There was blood everywhere and he yelled to his friend to call an ambulance and everyone came.Police, Fire and ambulance. And they took me to the general hospital in the area whereDoctors sewed stitches in my arm. My Boyfriend at the time was allowed in the emergency room.
I was transferred to psychiatric at that point and since I was underage I was given special admittance into the adult ward of the Olympia hospital where I stayed for awhile.Until the Americans and Canadians figured out what to do with me.They were going to send a BC ambulance to get me. But they decided to fly me back to Canada from Olympia. After that I was transferred to a kids watch ward that was closed and specialized in trauma patients. There was only 2 beds on this ward and something like ten staff.I stayed there for a week. And my mother came to visit me. She was dating some loserAnd she asked me to stay at her place after I get out of the ward.
I was discharged and stayed at moms with my wrists bandaged. Then she kicked me out for the second time in one year and threw all my bags out on the street.In my condition I wasn't supposed to be under any stress and this just got whacked out.
Ying Yang
A reflection to most and a world filled with dignity awaited meOn this planet you are given two choices. Male or female.Masculine and feminine. Two dualities some symbiance and a beautiful Interlude between reality and inter reality of inner space and time.For the world had no name to begin with.
I enjoy writing to the masses and love even more writing from my own experience Because my own path can never be taken away from me. I heard satan in other peopleIn my drug experimentation. I heard a digital matrix regurgitating past experience.The matrix is all around you. Even in this very room. Surrounded by millions.
Some are lost souls and others are walking the path of bright white light.But there are very few of those walking towards the light. Most are walking into blackness and intrigue. I thought everyone around me was secretly into eating human meat. Even at my mothers I relapsed simply by looking into her freezer.
My relapse entailed me walking from esquimalt to the ferry in Sidney. The mirrors were following me all over the place and the human meat philosophy had me freaked out about checkerboard floors (white,black,& red) I walked almost the full way with blisters on my feet. Until a man with a motorcycle drove by me with my thumb out. And he stoppedAnd I grabbed onto him and he gave me my first motorcycle ride at high speeds.
My hands were around him and he told me to lean in on the corners while we came up on the ferry I said he was my hero and we both parted ways. I then asked people for spare change at the ferry. And I came up with the ten dollars. Hitched a ride on the BCFERRIES. It was a weird 24 hours for sure.
Mont Royal
Psychic shielding is a triangular and geo metrical phenomDid I just wake up in this cricket oufit. A second skin. An exoskeleton.It's either surviving or you sell your soul and enter a masonic pactNow I am across the country twice, I woke up as a different person todayIn a dingy montreal hotel. In some trance of sorts
Strain the water out on the potato. Strain it out of the meat. Strain it out of your body. Strain it out of our own birth. Strain it out of the earth and beyond. Chemical tobaccos fuel craving and more craving. Now I've gotta pain in my lung. Thousands of chemicals and for what purpose. Interdimensional magik. I need I need I cry as I puff away. Smoking and giving my money over to capitalist greed. Proportions of untold truth. I am probably giving my money over freely to support the war in Iraq. & worldly criminality that is somehow legal
It is unquestionable to think that the star could make it to the nether far. Regions of a circum polar scape of pure ocean and the passion of nature to boot. The ice melted around it, and it couldn't take form without the ice. That feeling of a worldly, universal coldness as it sits, resting on your skin. Underneath the ice crust, dripping wet. It found a new fuel source and squabbled all the funding needed to drill these ice crystals out of the deep arctic sea...Like the matriarch touching the patriarch. Suffering and struggling to a massive calculator of unsound stability. It is a constant influx of combustible enlightenment. Canada is too beautiful to waste on feeding the United States desires. While they are fighting in the deserts of Iraq. We as a massive diverse mind must halt the sale of arms within our own borders. But that will never be done. The star will always be there ready and waiting for the whole thing to burst, at once. In a massive meltdown of thought and form. For that day will be announced in temporal time as the day the star became a comet, a shooting star or a moon.
Fan Tan Alley
A small piece of dust, a tiny particle of dust. The size of a tip of rice. In a one centimeter gap lies Cirrus the dog star-the brightest star of all. Cirrus is seen expanding into a parted glance of two thousand minds. The Oath that they could form with a conversation the size of a golfball. & air starts to buzz and gossip takes over. When she is finished, The rice dust ball thingie turns into a planet. Straight out of some cat fancy magazine or some cartoon from the 70's. Particuli frozen for generations. Hold cirrus a parallel universe that is equal to our own. Cirrus is the brightest star in our sky.
Rich Slave
Secret service vigilante, spying, a headhunter. There is a bounty and a game at play.They want you dead or alive for some small fee. Bioelectric holograms after each other for money. A price that would make any poor soul run to a monastery. Mabey then, the turkey will be spiced differently, That of human grade spices and would be eaten by mice. A mason, a criminal with a license to kill. Mysterious as a telepathic vampire.Of centuries past, or was it just five centuries past. Rock Solid. Ethic? Or is it just accepted...As being gay is to a straight man. & just as transit is to a wealthy person.To what is beauty and to what is life. Fashion cannot exist when there is no money. If there is no capital then the employable energy diminishes. I cannot be apart of aristocratic anything. Hey I say in French and English. I travel freely and come and go as I wish. A beautiful energy flows deep within every time I wake up. To take me across Canada and back. Back & forth here and there etc.
Cat Attack
An innate responsibility, to please, has led me to throw out my keys. One more time It happens to be that I don't have a dime. To watch and wait and wait to worry. Till I run out of my fate. So Strong for awhile that I pass each mile long, by mile. I worry about the tides rising and falling. Human in complexity is strange as a mega city with systems and functions that can only be explained in the other dimensions. I wait enchained to a life to come across my face. One that I choose not to erase. One that leads to an open and free dimension with no bounds or rules to enslave me. To hold me back from the unknown or spoken. But who knows where this strange world will take me next. Will Ii study or get really really muddy. I sit and wait in spite of it all. Until my legs cramp. Unlike the dalai llama
Digital Annagram
The theophysical playgame has me confused. I am haunted by butterflies. Everywhere. This being level one out of one hundred. I feel that I've caused a ripple effect to other worlds. Beyond-to play or not. To be Or to Not be. To live or to not live. The masons burn people in their lodges for crimes against their constitution. My other selves on other worlds have been caught and are facing torture. They want to raise me to the pinnacle of might. This life is oh so trivial. Yet very complex. In amazement I wonder if all the deaths from aids could have been prevented. But they are planned by a higher source. Given my duties to the church of god I should observe myself very carefully. Because of the other beings that are watching over me. And the way the mirrors follow me around is leading me to believe conspiracy theories. What is a dimensional killer? Is it energy or light? Simplicity in the earthen realms answers this question. That there are no dimensional killers. No terminator programs. But to look from the view of a child is the game. It leads to the truth. Youth are lured from mirror to mirror.
Prince of darkness communicates via feline telepathy. Right through the princess of darkness. Where is my love, I am so alone for the time being. Aloof and very odd they say. The dead do speak through darkness. Demanding they can be. So odd are their requests. One after another. One final wish to the next they yell at me in my sleep. Do I have love in Canada? How for years, I've wandered looking for you, my prince of darkness. My beloved. I am so patient as to notice the stone cutters hand. Just wave by my face. So impatient I wait and wait for him to come. So patient that the work of thousands bring love to the gifted. But this prison called north America has me enchained within a village for rich rich men.
The Force
Networking has me mystified. How do strangers know your secrets. Led from mirror to mirror. Over and over again . Interdimensional cameras filming our every move. Sub atomic particles, from the genetic matrix has, me putting my right foot forward and not the other way around. Being held under the mental health act and the S.P.C.A. is cruel in itself. My "floaters" direct the gaze that is appropriate. & then they just chase me with shapes and colors. So beautiful, so wonderful. My body is imprisoned within itself. Set to be free at some point. & set to be barbequed in a Masonic hall for being gay.The S.P.C.A. is secretly running the world and will roast us for crimes against fellow animals. The Americans are controlling my mind via satellite. And other methods including human interception. I believe that china is going to be running the world in a few years. Somehow I feel a great force protecting us all.
Gold Bar
Defining the limits of love, I sit and wait in my black tower. Waiting for my Prince to dictate what happens next in our lives. The stork is stoic. No fetal birth in other realms. It's simply a stork. No birth. No worries. The oak brings love and the willow weeps for the future. The cherry was for you because it can extend life. But they were meant for me I shout. Pit and all.America may be almighty and powerful. But I am more attuned than a hierchy. More in love than several lives put together as one. An escort in my youth. A checkered past.
Zen Hermit
We all sit surrounded by ten million people. Worldy views interpret exchanges as being Top for the nation. We all sit guarded by one hundred million souls. In a trance like state. Holds the whole world at bay. Many people are going through universities and spending massive student loans. I am not going to do that. In fact I have passed up on five thousand dollars for post secondary education. I am much more comfortable as a zen lay hermit. I serve others and seek the best in spiritual enlightenment. I am the co captain on a jumbo jet. We are always so delicate and sensitive.
Next of Kin
Earth always has something to throw at me despite my attention on the planetIn a digital matrix for the 5 senses, we are all confined and not let to roam free about the universe. My cat can travel to other realms. She is always in those other realms.Talking to the good side and talking to the dark side. I used to dream of red checkerboard floors and black and white checkerboard floors. But they were different from each other. One incest cult to the next. One checkerboard floor to the rest.They are hiding us away from the real world and they have enslaved us in Canada.Something like less than ten percent of all Canadians travel out of their borders.We are all lost within our own digital matrix. Calling it home to most.millions actually. People wish that writers and artists were dead. Not in my digital hologram. I shout. And nobody can hear me despite the millions that live here.Enslaved to money like it's the only real thing that exists. They say that writers should not write unless they are university educated. I'm going to devote my life to uncovering the truth and mystery of this complex digital illusion. I will be commended for my work inside the matrix. The only thing that keeps me sane is my family. There is only a few of us in B.C. But to might, they are my friends too.
She has the power
Sconce, fastido, Worldly honors. Bo Re Cat Sing. In the eclipse of copper red. She dipped the bisquit in the coffee while shaving her legs. The blue invaded my being.The Bold Color walked through the sub-atomic mess. Of neglect, condemned hallways of my dreams, and the drug use of our fallen ones. Like the fallen limbs of trees. Wondering? Is this real? Do people actually take rest here (for protection) from the concrete jungle. The hall is ripped to shreds ...a brown slime is fallen everywhere. The whole room reminds me of a sewer station. This is where people take rest. & completely granted inhumane state. In such a civilized society. Is this real? Or is it illusion. Is what I am seeing in this forgotten page of book of millions. In the library of congress. Collection of trillions of words. Another dimension, another reality. One to which I don't belong. One from which I don't know and cannot conceive. How would I ever get to that point in my short lifetime? Giveup the limo and all of interesting things in life would make me feel ghastly. This paradox is so twisted of a thought I can hardly entertain it. A subatomic forgotten realm in the ocean. Up high in an old tree or below the depths of a polluted river next to an ammonia smelter. This realm is like turning over a rock and seeing for oneself the nasty wriggly things that emerge. In the forest. Scared by it's sight but connected to it's alive and breathing quotient. It is here, alive and breathing. I'm supposed to be insane cried out the doctor, dentist, professor, banker, lawman and baker
Advanced Escort
He was a short cute blonde boy and he liked crystal meth a lot.We partied in my 9 bedroom pad. We called to get crystal meth twenty times. A few times the dealer was interested in us both. What an underground market we all proclaimed. I introduced him to escorting and I felt like I was creating a monster. In our long 'gabs' about tones of subjects. We decided to be an escort pair and started a 2 boys company. So there was two of us. We planned out the whole business over about 3 days of crystal meth binge. It was a party in the sky. I felt the whole downtown eastside energy. Everywhere. So much that it became consuming. I went to the drug dealers place at the Milk and honey hotel. Another young guy was there, he asked me if I did "down"I immediately said 'no' I didn't have the slightest clue what he was talking about. I only realized later that he was talking about heroin. I was swimming in rock bottom. Just peaking on various toxic substances. Altering my consciousness. Forever.
Brief Stay
Hello how are you I'm fine the world says over and over. I had another brief stay at the hospital. It was kind of interesting being watched by people all the time. If I refuse the meds they will tie you to a stretcher. & inject you twice. The other patients make me feel like I am in an unsafe environment. They are vulgar and rude and toxic to the human body I preside in. (for the time being) watching the clock and counting the hours. People want to talk to you and tell you a story. They want to engage you and play chess over and over to pass the time. The doctor comes to see you for 10 minutes then leaves you for the rest of the day to do absolutely nothing. There was a lady chain smoking butts and the filters of ciggarettes --with fiberglass-of dirty filthy mouths of mental patients.There was an old man that walked shirtless around the ward and was in his 70's there were a few other guys that were straight on the ward and they were downright nasty.& I had to strip in front of ten hospital staff while they took my clothes and made me wear pajama's. They took my freedom again and they took my wallet and my nicorette inhaler. After 4 days on a brief intervention unit and I am free again to roam the society that we all preside in and it's fair enough to me. They asked for urine samples after every pass they gave me. I didn't want to give them an excuse to keep me for 28 days. Very methodical nursing staff. & a very contained environment. A lady came out to me and I came out to her after saying the word partner she clued in & asked me about my partner. She was an older lesbian very nice lady. Very motherly and she had the power to calm and balance a hostile or otherwise vulgar situation. Then I realized that every person in there had a nasty side and always used it freely. My room mate hugged me when I left. I think he was questioning. A raibow Technicolor universe.
I am fortunate to be born in Canada and not the United States We have just elected the most pro-american government the west has ever seen in like 20 years. & 2006 has elected the most conservative government in like 30 years. I think they will push their evangelical views on gay rights and abortion and womens rights. How could a country so diverse elect a government that is socially conservative. Must be the freemasons. Pushing their agenda. Tampering with the polling process each and every time. What the hell. Why would people vote in a moron like Bush and Harper and Tony blair. all illuminati bloodlines all intersecting and interbreeding bloodlines sexing with each other in a sick incest blood fetish of black coal and intersexing genderless and sexless breeding experiment going on.
Vancouver General hospital
I shaved my head in the psychiatric assessment unit. I shaved half of my hair off and I shaved my eyebrows. I looked like a transgendered queen. Or a drag queen anyways.I borrowed a CD player from another patient and went around asking people for CDS with my shaved head parted way back. I left the back hair though so I guess I looked more klingon than anything else. Sort of like schizophrenia for the new millennium.Then I thought my room mate was drinking my urine and reading my thoughts. & then I thought the nursing staff was going to eat my left leg because I thought they were in the ladies of the nile and the freemasons. I didn't want to eat my food because I thought it contained adrenal gland serum that was going to make them manipulate my thoughts.It was a very odd trip let me tell you.
Don't look for a way out anytime...Just live with yourself and your freedom.Know that you will feel many different moods over and over but things change and they get better and better as time goes by. Don't search for that way out. Live in symbiance with the whole entire world living as one. People fighting people etc. etc.
Love yourself to the fullest degree. That doesn't mean you have to go join the masons.Take a meditation retreat. Go find yourself. Discover who you really are inside and out.Camp for a few days. Drink some coffee and tea once and awhile. Liven up your spirit a little bit. Give it a shake. Let it become you and let it live with you harmoniously.
Live in a meditation retreat. Live to serve others and make others happy once and awhile. Talk to people every chance you get. Share stories and etc. Live and let love and love to be free and know that you are truly free and in heaven this very moment.Just don't stress yourself out though. Live in a world of freedom and grace
Know that nothing else matters than your real freedom. Living in a world of love and beauty is a must but know that it doesn't have to be that way. You can live in disrepair and intrigue but fresh flowers help brighten the mood a little bit more each and every day.Be in a harmony with the outside world but never let it control you.
Question authority at all times and be on guard for one day you may not be afforded certain freedoms and rights. & remember that you are lucky every single day you have on the planet earth. & know that we are not alone and one day you may not feel so alone because of that fact, You and we are not alone.
There are infinite beings Visible & invisible. They are always with you time in time out. Some people have even three or five or ten guides working shifts to make sure that your kept working well and living a harmonious life. There are trillions of beings all helping us along. Making sure that each and every one is cool and sound. But they never interfere with your path. They are unable to.
Red Light district
Divine cloning in an apathetic state. Driven by science and philosophy of divine experimentation. I am now so perturbed. Divine cloning is easy so the human race can be mastered by a matriarch and a patriarch. With money and luxury cars. Wow you go girl The man had a red light always on in his brain. He always practiced mindfulness.& awareness of the nature of the thought itself. The red light was always on, the receiver is always on etc. He wears a mask in public. A clear mask that nobody could see his face. His adam's apple was always protruding too. Especially when he dressed like a woman. The red light was always on. He abstained from sex. This was acceptable to his teachers. He was an actor and a monk. Everything was an act to him. The red light was always on in his head. He always wanted to learn how to meditate. Because that little red light was always on.
I know you're an activist. In front of you sits a turtle. Covered in frost. Have some cider proclaimed the monk. Put the box over the turtle. Commanded god. How brash said the monk. He broke out into a dance rythem. Be the breadwinner. Not the trick. Live within moral boundaries. Up against the wall. To manipulate. Criss cross the country in a greyhound. Twice. Seeing many different people on the bus. The most remarkable was the obese man eating a full block of cheese and then letting out intoxicating smells.There was lingering smells and a nasty wave of French odour. He was so embarrassed though and it came wafting out to the full bus. Wafting the populace.
Tiny Dimensions
Reawaking in my exoskeleton and trying fully to realize my full potential in the matrix. Will I be something or will I choose neither. Don't really want to be white collar and don't really want blue either. In a world filled with questions. Inuit and parallel universe. Of multi dimensions. With beings that are a microsize in comparison. Secrets laid to rest upon death. & let lay live on for a death isn't untimely. It is sacred and timed until the last moment possible.
Brain Tissue
Brainwaves release maximum output for the boy knew nowhere to go. Shall I return?S.N. Goenka has me mystified. Shall I go back when my money and meds run out. Become a monk so soon. No techno at the meditation retreats. Go back and meditate for like, 80 days or something close to that. That would sure open up the mind for it's full potential. & get me used to meditation. Talented and connected I lay in wait in my mansion with a cat loving community. Spending every second unique and introverted.So where is the salvation that comes with life. Would my soul continue to exist without me. Alcoholics everywhere. Drifting in and out of my conciousness. Disturbing my sleep (royally) I bid you farewell heart. For you bicker with my mind at all times. I would have almost flipped. Mind your manners informed the heart. Make your mark on society. High on exstacy. & your still shouting at your poor heart. We will build the earth together. You and I.
Massive intervention strikes again with a busy atmosphere. I sit and listen to techno and that little inner voice within. A wave of the hand produces a ring. To my hearts desire. It is also a watch. With real diamonds. I will seek fluorescent orange. In time. Life will change to whatever your hearts desire. I sit and stare at the clock. So the beat rings in my ears. For all time. Until I go deaf. Where is my next of kin again. Out there somewhere. Oh will it stop. Make it stop. This untimely death.
St Pauls
First I got a bank card in the mail and signed myself in as king of the world. Then I walked a mile throwing my bank card all over the place and then I walked around with the bank card held up to my chest with both arms. I abolished many institutions in my kingship and figured everyone in society was eating human meat. & I felt that there was tentacles leading to everyones cars through space and time. I walked to the wall center hotel and grabbed my bag full of certificates (a care pack) & threw it to a group I called the bush's. "You are the bush's" I yelled as I threw the bag at them. Then I walked through the hotel door and threw off my shirt (a second shirt) then I grabbed a ladies purse and threw it out the revolving door. Then I grabbed two crystal glasses & smashed them on the escalator. I walked to the second level where I took off my shoes and then sat down in the hallway. Security surrounded me and I began telling them that I was an Egyptian. And I started tracing things in the carpet. Triangles and etc. I thought everyone was a mason. The police came and arrested me under the mental health act.They took me by ambulance across the street to St.Pauls hospital. Where I was admitted and certified. I splashed water all over the hallway and they called security to needle me.I went to sleep right after that shot. Then I woke up and they had a big snack waiting for me. I ate all the food thinking that they were going to fatten me up to eat me. Then I threw it all up and locked myself in the bathroom for an hour. I was released a few days later. They didn't know of my schizophrenia at the time-->It took several hospitalizations to figure that out. I had a mental heart attack inside & loved the treatment that they provide. I didn't enjoy the needles but who does anyways?
I want more of this...
There is a way out from the guilt of having a life of crimeThere is a way out from being an escort to older wealthy menThere is a way out from a life of poverty and drug useThere is a way out from depression and lonlinessThere is a way away from all of this& to know that you are actually free and able to do what you wishA very intriguing past has it's complexities& has an unknown future of wealth and distinctionYou can look everywhere for that one retrievable goalBut when they certify you. It is a time for reflection and understandingJust follow their rules and their code of conduct & live to be free and wonderful in such a difficult society to live in.
I am the queen of the bitches of the nile. (a lady of the nile) And the rising and setting sun. I like to tell off people online and practice my inner queen that comes out. I like to say funny things to people online and never violent or racist. Just intellectual humour.A process of self purification through 'internet therapy' This is why so many people get addicted to the net. I like to ask them if they eat dogmeat and human meat and then I say that they drink dog urine. Then I tell them how filthy they are to me. Usually I stab once or twice in an online conversation. Then I go back on the dogmeat eating philosophy.Everything is so graphic online. I am working to shift the conciousness to something simpler. & more real. A true based reality art form. A cyber presence and all the anonymity that tails this spite of fate. In a world surrounded by rules and dogma we all sit waiting for that perfect moment. It is always there, if you look for it everyday of your waking life. Your 'lay' life. One day the future will have much meaning and a proper dress code. For living in a socially appropriate time. We are all stuck in the 60's and it's 2006. So on I go and tell them that they were in the masons in a past life. Then I tell them that they are a victim of incest and indecent exposure etc. etc. I know that they drink dog urine to stay healthy. Then I tell them all that they killed jesus. All of 'you' people. There is a sort of conservative conspiracy on gay chatrooms. Peoples views are suppressed and regular ol daily life chat resumes. Snuffing out all other alternative forms of chat. Then I ask if they are going to eat my leg. Then I go on about them trying on the panties of the downtown east side pig farmer 'willy "the piggot"
Gas The S.P.C.A.
Don't ask me if you'll remain true & don't ask me if you'll make it in lifeBecause I am here and listening to your requests. Why do I keep falling in love with illusion. One of thousands that is thousands. Are there not any individuals left?Why am I always funneled through the S.P.C.A. and various other black magic associated foundations. I do not feel like an animal but I am under it's jurisdiction. For being an overly developed mammal. My thoughts are human and they want to eat my face. Is there a god within our creator? Or is the creator within god. Mabey they are trying unsuccessfully to deprogram me with my kinetic beliefs. Our next Buddha on earth S.N. Goenka has reached me all the way from India. I am not fearful of this force for the Jedi are still in numbers awaiting to be called. It spans a far greater distance than the unreal or unknown influence. It still has the potential to be evil masked in rightousness.
The human meat cult is always following near and far.I don't even think that eating human meat is against the law.So they allow it in the Masonic halls and keep everybody eating this filth.We must never be initiated to the masons. We must keep our individual freedoms at bay. It's so easy to sell off pieces of your soul and your body. Intersexing bloodlines has us all engaged in a game of a game of holographic illusion for the 5 senses.They want to eat my leg and tell me that it tastes good.
This Second
In a holographic illusion and tools of detection are about a hundred years off. Maybe.The US government controls the weather. All over the world and even in there own community they are waging war on the populace. They can trigger earthquakes and tsunamis. & they could turn the frequency up on the whole world so everyones eardrums pop and die. The world is in a complex illusion built on slavery and stories of easy money. A vampiristic society at most and even more complex is the sexuality of god (our creator) living life is simply to hard for most and they just up and kill themselves.--> There are many potions and methods on the internet. But none firmly that I can set my mind on anyways. I want to be rid of this hell. But inside I know it's heaven. The closest thing to perfection. We are in heaven right now this very moment.A certain date within a time frame but you are here on this earth for your very being and core self.
Thumping Techno
Endless rave parties are always in playing out in my head. Dancers with glowsticks & a fur coat lady & a chef outfit. What struck me the most was a family attending and all doing Exstacy. Endless drumb and bass and beautiful light shows. Remarkable sound effects and thumping bass. Lots of love everywhere. And police walking around most of the ones I went to. I loved the party scene for all it had to offer. But there was too much crystal meth, too much E. a lot of weed and PCP and some acid everywhere you looked you could find somebody on acid. Tripping out and enjoying the rythemic light waves.Most of my friends graduated to being drug dealers or Dj's It was remarkable and amazing. I will forever keep the beat going on in my head. Forevermore. I love the memory center of the brain that rewards you for certain thoughts and feelings.
Blood Oath
We live in a culture of entitlement and mystique. A world of selfishness and greed. We live in a society that immortalizes wealth and power. We live in a country of massive amounts of wealth to combine to make a superstructure of illusion.
This illusion is all upside down and introverted and controlled by the 33rd degree masons and the shriners. If you stand up against these types of people you will be shot in the head. They control our military, law, medicine, education, media, entertainment industries. It is all under the supreme governance of the Royal arch degree.
We are living in illusion controlled by a few puppets at the top. Regurgitating old news and old information and they treat us like we are baby retards. Wake up and realize the illusion that exists in our society. Wake up and see the world that is upside down and introverted.
We all must stand up against this totalitarian regime that masks it's identity under the guise of good or 'proper' It is this very illusion that we are all kept at bay for decades and more decades of a constant survival of the fittest. One gets killed and ten live.
If you stand up against them you will be cut into pieces and scattered all over the globe in 1000 foot sea trenches. You will have your eyes gouged out of their sockets. You will get a knife to the heart and you will be given a slow and painful death. Your whole entire self will become many degrees of separation. You will be buried in deserts all over the globe. Only to picked apart in pieces by vermin and other such grosslings (bottom feeders) This is why you should renounce wealth and power and the whole color blue.Renounce illusion and the world in general and live to be a sort of recluse instead of a social butterfly. Some people are White bright light and some people are a black as coal.Hence the white squares and the black. The checkerboard floor is everywhere.
His Inner Being -Patrick
You are simply to beautiful to put into words.You are the kindest and coolest person I've met so far.You have many qualities that makes you very special.& you have many temperaments which take some getting used to.
You are the light of my world and beyond.You have within you the secrets to your very being.You are interesting and unique and I hold you close.You have all the qualities of a partner and everything in between.
You help to relive my childhood at times.You know I've missed out somewhat on that inner time.Of being taken care of and loved.You are very close to me most of all.
Other Worlds
Sometimes I can't escape the pressures of society & the wonderful place we live: earth.I want so much more of society. I want to escape this upside down world.Sometimes I sit and dream of what will take place in my life. How I will get there etc.
Where In the world will I go next? To the next nearest Buddhist temple to pray.For what is, what will be and what will take place in my life. I also want to dream of things that will take place in future lives.
Sometimes I look into my past lives. The executive, the woman, the ruler, the entertainerBut these lives seemed so hopeless. & I sit and ponder all these fates. I wonder of human skill and intent. I wonder if a person can perpetuate this ongoing illusion. & I wonder exactly how many pages of my book I am able to complete.
On and on the world goes in mystery from day to day. Perpetuating a cycle of ignorance and illusion all around. We are all blinded by the banking industry to slow down.We are living in a cess pool of aversion.
The Touch
Have I lost my individual atonomy or is it still there. Would living in a right wing christian society bring me any closer to go him (her) self. The psychiatrists ask me silly and stupid questions. & they treat me like an adult baby retard (bebe) They laugh and make jokes. It's not going to solve anything. My creator is my only guide. Be it buddhist or catholic. I am only guided by the angels that watch over me and my kin.They are always there but unable to interfere. I wish they would learn to pass around love and kindness a little more. Why must god make us cry to find salvation in an eternal darkness. Is it a mere system of control. Or is it purely chaos magic on a grander scale. Of a different form and of a different name. A sort of program to watch over us and guide us in this heaven and hell. We all sit and wait for something big to happen. But it never does. I sit and wait under god and Buddha and many other idols to worship, with my hands at my chest. Casting a prayer onto them. I still think it's some big mega corporation running things. & they have housed your real self on a different dimension than our own. A wave of the hand and everything disappears. I have the suicide touch-->Everything I touch turns to stone. The Christian right believes that this is possible. With an excuse just to eat some more animal stew. Human meat stew.
U.B.C. hospital
Even my supposed enemies are placed here to guide me and reveal a future of Grace and Love. I want to be free again. And uncertified. Not just freedom once or twice. But for my whole entire life. Not just a fleeting glance of love. But an intricate balance of life and liberty. Freedoms expressed solely under the light of God (or our creator)A Human Being deceived by and guided by a force that worships money and power.A legal name change to a celebrity name or well known name brings lies.Under the immortal bank of the rothschilds. You can change your name and identity.I forgave this person for deceiving me under the guise of the triple six. I thought it was just all silly theatrics. Because He and every other soul here is born with the grace of God (our creator) I pray for everyone I meet because they cannot see the light.To all those people participating in the ongoing illegal surveillance of me.I will hide from you forever more. + you will never see me.
Black and White Magic
Trying to be calm amidst all the chaos magik. Filtering out all the cries of the gently departed souls + the horrifically departed ones. I sit pondering the white Lily. & wandering through many strange cities in my sleep. I still hide from these cities because it's like splashing into a lake of bottomless proportions. So many wrongs have happened.I know now that I was kidnapped at birth and that my real family is being housed incarcerated on another dimension. That my real family is not of this earth. But they have found me in a huge pig farm. One where they liquefy the dead and feed them to the living. This unit, reaks of hell on earth. Everyone is clothed but me and they are all laughing. I am the black sheep being persecuted by nurses that want to eat my leg and inherit my ultimate and supreme powers of royal ancestery. I forgive them for they know not what they are doing. In our creators kingdom they all mock I continue to remain poor and repressed.
Murder is Announced
I thought of rightousness once upon a time and figured it was masked in negativity. Well it was visible to me. Visibility is predominant in the astral dimensions. So those that lack the sight are given the gift of ignorance. How queer is that? They witness murders and children being tortured. Frozen "sims" unable to comprehend or understand what these higher light beings can see. Plus add in that they are responsible for governance of many different worlds beyond our own. Many different dimensions. Possibly thousands if not millions. All of these alter conciousness. The thousands of worlds were originally seen in the Montauk Project. I got the craving to enter into legal contract a relationship which paid $650.00 a month. With a mason. & I knew I would have had to hire a lawyer. But that soon left my soul forever more. Almost tricked into an illusion of unhappiness and alcohol and sex. I weep for the future sometimes and can't wait to alter my conciousness once more. The invisibles are everywhere. Watching what we do and recording it for future generations. Stay very close to your relations in the moment. But my creator is my only guide. The invisibles are everywhere but they did not create you. They are an alien race.
Today I feel like a sexless and genderless being. Am I actually an alien princess in a guys body. A transfixed queen that is comfortable with her male parts to work like clockwork. Hunted for my reincarnate. & coaxed along by microchip. Or is it secret surgeries performed while asleep. This chaos magik is revealed. My cat proclaimed to me that she is a saint. But she's the only one. To her I am merely a source of negativity.So many people go out of their way to shake my hand. Is it the suicide touch. Everything I touch turns to stone. I feel they pass through a sort of judgement. Is it a curse of a past prince. But the ironies of the pillars are peculiar in nature. Webbed feet and hands incest beings etc. etc.
My Crystal ball
We were all once small animals and large ones too. We are all babies at heart and use every core of our being to mature and become more honorary. I listen to techno in 2006 & I love every beat of it. Will they still be listening to techno in 2040? I will be here to find out. Although I'd be somewhere in my fourties or fifties. By then hopefully I am retired and not retarded. I love the beauty of Vancouver and hold it close to every core fiber of my being. Mabey that is why I am so Introverted. Because I am stuck in one place and not many. How in the world will I survive. Where will I be living in 2040.What will be my status in society. Whom will I have met. Getting used to every bit of me being immersed in culture and mystique. Will it be so. Will all my dreams come true? I hope that I can see through crystal balls by then and improve my psychic qualities. I hope my brain will be more highly developed than it is now. & that all my kin are rich. Maybe living in Vancouver. Quite a possibility living in Montreal. Where would time take me...Off someplace far I hope and onto something a little more complex I hope.
Hello to you, and hello to your kin. How are you-I'm fine. How goes your day.I hope it's a good one. This etheric digital hologram. Keep your day close to you. & do not be deceived by the illusion that exists. It is a super-illusion. A mega illusion.There are many tactics imposed since 9-11. Including phone and email taps and recording. For all of time itself. Your records kept in a sub-file. A garbage file, trash etc. tonnes of information just stored incase your group of people is being called a terrorist. I am in a protected democratic country bound by it's own laws. But we are so close to the U.S. that you can just feel the excitement down there. Just 1 hour to the border. If they invade us for our oil and our water then it will be catastrophic.
The Dog Star
All in, all out of this tubular environment taking us to Cirrus the dog star.With my stone head of baccus in the second seat. A love far greater than time itself.Within I creep out of the tubular device and take rest. I pickup where I left off two hours later. And we all have the sight to see other dimensions. These dimensions may be smaller than what your used too. Perhaps microscopic. & we are all welcome to go to Cirrus Once in your lifetime. Me and my stone head, are leaving at once: as time may never allow such a departure at a later date.
I'm just sitting here for three damn weeks. Not knowing if we're ever going to leave.And carrying on the tradition of excellence bestowed by my family and my kin.I want to leave that excellence and enter into a dangerous game of cat and mouse through the solar system. + beyond. This little trip to cirrus on this tubular rythem, has me at times electrified. This trip will take me to Cirrus and then I'll never want to leave.It has taken a lifetime to plan this event.
The Clock
Heaven is within if you just look for it and think wisely of many events that has happened over the span of your lifetime. It is within each and every soul on earth. There is a little piece of it with you always. We have been there several times throughout our lifetimes.Past lives...etc.etc. So it remains inside every one of us. Time will only tell us the answers that we long to seek. But all you have to do is look within yourself. This will help in the guidance of your life. People die each day and then new ones are created.We will all see the end of our lives. But don't make it premature. Always look within for answers. + your soul will do the rest. You and I are only here for a lifetime. But it is only a blink of an eye in other realms. & in smaller realms the time passes much more slowly. It is not of this earth (time) & is controlled by the illuminati families.
Man on the Moon
He was the rare spotted man on the moon. Staring back at us with envy and Scorn.The man on the moon is gay. Plus, you stepped on his turf. He is a rainbow, pride flag waving gay dude. That watched over our every move. He is a Twink by nature.He doesn't believe in incest like Islam. Where it is okay to get married to your cousins.He waves a huge flag with the pyramid that is pink "the pink triangle" He has disco parties on the moon when nobody is looking. & has parties of the Gods.He was instrumental in rave music being accepted into mainstream culture. & remains to be the Egyptian overlord. Watching over us, and guiding us. He has blazing techno parties. But the music sounds Egyptian to him. The same beats and thumping techno to surprise the soul. & create a rapture. Like a foghorn going off continuously.
Lottery Houses
The houses are all huge between 6800-10000 square feet. They have bedrooms and family rooms and games rooms. They usually come with a car or boat and they range in price from $50-$100 a ticket. I am in support for these hospital lotteries. Never missing one. Hopefully one day I'll actually win one of these mega houses. Or a penthouse in the sky. I would host dinner parties and cook. I would throw afterhours in a soundproof space. I would have raves for a select few. I would have all the wonderful feelings of being upped a class. This house would set me free. I would have the freedom to travel whenever possible too. I would rent out some parts of it and make an income. That is why I must support these lotteries. Because the whole thing would come knowcking at my door. $1.818.000 would be nice to invest with. I think I have to enter into these lotteries because you have a greater chance of winning this than the 6/49. I would go on a cruise to Alaska. I would be able to help my family out financially. I would be able to give my partner anything he needs. Our cat would live a more at home stable life. If she has a bigger house then she will probably be more active. (having a bigger house to run around in) I would be able to have an income. Which would be fabulous.
I am sitting in this harmonious throne made of gilded silver and gold. I have a chef, butler, and maid. I am sitting on top of stocks and bonds that pay in the millions. I am an investor. A financier. A real master at what I do. I work numbers. I sit back and wait for the real pay off to happen. And it does. With my angel investments. I do not believe in firearms or any bloodsport. I am not tyrannical and not a pushover. But I like sitting in my throne day in day out. Making crucial investments when they are needed the most.I really enjoy helping my family by sending them $10,000 cheques in the mail. I love them, they are my kin. My beloved. My family is so precious to me. They were always around when I needed them the most. We live in crazy times. Very un-peaceful times.We all have to be on guard for filthy terrorists. Oh my god! We live in a crazy dimension. Of space and time. 7 wars of the 33rd degree are being waged. Vice Presidents shooting their friends in the face. We are all in very unsettling times. & the threat of nuclear war is closest in form to our very being. The U.S. will drop another nuclear bomb. In time we will see. In space and we will see our whole entire earth being blown to nothing. So I sit back and pray on my capitalist throne. & wait for the real pay-off. & in time we will see.
Did you get the Trojan virus on your computer? Did you get infected with the Trojan virus. All done under the gaze of a two-way mirror. You infected me JLO Why ?A running baphomet stirs up trouble in his penthouse apartment at the Spot.All under the 666 postal code. The whole building is filled with sell out souls.Why would you live under the triple six? He burns cats right in front of me. And the cat goes running up the staircase smoking hot from having it's whiskers burnt off.Poor thing. So I ran out to get some tuna to brighten up the day of the cat.I love cats but I don't love capitalists and the whole Masonic thing kinda freaks me out.The knighted one with a legal changed name. Under the immortal bank of the Rockefellers. One soul to another mean this is bad news. Will we all be in danger of this power that once was. And never will be again. Dead cold he sits and waits for his day in the sky. We all await once more for him to announce himself.
Oh Canada
Wait and watch the clock for all eternity my friend. You live for an eternity on earth.The time seems to click slowly by. & we are all heading into oblivion. I have a boyfriend that might have died in hurricane Katrina. But If I were him I would have flown out of that area of the US and back home to Morton, Washington. He was the guy that witnessed my whole suicide attempt. Maybe on some astral sphere I was chosen to guide his life into something special. Maybe it was his time to go in the years that followed. Just sitting here thinking of him makes me shed a tear. If I were him I would have ran to Canada a long time ago. Bush has set the clock backward on gays and lesbians in the U.S. & now It's Stephen Harper with the christian conservatives. We are all in a state of all out nuclear holocost. We are all destined to die one day. But will it be way later than imagined. I hope Canada gives us some leverage on an international scale. He was very special to me. & I hope his soul lives for an eternity.
Bright Orange Jacket
One more time I glance at what we did have a special bond. Plus the extacy helped. You had on gingling chimes that sounded angelic. You were the light to my souls inner workings by far. You had in you that tiny spark of zest and you never let it get you down. You were once a very important person in my life but the drama that ensued made out our situation to be something like romeo and romeo. You were 'of' a different country. You visited me on the united states psychiatric side of mental health.I wasn't scared of anything at this time. Even though I feared I would never be able to live life as it was, ever again. I feared that I have lost my life when the tied me to a chair.The whole drama of it all was tragic love. It was puppy love and we meant a lot to each other in the weeks that followed. I traveled from Victoria to Olympia to see you.Hitching a ride from some coast guard executive that was catholic and hoping I wouldn't murder him. We drove right by you running in your hot jogging suit. You will make some man very happy and I guess by us meeting we were able to touch each others lives immensely.
Prince Sign
Blue chip stocks. & large quantities of government bonds. The prince sat amongst it all.Very amused that his million turned into ten. He has a motorcade with two cop cars. Two motorcycles and two limousines. He was prince of A small country. Everywhere he went he was adorned in gold and showered with diamonds. He hung out only where rich people tend to hang out. But on his days off he wore jeans. Ripped down near the ankle a bit from wear and tear. He has a staff at his castle that tend to his every need.He smokes marijuana ten times daily and loves hotboxing the palace rooms. With the very pungent aroma filled corridors. He threw raves in his princely basement party room.And he has about ten thousand fans. He loves them all so much as to raise the taxes.More money for him and his select court. He has a coat of arms and has been knighted.What a good prince he is and he is a gay prince. A beautiful young man. One with titles and honors. Stocks and bonds and mutual funds galore. He has a commonwealth as well. He is supreme governer of his small country and I love him so much. Even to this very day. We spent ten great nights together and I'll never regret seeing him. I will never regret seeing this man and loving every minute I had with him.
Room 162
The dream I had last night, just set everything straight for me, in my belief that we are in heaven already. I dreamt of crystalline waters. Like a Chilean summer. I dreamt of being able to breathe underwater. I viewed the world from an underwater haven. Then I saw an oasis. A small desert patch with a palm tree. White sand. & I spent some time at the oasis and loved every second of this surreal dream. Then I was in a school and I asked what room to go to, and somebody replied #162 So I went to that room and then I woke up. Dreaming in a world of dreams. Flying through a world of colors. Living a surreal life in the year 2006. We are all in a state of total distraction. The dream world is incredibly mysterious. Awesomely pure and beautiful, and I wonder if they are due to my altering conciousness. And living completely free from life itself. The desert oasis made me think of corporatism = fascism. & I knew that the world was much smaller than I had imagined. The world was a paradise. One in which we are entitled to live free from danger and in love with everything around you. No mans land is Canada. Devoid from the rest of the world. Living life to the fullest makes everything taste this much sweeter.
Before you I couldn't see what was in front of me. I laid the cards out on the table in full plain view from you. & you never knew what hit you. Everything has Technicolor written all over it. My spiritual guides are showing me the way to real freedom and real happiness. Things are grander living at the peak of wealth. People seem more like insects searching for ruffage. They spend most of their day commanded to go look for edibles by their queen. Always in a rush. Always a tonne of pressure. Many mistakes and many deaths that result from a little scavenging. We are all so busy to even notice the simple worldly goals that lay before us. Each and every one of us. I like meditation. Waking meditation. Alive in a world of the nearly departed and the people traveling their path in life. Always pursuing one single goal and not multiples of that single goal.(Om ma ni pae me hom)
Smoking ten cigarettes a day, sitting by my fireplace in my very own pub. I watch the worlds secrets through my crystal ball. I wait until drama happens and then I just pull up a chair. I watch all the world unfold beneath me. We all are in a state of total ignorance.My slow life compared to your fast paced life is very troubling indeed. We are all mixed together in an open funny farm. We are all enchained to a capitalist paradise. And we dare not skip a payment of our monthly dues. Or you will create a more free you. A liberated you. And one without slavery mixed with total pyramid schemes that entrap and enslave you. I live a writers life and I sleep ten hours a day. Not saying you should become a writer. But it is intriguing how life has purpose to me. And I see it after the first hundred pages. But I see it more when I pass a hundred more pages. Life is a complex theory, that is constantly changing to meet the needs of it's populace. There is chaos magic happening in our everyday life. And that chaos magic leads us into an open market of a capitalist cess pool. One in which we remain upside down and introverted.It's darkness leading us to more darkness. Blood money is all around us. Even in our religions. The masons tend to brag about their members when they are departed. But the masons that are alive and doing well never get publicity or celebrity hood. They keep their membership super secret while the person is alive and well. And then just brag about you after your death. This world is only run by a select few. And we are filled with millionaires and billionaires that control every step of your grandiose life.
Conspiracy of gays
I felt a little gob of something at the very back of my throat. I kept trying to cough it out but it stayed put... I didn't eat and couldn't sleep for days. I had a sickness in me. I felt like I was in a concentration camp for dyeing people. I was smack in the middle of a pig farm. Where the youth are hunted and stalked. The status quo tends to quash the inner being of every young soul that enters into this matrix. It is in our own belief that self preservation should come first in your game of life. That you should always take care of yourself no matter what. You can get shot, you can get stabbed, & you could go through rocky times. Living at rock bottom for years and years... before you realize your true inner power and your true sense of divinity. I was swimming with the sharks and going through turmoil. I was in the middle of a pool of evil nasty sharks behing hawked crack like no tomorrow. It was fashionable to have a crack pipe hanging out of your mouth in that neighbourhood. But it was also kinda cool in it's own way...I mean the hippies, the Chinese people and town. The young people that lived in that area. Other immigrants from other countries beyond our own. It was cool to live in that area of 200 hastings.I had a nine bedroom apartment that I could rent out to people. I showed the apartment to strangers. And then I just hit rock bottom and stayed my ground. Halted everything and got out of that godforsaken neighbourhood. I never slept in like 5 days and partied in my cool place. I lived free and artistic for a time left un noticed. I was in the middle of altering my conciousness once more. I was a writer without words and a flamer without the flame. I had all the sexualization of the drug engrained in my skull. It made me intense and magestic. I fit right in, in danger world. I stayed away from the rock cocaine. And my drug of choice was crystal meth. It was cheap and the high lasts for days. You feel powerful and almighty. Like you can actually right, some of the wrongs of the world. You feel like Jesus and Saadam Hussein. It alters your neuro recepters indefinitely. And the electrical signals sent by the brain go into no-mans land. At times my heart felt like it was beating 300 times it's normal rate. It made me twitch and act sort of sketchy. It was more expensive of a high than it was originally priced. It was a crystalline substance that is the middle of a war, right now. It targets the rich and the poor alike. I couldn't stand the fact that my conciousness was hijacked for 7-10 days.Afterward the high just never left me. It stayed with me to this very moment.
I would at once propose the idea of a gay ambassador to the world. To represent torture victims. This person must be well presentable. A (wo)man of great character and good wealth. Another language would be helpful. Parlimentary powers would also be a necessity. To be able to represent new gays coming into Canada. This person should be well groomed and well versed in international politics. He(she) would also have to appeal to all different kinds of people. And be well liked by the populace. He(she) would in a sense have a lot of power and influence when it comes to young gays. A sort of protectionism. Not a smug character at all. Very Interested in the welfare and well being of everybody he(she) meets. A general all round good guy or gal. Kind of like an amnesty international person. Elected for a period of ten years. Must be gay or lesbian themselves. For ten years prior to the election. This person would remain very special in the heart and minds of every gay citizen. They would be able to represent a gay minority and the likes of Aaron Webster.
The Masonic lodges exist everywhere around the western world. And beyond.There was a shooting most recently in new york (2005) A Mason shot a newer initiate in the head after he said he had one gun that was real and another that was fake and he got the two mixed up. They burn people alive in the lodge of B.C. and the Yukon. They torture people in their soundproof building. They beat the lower initiates in these places.They skin people alive and they hurt babies. Incest and etc. They have group murders.The 33rd degree is always kept hidden from the lower degree's. & they hold super secret meetings in relation to their network of operations. Education, law, military, medicine, religion, insurance, government, weapons etc. They hold these meetings in sound proofed rooms. So as to keep out buggers. They sometimes sleep at the lodges. They hire prostitutes and love to show them a good time at the lodge. And then the prostitutes are never heard from again. They feed them to a giant incest bird and then they are warped to a lower dimension. Never seen again. Never heard from again. But fellow escorts and bodyworkers go missing all the time. You never hear where they are going but you hear that they have just vanished off the face of the earth after they bragged about "servicing" the lodge. The grand lodge.
Insane is the brotherhood of space and time. In our world free we see that there is no evil. All just some orchestrated attempts at scaring the populace into capitalism. There is no evil. Just work and go home and eat and sleep then repeat a hundred thousand times. You work all week to fuel the illuminati wars. These are wars of the freemasons. They try and elect democracy in other peoples countries. And then they push their Christian right wing blabber (gibberish) After much bloodshed on both sides nobody wants to back down. So the wars are fought for decades. And decades spent covering up all the nasty things done to people during these times. If we so loved our earth but left it's only begotten son to die and wither (the moon) It lasts for generations, this beautiful sunlight and a technicolor matrix. In it we all sleep and eat like animals. Like cattle we are in a heard and left to run around from stop to stop. Point A to point B. Over and over again like trained dogs at a dogshow. We are all destined to become something. Something more grand and something more comfortable. We are all in a state of distraction. It is mysterious, this life. But at least everyone in our population doesn't have a gun. Like our neighbour the US
Quick hop to it. Triangular metrics. Will please the soul. Angle is just right and we are all in suspense. The blood is pumping harder and harder with every motion to please.This is where the fake I.D. comes in handy. International travel. Pawn Shops, Hotels.Stay under a different name. Remembering every time you did get caught. And remember all the times you didn't get caught. And you would walk away with thousands of dollars on several occasions spanning time and space. An ethical thief. A rehabilitated thief. One in which all time stops for. I won the lottery several times too.The whole nervous system is about to give. A Jolt through your body remembering that what you are about to do is illegal. And wrong. Theft founded some of my international travel. & regional travel. You are interesting no matter who you are. But do you live amidst squalor and intrigue. All I do is take care of my need for luxury items. I have not touched crystal meth in two years. I have not stolen anything in 4 years. I am rehabilitated. I hated being on probation. I just hated it. I didn't want to be taken care of by other people. I just want to be taken care of myself. The world is very small though and I can't handle it sometimes. All the meth heads know each other and all the coked out ones know each other. Mean people congregate with nice people. We live in a very mean earth. Time to stop daydreaming & figure for yourself the true reality of your being. And question all those falsehoods that exist engrained into the back of the skull.
Lay Life
We tackled mountains in our relationship. We both did ecxtasy for our first time together. We tackled things head on. We were in one of the witch capitals of the world.Do to polar magnetics and the stars that night and a few planets were in retrograde. We were in paradise on earth. Mabey it was the DMT but I felt like I talked to god that night. And I swore never to do evil on the world & I truly came out of my shell.We were engulfed in a house party and the techno mixed by a friend was amazing. We were both meant for each other in that specific moment in time. We were destined to meet each other again. & by then I'll be a millionaire. I'll be very successful in my craft.We were all destined to come together like souls, at an interstellar party for the amazing technicolor matrix. We were supposed to be in love and then it just disappears. We are not here to love or be loved. We are here simply in time to be. & to me that seems to be the truth in it all. That we are in heaven on earth, be it in Victoria or Vancouver. I am forever going to hold you close and close by always.
Acid Groove
The world had a name and it's name is earth 2006 We are heading into a technological awakening. The matrix is getting very smart. And we are all guided into oblivion with6.5 billion people. The artificial intelligence will get smarter than us one day and we will be fighting rogue robots. Good thing Canada doesn't have "the draft" like the United States. My drug experimentation days are over. I don't want to get addicted to just a single substance. Marijuanna should be legal. And decriminalized. Same with other soft drugs. The should be made legal. Earth is fun and beautiful if you just learn to look at the details. Look at things from a smaller point of view. Like an underwater vision.This is why one should meditate and be at peace with oneself. And practice mindfulness.And engage in waking meditation. To become enlightened. To a higher purpose. & a higher self to be the highest you can possibly be. To be at peace with your highest point available. And always know that you are the only one of your kind out there. You will be the only one here most of the time. Just pretend that you are the only person left on earth. It is a lonely feeling eh?
Why is not now and now is not why how is not who but who is not how. Where in the world will life take me. Hopefully not across Canada though. I can do without all the zig zagging around the country. Next time I go across Canada I will fly. First class. All the way. And back again in first class. For no time could answer the one simple question. When? When will I go to be free and to be accepted. When will my soul arrive. Will it be encased within my body or will it be in a traveling arrangement with god. To float outside of your body would be supreme. I don't want to do all the hardcore drugs I experimented with. Those have altered my brain chemistry forever. Not for eternity though. And I will never get addicted to things again. Those substances have roadblocks in them. You can't understand my whole intentions on the subject of altering the conciousness forevermore. I believe it's possible to "tweak" your brain into super stardom. So it will be possible to tackle more advanced theories... Like interdimensional travel. Meeting your other selves on the other dimensions. Some your nothing but in others your royalty. Some your just simply middle class with a family and others you're a tyrannical general. These world are within your reach to travel to. Altering the conciousness with these substances may help and aid you in your search for discovery.(marijuana, mushrooms, crystal methamphetamine, D.M.T. Special K [cat ketamine] cocaine, acid, heroin, GHB, peyote, would have some effects on your system) I am not advocating some of these substances. I am simply just saying that it is your own responsibility to experiment all of these, and never get addicted. That is the tough part. To never get addicted. To never be a slave to any substance or chemical. To know your dealer to make sure your product isn't cut with anything you don't want in your body.
In a sort of twisted philosophy made myself real. To exist without cause and as cause is to effect. Living in a waking life and a surreal life we are all just mindless drones. Typing away for 8 hours a day. Living life as a sustained communist. We are all doomed to be something. And recognized as a human mammal. We are all enchained to the world somehow. And from it we can never leave. An existence with no fruit is an existence I want to stay away from. It just makes me so numb. An existence without the fruits of labour. I am living on a gov't pension. It is fruitful and well. And the existence bears fruit for all of time. In a unique and sorted fashion we are all enchained to reckless rock bottom. & the only thing we have is money, to keep us happy. & productive.We are all living in a super matrix. Bound by borders and enchained to a country of origin. Bound by rules of capitalism and intrigued by fate. Entrusted with the care of others. In a world of death, rape and rules. We are all inclined to spend some time in a relatively liberal governance. And count the endless hours, minutes and seconds that go by. For all of endless time we will all be apart of. In some strange way we are all guided. We have invisible beings guiding us and protecting individualism. They are reptilian and have green skin and have scales, and they are 8 feet tall. They are a black shadow over us all... Manipulating us through our marrow and cells.
You are the light and whistle to my soul. Baby, lets decide which way is right for us.We were separated for an eternity. But now were together and living a full life. You will know that you mean the world to me. You are the soul of my very being. You are the light. We were meant for each other. We were destined to be together. To share together. We were meant in all glory, to be together and share time with each other. Where will we go from here? Will it be glorius for you as it is to me. If god meant for us to be, then why did it take so long. I searched dozens of parties for that knight of shining armour. I tripped out with nobody to spend time with. I searched for your spirit amongst the ravers. Didn't find a soul, didn't find a being to share my life with. Why oh why did it take so long? I just wanted to find out all of love in good time. I searched and searched and could not find a gay soul inclined as I am. I slept with half the town. To try and find you. I spent time with murderers and cops. Ambassadors, administrators. Several other twinks. But they were too greedy and selfish to compare to you. In good time I was told. You will find your mate. And live in love and love to live.
Male Crying
It is so sad to see a young man cry. The last time I cried I was on a plane back from Winnipeg. I went to meet the 'boy' of my dreams. It turned out to be a man with a funny voice. Like a kids voice. I was horrified at the world at that point. Then by some weird chance. I met his most previous boyfriend. I want so much for myself than to be living phonecall to phonecall waiting for this mysterious boy to call. Mabey I was destined to go through that whole fake voice thing with a nasty boy beating man. I couldn't believe that this was the man that I was talking too on the phone. I didn't want to believe it. I couldn't register the thought until he talked in his kids voice. Then I cried for all of eternity. This was meant to be the way that it was and nothing more. Cruise with me baby. Let the music take me far far away from here. It was the wheels of karma working against me. I was destined to be with somebody. But who?
Intrigue by Touch
The most modern form of thought includes the image of beauty, youth, and intrigue. Living in a world with no tomorrow. I have to keep to my moral precepts. My code of conduct for years to come. I need to state clearly what I want from the world. I need to feel what it's like to live in Amsterdam, in Canada. I love the liberalism of that country.It's beautiful, open and free. I hate smoking so much, it makes me sick. But at least I'm not smoking crack or coke or anything like that. How long will I be a smoker? I hope not for long. But for now it's comfortable and it enhances the way of life for me now.I hope I don't end up with head and neck cancer with a purple face. I think that this world is so difficult to live in. But why must we all know now. And not tomorrow.
Worldly Passions
I try to remember what it was like to walk and meditate. And I imagine a more righteous and moral lifestyle. For time had no essence for me anymore. I try and I wonder how all these people do it. After decades of peace. I wonder how people do the simple things in life like washing dishes, walking on the beach or have an afternoon social tea. I wonder how they do these simple things that keep their core selves in check. I wonder how they never give up. We are all guided by angels and aliens. Looking for peace after generations of warring factions. Within the galaxy is war and health complications that stupefy the mind. After generations of wartime.
In accordance with the rules of life, we are all constrained by the laws of the land.Living life and living. Live and let be. The simpler things in life and on earth. Worldly views and temperaments of ages gone by. In accordance with the laws of the land. & land of the law. Living in a land of peace, love, unity and respect. How do we knoe true respect? Is this respect guided by some strange intergalactic law? Is it guided by some purpose? Purpose being, a life in ecxtacy....and love. How is this world different from every other matrix? This digital hologram meant to imprison us within a body and within a limited soul. A program. With the little red blinker light that is always on. We may think we shut down at night and stop all functions. But the body doesn't sleep. The cerebral cortex is always on and guiding our soul within our body. Living freedom and living youth. We are all home to a different galaxy in itself.
Pyramid Sceme
On and on we go about nothing. Drifting gazes and time gone by with more gossip and rumours to go around and fill an entire planet on Chinese, Persian, English, Mexican, European...It's all just gossip and gossip is unknown to the common baby.But from the time of birth you are talked about behind your back and beyond.Oh so and so did this, and so and so did that. Oh how hilarious. How funny.What a limited comprehension and a low emotional quotient. High I. Q. but low E.Q.Living in symbiance and love of the land and the profits that resume from a wakeful existence. Finding love and life in every second is your chance at true success and true happiness. Why live life in a constant struggle for everyone else. When you can live for yourself. Making yourself happy and following reachable goals and aspirations. Living life fully and to the point. Reality in it's true form and reality in a simpler form than ourselves is easy to understand. I live life simple and moral. When I mean moral I mean no killing, no stealing, no sexual thoughts, celibate. Separated from the regular drone of useless information that is attempting to guide us and change our direction. Manipulation of the highest degree. Of the highest and utmost secrecy and illusion. In a directed point of view. In a strange point of view. An investment, a direction for the future. And wars of the secret illuminanti families. A super secretive group of humans that is guided by their reptilian overlord. Shadowing all of us and attempting to manipulate every core being of ourselves. A Masonic curse. An illuminanti bloodline. All of our bodies are really held in super secret storage containers on another planet and we are all hyperlinked via global imagery software and super secret mind programming files. We are all hyperlinked via our brains and locked into this digital illusion.
Get going backwards and forwards go side to side and left to right.Go right to left and down and up...circulate your general energy at something good and righteous. Something cool, hip, and young. We are all guided by things in life. But why not be guided by your own intellect and your own goals and hopes and dreams.Move up and down and circulate your energy to different parts of the body. Move round n' round in circles. Then move diagonally and Straight and Gay. Always shine bright white light and always shine a rainbow flag everywhere you go. Love life and live to love and love the life that you were given. Cause you might never get a human body back. If you lose it---how do you know that you will attain sainthood. And a better more sound lifestyle. Of beauty and peace. Of love and of worldly intensity.
99 Million Dimensions
In a state of unblemished vigor brings before me a state of willing to experiment with life. In an unusual practice, I live life to the fullest. And live life to the worldly beauty that remains after decades of war. Civil wars and the like. But we are all amused in a sort of free country. We are all destined to clear something for real, and for the most part, real. In this monarchist state we all live under a figurehead that is royally in herself. She is our queen and a good one at best. She represents us and helps us along on a fledgling state. Money built up after generations of war. Conflict money and etc. The current British monarchy shouldn't be there. There should be a new family there. There are many that would like to be in it's place. There are many people that would find great ego gratification in being apart of the British royal family. It is great to be part of a commonwealth. But states in the U.S. are also called commonwealths. We should love the very nature of our existence. Our core selves. Our very being in the world. And beyond. & we should be most concerned of other existences. Other dimensions of our own. One where you are the royal family of earth and one where you ARE something.
Our Angels
Angels of guidance and angels of distinction.Angels of amusement and angels of disguise.Angels of royalty, of intellectual freedom and love.Angels of invisibility and angels of grace.Angels of life and the life blood that exists in us all.Our very core DNA includes that of a god gene.The search for truth and light after centuries of illusion.Angels of aptitude and angels of death.Angels of the soul Angels.Angels of dignity and angels of repect.Angels with secrets and angels without.
Sort of...
Where in the world are you? Are you close by or are you far away indeed. I want everything from you forever. Just think of what we could accomplish together. Saving every single dime we have to live a victorious existence. After Retirement. Where will I be when I am 75 years old. What will be happening in this world by then. How will my government be and whom will be running it? Oh I just can't bear the thought of it. Where is my future self located? Where can I converse with my future self. What would I say after all those years. What would seem important and what would sound like the matrix. Whom would I speak to about the end of my life. And what lengths would I have to live to come to a sort of closure.
I am theory
In another world I am for I can see afar. Money doesn't buy happiness shouts the populace. But I can see now that wealth brings responsibilities. And certain other mishaps of sort. Where in the world will I be in fourty years. Where will I be in 2008 and 2012 and 2020 Where will I be? What will I be doing to live life to it's fullest. Will I be destined to be somebody. Will I be in an appropriate wealth stance? Oh father for I am of no evil I proclaim to you to be something more. Oh mother for I have done no sort of crime in 4 years. 4 long years as a law abiding citizen. What does the planet have in store for me. Other planets in retrograde affect our moods and our actions. Will the world be more enlightened? Or will we be still stuck in the 60's mentally.I've done things lawfully and fully enlightened. And I will continue to do so for all of time. And beyond that. In another world I will be pondering life on this planet and how difficult it actually is. We are all left here to just live and be what exactly? 12 careers 20 professions and 60 jobs in the whole of the city. I prefer to be a recluse. A hidden one. An exhile. We are now in a state of war. World war 3 and nobody bothers to check up on that war in the media. The corporate media doesn't want you to know what they are doing in Iraq and Afghanistan. The Data is all under top secret security clearance. In wartime the populace is kept drugged and unaware of the events around the globe. Corporate media keeps them in check with local regional news. And events in the community. Only showing highlights from the war as satirical as they come.
Wizard of Oz
After spending years in a lockup and time spent ignoring time. Worldly views, even in solitary confinement. For the treasure was never actually found. The treasure had never been buried. For awhile he spent some time figuring out where the actual treasure is.Is It at my old home or is it buried elsewhere? Did I put the treasure in the bank safety deposit or did I leave it with a friend? For the treasure had no name. Just super secret treasury documents. I had them faxed over by the coroner who was in the senate and etc.For the time had no boundary in this case. All the little leprochauns tried to lead me to the treasure. In by deepest thought of time gone bad and wrong for the secret depravity of the guards who house me. Thank your queen for that. They want me to engage in bloodsport with a little crab to fight against. They want us to wrestle. & they will bet on me. Or against me and for the crab. Well the crab was actually 15 feet tall and it was covered in slime. This I was told was the masons crab. It fought with people and attended various Masonic halls to congregate with it's members. It was the masons crab. Glorious, and it screamed at you when you came within ten feet of it. It is so hilarious to see and to fight against in a prison walls. The crab lost that fight right there and then because I pulled out it's tentacles and it ran away screaming for bloody hell. The masons also have a gigantic bird in their great halls of the temples. The masons crab said that I was sucking off the fat tit of queen elizebeth for breast milk. I found that to be rather harsh to say and screach to a person.
Slime Covered Crab
Masons crabCrab Delight it's a masons crab.All covered in slime.Delight in the masons crab.15 foot tall masons crab.
Blue Vs. Red
Would you be mine forever more. Would you see something that just does not exist.Where in the world would my heart lay. We are all hyperlinked via a central existential port of sorts on a computer super power owned by a very select few. They keep us locked into a specific program. And it repeats over and over again. Same routine. The all seeing eye commands a stellar performance. We are all in it till the very end. With the threat of nuclear holocaust . It is clear that we are in unfortunate times. Just this year they started giving guns to sky train police. That is such a cool move. There are so many beatings along the train. Young men a lot of them gay themselves ride that death trap. I hope they solve more crimes than they commit. Heck just give everyone guns. That'll be the harper mandate. Let's bash gays and continue to hurt citizens with your new Christian right wing propaganda.
Shaun Allen Delage
Yeah it is different being me. Being xenophobic and agoraphobic has it's advantages.Like on a clear day I can see as far as the sky will take me. I can see past the moon and Jupiter. Some days I can even see the millions of other dimensions, that my body is taking part in. I feel as if I am apart of those millions of other dimensions. Some days I feel evil, and other days I am like a tyrant. Weeks go by and I become a kitten and very special inside. Wow I state in simple terms. How is this ascension possible. How is this world running in thousands of other dimensions. What part do we take in being a shadow world. We must have other life circling the dogstar-cirrus. We must have other beings that are microscopic. They visit our world of giants and they report back to their galaxy.Or on a separate grain of dust circling Neptune might hold a solar system. Another hidden galaxy. A huge truth to get over and become much more than we are today.It's different being able to interpret these worlds. It's different living in these other worlds. It's different being big or small tiny or huge. Visible or invisible.
Underwater Haven
Sure they do exist, fairies and other folklore like the leprechaun. They exist forver more because it is written in the world that they exist. It was made true by fiction and movies.It was an old wives tale. Kind of like raining frogs. Like a campfire story. The world was made this much more stranger. The world has very many secrets. There is no secret that will not be made the light of. There is nothing strange about living. I just can't remember the last time I wasn't freaking out about my future. Near future and later future. But where will time take me...Will I be finally set free after this life? Will I be reborn again and again to discover the true meaning of life. Where will this clock take me? Will I be reborn as an infant. I hope not. I hope that I am at the epitome of life and liberty. That I will continue to grow after this point in time. There are invisible ghouls watching our every move. They are a reptilian state. They can overshadow our bodies and they control our marrow. Well, about 15% of it anyways. So don't be scared and let them at our bodies. They will keep experimenting on us until we are old and then we are discarded like a piece of trash getting dumped in the ocean.
Burning vast amounts of incense, smoking a lot of pot. Smoking half cigarettes.Listening to rave music. Entering dream home hospital lotteries. Mostly in a celibate Buddhist partnership. Entering the super seven. Entering the 6/49 --coffee.Enter into a world of my delights. Enter into a particular philosophy with no core self.No sense of guilt and lots and lots of water. Make international cuisine. Have a coffee.Meditate in the S.N. Goenka tradition. Write. Write a little more and become something great and fortuitous. Live life to your pinnacle and then just ride it out.
500 parties
The party started to consume me. X here and there. Sometimes 2 caps or more. Hundreds of parties I've gone to. And did mushrooms, Special K, GHB and more.The rave music kept me going all night. I was myself. True to my nature and equipped with the knowledge of thousands of centuries of expanding your conciousness. Millions more spent in oblivion. And many more drugs were at the party. Like crystal, cocaine and heroin. Many of the drugs I tried were "cut" with these three. But I never got the urge to murder somebody. Or run astray in the times not long forgotten. In one of my schizophrenic outbursts I thought I tried on all the panties of the women of the downtown eastside. I was with a cop that made me try on all these panties. And I tried nylons on too and fishnet stockings. G strings thongs and he smoked cocaine with me a few times.The rave had me so involved that it was hard to mask. I thought up many different things in the course of my parties. I thought up worlds gone by and people and things that have gone missing from my life and next of kins gone by at 90 MPH at a party. Some of them are probably dead by their drug use and some are still partying I bet. Sometimes I wish I was back in that phase of my life. Because damn it was good. Really good.
Fully Ordained
I am a lover of trance, I love rave music in general I love the high that you get when your almost a millionaire. I enjoy that very much. Just knowing that your millions are just beyond your grasp but there. They are there to be enjoyed to the fullest. They are there to be dreamt about and there to be loved. Your millions are just beyond your grasp but they are there. They are there to be spent and they are there to be admired. We should always put ourself in the grasp of millions. We should always know that it is just around the corner when you try a little to find them. I love trance and smoking half cigarettes.I love smoking mini-buns (marijuana mini joints) and I love being a partner to somebody that is truly fantastic in all the entire world. I love being a half of somebody's life. I love it to the max. We are all here for some time. I couldn't just live life the way it was. It was too boring and drab and beyond. I want to be a priest. I already am a priest under the state of California. I love being ordained.
Green Grass
What a quaint day today for all rythemic space seemed to be signified. By one single source. And that is my being. All of my memories and times gone by without repeat.I never want to be put in some of the places I have been. I regret a lot of the things I have done. But most of all I constantly to this day hold things under secret lock and key. Some things I would dare not speak of to another human soul. But everything I have done is locked within my cerebral cortex and a digital link file. That is why I am glad I never murdered anyone. Or have been violent etc. It keeps my karmic wheels spinning for all of time. The fact that I never did anything major or significant. That it was all a figment of my psyche. I am very glad I am not a sinner for anything would seem so private. You think that I'm not going to live from this. That I'm not going to make it.
My Dream
The world seemed to be so short for a living being such as myself...hours drift by and no harm is done to my body. I feel safe. Intact and Guided. I don't feel as if I have been incarcerated or disturbed. I just don't want to get mixed up in the same crowd again.I want to be independent and guided by several goals in mind. There to be believed in and protected by myself for most of time itself. I hope that one day I can become something great. Live to learn and be immune from the regular brashness of society.Live outside of the box. Live way outside the box. As an exhile and a recluse and be the exhiled one from Canadian society. Like clubbing and stuff like that. One day soon. I wished I was there somewhere tapping the main, interconnected freeway of dreams.To be apart of something so great yet received no rewards at all. Is turbulence nevertheless. But we must all make it out at least once a day to tap the societal suffrage.A lane and a highway to some, a gateway and and ascension to all.
Drag queens big and small tall and short fat and thin will surround me, for all of life signifies. We are all at odds with our fortuitous fate. Why not change that and become something wonderful and magnificent. That is how you beat people in the game. Become a success. Become something more than you are right now. And you will live a more happier existence. You are the light. You are your own soul. Let your mistakes guide you. The ship has run aground the queen of the north is going down.
Follow Me
I love this life to the fullest and live it in seclusion and exhile and I love it. I love spending time with oneself and being practically married has it's associated benefits.Like having somebody there in case of emergency and having somebody close for love.What if I didn't have that. What if I never realized what was truly meant to be.What if I was destined to be alone? What if this relationship wasn't in place. Well I need recognition within my community and love of life that follows. I hate myself sometimes because I never recognized the true beauty of each and every individual I have met.And other times I hate myself for not being as social as I'd like to be. Most of the time I find balance and love with life and everything that goes along with it. Live and let live and love and let love as the most senior members of our society would say if they could form the words. Never ever do I want to be alone. But who on earth wants to be totally alone. That is the prisoners life.
The Grey's
I may appear to be wealthy but I'm just a prisoner of your mind and soul, trapped within a body like a couger. We all think that we should be doing something. That we should accomplish something in this life time. And to truly set our imprisoned souls free.We are destined to do business with god and the devil and choose neither. I would choose to be cast out into oblivion than follow some strange sect of people doing their thing. I would just swing on that beautiful chandelier for hours, while I decide the fate of my souls next journey. While I decide to be cast back to earth as a single human being.My maker might have a problem with me wanting to consider masked oblivion.What would I choose the light side and the dark side. Well, neither. I live by life as itself moves in all contrast to the real thing actually happening at this current moment.I would love to be flying around in the stars for years and years. Visiting other worlds and visiting other dimensions. Bigger or smaller than our own I guess.
It's a fifteen foot tall bird and covered in slime. It's a masons bird and it's calling my name. It's the devils bird. This bird covered in slime. It's 30 feet wide with it's wings out. All covered in slime and disqust. It is pure filth and smell's rancid and nasty.But it's a masons bird and they must protect it from harm...That is what they house at the grand lodge is a masons bird all covered in slime and disqust. We should all be wary because this bird controls our infrastructure debt. We must pay our homage to this beastie. A filthy and very nasty smelling bird. The masons bird yes indeed the masons bird.
A Reptoid Sauris
He haunts my dreams at night this reptile. It feeds off my dreams and aspirations and laughs at my very proposals to god. Because once you make a prayer this reptoid reads them all and then hands them to god himself. This reptile feast of pure reptilian fish eggs.They hover over our bodies like a shadow and control everything we do. They love alcohol and sex, pure filth, and they prescribe to generational drugs fit to cure the populace. The reptoid is always there like a shadow and they conflict with your spirit guides. Whom are there to protect you in the eyes of god. The reptoids control the gates to heaven because they witness all through your eyes. Like a high tech video camera.A lens a Cornea and they record your entire life through there brain washing and manipulation. They interbreed and intersex with meat eating loves of fate. It's the masons and the reptoids that are forming an alliance together and they will fight it to the very end. This extreme sort of nature going on behind invisible walls.
12 million Planets
It is clear that I am not university educated therefore I have no major. I have no, in waiting for a degree. I feel these organizations are too closely associated with black magic. And I feel very adapt at pointing out that they are the primary source for propaganda machines operating under the light of operative such behaviors under the sun.It is the very nature of these super powers to rectify problems solved and things gone wrong. Inept social structures and nasty clubs that encourage conversation. Just an indocternated populace in a freakishly boring degree structure. But some of it must be nice. There is much more out there than your society is pushing at you. There are many more free forms of expression out there. Amidst all the darkness. It's like a giant pyramid scheme gone horribly wrong. Each tenet gone in opposite directions. For the earth had no spit.
Wheels of glory
I feel totally here alone and segregated from the populace and nowhere to turn. Just simple meditation and mindfulness of where you are at the present moment. It is funny to just simply think and let your imagination run wild. Like glorious prisms shining in the summer love of sun and beauty for all things. To be free from ritualistic oppression and masonic curses. The previous being the latter sense of worry for me. The world never knew how to solve masonic curses, because it hasn't seen anything of the like so far. We were all tempted by the baphomet at one time or another. Just simple choices made from not so simple illusions. These illusions exist everywhere in our spacial society. We seem like we're so far away from everything and unless you buy into something then you don't belong.
Emorphic Sounds
It is without compromise that I sit here and write. I believe my skill to be attainable like on par with royalty and administration of the highest degree. I enjoy it very much and love to talk nevertheless. It is with great honour that I bestow on you the gilded title of Reverend.It is without merit the most attainable goal out there. Now you continue on with your priestly duties. And enjoy what is out there. Just beyond our touch. I love my spirit guides and the heirs of that situation as well. It is an invisible job and it has to be done. Kind of like a mechanic for your car and a spirit guide for your spirit. It is with some degree of happiness that I speak of them here and now. Forever and beyond. So here it is my little method of expression to thee.
Standard of the U.S.A.
It is without merit that we are all aquainted and life itself seems to be so perplex of a mystery that none of us could solve because we are all confined within a body and a mind.It is with circumstance that we are all living about and working about this world. Tied to a perpetual slavery machine. It is extra worrisome that none of our beings are fully enlightened here in Canada. We are not guarded by an enlightened institution like the buddhist sangha. It is with some very special lawmakers that our history is worked before us. We are now guided by a perplexing force and with it comes certain methodologies.I love the ability to dream and to be apart of something huge and great
Orange and Red Robes
In it's old and uncharted territory the rock sits amused and full of life at the saltwater ocean. Full of life and glory to the highest degree. Being an ordained reverend has no real benefits except that in title only. Which then only has some degree of seperation from the populace.My questions go unanswered. My thoughts go unglorified. My soul wants something more of itself than this. I was given the freedom of a life to live. After eons of solstice. If I was a very old soul I would be at it again. But I'm not....I was just floating around the galaxy before I chose to be here. With angels that guide me. I waited ten thousand years for a human body to be free in. To choose things and to be free in itself within a prison for your mind. We are all in a prison for your mind because we chose to be here. Amidst murderers, Vagrants, People, Celebrities, and Reptillians. Where shall we go next? How about Vancouver B.C.
I was staying at the "Pinnacle of whistler" I had been high for three days....I took the train up. I was working a reservations agent with Supernatural British Columbia.I had a little case filled with crystal meth. I did not sleep or eat in days. I would go to the washroom and snort some meth to get my energy back up or I'd crash on the train. For days. We arrived after an hour and a half and took the bus into town. Where I found my hotel easily. It was very nice. With a hot tub in the suite. And a clear partition for the bathroom. I just went into a frenzy and thought people were at my door to kill me and I also thought that the Whistler fire department was going to eat my leg. So I flipped out. I could hear voices at my door and hear footsteps of that fire department. I scratched up my arms with a hundred cat scratches. And I eventually fell asleep. Woke up the next day with a freakishly feeling in my body. I went to the whistler fire department and sat there for an hour. Then I went and checked out of the hotel. I took the train back into Vancouver. I told a friend of mine to meet me at the train. And when he saw my arms all scratched up he took me to the hospital. They checked me out and released me. It was a very strange time in whistler and I don't know if I'll ever go back there. Certainly not the pinnacle...the highest point in Whistler.
He asked me what I would like done with my hair and I replied oh my, politically incorrect. I took a break to go smoke some rock cocaine in the bathroom that they had in the salon on davie street. I returned and got that haircut and it was fabulous as I remember. Not to Racy.The damn reptillians were following me around the downtown core again. So that's why I took the break in the salon. To hide away from these vile, grosslings that were following me around taking pictures. And reading my thoughts. So I continued on to my top floor apartment where my room mate (the fish cook) was passed out drunk and almost naked on the love seat. He had on those horrible little Tighty whities. & he had just drunk up a two sixer so he was out for almost three hours I bet.
Reptile rock
The sauris was around every corner feasting on meat and blood and guts. And they were interbreeding right there on the table. The sauris was bright green and shadowed every human being and made them to strange things. They interbreed when there is sex and alcohol involved. And they make up delusions and beliefs and challenge the core self of every human being. They follow us around like a maggott feasting on a carcas of a deer.Don't worry no animals were harmed in the making of this particular piece but heck who would hurt an animal anyway. The horrible creature that follows us all around is a telepathic and hypno inclined reptoid with a direct neural linkup with the reptillian part of our brains. They induce hypnotherapy as a form of sectarian belief in the conservative form of living. They are still used to the world that they had to live in the time before us. When they had the power. Before they all turned invisible and dependent on the human for survival and nourishment. It was they who could create and also destroy all things. Before they all went invisible.
Life's Lessons
I was young still at heart when I was twenty I was selfish too....and I was greedy.I walked into a chinese mall and I saw a metalic briefcase then I was walking out with it the next moment. I was stealing it. I made it to the escalator and made it half way down when somebody smacked me in the back of the head. He wanted me to go back with him to security. So I went. When I arrived at the security office a black man greeted me. They went outside of the room, when they did I remembered that I carry a razor blade for things like this. So I pulled it out and began cutting my wrist with it. When the security guy came in I was bleeding on the floor and he went out and talked to the man that took me into custody. They let me walk out but first I had to return the briefcase to where I found it. The security guard noticed that I was bleeding all over the grey briefcase. When I returned it to the shop with blood all over it. They were simply agahast and they let me out before police arrived. They wanted to get rid of me then and I was very close to a lawsuit at that point if the police arrived. But I left and made it to tinsletown and I asked somebody to call an ambulance. Since there was blood pouring out of my arm. Then the ambulance came and brought me to the hospital. Where I was released with a band aid basically.
Fortify the borders
I am well aquainted with an old soul and have thanks for the life given around me. I live life to it's peak and live life with a sort of pinnacle in my eye.I wonder how long I'll be here and I wonder how long those around me will be here. I enjoy the simplest form of life and do not live to the extreme right or left. I want myself to be a sort of passage of discovery. The current running against the grain of life. And it's the most beneficial to human health to remain healthy and vibrant. To be well read. To be simple. To be life itself. In it's most progressive state religion has been the backbone to every community great or small. It's time and place has always been known in our, predominantly christian right wing society. We are all guided by the same force of being and living but are suspended on strings before the very god of space and time.Every action has a reaction and every choice has it's consequence. Every being has to be ready to take on all of their mistakes and all of their weaknesses will show. AND IT WILL REMAIN EVIDENT. Your life as you've been living it is illusion. Your family is illusion and your friends are illusion.We are actually upside down and introverted. The earth is never in one spot for very long. And we are constantly moving to that of a greater celestial bliss.Now don't get all anxious on me now. I just have to remember who I am. How long I have been on this planet and how long I have left. We have angels guiding our every move and they constantly are intervening on our behalf. They have an open dialect with the god of our being. They have an open love for every being on earth and they don't discriminate between black, white, gay, female, male or insect, human, cat or dog. Now think of how many hundred billions there actually are on earth and remember that there have been hundred millions or billions of other souls on the planet before our time. We could perhaps imagine an infinate number beings that inhabit this crazy place. The simplest explanation being the easiest. We are not alone here on earth. We will never be alone and don't ever think for one second that you are in effect, alone.To be completely within oneself is kind of a treat these days and everyone guards their alone time closely. Where on earth is all of our questions answered. You must look within yourself to be totally free and live life to it's fullest. Now I am not saying here to jump to the extreme right or left. What I want to guide you to is your real truth and your real existence on earth. What lessons you must learn while you're here and what love to give and what love to take back. We are all uniquely special. In our highest form of course. So be who you want to be and live your life as if it had any meaning at all.Live in symbiance with the other creatures on the planet. And love life to it's highest degree.
Mother Earth
It is such a unique time to be living. With such a technical push we are all being lead around by machines constantly humming and vibrating. It is to this degree that most of us live. Being thrown around to this appointment and to that meeting or to this social function or that party or this dinner.Every human must learn to take time for themselves or your spirit will wither.For all of time we work ourselves to the bone, building the pyramids or Atlantis. Or building the New york subway or the RAV line in vancouver. We will be enforced into slavery in the coming years and microchips will become the norm to "jack into" the internet. A supreme internet that knows everything about you. Your credit file, your medical records, your legal file, your school files. All government files will be uploaded to super computers beyond size and beyond anything we could have suspected. Scanned documents relating to every historical fact beyond imagination for it's citizens. The extreme right wing philosophy must be stopped this right wing neo christian propaganda tool must be put to rest for it's in it's dyeing days. They are leading you into the illuminati think tank of global governance. They are infecting the populace and killing out those that live in nations of over one billion. They are not on your side and never will be. They could care less of your financial future and the way you live your life. Nobody wants to be in a society that is legality this and scripture that. One law to defeat all those fun things that we take for granted. And one law to govern the rest of society for all of time. We are living confined within a prison without walls. With the threat to our constantly free life always looming overhead. It is without vengeance that we are all living our daily lives. Well what about that group of people that are unhappy with their daily lives. That want drastic change and a wonderfully free society without a multitude of problems and daily worries. It is within every individual to change their life for the better. And to live within the walls of society free and reborn into a higher more wonderful self. To live and let live and to live life in more modern sense of well being with a hint of the upper echelons of our pinnacle of society. Live your life as if it where the last to live in your multitude of beings. Great or small. Each life has it's lessons and it's truth's. You will be made aware of all of the secrecy that surrounds your being. And all of the misinterpretations. You will be made aware of all of your mistakes by a ten year guide when your soul descends and ascends through the many heavens and zions that exist currently. You will be shown where you made a mistake and then you will have a chance to correct that mistake. Sometimes a simple sorry is good enough but many may find themselves transported there by their spiritual guides.
6 Billion
It is all man made around you and I, The earth is a super mega matrix and it is built to imprison those who are walking within it's walls. We should all grow to love this mechanism. And to live in symbiance with the rest of the beings on our planet. We are living in a culture of entitlement. One that rewards prestige and hard workers. So we are lead to believe. We are living in a time with conservative governments in power that lead us astray. That manipulate us through the neural uplink system we call media and advertising. They decieve you and I into multiple mortgages and breeding beautiful new bundles of joy. They want the system to continue. They will do anything to keep the system running smoothly and quiet those who dissent. The illuminanti families have an invested interest to keep those residual payments coming through their web of interconnected multiple business. They are most recognizable through the many one or two dollar purchases you make. The illuminati web is connected to many different socio economic backgrounds including but not limited to legal, Education, Medical, Financial, Government, and many more. We must learn to educate ourselves on some of the major multinationals. And we must learn to live in symbiance with the rest of the beings on the planet. You must pick your genre or be moved to the side. You must adapt and mold to those around you for an even better fit. It is with some courage that one may succeed in life. But indeed it does include loopholes in the system. And the smart get richer and the smartest get powerful beyond imagination. Not to say that everyone is innocent of these things. There is white collar crime as well as blue collar crime all around. Your angels will guide you to true happiness. People sometimes have one or two but may have more than that in the tens and twenties. In fact the number may be infinate. We are always watched. We are always studied upon. And we have guidance in this world till the very end. Some of your guardians are relatives, some rich some poor some unique and some may just simply like you for who you are and who you have been over the years that they get to know you. To them you are trapped within a physical matrix with rules and beliefs to follow. They don't teach you lessons though. The lessons learned in life are often the result of somebody who you have met that has crossed you in some way. Or the devil himself wants to teach you life lessons. Before you ascend from this interesting and unique way of life. Apparently our creator and our devil live side by side to rule over the rightous and punish those who are horribly wicked to beyond our imagination.We should therefore love all beings from the rightous to the horribly wicked.It is not in our place to judge those before us. It is our creator that judges those that live through a neural up-link system we call life. There are no secrets in life and one should never feel completely alone.
Fruit Stand
There is a sort of cynicism in what we call life. To be scared of those around you. To not trust another human being. Well I say we must remain guarded at all times. Around all different types of people. Keep your guard up at work or school because there will always be people around trying to mess things up for you. I love life to it's fullest. But I also worry about getting hit by a car or a missile or a suicide bomb at a café. We must remain vigilant at all times. Even those who remain close to you. We are all upside down and left is not right and right is not left. We are introverted and extroverted. The opposite remains the fact. And what may appear as normal to you may appear to be on the extreme right or left depending on how you look at it. Everything is in utter chaos and we are constantly in a state of complete annihilation. Now there is global pandemics racing through the populace as super bugs that cannot be cured. We are faced with H5N1,AIDS,Cancers, Flu's, STI's etc. We are shadowed everywhere by an angel and a reptillian both affecting the general outcome of life. There may be more than one angel or reptillian assigned to you. The number in fact may be infinate. We are all living within a global super computer. A computer program that leads us into illusion. We think it is 2006 but in fact it is more like 2030 or 2040. Due to miscalculation of some of the leading minds in the illuminati. We are living within a surreal world for the rich and famous. Those that get famous get trapped within only a select group of people that are known as the illuminati or the masons. And they are turned into puppets for the rich to use to manipulate the citizens of the planet. We are exploited by the regional news programs only owned by the super wealthy. We are lead to believe that the world is at our fingertips. We are totally out of whack. We are lead astray and we are lead closer to illusion. This is why somebody must keep their guard up at all times so they don't fall into a path that will destroy them. There are people walking into light and people walking into darkness. Further and further the path is up to you. So be ready and be vigilant. Never feel totally alone even when you are alone. Just relax and know that there is somebody guarding the light to the tunnel that will meet you someday and judge you for all of life signifies.
Simple Village
For a very long time people have been trying to figure out the nature of our existence. For so Long we have been trying to figure out the meaning of our lives. Living simultaneously with our very own life. That we hold close to us at all time. Worldly pleasures and indulgences remain to be simply put aside. When you try and deeply think of the nature of your existence. And it is said that when you try and figure out life itself that there are curve balls thrown your way. For times long forgotten We have been at war with each other over a global nuclear arms race. America has one of the largest nuclear arsenals at their disposal. They are our neighbours and they will invade our country at the slightest whisp of oil. For so long these wars have been going on. We can't help it. We must keep fighting. And the fighting goes on and on and on. For all of time. For this world is only an illusion. This world is said to be merely a reflection of what is going on (on) other realms. We must all live in harmony but it will never happen. And we will all have to live through some sort of doomsday where this whole game just collapses. The illusion will be brought to light and the people will come to terms with their new reality. The regional media is controlled by the illuminati and we are never told the real truth. We are lead astray for many lives just living to be a slave of the system that we have in place currently. And we have been slaves to systems for thousand of years. Controlled by the underground and controlled by only a few ruling families on earth. Along with evidence of extra terrestrials, There is solid proof that other types of beings visit earth almost daily. There are sudden events that happen with celebrities and they blurt out what they are told to blurt out by their reptillian manipulator. We all have some sort of "life" within this greater illusion that exists currently. Many just say the first thing that comes to mind. Not realising that that is what we are told to say.Part of our brain is reptillian and recieves strong signals of manipulation and mind programming. We are in effect slaves to our own mind. Creating an alternate universe within. Just the ability to see passed the mind altering reality we live in takes great skill no ordinary lay person could understand. What we do all day long doesn't make us into a greater person it is what we do with our whole entire life that matters. Making it's way into the hearts and minds of townfolk and people alike.
It is a complex and strange little thing we call life. To live simply put is to let live. But we are all scared of becoming something greater than what we currently are. There is a conspiracy taking place called virtual slavery. We are all chained to an existence that is slavery in a sense. With avoidance being the greatest thing in society facing us all. Those that are not in question and those that choose to remain silent and let the system take a hold of us all. We are growing accustomed to being led around like cattle making a life for ourselves by choosing to do nothing and going down a path that is like being stuck in a cubicle all of your life. With the rate of carbon monoxide spilling into our atmosphere I am surprised that we are not living in bubbles all ready.But we will have to retreat for the toxic gasses in our atmosphere will not retreat. They will take a hold of our entire planet within the nest 30 years.
I live a life to set parameters and I love to enjoy the world in all of it's glory.We are all on a set course of living and the world has no boundaries. Your entire future is set out in your palms. And to navigate the tough waters requires great skill. We are all growing used to living our life the way it was meant to be. We must live in cooperation with the other species on our planet. I love to live life to it's fullest because we may never know how things truly feel for another person. There is conspiracies at play and the world is a huge game board at times. There are some set rules of play...and everything else is up to you. Wealth should be a goal for just about anybody. Plus to live a life of class and dignity supercedes all authority to invest in your life. We are usually amongst others most of the time. So we have to learn to be more appreciative of our fellow man and woman. To be sane despite thousand upon thousands of years of misery. Only to empower yourself with the attainable mastery of human dignity and glorious enlightenment. Where the government is the super power behind all the people. Sending people to be slaughtered in Iraq and Afghanistan. We the people have voted in on this terrorist connection to somehow believe that what we are doing is right.I can see an extreme water shortage in the next millenia. We will have to drink toxic filtered water from the sea by generations end. We are scorching the sky and our ozone layer with pollutants that your government approves to be burnt off into the atmosphere surrounding our entire globe. We are shadowed by an alien conspiracy that plagues the governments of our time. And the reptillians are desperately trying to hold everything together. The illuminati is desperately trying to hold on to the collective conciousness.To keep it within it's grasp and to hold onto that that all of civilization has achieved.They interbreed with the secret bloodlines that rule the world. Including all the presidents of the united states. All of the prime ministers of canada. And we think we actually vote these morons in. We think we live in a truly democratic society when in fact we are not.We are in a society that is in illusion. We are in a society where the ruling illuminanti families become the governers of our country. Celine Dion is also a reptillian and so was Princess Diana. Same with the major players of medicine, law, politics, education, banking and insurance, food, transportation and infrastructure. We think we live in a democratic society when in effect is all a digital illusion super hacked into the individual consciousness. What we see in reality may not even be there, Our bodies may not even be housed on this planet or any other one in the solar system. Our whole self could be scattered across many universes and dimensions.
Numerical Anagram
In instances where your being feels a particular sensation that it does not recognize we feel sort of elated by the experience. In instances where your being comes across another old soul you can feel it deep inside your bones that you have met this person in another life. Or another dimension. From another time. In our space of love and freedom unite.It is odd to feel that feeling for awhile and to start to get to know it. I do not hesitate in experiencing this feeling in the waking life and the dream state. I know I have woken from a dreamstate often with feelings of love and liberty and at other times I have woken enraged and peculiar. I think sometimes I fall in love in my dreamstate and wake and find that I have many things which are attainable only within my system. I enjoy the freedom of speaking with passed on beings and animals. Some of them are just clouds and other times they actually inhabit a body. Sometimes I feel as if they are trying to send me messages throughout dimensions but most of the time I don't feel as if I particularily connect with these beings. Their names become clear to me most of the time after ma ny years being known to them. Your guardian angels are invisble. They do communicate through a higher telepathy. They can influence your daily life drastically and they can be of influence with some of the greater events achieved in your life. I have felt their presence known at times where I was particular to drug experimentation. Encouraging me to stop and look around for awhile. They have made me very fond of money though and they encourage me greatly to achieve things monetarily. They are not brash or naïve they are very old souls that don't have a lot of time with just one place. They are constantly moving. Constantly checking in on you. Because they know what you know and that this is just a huge prison for souls. It is a digital mainframe based on rules and etiquette. There are many individuals that are slave to this system that we hold in place currently in this time frame. We are so convinced that it is the year 2006. When in fact it is probably much closer to the year 3140. We live within a world of boundaries and rules. Love and hate. But mostly hate of diversity and all things that are rainbow in color.Plus the people that lead shadowed lives filled with despair and ignorance go back into a human body at reincarnation. Or if they were really bad they get cast out into the animal and insect realm. You must make something of yourself or you will never know what you can truly achieve. You must do good in all of your life to be afforded a way out of this digital matrix.
Edge of the Cliff
An attempt to offend in this human realm is nasty by nature. But to do it over and over in life becomes an addict to the cycle of despair. But to be nasty and intelligent about it takes it's toll on the human psyche. Millions of beings all enslaved within one system of communist regime running most of the world. I may appear to be free but in fact I am just a prisoner. For all of our minds. For all of our souls are locked up within this world. And enslaved to death. Just to keep those mortgage payments going and the kids happy.We are all locked into a wealthy society that doesn't share it's wealth unless paid for it.Rent this and rent that. Buy this and buy that. Spend this and spend that. We are in a very materialistic society that over prices everything to the max. why must we continue to our very end days to contribute to the greater illuminati families. They tax the hell out of everything we do. And the capitalist royalty grabs at any penny they are owed. The bankers roll in money while there are slums like the size of BC in most parts of the world. We are at our epitome right now. But what if the illuminati chooses not to care for the populace anymore. What will the 7 billion of us do? It will be chaos and confusion. Thank god for Canada. Thank god for our monarchy. Thank our state for it's great policing and reasonable medical care. Education is prime too. But it all needs work. To see past the illusion and the lies is tough though. To see past the ruling elite's slaughter mentality. And the greed for all things that seeps into every core being of our self is difficult to comprehend. They are out butchering human beings in the name of democracy. They are putting women and children at risk for death. The ruling elite keeps all of us so busy that we don't take the time to notice what is really going on just beneath our noses. For the mortal shares no distinction between love and beauty. Or poverty and hate. Love doesn't go that far. Love is only reserved for a few people at a time. It cannot be broadcast. It cannot be written and it cannot be televised. It is something shared between only a few people at a time. That is why you must love your fellow man and woman and child and pet. Because animals don't have the comprehension needed to live within this matrix's walls. They cannot invision a way out and they cannot plan there destiny as we humans do. Pets are a glorious connection from god and they should be loved how you would love a human being. I used to think that the S.P.C.A. was controlling my mind through the mammel network. I used to think that they were watching me and ready to pick me up and nuke me in their oven. All for being a Human being. An evolved mammel. A Piece of meat. Something to be caught and fried.But now I don't believe in this mammel network of conciousness. An electrical connection between brains ready to be manipulated at the very sight of fear.
There used to be such an insane mix in my powerful psyche before medication. I used to be wild and uninhibited and a party go'er I used to do like 5 drugs a night. That life is all but behind me now. I am in the clear. I have gone about three years without any toxic chemicals in my system. I just hope I was able to flush some of the toxins out by natural secretion. I did everything except heroin. But even that was snuck into some of my drugs. I used to party with millionaires and high ranking government officials in my escort days. Am I ever glad I retired from that line of work. People become rough and nasty in the bedroom when your being paid. It is the oldest profession known to man. I needed to try it because I was at the pinnacle of my life. Back then....I was racing through a peak time in my life where anything was acceptable. Partying for weeks. And drinking evil alcohol and doing evil party drugs. And what does [sic] mean anyways. Does anybody know what [sic] means. Oh well I'll find out in do time I guess. I thought I was being followed by interdimensional cameras. I thought that beings were reading my mind. Speaking through other peoples mouths. My Secrets were revealed with simple speech. I thought that if I threw all my ID off a bridge that nobody would be able to track me. I felt there was microchips in my BCID that were tracking my every move. And manipulating me into reptillian encounters. I felt that the SPCA vans were following me. I remained very cautious when going outside of the home. I didn't trust anybody. I thought that there was a huge tubial coming from every car and leading up into space. I thought I was the only one to see this tubial. I felt that reptillian entities were tracking my every move to use as manipulation to end my life. I felt that they were trying to kill off gays with mind manipulation and intrigue of the sorts. I felt that I was of a dyeing race of mankind that is slowly being plucked from the face of the earth. Including but not limited to transexuals. It was mostly gays though that were suffering. Then I looked around. And even millionaires were losing everything. We were in a sort of divide in the time space world. We were in a huge deathcamp for animals. The right wing christians were running the world. They all seemed to be suffering by that point. All races. All types of people. Many different diverse kinds of people are suffering this very moment. Somewhere.
Intergenerational Mechanics
It is presumed that until you are found guilty you are innocent. Well not under the law are aliens protected and no legislation is in place to govern their safety. I'm talking about actual space aliens. Tall reptillians and short fat octopus. None are afforded any protection under the law . If they land their spacecraft on earth they are not to be treated as human beings would under the law. That is why there are so many species of these underground and hidden away from sight. A sauris is usually a murderer. That is why these beings are invisible. They are not to be seen. And they operate in dimensions unknown to our own. Spinning at a frequency that is to slow for our eyes to register. Or too fast for our minds to process. They are kept away and hidden until provoked. They are the guardians to your fate and they hold the key to the gate of heaven. They are not to be worshiped though. As there is no idol worship in the animal world. They are there with the perception needed to follow you around for decades. They know your secrets and they inhabit the reptillian part of your brain. They use it for manipulation by other entity born humans. They can speak through your soul when alcohol is produced or drugs used to alter the state of conciousness that you currently preside in. To be void in the dreamstate would strengthen your chances at receiving benefits in the material world.To be void of that human spirit and to be a group of sell out souls would darken the world just a little bit for some. But to be full of imagination and various forms of intrigue would be the pinnacle of life to most. In this state we can achieve pure human interest.An interest in all things visible or invisible. We can achieve that goal or strengthen a bond to the highest degree. In a dark form of void we see the reptillian for all of it's worth and figure out how cunning she actually is. There are also transgendered reptiles and transexuals by operation. Plus the original male female. And some forms of multi gendered reptile. They are here to keep tabs on you. Your whereabouts, Your dreams,What you achieve, Who you murder, Where you come from. They can instantly transmute at a certain location. They tune into you. They hack your mind. & they control all of our lives. We are in a huge experiment for the mind. And nothing will stop any one of us from finding the real truth to life. The real secret that everyone has been talking about for generations. Where you finally figure out the true nature of your existence. The real reason you were born and why exactly you are here.
We all hold the suicide gene and the god gene all close at hand. They are more or less controlled by the invisibles. The invisibles can see through our bodies, read our minds, laugh at our jokes, and do interdimensional surgeries. Affecting what we do, and eat, and think about. This world is run by darkness. The darkness has consumed most of the 6 billion souls. This has led to the plans for one global government, currency and institution. Also micro chipping the people to keep running diagnostics on each human being by the super computer that is running earth 2006. The invisibles are behind all of the rich and all of the powerful. All of the elite. And especially all things that appear successful. The reptillian agenda is to forward those families that belong to the illuminanti incest sceme. Make them rich and powerful so they interbreed with one and another. To create even stronger forms of the reptillian DNA present in all of us.They overshadow all of us and control our movements and eat what we eat. Most of them are obese and disqusting covered in slime and the blood of human beings. There are many different types of aliens available. Most are invisible to our dimension. They hack into our satellites to gain even more information of us. They realize that they are very different from our own way of life. They appear different and speak differently.They feed off of our energy and our secretions. They read our thoughts. They speak through us and speak of us to their kin. Some spend decades in our realm because time moves slower or much faster in the other dimensions. They intersex with us and enjoy sexual encounters along side of us. They watch and interpret everything we do as being all too human. Some are nice and some are evil. And they incline themselves with people that share their same beliefs. An alcoholic sexual being falls prey to the reptillian/ invisible agenda. We are in a super computer designed with one thing in mind. Slavery.This completes all titles of capitalism. To have the future penny at play is the most divine treat to a capitalist. With the super rich running the world. With their very whim at our control. We control the rich so to speak. Without us they wouldn't be rich.They work in shifts of invisibility and can just simply materialize just with the push of a button. They operate on our bodies interdimensionaly and are killing us off slowly through the reptillian agenda of population control. They are usually like, Seven Feet. They can shadow our movements and control our speech. When your with them you know it. You can feel them if you try.
Dark Alley
It is without a world of the finer things in life that wartime brings with it. An attitude of like, hunker down. The world just simply moves on. People and things move on and the world becomes silent. You can't hear anything for miles. Except the low rumble of a car humming by. Life and love and learning is all true to us. Although we must always surround ourself with those three. To be advantageous and free and secluded is the writers dream. To be allowed to constantly come up with things that are majestic and real. To type away at our book and know that someday the words may actually appear 100,000 times over. People need lots of things and it is presumptuous to think that we should only have a few at a time. We want it all. We want all things fine. If I have a sauris following my every move. Don't you think that I would want to enjoy the finer things in life. Or is it all what the sauris wants to consume within your electrical matrix.It is the reptillian secret agenda to have us all microchipped. So that they can read our thoughts more easily. So that they can interconnect via brain portals and through synapses they will learn the precursers to the emotional quotient and the intellectual quotient. It is no wonder that the buddhists see the world as upside down. They just don't know that we are being harvested by sauris like reptillian beings. Mabey someday they will figure it out for us and then tell us. The sauris's feed of our emotions and our thoughts and they feed off the electricity that our bodies produce. They eat it through long tentacles and they harvest secretions and trade them on their own black market currency pyramid sceme. How unlucky it is for us to have these beings attach themselves to you invisibly. If you avoid the things that they enjoy. Then perhaps one will not get so attached to you and feed off. Harvest etc. It is like sea creatures that feed off of each other. They need one and another to survive. If you surround yourself in alcohol, sex, money then the chances are you will have a reptillian entity shadowing your very moves in this life. They are like maggotts feeding off a decomposed body. They are like the filth bottom feeders of the oceanic prime. Where in no doubt do they come from? It is from other dimensions spinning faster or slower than our own. Their time is distorted due to the fact that they live upward of 400 years so they could take a caseload in effect. Keeping an eye on many different people at the same time. They also have advanced technology used to track and log our every move. This Time space phenomena is unknown to the common city folk. But this is where they interbreed in the shadows and in the darkness they feed off of our every move.
Portion of Man
There are so many assumptions in our great world of ours. So many false beliefs. So many damn rules to live in Canada. Where will my heart take me next I ask quietly.There is a certain sense of freedom living in a free country. With everything at your fingertips. Although lacking in some of the prowress of America. Our next door neighbour. With their mounting infrastructure debt and the cost of a deadly war between Americans and Arabs. What a mistaken identity crisis because now is the right time for Iran and UAE to get involved. All of the arabian countries will war with us " the west"These illusions are put forth in the illuminati agenda. Democracy as it is known does not exist in our two countries America and Canada. This is an illusion of the illuminati. These are wars with the invisibles. The anti terrorism legislation that was passed effectively creates an underground government. Takes rights and freedoms away normally reserved for free citizens. They are taking away your rights and freedoms and you will not be able to refuse the microchip and be a regular participating member of society. The invisibles plan is working with their reptillian agenda. To put us at war with each other so they can strip away our individual rights and freedoms. To put us into a police state and inject us with microchips that read our thoughts and feed off of our energy. They will have us for eternity then and we will be repeating all of this evolution in it's entirety over and over and over and over. Our world will never evolve into multi species contact due to the fact that we eat every other species on earth. Well not the ones we find disqusting like bugs or cats. But we basically eat everything in sight as a populace. So who wouldn't say that they would have an appetite for alien flesh skin. It would become a black market on earth. For the skin would remain divine to man. The freemasons actually eat this skin in their temples along with the skin of humans and they eat and enjoy the other skins as well. But the regard the alien skins as divine to eat and they believe that they inherit the powers of the mystery of the universe. When they eat these bodyparts of the highest form of currency known to man. A skin is thought to have been worth billions and there are people on earth that can afford to buy these things. They do and they eat it. It is a black market though highly regulated and evolved into highly secretive nature of existence. Since it is the freemasons that actually control the globe and the electronic voter machines. In all democratically elected institutions. They invoke their constitution. They invoke secret governments and shadow embassies to control the populace in a nuclear free safe zone.
2000 Chemicals
I had a dream last night that kept me in a waking state forevermore. The dream involved lots of use of crystal meth from a little baggie. I was snorting it throughout the whole dream and it has been 4 years since I touched that stuff. I was at an amusement park. I almost went down a steep slide. But then I thought oh I will not go down this slide. Of course this dream was fake. But it seemed so real. I had a car and a driver to take me all round a new mystery city on this matrix of deceit and lies. I was a hyperlinked being that was constantly trying to phaze into some new environment. I was just snorting my little baggie to feel normal throughout the whole dream. It taught me that we are all fragile on some level. And we need things. We need to feel accepted and loved. Otherwise there is super drugs on the planet that will make our brain feel totally secure and wanted.I prefer the green tobacco plant myself. Smoking it does guarantee a certain level of interdimensional travel. It is supposed to clean out the lungs as well. Back to crystal meth. It is dangerous and extremely toxic to the body. It makes you feel elated, superhuman, deeply religious experiences come from the use of crystal meth. It makes you feel like you are on top of the you have royal blood in you. And it makes you feel like your loved and wanted and being watched. Then the comedown comes upon you if you decide to quit the three day high. You have to deal with the depression. The voices all around. The sick, concentration camp feeling. No moisture left in your mouth. An insatiable need and then dislike of water when your actually drinking it. The voices in the hallway are the worst. They keep telling me to kill myself and they keep shouting things at me. Like they are the police and they are after me.Because the police hunt crystal meth users. I just kept snorting it anyway in the dream and thought of it to be a very real time message of some of the things that can haunt me.I slid down a very long slide into freedom and beauty of the self. An utmost importance lies in that regard. To keep oneself keenly aware of the struggles of life and liberty.
Queen Elizebeth 2 is a reptillian sauris. So is Prime minister Stephen Harper. And Belinda Stronach is related to Celine Dion in the Bavarian Illiminati. They are apart of the sisters of the eastern star. These people think they are gods. They are controlled by only a few elite reptoid sauris. Michael Jackson is a female sauris. These ones haunt the dreams and control the few elite puppets that run the planet. Every Product you buy is owned by the very few puppeteers. The ones that mask us in illusion. Every product on earth is owned by the few elite that can afford to mass produce the constant shipment.Each and every person believes that they are going to a different institution. But in fact they are owned by the same person. Examples include Safeway and Bank of MontrealThe Freemasons and the Hells Angels. BC Ferries & BC Hydro. It's the grandest pyramid scheme known to man. One where your very soul is locked in an eternal struggle for survival of the fittest. The corporate media is the worst. Repeating constantly pampers and vagina crème commercials. Hearty beef stew and Interactive blitzes. One in a world only seen as the vast intellectual matrix we call Canada. Not but inclusive of the USA and the rest of the western world. The civil earth. The known earth.Then right there and then you have the constant reality known as the rest of the entire globe. One where if you are living and breathing and wealthy then you've got it made.The masons feast on human flesh and they feast on discarded bodies. They also feast off of blood from the blood bank and they feast on animals from the S.P.C.A. They hang and torture people in the grand lodge and they partake in secret ceremonies designed with one thing in mind. Total global control over the domestic market and total global control over the black market. Total ownership over all of us and putting religion aside. They want to do many things to us currently including over taxing us. Taking away our civil liberties. Taking away the right to vote. The current human rights laws abolished. Suspending Religious freedoms. Taking away the right to congregate. This is all like a poor amputee. Searching for his next dollar. They don't know how we are going to beat them at their own game. Nobody has a clue. Nobody has figured out how to beat the system that we all live in. This digital hologram. Land that belongs to the Queen. And her heirs.
I am in a state of complete individualism and intrigue of the illusion of coming to a fully awakened being. I live it to the world. And I find that I am unique. I find that other people are unique. But most of all I discover that the general populace is neither. We attest to living in a very free world. But in fact we live in a world where sexism and torture prevail. How on earth is this led to happen. This earth is a training ground for the souls that choose to partake in the hundred year test. You are tested on millions of different characteristics and you are equally baited against your fellow human beings. This earth has it's slaves, angels, demons and management that reports directly to the creator of the galaxy that we live in. You are judged.not only simply. But equally. You are either sent to a demon realm or you are sent to the enlightened being realm. That is where you are sent. There is no middle ground for somebody that has only murdered once. You are given about 5,000,000 chances to get it right and it seems that some people use that chance encounter to state that they clearly don't belong. To qualify for interdimensional travel you must have proved yourself in this dimension. We are all guided and watched by beings that love us and live hundreds of years past our lifetime. Possibly thousands of years. They undertake your situation with shift like clockwork and they sometimes are guardians of your life. But for some they are led by these beings to commit suicide and other such intellectual crimes against humanity. There are several power structures in place as these beings operate on a separate dimension than our own.If you are a powerful figure on earth. Beings that have alike interests take over your case.If you are a certain personality type then you are matched to a watchful eye that enjoys the same things that you do. They may be invisible, reptile, sauris, alien, light, darkness etcI always call on the angels of light to guide me in my life and understand that I am constantly surrounded by these beings watching over us and being with us for all of time.I find them trying to implant thoughts into my etheric body. Sometimes when I am really down and out I think of all of the poor departed souls that are stuck on earth to watch and guide us for all of time. Until the universe simply deletes itself and causes catastrophe.These guardians have many forms, many races, and many genders. At times I am surrounded by 20-60 of these beings but none have mastered the art of telepathic intuition. I find that when I get a creative urge. My mind is filled with a storm of thoughts and process that I can directly link to these beings. They are as old as time itself. If not older. And they will exist and repeat time as it reverts back to a philosophy that is neither good or bad. They are here to serve, they are here to guide, and some are here to kill you. You must use your mind to ward off these evil entities otherwise they will attack you constantly using other humans to manipulate and deceive you. Or they will insist on using telepathic intuition to make you harm yourself and others around you.You must always look for light and love and to be pure and funny and laugh. And listen to music that may in fact drown out these negative beings. They are assigned in pods.They constantly watch and record everything you do with complete accuracy. They log everything you do and say with advanced scientific knowledge and terminology.
I always call on the angels of light to guide me with complete intuition. I feel the sauris trying to manipulate me. I feel the angel constantly trying to ward off evil with light and love. I see them in my sleep and see all of the people assigned to my soul and it numbers in the hundreds. But I also see the evil ones that number in the thousands. Many try to deceive you through manipulation of the global media and currency. The darkness is spreading and there is a spiritual war taking place. It is Evil vs. Good and the evil outweighs the good in the world. I feel the dark side everytime I look at something that is interesting. Due to the fact that everything on this earth is created to manipulating you to think that everything is fine. When in fact nothing is perfect. And the universe is hardly perfect. We live in a galaxy that is inhabited by many dead beings and planets. Earth is the only living planet that we know of. So many people believe that if we just fly out of here and inhabit another living planet that all the problems of earth will go away. That is not true. In fact most of the problems will just multiply and what we see now may never be here in the future. That is why art is so valued. Due to the fact that there is a price tag on art paid with the sacrifice that the human made to create this object for all to enjoy. Hundreds of years pass and the art is found. But the person is nowhere in sight. We live in a collective cell that is only a few microns compared to the rest of the galaxy. This life is precious. You should love every minute you have here. For it will never happen again in similar situation ever again. That is why these invisible beings are so attached to you. Due to the fact that these kindred souls are here to guide and protect you no matter what and they are here to attest to the fact that your etheric body has done no harm to a being in this lifetime. In all perspective it is hard to imagine an alien and a dead person arguing over you. But it does happen and there are measures in place to record your actions for all of time. You may be thinking that these beings don't even know your name. How could they be following me? Well you have an identification code implanted in your soul. A certain barcode attached to your several bodies that marks you and your previous lives and even serves as a code to mark your future lives if that is where you should graduate after learning all of the lessons of life. This is why you must follow your own intuition in life and not attach yourself to the actions of others. For they may be a soul younger than your own or a soul that is older than your own and they are here for different purposes other than your own. Your family is a blueprint for the repetition of time itself and may include being a member of your lineage of other lives and past lives. They may be there for you in future lives. Just a different form that's all. They are souls that asked the creator to personally be connected to you in some way and they may be a past relationship as well. Somebody that you loved but the state killed them and they waited patiently for a thousand years to be connected to you for all of time. They have a growing attachment to you in many ways and will not leave you for all of time. Due to the fact that they have been there for you in the past and will not let that love die ever.
Love all of those around you and let the ones that don't agree with you run free and find other beings that have similar interests. Sometimes it is good to be with your own kind. To be surrounded by beings with goals, hopes, dreams that are alike to your own. We only have one life to live on earth and then we sit for decades or thousands of years.The price you pay for evil is being cast into the evil realms where sex and money are predominant Where murder and torture prevail and where you are constantly in a struggle to enlist yourself in the elite ranks of wealthy beings. If you choose to be good you can be assured that you will be cast into the realms of enlightenment and beauty and love and light. I have been there. But asked to come back to earth to continue my souls work of helping other beings to be the best that they can be. Maybe I had an attachment to being on earth for a period that will be marked by intense drama and intrigue. I guess in a way I was looking for a challenge since living in an altered and restricted state of the etheric body can be very limiting. I wanted to be flesh and mind and a body and a human soul.There are so many places on earth that I could hide. But never from my creator. Whom spends a few hours with me a day. In some form or another. God also has angels that have proven themselves throughout history but the numbers are very small compared to the evil on the planet. Peace Love Unity and Respect (PLUR) to all. Also air, water, fire and earth. I am seeking a clarification of the human matrix as we all know it. Representative of the pictures I see in my waking life. Mainly astrological. But with a spiritual theme and symbolism. I want to see the future of the evolution of the entire human race. I want to see the evolution of other alien races that exist and I want more conformation of this deeper reality that exists for all of time. How could we sit silently when there is hundreds if not thousands guiding us at the same time. I guess I would like to see the blueprint for evolution in general. To guide my own spiritual journey. A sort of pictoral representation of human development. Not just the evolutionary theory thrown at us from birth. But a real evidence packed ideology of the nature of our existence. Sometimes I practice tarot to be on the fringes of the field. I wonder what each soul identifies with and how they will progress.It is so simple to try and break down the evil empire that runs the world. The illuminati pepper so to speak...the wealthy. Politics, law, medicine, education, government and secret societies are all working together to forward the cause of global manipulation and global mass hysteria. On a grand scale. It is the illusion of the world that we are governed by human beings. In fact we are guided by non spirit entities. Some evil, Some Good.Dark/Light. They converse about us and speak as if nobody can hear them. They partake in the lustfull intrigue of the other dimensions of earth. The universes that are operating smaller or larger than our own. The ones we are unable to see due to the fact that they are invisible. To our sight. Where amongst all of this distraction will you discover true beauty. Where in this complex mess of illusionist computer hardware. Where will we find this intrigue by touch. Where in this psychological thriller will we find true happiness. And love for all and a love for all those that are not like you. All the same. If the slightest degree of harshness ensues just think to yourself that you are not alone and that there are other people guiding your soul along it's path of glorification and exalted beauty.
Forget the woes of the world when you can travel to Vienna, Austria, London, New Zealand, Amsterdam, Iceland, & Greenland for awhile now the tibetian dalai llama has been expelled from asia. Infinate wisdome yet the racial divide even prevalent in the asian races. So you wait awhile and discover what it is to truly be human and to have a sound mind and body to partake in global luxury. We are all scared at some point of growing older. Growing older is the simplest form of rejection vs enlightenment in human society.The simple fact that we have needs and wants and dreams and wishes supercedes all global governance. What life entails in the simplest forms is a global conspiracy. Every piece of society governs that you must join a secret society or hide behind security clearance or to be bonded in effect. The world has so much more to offer than secret societies "corporations" as they are called. In the worlds point of view we all sit and absolutely amazed at all of the beauty in the world. We are in a constant state of distraction that is doing noting to solve the problem of peace and global hunger. We are all hidden from view constantly and don't move from that point of view. Sometimes it seems that I have to list off 12 I.D. numbers to speak to anybody in this country. That is where the R.F.I.D chip will come in handy or the iris scans or fingerprint detection mainframes. We are just riding on a global wave of utter insanity as our rock is hurtling through space, so it is hidden. Microchips will be embedded through global inoculations. Surgical branding by the illuminati will continue along with alien kidnappings. There are so many other worlds out there beyond ours. There are so many other beings that communicate with myself. I love them all. There are many life forms that are in the invisible plane. The astral plane. They are constantly arguing with one and another and the good ones have a hard time staying if the get bored easily. And also the distractions of those that are invisible and evil drive them away. Or if you have an infinate number of violations according to this advanced race then you will simply be un guarded and the ability to have guardian angels is also comprimised. Plus they have your past lives on record with all of the details and they have a future roadmap for your being, your race, your gender and your faith. Once you pass into the other world so to speak you will be genderless. You will only be etheric. You will also encompass your past lives and your future as it is to be revealed. You will always be present in an ever changing and all being sort of matrix. Funneled throughout history like a time savage warrior on a path to death each and every single time. You keep repeating history as it is written in the magic of the universe but you belong to one soul commander that has your life in their hands at all times. If you have done good in previous lives you are rewarded in the simplest of forms in this lifetime. As it is said in the world of the nether region you cannot discover yourself unless you truly discover what the nature to your humanity is and always will be in all of time.
Rave culture as it is known tends to lean on the creative side of drug experimentation and sub genre of stability in the peace love unity and respect movement. PLUR is said at parties as often as you got any drugs? Rave culture is thrust upon the other generations as a medium of expression based solely on the profit margin of the sub genre of "ravers"It is said that ravers are apart of the underlying issue in society and that is to be accepted wherever you go? Well Why not take a limousine wherever you go, It would boost your self confidence and your self esteem. It is possible in this lifetime to be all that you wish and even more. Never believe for one second that you are completely alone because you are not. There are an infinate number of beings and genders in the galaxy and even neighbouring galaxies. This culture defines itself on the expression of music as a faith. Some techno beats originate from ancient egyptian times. There are an infinate number of possibilities that exist for the modern raver. Most are unlikely to succeed but most are built on the force that you can be whatever you want at all times. DJ Dealer Security etcYou can still be apart of the force that guides us all to be one with the intergalactic medium that resides by uplink from our neural network. This may seem silly but it is true. You can hyperlink with anybody within this matrix's walls. You can feel the force whenever you need to and you can sign in to the collective conciousness. It is there to be received and you will receive no compensation other than the mystery of life within the borders of your home country. Raves have a mainly egotist faith and may be considered a cult to some since you have to give energy to receive energy in return ie ticket sales. But the music is created that instant by a shaman and the whole intergalactic journey is progressed into your infinate mainframe and existence. Where it is logged into your conciousness forever. You will always remember the party that you went to due to the fact that they can be sort of a comlplexity for the conciousness partaking in the path of higher contemplation. It is not a ritual since never will you find a party repeating itself.It is human nature and the passion of the spirit that burn bright at the party never will you find two people that are having the exact same experience due to the fact that some are beginners and some are more experienced than others at rave culture in general.Living life seems to be a ritual unlike any other form of magic to be seen to date. The advanced mind programming techniques used by the media and the illuminati to aid us in perceiving our world a little bit more. Is so out there and unlike any other form of global governance we have ever seen. We view poverty as such a global catastrophe when we ourselves are sheltered in the west where it is a sin to kill another being for ritual cleansing. It is just the world that seems so particular on the hundredth rave that I have attended. And view that world as being all to particular to expanding my awareness of the earth realm a little bit more. We see it as a stepping stone for other galaxies We see it as a way to express our creative intellectualism. It is another realm on earth that is sent from the heaven above to guide and soothe the soul from all of the bitterness of the planet. Routine life seems so trivial when your only one hour into your trip and time seems to slow itself to the part of being per one second. You count the seconds repeatedly in your mind and realize that time itself is rather man made and un realistic viewpoint on what the actual time in our galaxy and space actually is.
Invested in the worldy realm of neouro lingusitics is a path of manipulation and intrigue that is masked in a pyramid sceme. Most of our global governance is a global pyramid sceme. Secrets of business have been laid down by past generations and hidden all over the world. With many different types of people. But in this reality it is all too familiar.We see our selves watching the hours go by to no end but a global level of secret slaves masked in the illusory culture of mind programming and manipulation by those in power over us. We need to open ourselves up and realize that this life is not the only path to take. This path is not the one that you must do. You can be somebody you never thought possible although you have to be more in tune with your deeper animal nature to figure that part out. Try relying on instinct for one week. And then you can see what type of person you are all to familiar with. I would not suggest going out and shaving your head. Unless you want to be a buddhist monk of course. But heck who's stopping you from doing that. I certainly won't. I believe if your soul is happy it will let you know and it will also reward you for karmic actions on the international astral plane. You are rewarded in the negative and positive aspects of your life and each reward comes naturally and with the flow of advanced hyper linked computers uplinked to your neural net by invisible beings that operate this tool of manipulation. You are presented with a virtual reality system in which to operate your self. The game of life. The most advanced Video programming ever thought possible. The most advanced world with certain characteristics that make it all to unique and self egoist in the natural rythem of the human state.Rich in symbolic and masonic elements and influence. The magic going on these days is in line with the deeper masonic esoteric practice that dates back centuries. The heavy mind programming is menat to distract you from finding out who you really are on many levels. It is unusual to think that there may be a hidden illusion taking place. But in fact there is chaos magik happening where you currently are. It is put forth by the beings that control our every move and implant psychic thoughts into our brain material on the spine. Because they use advanced surgical tools and highly acclaimed neural diagnosis units.They have the ability to document several beings at a time. And they have the power to remain invisible. They also have the skill of being able to instantly transport anywhere. At any time to any place just by thinking about it. They are an advanced race. Many years on our own and a very advanced society with several systems and policies in place to guide the guider species of planet earth. They are here to keep the illusion in place that we are the only species in the galaxy that are hominoid. They implant aesthetic objections in your soul of the illuminati magician that is keeping this entire reality in it's perplexity a secret. Well virtually all of man would want to copy the idea over and over again to play out their wildest of fantasies. And remain the soul creator of their own galaxy. I would just use it to become a better academic or a better mystic. I would not want to be king of the planet or whatever the illusion of celebrity is. I believe that the tarot decks are mythic and with reality as it is and help guide souls to their true calling. It is neither good nor bad to predict the future, it just is. It is not associated with dark magic that is in place to guide us into the illusion of society as it exists.
It is a complexity the rave scene and it holds a very unique part of my life although I am glad I got out for good. Since it was common to eat like five or six drugs in one night with your new found rave friends. I enjoyed the social aspect of the parties like transcendental conversation beyond anything imaginable by today's organized educational system. I found the rave scene to be free and open business wise and had several opportunities to drug deal and to get into mixing music and also medical work with raves with Saint John Ambulance. My first party was actually a medical detail and I was hooked from then on. Making it totally normal to do acid every weekend. And be high for 20 hours until the body just gives up and lets you rest. Let it be your mind says.I found it to be emotionally cut throat and you were searched before every party and always had the mindset that the party might be busted or what not. I love the rave scene and will promote it to the finest degree I met people my own age and hung out with older people, people a few years older than me and people that were there as a family all doing Xtacy at the same time. Playing with things like talking elmo and baby powder. To sucking soothers and candy and lollypops fizz and drinking power drinks like gatorade.Most parties ended up being thrown by the friends of the party goers So drugs were plentiful along with the prolonged use of the toxic soup called crystal meth. It was being smoked in my presence before age 17 and I grew accustomed to it after while and it just became a normal part in my life sometimes. It came and went like friends some days I wouldn't even consider it but other days I felt the need to be high for weeks. Because it just doesn't stay in your system for 3 days. It is in your system for months at a time. I am glad I had the opportunity to walk away from this toxic mess that I knew the rave scene to be. GHB was commonly used as well and it is a circuit board cleaner. Which is entirely different than crystal meth but the same toxic chemicals that the underground network of drug dealers was supplying us. GHB is sold in vials for 10-20 $ each. Crystal meth is the same price. I used to go to a party with at least $100 on me for Xtacy &GHB Plus I just had to share it with somebody since this was my main objective. Get really high and dance the night away. I seemed to look for endless amounts of time for another guy my age to party with but only found losers in the rave scene or men that were constantly bisexual and changing their sexuality with each new found pill. I only came to realize that you are born alone and are destined to die alone on your path to self discovery. I felt that the rave scene had robbed me of my sexuality and didn't include me on the path of enlightenment. But I was young when I started partying I was 15 years old and I partied till about 18 Then I stopped for good and stopped clubbing. Now I mainly rave at home thanks in part to live streaming techno and Second Life. It was a hardcore situation with some millionaire and the dreams of going to the panama canel that had me moving away from all my friends and family. I was thrust into the yacht with all of it's wealth and power and we were discussing a machine gun hidden hatch that would hold all the fire power needed to ward off pirates. I moved shyly away from that life and was on the path to start a new life when it all came crashing down. I got quickly addicted to cocaine being smoked. It was a high I had never experiences and the ketamine was nice too.
I woke up from the intuition of the spiritualism of buddhism after my rave period. I set on on a life filled with more goals and hopes and dreams than the average canadian. I believed that there was a variety of the soul and mind. It is that deeper understanding that we do not just have a flesh body We also have etheric and spiritual selves. The part of the soul that resides in each individual star in our known galaxy. I then set out to create my own expressive intellectualism and denied that wonder to my known friends and family. I sort of kept it a secret until this very interesting phase in my life of turning 25. Now I have an expressive belief in a higher being/creator. Called "God" by most. And that body will reveal a path for extreme individualism. I felt like I had to guide myself. We can't do it all alone. If you live with any sort of spirtuality you will discover all you need to know with that beings help. It may be just light and love and it may be many genders and it could in fact be alien. I highly sought after mental abilities that offered a true souls projection. To be looked at from outside so to speak. How could I find all that was enclosed within this flesh. I felt that different energies has a different feel to it. And I also thought that energy may in fact be transformed by the brain to emit electrons. I thought to myself what a harsh reality that we all preside in. But never have the time to introspect and discover. I struggled with eastern concepts of meditation vs. Western techniques. And thought to myself what a passive perception of the matrix we all currently live in. It was this more expressive side that made me want to become a priest and a psychic and a writer. It was not out of ego-greed that I sought after these professions. But I felt I wanted to live a fuller life helping other people sort out their meaningful problems. To serve others in selfless and harmonious service. I wanted to use and enhance my development of intuition to the whole core self of my being. A sort of quagmire or a simple intellectualism to most. I wanted to discover what fortune telling at it's primary theme was all about. I felt like I had to be activated in some way or have my system enhanced through the study and practice of various disciplines. I only discovered after a few readings that it is merely a methodology of the genetic spirit and holds some degree of accuracy. For me it was a validation of the existence of extra sensory perception. I looked at it more of a spiritualism of the dream state. I never perceived myself to have paranormal or supernatural abilities. Never really discussing the nature of my work with close relatives or friends. This is the type of behavior that is nicely attuned to the psychic network. A loving group of people interconnected via the collective conciousness. Everyone related in some degree to the para psychology network of etheric old souls that encompass most of our waking dream life. All professing some sort of psychic phenom state of being. Wondering if the souls you met in your dreams are actually real or in fact just a lucid hologram or visual drug that intoxicates your body every night to make you feel more tired. I use psychical events to predict the science of the body and the mind and use it as a key to connect to that vitual super sonic etheric selves communication gateway. Where astronomy and spiritualism collide. A waypoint so to speak of the brain and body connection. Perfect geometrical arrangement to the souls place in the society we currently live in. Perfection of the living state. Leaving open associations of the urban matrix. It has produced some classical elements into our daily lives and will always be there if we need it. It has immediate meaning in our lives to remain aware of the other worlds that may exist within our own.
There are fundamental types of situations embedded in the subconcious of all human beings that relate to the Inner and Deeper global conspiracy taking place currently. It is the illuminati families that are blood incest cults that run the earth right now. This is why I attach great importance to the filed of tarot symbolism. Working with the collective conciousness. Tarot gives insight to the present reality and possible futures. What is needed at that point is a unique interpretation of those cards to the populace visible or invisble. To use it as a sort of mystical key to unlock the gates of truth. And light and love. For the use of divination and prophecy. It is a twisted speculative study that involves being well read in ancient techniques and eastern philosophy vs. western animal nature. The symbolism and colour on each card are representative of the imagery to the soul and the etheric bodies of each human being. The symbols interpretation is universal in nature. And is in relation to the specific personality traits of each human being. What is needed also is a clear seeing individual that can give his or her own vision that the cards help produce. Sometimes I find myself feeling and seeing the particular emotions of the celestial bliss. Included is the fate of trillions in our galaxy. For the number may be infinite. That is just strictly my own personal observation in the matter of tarot cards. I may as well just give in to my deeper animal nature. And exist in a completely free state of being and doing. Plus gays are so in line with the opposite gender along with the same gender it is mystifying and glorification of sexuality when one explores alternative avenues of expression. This psychic must use their inner ear. Their inner sight and their third eye if they so belive. But each individual is always a portal of self expression. Each person is different. It is possible to see visions with the touch of each card. Since your body and mind operate twenty four hours a day seven days a week. It is always there to depend on. And your brains tie to the interspecies collective conciousness is beyond imagination. You may experience enlightenment of the physical and mental state trying out tarot card for the first time and I always recommend the universal tarot deck the rider waite card deck due to it's intriguing symbolism and deeper spiritual nature embedded in these cards that are used by gypsies all over the world. It allows you to in a way subliminate accepted social norms. It offers a spiritualism of a defined state within the genetic code of the matrix. Tarot allows a sense of hypnotic clairvoyance. Mesmerized in a transcendant state. Using an external physical force. It allows the psychic to discover that matter, motion and time exist eternally. Eternity was given to all of us by virtue of divine birth. We sometimes don't believe in the faculty of perception in the higher worlds and in fact may despise any organized systematic tool of creation. We cannot grasp that there may be a universal philosophy guiding all of us. There is also inner worlds working within our own to achieve a perfect balance. I see sometimes mental images that have a psychological significance in the mind while practicing divination. I use the eye, and the various blind chakras to see into the worlds I cannot see and I pepare myself for a fate I never thought possible.
It is possible to define your state of being and mold into some western spiritualist traditions. You may think to involve yourself into organized new age spirituality.You may want to experience a time less existence with some of the collective degrees of humanity. To be eternally existent so to speak. It is possible to read the tarot while having lucid dreams or while in a deep meditation. Or while experiencing astral projection of yourself on the spiritual plane of existence. You may find it within yourself to interpret out of body experiences. It is possible to slow down the end of the universe by repeating time in an eternal struggle. You may find comfort that in fact in each of your lives you were a very different personality. I experience cosmological geometry of the aries soul. Everytime I wake up I look for unchartered waters. Un mapped terrain. And unguided mess of a waking life that currently exists. Space and time permit the conciousness to expand and be guided by the light. But there is so much evil in the world that it is hard to tell the difference of the dark and light since the mainstream manipulative tool is the thing that will lead you astray. It is possible to be guided with the fact that the past and the future may be happening alongside the present. You may use your subtle energy body to guide you through this digital space time. You may enact dream scenarios. And be responsive to the non physical environment. You may or may not see other worlds and parallel universes or feel them engrained in your own mind and etheric body that is an inetrspecies reality TV show. You do have a body on the astral plane. There is conciousness outside the body. You have access to unencrypted information. The mind is an integrated micro processor that operates on a neural net that surfs the real information highway. We all have phenominal conciousness. We all have a subjectivity of self awareness. We relate to having a sentient body on earth and sometimes despise that body. We are attuned to our deeper sapience. We can all (if we try ) try to perceive the relationship of oneself to ones environment. It is possible to ease into an existence of complete satisfaction. To force the salvation of all mankind and to operate an extensive plethora of activated responses in the world that we all live in. I will be here to see what 2050 looks like and I see the society really taking care of senior citizens in independent gay housing situations where the old person will feel included in the community and be included within his or her household. Global peace will prevail as there are many cultural differences associated with the planet. Will we ever put to rest the philosophy of true divine natural deeper animal instinct. Will we ever discover the nature of our existence. Will we ever find the soul that is apart of the body. Will we ever discover the true nature of all the beings on this planet and their purpose on the world that we all live in. That is all a mystery. I do know now that life is a series of mistakes and beauty surrounding the soul that is present in all of us. I do know that the world is a mystery and there is so much of the world I haven't seen. But there is much of the world I dare not tread. Due to the fact that I am gay. I don't even want to go to places where I am not welcome. Gays must be fearful of the general aspect of societies that are in place. There is a global conspiarcy in place against the gay population. To rid them off our planet. To get them out forever.We do not even know about what makes us gay in the first place. So Why rid the world of gays. It's an unfortunate conspiracy. It is brutal and un-needed.
It is so unfathomable to think of the complexity and mathematical equations of ones life. The whole entire span of the life must be far more complex than originally thought. Safety and security are some things that we want to achieve in this lifetime. We all want respect and to be a good citizen so to speak within a system that is set up to make us take on all of the most extreme forms of manipulation an media awareness. It is the system that asks of your information and the system that will eventually kill us. We pretend daily to be apart of something vast and wonderful when in fact it is a complex digital universe set up to imprison the populace of earth and keep them at bay at all times. It is a system to tax the living belief out of somebody for further gain and for further ownership of the western hemisphere then later the rest of the world. It will figure you out completely. It will know how much you have to spend. The system Will know where you are at all times. It will know your phone records. Your medical records. Your shopping habits. It will classify you into a specific personality type and brand you that type for life. People think I am crazy when I say that the United States will invade Canada for it's clean water and oil. And to enslave it's populace for the rest of time. Their Advanced form of currency will be wildly accepted in most western nations. It will be an implantable chip that goes under the skin and will later evolve to a hybrid cellular advanced tracking mechanism once laws applying to the use of microchips are sufficiently relaxed. We sometimes don't realize in a fully wakeful state that we have (some of us) upwards of a million lifetimes on the planet. We keep making mistakes that send us back to live time in perpetual motion for all of eternity. It is the main buddhist ideal that you can stop the aggressive state of living multiple lives with the practice of positive karma initiating energy of the soul and the souls journey. It is possible to transform the person into a white bright light being and to walk towards the light in everything you do and say and be in this world. We sit and remain isolated in our countries where nobody can get out. Especially when you have a global police state in occurrence. And has been in place for some time. There were several examples throughout history that enacted a situation of complete catastrophe thanks to the trusting attitude we give our governments and our specialty governance like education and banking, health etc. We all assume our daily lives as if nothing is happening on a global scale of extreme danger to all of our souls and all of our fates on this eternal struggle of love/hate relationships. We assume our own responsibilities and we just carry them out in orderly fashion until each is completed. Then we ride the free time given to us within this global entity. We don't have the time to contemplate other worlds. Or invisible beings tracking and monitoring our every move. Putting ones entire life matrix into one sole identification file. Monitored by individual tracking systems engrained into our bodies and may in fact be much larger than our whole entire self...
The rave community did offer me a sort of solace and a love for one another and that's what the older generations were most afraid of. They were scared that my generation would talk and mix and mingle and figure out truths that took the other generations decades and decades to achieve. They were sort of unique to the rave culture but also found to be a little bit surreal. Now don't get me wrong, I did witness older people at raves. Families on xtacy. I figured that some people mesh well with the rave scene and some people don't. I think if I tried the cocktails that I did in my youth. My heart would stop. I figure by now I have to take care of my body and my mind so I don't loose my spirit when I am age 160 years. I want to still be here in some form or another with the advancement of science and medicine and cellular regeneration. I guess I hope that one day we could extend our lives way past the forms that we know now (to live to 90 and you pass away.) There are times in my daily life where I feel that I would not like to live to be 160 years old but why die away when you can live and be in a modern society with protection from the right wing fundamentalists. We say life is perfect but in fact it is not and maybe it will not last. The primary engrained philosophy within educational and governmental institutions is that it may last way beyond originally predicted. What they don't want you to know is that there is alien species that can manipulate their human born entity to reflect their beliefs in a state of complete interspecies sexual manipulation.We just don't believe that one soul could be smarter than another soul and that one soul could be older or younger than our own and spent countless lives living and learning advanced psychological mainstream forms of thought. Then having the mainframe hard drive of our memory erased at the time of death and never having the secrets of the universe revealed to you. That you were born into an institute of another species beliefs.It is these beliefs that were unlocked in countless situations and formed grounds for monarchy, absolute power and secret societies that guard the interdimensional gateway to travel to other dimensions smaller or larger than our own. They hold the unique technology to communicate with the higher faculty. Simply formed by advanced mind control of their officers. The speculative nature of their qualities under a veil of secrecy only ads to the administrational confusion present in modern day society. This same confusion exists where administrations older than our actual society brings abound many mysteries and complexities. Back to the rave scene. Now it was glowsticks and candy and gummies and rainbow and soothers and talking elmo that made us all connect with one another. Some more were pop rocks. A magic line of something. And candy jewellery.But in fact it was the one mind listening to the music that made us all want to believe in something real and in line with this specific generations beliefs that would warrant such investigative behavior. The music continues to take other forms that would seem unfathomable to the older generations. Like the internet and readily downloadable mixes and streams of live unrestricted techno with everything, from just simple bass, to full on orgasms in the music or the replay of "she's not wearing a bra". Or bubble gum popping noises or sirens in the background to make you feel like you may have just altered your very own conciousness. Whether or not you realize it you may have experimented in some fashion of drug experimentation. Or you may have not even touched one drug the whole night. It is completely up to you. You can be a candy raver or you can be a dark raver.
I wasn't an angel in the rave scene, I mean I sold drugs at various points of my life and thought that was a natural evolution in the cycle of raving. I was in the various methods of rave party drug dealing. It was a good way to profit from the rave scene. But the sponsors and directors of the parties saw differently. Establishing Oxygen bars or Massage tents. Or selling candy by candy I mean actual candy bracelets, necklaces, anklets, earrings, tongue rings etc. The directors say things from a rather unique perspective. They obviously don't want to go through the hassle of regular drug dealing and also recognized the simple truths that money could be made at parties when people are blasted out of their mind and have a lot of money to spare. My very first rave was with St. John Ambulance. Where I was with the youth brigade. It was my job to induce medical treatment if it so happened. Along with adult members of the brigade. I was 14.I stayed up all night to be at this party and was just amazed at how weird this entire scene actually was. I was taken aback by the music. Which was at it's peak and still continues to this very day. It reminded me that I was here for many lives and It reminded me that I will continue to exist for an infinite amount of lives after this one. I was the medical guy on duty. It was fun and exciting and I figured out in my own little way that I belonged to this community and that I had been separated from it for a thousand years. It made me think of the cycle of life and the nature of our existence for a very short time on this planet. I went to raves at arenas, warehouses, houses, parks, forest roads, beaches, mansions, mexican restaurants, laser tag arenas, cyber cafes, underground, fully insured parties. Most had a security staff that searched you upon arrival and I had heard stories of people that lost 50 caps of xtacy to this security staff. There were some very addicted people at these parties. Some to coke, Some to meth, xtacy is hardly addictive as the come down is very brutal. I have spent many Sundays recuperating from this cycle of drug use and parties and the ongoing saga of techno drama that happened at these events. The major playing field in the rave scene was the intense spellbound beautiful nature of simple communication. There was so many things wrong with the rave scene and there was a guiding light so to speak. A light at the end of the tunnel. The music was amazing and mixed live. Some people gained a lot from the rave scene and some people lost pieces of their soul. I mean the people that got highly addicted to meth and other drugs. Like I remember this very thin raver. She was melting away slowly due to meth and we witnessed her demise. I am very glad I got out of the scene after meeting a few people like this. Like their whole life was to party on all weekend long and they lived for it and they were paying for it with shards of their soul being taken away in tiny little fragmentation. This type of drug addicted behavior in the scene is what made me turn away and not look back because I would not just be addicted to one thing by now. I would be addicted to twelve. It is simply put that the rave scene can survive off of things that seem natural. Like the continuation of rave sub culture via the internet.
Our governments are slowly putting up the barbed wire fence all around us. We are being enslaved and our rights are being taken away. This country lives to abuse the underdog. It is the belief of the western countries to punish the lower class citizens. And to enslave the populace and make them continue on a cycle of their human rights being violated every time they go outside into the street. There is the insane attitude to punish the wicked so to speak and the wicked being the people that cannot afford to live properly. It is presumed that family will take care of you. But that is wrong. Not all families can afford organized education. Why be put in debt over things in life with the soul that is yours is being put to use every day for small seemingly useless tasks. It is in your best interests to pay attention to lifes little lessons in the world today and to use them to teach others and be seen and be heard at all times. Living life is simple you live to be free and to learn from things that may go unnoticed by most. To pay attention to the close introspective nature of our existence, and those beings around us all over the globe. Just to listen to the voice within. I sometimes have quadruple conversations between myself and my guiding souls. I have interconnected with the invisible people that guide and help us. I have been inclined to listen to their sometimes genuine response and input on my life. Be in fact warned though. If you listen for too long you must be warned that there is sometimes evil spirits around. There is sometimes a reptillian or a soul that murdered before. So you have to always believe in bright white light. Attach yourself to this shining heavenly light at all times and you will unlock the key to freedom and to beauty of your inner path. I understand that my guiding light may not always be there. For simple reasons like they are tending to another human being at the time or an animal soul. Or they are taking a few weeks off due to personal reasons for being a gatherer of souls. I have instituted a careful watch and observe philosophy with my protective angels. Sometimes I just don't know which one of them is on shift at the time and which one is off. It is ordained into the invisible realms to help and guide those that cannot see for themselves who is watching over us. Who is guiding us and what their goals are. This is why it is important to enact dream scenarios in your waking everyday life. So many things in the world seem to be sort of harsh in this existential realm. It is the computer system that controls the running of global governance that has you and I hyperlinked via this mainstream slavery network. It is possible to live in accordance with the natural laws of nature. It is possible to be happy in this network of global governance. This world can be so harsh to people sometimes. You may feel like you are not free at times. But figure this in to your heart. You have all of the wisdom of past lives inside of you. You have the future to your being within you. You can unlock all of the secrets to your existence if you really look and find yourself over and over day in day out.
There are so many in our society that want to do nothing about their present situation and to see things from a more conservative viewpoint. Well they can just lose their whole frame of mind when something left winged comes up in the media or leaning on the side of liberalism. There are so many that won't be bothered by life's little complexities. Most are too concerned about their mortgage or their kids to pay any attention to the invisible realm. It is uncomplicated sometimes if you think about it to focus on what is not there. To focus on that little bit of attention grabbing linguistics that pop into focus in the mind. I wonder sometimes about the advanced computer system we call a brain that helps us to focus and to spend time doing the things we love. All the while coordinating small tasks and every day things. It is quite shocking when you realize that the brain is always on. I mean you take rest but your brain is always on for your lifetime. Then you fade away into the celestial bliss. Lately I have been more in tune with the psychic realm and even have whole hearted conversations with my spirit guides. I guess I am more receptive than others. But my guides are always there I ask them tough questions using the sheer will of my mind. They answer in very good vocabulary. Sometimes the conversations get clouded by thoughts and impressions. I do not really ask my guides their impressions of the tarot since I do not want to defer from the original meaning of the tarot cards. I more or less use the guides as a resource before I go to bed when everything is quiet. I ask them things that most don't want to know. I ask them if I am doing anything wrong. I do not feel in a sense I am talking to the dead. But actual living beings that are there to protect and guide and be apart of your waking life.
I have met two key players of the illuminati power scheme in this visible matrix we are all in. Already as I am pondering writing about them I feel tinges in my body and the feelings of no I cannot write this. It will mean certain untold future for me. I know who they are because I met them in a past life. This life. Many lives we are currently living right now. I feel it. I feel myself on many other plains. Many other existences. Many other worlds. The first is Dan Goodleaf. I met him as an escort. I went to his kitsilano beachfront apartment. He asked for discretion. The funny thing about him is I figured him to be a person that I would not want to know anything about. Then I saw Four government documents on his bedroom wall from the federal government of Canada. At this point I clearly took notice of his name. Then did a bit of research later.I found some disturbing facts about him on the net. Anywayz He was the major player in the creation of the territory of nunavut. Also touted as the first native to be appointed to such a high level of office. I was also reading that he responded smug to a comment made by a native that women as young as 14 were being forced to sell themselves on reservations. He did not reveal anything to me. It was just an encounter set up by this physical virtual reality video game. He was also the ambassador to Costa Rica.I knew by some satanic spell and ploy that I was being manipulated to encounter some pretty key players in the masonic world here. We did have sex He set up a towel on his white blanketed bed. Obviously expecting something dirty, messy, raunchy, uninhibited.In one of my hospitalizations I escaped hospital and wandered in my gown to his loft.Where he asked what I was doing and began to touch me sexually. It is funny that once you graduate past the 33rd degree. People seem merely like cattle and sex objects.Where by using currency for sex. These people in power gain more energy. He did exhibit a tendency to engage in unsafe sexual practices. Although he almost made it (a home run) I did not let him go all the way. I felt something was not right about him. I was in pain for a few days after I met this Mr. Goodleaf. Canada's treasured secret power house of regulation and jurisdiction.
Another illuminati special forces initiate I have encountered is R. Larry MasonHe was a master at manipulation and frequencies management. He said he was the past president of Scotia Bank. He was heavily involved with young cute guys. One such guy I met was "JLO" in the time they met and formed a relationship JLO developed HIV.Well I just so happened to move all my things out of my residence when I was going to move in with Robert Larry. He seemed to know a lot about me. We had unsafe sexual intercourse several times. I remember being in pain for up to three days afterword. My guess is that he was using sexual play as a tool to implant satanic DNA in my system.People would be like omg. What were you thinking? Anyways he was insistant on JLO and I having sex with him in a threesome and also nevermind the fact that JLO was almost a twin of myself. It was the perfect scheme I was smoking a lot of pot. But I also felt that my guardian angels were warning me about this whole situation. If things had gone according to plan by this secret nazi mason agent I would have Hiv by now and would be dying alive. I made sure to get tested a few times after this situation.I started my mental health breakdown shortly after this point stripping nude at embassies.Lashing out in public places for the wealthy. Disgracing myself and creating a roster of secret files put out on my own name.
Another was David Milligan Who touted he was worth 12,000,000 was a heroin addict, cocaine addict, among other things. I was destined to move out to a tropical destination on his small but cozy multi million dollar yacht. He had a girlfriend with him but was a crossdresser. I just so happened to meet his son at a few raves whom introduced me to him. And What started as a drug romance ended in hurt, sadness, but safety for I knew I was very close to being shoved full of heroin and prostituted. He said he would shoot me in the back if he ever saw me again. He was being investigated for child sex crimes in canada. Nevermind the fact that I was 15. As soon as I smoked rock cocaine I was a bit hooked. They had sex in front of me and my friend jessica a few times. He talked about going to jamaica to see and be with young school girls. His first mate was over 450 pounds. And smelled. I never did have sex with him but he apparently raped my friend one night while I was high on DMT attempting unsuccessfully to have a 3-some with some gay guys whom I met at a club called the Odyssey. It is sad when I think of these people because I wonder about them where they are what they are doing and mostly I feel sorrow for them. That they would live a life as a secret weapon against somebody that is entirely innocent of the world and seemingly naïve. My family has always been a target.By rapists, men in power, masons, violent people. And interdimensional spies.
There is a way out from many things in life that can get you down .Many things require a solution and that is readily made by choosing to be free and choosing a life outside of that which we are currently living. I met a young man while I was a gay escort. He was blonde hair blue eyes, very boyish looking and we mixed well together. We had nothing to hide since we were both working in the sex industry at the time. We had done a lot of meth and started making plans for two boyz network. A gay escort service. We were answering calls on my cell phone up linked to the escort ads in the newspaper. We went to an obese guys house. A drug dealer that wouldn't go over a hundred dollars. I figure this was rock bottom. Here I was stuck frenching this gross old guy. All he did was jack off while I did my duty to the male race. He mentioned that's why he never kisses. To save his heart from the trouble that comes with prostitution. We had sex a few times. I wish now that I should have respected him more. I mean he had a tough life too. After about 10 days of being on meth I broke things off with him. I just didn't want to get addicted to crystal. We could have had something amazing but he wanted meth everyday and that is too much for me. I was shocked at the available market for sex. All the calls I got were major sexual. Some people wanted fantasy and others wanted something simple.I liked this guy and I am glad I met him. I found out much more about myself and I was able to see my exact matrix six months ahead of time. This is while I had a nine bedroom apartment on skid roe the hastings and main area of Vancouver. I just had gotten off a very troubling relationship with a scorpio. I was just into drugs in a way. I was immersed in a culture of apathy and ignorance. My neighbours in a Single room occupancy hotel were urinating out their windows and almost every other day there was an attempted break in my apartment. When I first moved in there was about 4 gay guys living there and they were all cool and unique but then everyone moved out. I was left there alone and hopeless. Nobody to count on. Nothing to do except do drugs. I was smoking meth and cocaine. I was liberated though since I become the management of the property. It was right above the ovaltine. I saw many movies being filmed there. It was the epitome of rock bottom. A rich poor dude. Set in some cycle of hatred and nasty dumb attitudes that were rampant in that area. I am glad nothing has happened to me as a result. I am glad that I made it out of that. It is an experience that will remain with me forever. In that regard people are living like this, this very moment. They are suffering through advanced addictions to the black market street drugs that are there this very moment. They are suffering through cycles of poverty and addiction that is alien to them. It has taken over their body and made them very ugly to society. I felt that there was a hidden underground movement to have this exposed. While we are at play. Many people are being killed, raped, robbed etc just ten minutes away from home. It has been pushed into one solid neighbourhood. A mecca of utter tasteless intrigue that is driving me crazy to this very day. I feel like I could do more. I feel like I want to help these people. But some of them do not want to be helped.
The masons eat human flesh and they eat human fat and they eat human bone marrow. They control your daily life. They keep this existence of pure economy running and they keep up the entire western philosophy of grandeur. They control banking, education, emergency services, law, transport, high tech, government, medicine, media, military. All of them main precepts of our society are controlled by the illuminati freemasons. They move forward their agenda by rewarding the people that are overly concerned with their finances. Times are changing but I can not stress enough that they will never let this power go. They will never give it up. They are addicted. They are used to the constant struggle of evolution and very used to getting what they crave. They eat human soups.Blood and marrow and veins. They use every part of the body and they have been taught how to butcher a body so that it can be eaten.
When I first started escorting I decided that I will not use discretion in all of my dealing with guys. I am not a secretive person I am not like that. I just simply feel that I am not under their control. Truck drivers, Doctors, Cops, Lawyers, Models, Diplomats, Psychicatrists, Millionaire yacht owners (times three.) Business men, Blue collar, Professionals, Married, Bisexual, Priests, Sraight guys, College/University guyz, Neuro surgeons, Artists, Fetishists, Professers, Drug addicts, Porn Stars, Masons, Bike couriers, and the occasional femme boy. This is real I have actually had lots of man on boy action with these types. I am the man. I am apart of a sexual ingredient in the tantric gaia of society.
When I attempted suicide in Olympia at the evergreen state college That was the lowest form my life could take. I had rather serious slash marks to my wrists that required a nurse for the first two week on a unit termed code red facility. They had transported me by plane with my guardian social worker. Back to Canada as I was 16 years old. I shouldn't have done all of those mushrooms at once. They made me go into a fit of suicide and made me want to harm myself. I guess in a way ever since then I have decided not to let love guide me into the pits of despair. I always from now on want things to be fine in my relationships, and medications have helped calm me down and mellow me out a little bit more. Having a solid family network has helped a lot. Relationships have gotten easier as time has gone onwards. My whole outlook has changed and time has healed most of my wounds. But it is that much more difficult going through life as a wounded guy. Sometimes I feel those around me have forgotten all that I have been through. But I know somewhere that they have not. That they have grown along by my side. But I wish I didn't have to lose so many unique relationships partly due to my wild rage. I was very passionate in my youth but I was also naïve and very unique.
We believe that we live in the most evolved society. That is a truth. Horrors are happening all over the glob and to all different people at any given time. There are countries that don't have freedom of media and freedom of expression. I like all that the United states has given us but they have also done some great harm to our society. By being the pinnacle of evolution technologically. By allowing an advanced mind control to run the countries in the west. By allowing abuse to occur in prisons. By not legalizing marijuanna. By allowing a pharmaceutical urban genetic experiment into advanced form of drugs available to the mass public. By allowing the KKK to have freedom of speech.By allowing the citizens of the country to carry weapons.
My life has not been entirely excellent for the most part it has been surreal. An existence built on the foundations of artistic ability. Be in shock and awe at the wonder and beauty of the earth and the people on it. The wonder of actually being free and able to go where you want and do what you want without the fear of being killed. Or mutilated if you steal.We live in the most free country on earth and our legal system is set up to warn you of stiff implications if you continue to cause others harm. But you are always given another chance. No matter how tough things may seem you are always given the freedom to go anywhere and be with whom you please. That temptation is present and it puts people freedom in jeopardy. They have the temptation to go out and break the law again as they have secured their freedom. We live in a police state now and that is the one thing that will harm our society in the future. But it is the global propaganda tool that is telling us that we should be very fearful of outsiders and strangers and the world outside our borders. That is why you must stay within the confines of the north american association.The very core self of our society is planned by the freemasons and the illuminati.Our entire daily event and dealings on a personal plan are apart of a highly tuned black magic occult system set up to deceive us and lead us to the edge of a cliff. It is within this death matrix that we all live. Born to live and born to die eventually. Why not stay here for all of eternity. Why not be apart of society forever and know what it is like to be human. It is not anything like this global manipulative psychological rythem we are all attuned to. It is unethical to think this way in modern society and you are seen as wasting away if you think such thoughts. But I believe that I have met the devil incarnate in a few people I have met. I feel they were apart of the dark evil that is spreading like wild, fire.I have been entrusted with a wisdom that cannot be taken away. I have been empowered with a new sense of being every day. I just stop to think that this could all end very soon. Or very later depending on the wheels of karma and the force that is guiding us all.I spent 10 years in isolation from an evil so great as to call an abusive parent. That was enough for me to embark on a journey of self motivation and guidance by the very few realms that are even present in society today. I am talking of the invisible realm and the animal realm. The collective consciousness that is running all of the time. The rave party that is always happening in some form. That are not seen or heard of and most in fact don't have names. They have systematic number and pictograph for their so called name but most don't know english. Due to the dwarf, fairies, angels, plant realms and so on.
I have spent years trying to find myself and to discover myself. To know what in fact this life is. I have found that it is waiting to be discovered every moment. It is here for you to live and be free. To be one with the rest of society. To mix well with those around you. To be the most beautiful life you have ever lived. You have lived many before this and you will live many more after this one. In some form or another. I just realize that i may not be around for very long. I mean with the threat of nuclear warfare hanging over our heads all the time. I am sure that thought will grow as weapons become more advanced and technological. For most it is assumed that the world will grow more peaceful but currently that is not the case. Things are getting more brutal and violent and supreme technological advancements make it possible to kill thousands at a time. I feel strongly that the major players in the institutions that guide us are not just into secret planning but also partake in human mutilation, blood drinking, prostitution, inter-governmental affairs that regulate these things as being normal and in-line with the belief systems of those that guide us. We have been in a state of war for over two decades that I have been alive. The gulf/Irag war. The war in afghanistan and also the conflicts in burma/rangoon. I believe in due process but some of the things that are going on have me mystified in the whole process of the government. Don't get me wrong I also believe that we live in a free society in the west and it does not compare to the brutal regimes running the planet but I also feel that some things are not what they appear. People claiming to be apart of the christian coalitions running the west are not what the appear. In fact they are secret members of the freemasons. Also into practicing polygamy and also into satanic ritual.All of the major planning done in the capitals of the west has some satanic pagan influence. From phallic symbols to outright satanic grid lines. The capital of British columbia for instance is also known to be the witch center of the universe. Many have disputed this over time. But many have also witnessed first hand the satanic ritual going on currently in all levels of government and in all levels of corporate society. Ritual feasting and also many secret societies place their members at the top of these mega corporations. To influence the power and authority in all levels of these mini-societies. Many people spend most of their waking lives at work not out of want or need but also out of influence by the greater society to achieve something that should be measured with some sort of success. They have the wish to get to the top but are unknowing that when you get to the top you may be forced to drink human blood or eat human skin or also kill to stay at the top. Many think that the world has many wrongs but you don't have to look far. You only have to look within your own borders for things that are wrong. We have been in a complete police state for some time. Ever since the world felt the need to have a police state and enact anti terrorism laws and also the patriot act that does not stop at the borders to the United States.
In a sense I look back at the beauty and intrigue of the raver scene. But I also remember the sketchiness of it all. Having drugged out conversations on the philosophy of the greater society. I also remember being high for weeks on end and forcing people to have three hour conversations that would get nowhere. I felt the need to experience what it meant to be truly free. I found that after some time of doing various drugs that my whole entire self had been altered forever. I found various degrees of my life had been changed for the rest of time. I was having a blast in the rave scene But I also felt that some things went unchecked for a lot of time. I was messing with my neuro transmitters in my brain. I was looking for that one love. Found him nowhere. Found lots of girls that were friends. But I searched for over 7 years throughout the depths of the rave scene. In and out of house parties. In and out of orgies and drug dens, warehouses, underground caverns. Clubs and the like. All I found Was a mess of mentally ill people that were out to attack, steal, use and be general villans. I searched for that hot rave boy that wouldd make me happy. But all I found was a bunch of people that were dragging me down. Don't get me wrong I was not hanging out with the wrong crowd. I was hanging out with a mix of genre of people. Rich, poor, nice, mean, working, unemployed, DJ's, Promoters, Club owners, Drug dealers, Property owners, friends and many people walking towards darkness. Like I remember one girl. She was a crystal meth addict was tall and had to weigh 90 pounds. She was bone white and nice but she freaked me out. I didn't want to become like her. I almost went there. I almost went down the path that most would not assume that they would end up on that path. I loved the music but sometimes I figure I was doing the wrong thing by staying up all night and doing like five drugs. Some known to be date rape drugs. I was on top of the world though for most of it. Then I got into drug dealing. I was selling caps of xtacy for fourty bucks each by the end of the night I would have over one thousand in my pocket. I thought my god this is great. Now I can pay back the dealer that fronted me the xtacy and also have some money to spend. Then I got into escorting and also stealing. I have always been a thief for the longest time I can possibly remember I have always been the one to get busted for stealing. I was highly intelligent in my youth and figured out ways to steal things like cash and other items sometimes ranging in price from a few hundred dollars to upwards of 7000 US dollars to even as high as 16,000 in cash at one time. I would hire limousines to pick me up and take me to raves. Then I would continue stealing at raves even...The greed got to me. The devil was working through me for the longest time I figure. I was in-line with the hell state. Making my friends lives misery and also making people regret leaving their things lying around.Many people assumed I was a thief. People just could never catch me in the act. Nobody had a clue for the longest time. Many people heard things and said rumours but nobody actually really caught me in the act. I did get caught a few times and charged every time I got off with probation usually and community hours. Some mischief some theft and some serious charges in my twenties which led me to this point in my life. I was charged with five counts of theft I was breaking into cars in a wealthy neighbourhood in vancouver and I ended up spraying the owner of the car with bear mace. And I was charged and released.Well I hated being on probation and dealing with the officers. I felt I did not want to continue this life throughout my adult hood and vowed never to do these things to hurt people again. Now I can say that I have been almost 8 years without even the urge to hurt peopleI thank vipassana meditation for that. I also thank my partner for providing me with a life of safety and security and love. I found the greatest guy in the world when I was about twenty. I have been with him ever since. I saw him through a boyfriend and fell in love with him completely. I knew it was love at first sight I felt he would complete me.I was going out with a weird artist at the time that was hell bent on using him for his vehicle to go to escorting, We were both working as escorts at the time. I was using crystal meth for awhile then. Then I guess we all came to the conclusion that we were going to escape the pressures of life and take a trip to alberta. So we all went. All hell broke loose with the artist. I ended up splitting up with him and moving in with my partner. I left almost everything behind except some beetles that I was taking care of. But I left my crickets behind. Which I sadly miss to this day. I was planning on making a business to sell them as edible food and was experimenting rearing them and found the process to be quite complicated. Each female cricket would lay about 300 eggs and they would hatch into babies that were the size of pinheads. So I kept them all in garbage cans and fed them daily. But my heart sank when it was time to freeze them. And bake them.So I figured after some time that it was wrong to abuse these tiny creatures to eat them as food. I was even feeding them to people on the street to do market research into the whole process. My whole life had been a series of trials and traumas. And experiences that I keep secret to this day. For I still have the fear of being charged with crimes that were committed that nobody knew about. That nobody will have a clue about. They will remain a mystery. I am prepared though to face the music if need be. I am prepared to come clean with those I have hurt. But I did lose friends and family along the way. When I was 15 I had all hell break loose I was stealing and becoming something nobody wants to be. That ended up in me being kicked out of the house. Right at the same time I was coming out as being gay. So I guess those two things left my mother with the choice to sign me over to the government as a ward of the state. Then I was out of the house. I was free. I was alone and forgotten. I was mainly heartbroken but also relieved to be out on my own. I was an adult. I went in and out of group homes and foster homes. I was in and out like a file. Luckily I had a good social worker. She was there through the tough times. Especially at 16 when I was dating a guy from the US that I had met off the net. I loved him so much he was so hot. One day he rejected me and I decided to attempt suicide. I was transferred to the hospital and sent back to canada. I guess he will remember me forever now. He will always know my name as I know his. I was so naiive I was so young. Especially to go through something like that. I was hurt, broken looking for something out of the norm. I was looking for a dream. I was wanting to be free. I was wanting to be amazing. I wanted to feel what it is like to be different. I still have scars on my wrists to remind me how close I came to death and I look at them almost weekly to remind me of that and also the criminal lifestyle I was living. But for the most part no real damage was done. I didn't get to an artery or a tendon but I came very close. Now I am on medication for schizophrenia. I believe it is present due to my lifestyle I was leading. The Crystal meth, cocaine, GHB, Special K, xtacy, marijuanna and DMT, mushrooms, and acid I was doing. I also suspect that I have unknowingly tried heroin. I think it may have been cut into the xtacy along with crystal meth and many other substances that were present. The only saving grace I had at the time was the government. I was in the provincial care of the province. The state was my guardian so to speak. I was lucky to have a very understanding social worker and role model. She was amazing and she was vibrant and she saw things from my point of view. She was able to see past my differences. She was able to bring out my good side and everything else that came to light in the process.
I used to travel a lot as a teenager. Making my way across Canada. Also going into the united states as well. It gave me a sound understanding of the geographical differences that lay in place. It also made me aware of the societal differences like economic stability and the different attitudes in each place I visited. Now, is different I am anti travel. But so many times I packed up to leave and start a new life somewhere else. I would bring drugs with me to help me cope. Once I packed up everything and took the greyhound Across Canada and back and stopped in Toronto and Montreal and was able to see things differently. I felt like a rich homeless person. I felt like I was just going to lose it all. I wanted to just curl up in a snow field in Manitoba and just freeze to death. Not have to worry about things for the future. I was so suicidal back then. Ready to risk it all for some vision of going out in a blaze of glory. I thought to myself that I would stretch the limits of my inherited wisdom. I was also on the watch out for so many things that I never found. I was looking for a hot boy to call my boyfriend. I was on the lookout for some opportunity to commit a crime and get rich in the process and continue my travels. I could have made it all the way to egypt if I put my mind to it. Then I would be so far from home. I felt like I was a million miles away from home visiting in Montreal and Ontario. I call British Columbia my home by the way. I crossed Canada twice by greyhound then returned so it was actually four times I crossed the country. I wanted to discover what it was like to live like a gypsy escort thief etc etc. just to rely on my own perception and mathematics and precision to get me where I want to go. At the time I was under probation. Trying to escape that life of crime. But I could have been busted again and put in jail. I could have had a Canada wide warrant issued for breach of probation. But I made it back each time. I spent countless hours staying in airports because hotels were to expensive. So I would just spend two sad days in an airport trying to figure out what the hell to do next in my travels. I wish I had a goal or a boy to travel for like I did in my American travels. Where I went through Washington State and also down to Portland.Life was so different in the US like they had inter-county transit but also a few heroin towns that were freaky and sad looking. Like they had been forgotten long ago. The transit system rocked I could travel like 300 miles for about five bucks. Although now that I think of it I wonder how I did it all. I wonder if I had travelled this route in another dimension or something. I wonder of these people I met along the way and also I wonder of the mind power it took to achieve a certain goal in a sense. I wonder of how I did it all.I still don't know to this day. Not many people have the guts to just pack everything up like a turtle and go on the move. Sometimes I did it for love other times I did it for the dream of starting fresh in a new town with a bunch of strangers. Nobody from my past so to speak to haunt me. My mother said to me on the phone that sometimes the grass isn't greener on the other side. I took her advice and returned. Some trips I had upwards of a thousand dollars in my pocket but still insisted on staying at the airport. These trips built my self esteem up to the point where I knew I could handle everything. But I guess I was just looking to bump into that special somebody that I had been longing to meet my whole life. I dreamt of him. Alone I was. I wanted to be holding his hand, I thought if I left my life behind somebody would help me out. So many times I challenged myself via prostitution I wasn't really a street hustler type. But I liked the challenge and intrigue of the whole thing. Never did I think somebody was going to hurt me or anything. I met some incredible men in my lifetime this way but I also met some that have hurt me and violated me. I didn't ever meet the rich young guy of my dreams that way. But I was looking. So many guys had their heart set on something sexual and did not want to discover me as a person or get in line with my sensitivity. They were just looking for a piece of ass to have. It was such a let down in my life to be nothing more than a blowjob machine for between 200-400 dollars per hour. The money was good but I never found the guy of my dreams that route and I would never recommend it to anybody since people want to take advantage of you. Rape you against your will. Treat you badly. Slap you. Hurt you. Bite you. No hugs or kisses or sensitivity down that route. I will warn anybody wanting to get in that profession to stay ten thousand miles away from that route. I would rather collect bottles than go back to that life again. I was using meth as a route to mask all of the hurt I was feeling for the world. No cutie, no money, no life, only crime to keep me going. I was feeling extremely guilty for hurting thousands of people in my life by this point mostly through the act of theft. I felt I had helped make at least 8-10,000 people lives complete misery for a short time. I felt like I was the prince of thieves. No friends. No guy, no living completeness to my life.
Sensitivity itself is present in most although I do not understand why some people do not possess sensitivity to be one with humanity. I figure it is due to the organizational structure of post secondary institutions. These avenues of learning misguide the young people and teach them a western view of the world without adapting a level of instruction that looks at life through many angles and perceptions. People choosing these avenues to incorporate a certain sense of understanding of the world and the way that it is run. So many people fear loosing themselves by not continuing their education. But in a sense in gives them a chance to specialize in something and forget the rest of the greater issues that are present in society. In a world with so much intrigue we see fit to ignore the greater issues in society and turn our backs on those that helped shape the civilization that we currently live in.
It is possible to heal from a past that has been unforgiving. It is possible to live life outside of an abusive background. I always wonder how I survived my childhood. I almost ended my life by my own choice. If five more minutes passed by in my suicide attempt I would have surely died. I would have missed out on all of the mysteries of life. I know I would have continued but I feel that life itself is not meant to be taken. By oneself. I would have missed out on true love. I would have missed out on my family. I would have lost my humanity and became a spirit being. No body I see. But I would have been living in another realm. Another dimension so to speak. I would have lost so much only to have gained entrance in the hell realm and the heavenly realm as well. I see it now that I would have been judged on my actions in this life. I would have been sent to a place that was most likely sadistic and sad and no help available. No support. No counselling. I figure the world is mine to shape and the higher energy chooses when I shall be retired. I figure that there may have been consequences to my actions if I chose to end my life on my own. Like I said if five more minutes had passed in my attempt I would have died.I would have been beyond saving. I would have also cut a tendon and also an artery. I lived. Thank everyone that I have ever known. I am here to love and to share and to heal. I am here to be free and live life how I want it. Without the spirit realm. There are some very bad spirits out there and there are some very good ones as well. Finding a balance between both would seem odd to me. I would not be able to understand anything of the spirit realm. I would be an infant again. I would probably be living life without a world to call life. I know for a fact that my resulting mental breakdown was pre induced by a known freemason and former president of scotia bank. I was almost forced by mental projection to involve myself in some risky sexual practice with a guy that looked exactly like me that was rumored to have human immune deficiency virus. I know this because my guides relay to me these facts of our existence in my own bright light. I was able to go along with this beyond master masons plan of mind control. Exhibit myself sexually only to be implanted by secretive alien sexual practice. This hybrid did in fact take me and entrance me because he felt that I was just a weak young kid. This sexual dominance has also been exhibited a few times in my life by these strange alcoholic men that somehow found themselves in my life and knew enough to entrance me and in fact rape me. I brought it all on myself I was told by other people. You worked in the sex industry. Yes I was an escort and also involved in the sex games that plague our society. You brought it all on yourself. What sickness is this when people can tell you this much stuff in one sentence. Justification of rape. I only wanted these situations to go so far. Take my money and run. And it made it easier for these men to induce this physical subordination by practiced forms of mind manipulation. Making it easy to pave the way for future hardship. Future subordination. Future heartache and eventually death. But it would have been all my fault right? I was the one that brought it all on myself. Maybe people don't want to hear about my practices in life. I don't care. I feel it is my right to express my own self in a matter that will broadcast a certain level of wonder and sophistication. People are told to go into jobs and careers and educational paths that will see them entranced with societies pleasures and creations. Envisioned by those that can see the future. I see it as a direct violation of human rights that this current society that we all live in is allowed to take place. Certain people in society are allowed to have the freedom to kill. Certain people are higher than the institutions that are meant to guide us.Anyways I will say here that many men in power tried to induce my progressive eventual downfall and it is just merely a coincidence that at the time when I was most vulnerable to attack and subliminal integration of thoughts and perceptions. I was apart of a massive freemason mind control technique that has been used for hundreds if not thousands of years by the elite. This progressive manipulation took place to enact an elaborate mental breakdown that resulted in me stripping myself naked at embassies and also enacting bizzare scenarios at some of the cities wealthiest hangouts. All I know now is that I have a massive file somewhere on some secret database with all this in fact and in cognitive visualization. The masons wanted me dead and I am living proof of that embodied within a half native half white human body. They are slowly killing my people through a carefully well thought out plan of complete and willing suicide techniques that have been proven to succeed in generations beyond our own. They know that. Shoving people into reserves and in a prison like population with it's own rules and laws and perceptions throwing money at the full blood indians while ignoring the larger population of half breeds (metis) Leaving us to wither away and die or live in complete seclusion from society in a prison like controlled tribes rife with gangs and alcohol and ever changing drug scene that include pharmaceuticals that are supposed to heal us. But only make us sicker.
It is the grand scene that everybody is seemingly unaware of. They are so worried of their future happiness and retirement that they take no notice of what is going on.Sexuality is being metabolized as a key influential player in energy lines of the earth.People are being forced into a sexuality that is harming them. Especially in the gay community. Sex is good. Yes. Better than war. But too much of it and you will kill yourself. You will deplete your energy reserves and cease to be able to operate and live.We have been going on a trend of satanic sexual worship for awhile now. The people in minority diversities are welcoming the idea of a complete sexual life. We cannot sustain ourselves as we are. We cannot operate on this idea of more than 7 billion of us. We are going to have a time where we are controlled by the state, illuminati, masonry, pharmaceuticals, technology. We have been occupied by an alien race for some time now.Nobody wants to admit it. Nobody wants to go there. The invisibles are watching our every move. Doing things to the race that may seem to be that of a huge medical experiment. They have positioned themselves in seats of power. They are assigned many humans to take care of. They have the ability to control everything we do. Say, Touch, Smell, Hear, and taste. They are telepathically aligned with our neural network.They will be here always. They never die. The challenge most face in this situation is whom you are aligned with telepathically. Some are white bright light. Some are pure darkness. So horrible you cannot possibly imagine. I was born with unique gifts. Even as these power players inhabit my dreamstate and fill me with medical fetish dreams. Try and control and read my mind. I have the power in me to place barriers up. And I have the power in me to stop this game. To live with my choices and have the power to see what is real and what is just illusion. I have the power in me to renounce satanism.